FOCAL GRAPHICS PACKAGE Functions available: FINT - initialization by entering graphics mode FPLT - plot the Y coordinate FCLS - close plot by leaving graphics mode FINT(n) - - where n = 0 for no clearing FCLS(n) - = 1 for clearing any graphics display = 2 for clearing any alphanumerics = 3 for preforming both 1 and 2 FPLT(Y,i) where Y = the Y coordinate (0 < Y < 241) i = 0 for normal dot = 1 for blink dot = 2 for blank dot = 3 for start/stop ( horz. line feature) * - add 4 to i for interpolation to the right. - each call to FPLT will enter a Y coordinate sequentially ( X is automatically incremented ). There are 512 horz. positions available. -------------- * start/stop feature: see PRODUCT BULLETIN; BEEHIVE MODEL V., p 4. FOCAL EXAMPLE _x - to plot the function Y=Sin(x)e - note: all scaling must be preformed by user the functions are set to a dummy variable (in this case Z ) 1.1 SET Z=FINT(3) - clear screen of everything and enter graphics mode 1.2 FOR J=1,512; S Y=(FSIN(J/8)*100)*(FEXP(-J/100)+100; D 1.4 - the function is evaluated; 100 is added to avoid -ve Y values. 1.3 QUIT 1.4 S Z=FPLT(Y,4) - the points are placed sequentially and are interpolated to the right.