:*********************************************************** :* :* *LOAD :* :* :***This file contains the commands to load the :*** three programs comprising Pascal/1000: :* :* :* PASCL Pascal/1000 Monitor :* PCL Pascal/1000 Compiler :* PXREF Pascal/1000 Cross Referencer :* :* :* :********** Load PASCL, the Pascal/1000 Monitor :* ::*LDPAS :* :********** To 'SP' PASCL -------> :SP,PASCL:: :* :* :* :* :********** Load PCL, the Pascal/1000 Compiler on M or E Series :********** Change to *PCLF to load on an F in 27KW :* ::*PCLM :* :********** To 'SP' PCL, ---------> ::*SPPCL, :* :* :* :* :********** Load PXREF, the Pascal/1000 Cross Referencer, non-EMA ver. :********** Change to *LDXF2 to load the EMA version :* ::*LDXF1 :* :********** To 'SP' PXREF, -------> ::*SPXRF, :* :* :* :********** The following commands will store user-available files :* to cartridge 50 :* :* :ST,$PLIB ::RL,$PLIB ::50 :ST,"PERRS::RL,"PERRS::50 :ST,$SHSLB::RL,$SHSLB::50 :ST,%TRACA::RL,%TRACA::50 :ST,%TRACB::RL,%TRACB::50 :ST,%TRACC::RL,%TRACC::50 :ST,%PRERS::RL,%PRERS::50 :ST,%..GER::RL,%..GER::50 :* :* :* :**** Loading completed ...... happy Pascaling!