ASMB,L,C,R HED RDBAP - REMOTE DATA BASE ACCESS PROGRAM MAIN NAM RDBAP,20,40 92069-16259 REV.1912 790130 * * ******************************************************************* * (C) COPYRIGHT HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY 1979. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * NO PART OF THIS PROGRAM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED, REPRODUCED, OR * TRANSLATED TO ANOTHER PROGRAM LANGUAGE WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN * CONSENT OF HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY. ******************************************************************* * * * SOURCE: 92069-18260 * RELOC: 92069-16259 * * PRGMR: CEJ * * ******************************************************************* * * * * COM DABUF(2174),RQBUF(21) COM RECRQ,RECDA,SEGNM,DBCNT,CLASS(5) * * This is the main of the Remote Data Base Access Program for Remote * IMAGE/1000. It performs the following sequence of operations. * * 1) Retrieve scheduling parameters. These are our class number, our * index in the RDBAP copy scheduling table, and RDBAM's class number, * in that order. * * 2) Ask D65GT to get the request and data off of our class. If there * is any error: * * A) Send a reply with proper DS error code. * * B) If we do not have a data base open (DBCNT is zero) then send * RDBAM a request to remove us from the system (RDBA Index is -2 * and Mode is our index in RDBAP copy scheduling table) and termi- * nate normally. * * C) Return to class GET. * * 3) Get RDBA Index from 5th word of request buffer. If it is a negative * one (-1), this is a clean-up request. Schedule the 4th segment of * this program. If any error, set DBCNT to zero and go to 2-B. * * 4) Get RDBA Index from 5th word of request buffer and bound check for * validity. Index must be within [36,45]. If bound check fails, go * to 2-A. * * 5) Determine the segment of our program which is to service this re- * quest as follows: * DBOPN, DBINF, DBLCK, DBUNL, DBCLS serviced by segment 1 * DBFND, DBGET, DBUPD serviced by segment 2 * DBPUT, DBDEL serviced by segment 3 * * 6) Load and execute the appropriate segment. If any error go to 2-A. * ENT RDBAP,BP.GT EXT BAPS1,BAPS2,BAPS3 EXT D65GT,DBBUF,EXEC,RDEXT,RMPAR,SEGLD SKP ********************************************************************** *** *** * Standard DS/1000 equates * *** *** #STR EQU 0 #SEQ EQU 1 #SRC EQU 2 #DST EQU 3 #RDB EQU 4 #EC1 EQU 4 #EC2 EQU 5 #ENO EQU 6 #REP EQU 7 *** *** ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** * * * DS/1000 RDBA Communications consist of two descriptive buffers: * * 1) Request buffer * * 2) Reply buffer * * These two static buffers are as described below. * * * ********************************************************************** *** *** * * * Request buffer - one buffer of from 12 to 21 words per RDBA call * * * *** *** RBSTR EQU #STR DS/1000 stream word RBSEQ EQU #SEQ DS/1000 sequence number RBSRC EQU #SRC DS/1000 source node number RBDST EQU #DST DS/1000 destination node number RBIDX EQU #RDB RDBA call Index RBMOD EQU #RDB+1 RDBA call mode RBID EQU #RDB+2 RDBA call item or set number * or for a DBOPN, the level code word RBITM EQU #RDB+3 Search item number for DBFND RBMRT EQU #RDB+5 For DBOPN, max. returned RT size RBLEN EQU #RDB+6 Word size of ibase parameter RBBAS EQU #RDB+7 Ibase parameter *** *** *** *** * * * Reply buffer - one buffer of either 17 or 18 words per RDBA call * * * *** * * RBSTR EQU #STR DS 1000 stream word * RBSEQ EQU #SEQ DS/1000 sequence number * RBSRC EQU #SRC DS/1000 source node number * RBDST EQU #DST DS/1000 destination node number RBEC1 EQU #EC1 DS/1000 1st error code word RBEC2 EQU #EC2 DS/1000 2nd error code word RBEC3 EQU #ENO DS/1000 error node number upon an error RBSTA EQU #REP RDBA call status array RBNUM EQU #REP+10 RDBA data base number for DBOPN * RPLEN DEC 17 Standard reply buffer length * 18 for DBOPN *** *** ********************************************************************** * * Maximum request and data buffers. * MAXRQ DEC 21 MAXDA DEC 2174 * A EQU 0 B EQU 1 SKP * * Retrieve scheduling parameters * RDBAP JSB RMPAR DEF *+2 DEF CLASS * * Ask D65GT to get the data and request off of our class number for us. * BP.GT JSB D65GT DEF *+6 DEF CLASS D65GT needs: class number DEF RQBUF request buffer DEF MAXRQ max. request length DEF DABUF data buffer DEF MAXDA max. data length JMP E153 error return point * STA RECRQ returns: request length in STB RECDA A reg., data length in B. * * Get the RDBA Index from the request buffer (5th word) and check if this * is a special clean-up request from the DS software. If so, the Index * will be -1, bring up the 4th segment to perform the clean-up. * LDA RQBUF+RBIDX INA,SZA JMP BAP No - a normal request. * JSB SEGLD DEF *+3 DEF SEG4,I DEF IERR * * If we returned from the SEGLD call, we got an error. One of our seg- * ments is missing. Set data base count (DBCNT) to zero, and terminate * permanently. * CLB STB DBCNT JMP EREXT SKP * * Get the RDBA index from the request buffer (5th word) and make sure it * falls within the bounds of an IMAGE/1000 call, i.e. Index within [36..45]. * The bound check effectively maps [36..45] onto [0..9] in a one-to-one * fashion. * BAP LDB RQBUF+RBIDX CMB,INB ADB D35 Is index > 35? SSB,RSS JMP E159 No - error ADB D10 Yes - is index < 46? SSB JMP E159 No - error STB RQBUF+RBIDX Yes - save this result * * The base parameter for the IMAGE call starts in the 12th word of the * request buffer. Its first word contains the index for our program in the * high byte and the data base number in the low byte. Remove our index * from this word (unless this happens to be a DBOPN call in which case it * is two blanks and is left the same). * CPB D9 B = 9 if a DBOPN request. JMP BAP0 LDA RQBUF+RBBAS AND LOBYT STA RQBUF+RBBAS * * We will allow each segment to do its own parse of the request (and data) * buffer(s) because it varies from call to call. Now, all we need to do * is determine which segment to load (based on the index we resulted in * from our subtractions and additions above and jumping into the table * below), then we load it. * BAP0 BLS Multiply index by two ADB TABAD (2 words/entry in table) JMP B,I then index into the table. * TABAD DEF *+1 LDA SEG1 Index = 45, DBUNL JMP BAP1 LDA SEG1 Index = 44, DBLCK JMP BAP1 LDA SEG3 Index = 43, DBDEL JMP BAP1 LDA SEG3 Index = 42, DBPUT JMP BAP1 LDA SEG2 Index = 41, DBUPD JMP BAP1 LDA SEG2 Index = 40, DBGET JMP BAP1 LDA SEG2 Index = 39, DBFND JMP BAP1 LDA SEG1 Index = 38, DBCLS JMP BAP1 LDA SEG1 Index = 37, DBINF JMP BAP1 LDA SEG1 Index = 36, DBOPN * BAP1 STA SEGAD * * Check to see if this segment is already in memory. If so, no need to * call SEGLD to bring it in again. The current segment's name suffix * is in SEGNM in common. * ADA D2 LDA A,I CPA SEGNM RSS JMP BAP2 Not there, load it. * * Segment is already in memory. Determine which entry point to take by * putting the number suffix in the low order byte of the A register and * subtracting 61B to get a number within [0..2]. Then use this number * as an index into the following JMP table. * ALF,ALF AND LOBYT ADA M61B ADA JMPTB JMP A,I * JMPTB DEF *+1 JMP BAPS1 Segment one. JMP BAPS2 Segment two. JMP BAPS3 Segment three. * * Segment not already in memory. Load it and give it control. * BAP2 JSB SEGLD DEF *+3 SEGAD ABS *-* DEF IERR * * If we returned from the SEGLD call, we got an error. One of our seg- * ments is missing. * LDB M156 Segment error RSS E159 LDB M159 Illegal index RSS E153 LDB M153 Illegal request or data size EREXT CLA DST ERROR * CLB STB RECDA Set returned data length to zero. JSB RDEXT Send DS reply. DEF *+6 DEF RQBUF RDEXT needs: reply buffer DEF RPLEN reply length DEF DABUF data buffer DEF RECDA data length DEF ERROR error code. NOP * LDA DBCNT If we have no open data base, SZA JMP BP.GT * LDA M2 Send RDBAM a "remove me" request. STA RQBUF+RBIDX RDBA Index is -2 for this request LDA CLASS+1 and the mode is our index STA RQBUF+RBMOD into the RDBAP copy scheduling table. * JSB EXEC DEF *+8 DEF WT/RD write/read w/no abort DEF CONTR double buffer, lu zero DEF DABUF DEF D0 no data DEF RQBUF OFf request buffer DEF D7 request length DEF CLASS+2 RDBAM's class number NOP ignore errors * JSB EXEC End of run. DEF *+4 DEF D6 DEF D0 DEF D0 Normal completion. * * Constants and variables. * M159 DEC -159 M156 DEC -156 M153 DEC -153 M61B OCT -61 M2 DEC -2 D0 DEC 0 D2 DEC 2 D6 DEC 6 D7 DEC 7 D9 DEC 9 D10 DEC 10 D35 DEC 35 * WT/RD OCT 100024 CONTR OCT 010000 LOBYT OCT 377 * ERROR BSS 2 IERR EQU ERROR * SEG1 DEF *+1 ASC 3,BAPS1 SEG2 DEF *+1 ASC 3,BAPS2 SEG3 DEF *+1 ASC 3,BAPS3 SEG4 DEF *+1 ASC 3,BAPS4 END RDBAP