;;; -*- Mode:LISP; Package:USER; Base:10; READTABLE:CL -*- ;;;Define FALCON logical host for Falcon software: ;;; ;;;$$$Modified (by almost unamimous request) to parameterize the release ;;;hierarchy. Loading this file will ask you what hierarchy on the ;;;physical host you want; the default can be taken by pressing ;;;or waiting for the query to time out. (defconstant *default-falcon-host* "JB") (defparameter *falcon-host* *default-falcon-host*) (defconstant *default-falcon-source-release* "K") (defparameter *falcon-source-release* *default-falcon-source-release*) (defun switch-k-release (&optional source-release source-host (timeout 2.) &aux reset-p) "Redefine the FALCON logical host to point to directory SOURCE-RELEASE on physical host SOURCE-HOST. Default values for SOURCE-RELEASE and SOURCE-HOST are taken from the current values of *FALCON-HOST* and *FALCON-SOURCE-RELEASE*, respectively, after TIMEOUT minutes. If SOURCE-RELEASE is T, switch back to the main K hierarchy." (when (eq source-release t) (setq reset-p t) (setq source-host *default-falcon-host*) (setq source-release *default-falcon-source-release*)) (setq *falcon-host* (si:parse-host (or source-host (with-timeout ((* 60. 60. timeout)) (prompt-and-read :string-or-nil "~&Falcon system host (defaults to ~A after ~D. minutes) > " *falcon-host* timeout)) *falcon-host*))) (setq *falcon-source-release* (or source-release (with-timeout ((* 60. 60. timeout)) (prompt-and-read :string-or-nil "~&Falcon source release (defaults to ~S after ~D. minutes) > " *falcon-source-release* timeout)) *falcon-source-release*)) (format t "~&Setting Falcon release hierarchy to the ~:[~;standard ~]directory ~:@(~A:~A;~)" reset-p *falcon-host* *falcon-source-release*) (fs:set-logical-pathname-host "FALCON" :physical-host *falcon-host* :nicknames '("K-SYS") :translations (loop for translist in `(("K;" "<~A>") ("k.*;" "<~A.*>") ("k.*.*;" "<~A.*.*>") ("kbug;" "<~A.kbug>") ("kbug2;" "<~A.kbug2>") ("kdoc;" "<~A.kdoc>") ("kdoc.*;" "<~A.kdoc.*>") ("kdoc.*.*;" "<~A.kdoc.*.*>") ("fleabit;" "<~A.fleabit>") ("fleabit.*;" "<~A.fleabit.*>") ("fleabit.*.*;" "<~A.fleabit.*.*>") ("compiler" "<~A.compiler>") ("bus-coupler" "<~A.bus-coupler>") ("cold" "<~A.cold>") ("warm" "<~A.warm>") ("hot" "<~A.hot>") ("NCOLD" "<~A.NCOLD>")) as trans = (first translist) as real = (second translist) collect (list trans (format nil real *falcon-source-release*)))) (si:describe-host "FALCON")) (switch-k-release) ;;;FALCON documentation directories: (fs:set-logical-pathname-host "FALCON-DOCS" :physical-host "JB" :translations '(("KWARE;*.botex" "JB:KDOC.falcon;*.botex") ("KWARE;*.dvi" "BRAHMS:SAZ;RELEASED-MANUALS;*.dvi") ("*" "JB:KDOC.FALCON;*.botex")))