enumbered. If the process is in a wait it will be deleted anyway, but the process hoard will diminish by 1. This instruction fails if the numbered process does not exist or the run indicator is on. Skip if successful. 452 Count processes. The number of processes in the sphere is returned in A. 552 Subjugate. The sphere in which the ivk was executed becomes the superior of the invoked sphere. The I register contains the new fault entry address. The invoked capability becomes a master sphere capability. Any processes waiting to enter will enter immediately unless the run indicator is off. This instruction fails if the sphere already has a superior. Skip if successful. 6 572 Execute meta. The W register is moved to A, and the meta-instruction whose code was originally in A(0-8) is executed as if by a process in the sphere. Values returned by the meta-instruction will be placed in A and I. Only instructions .> mta 200 may be executed. The ivk is illegal if the meta-instruction is illegal. Skip if meta-instruction skips. 612 Reverse share. A capability in the invoked sphere is copied and the copy placed in the C-list of the sphere executing the instruction. 632 Share. A capability in the sphere executing the instruction is copied and the copy placed in the C-list of the invoked sphere. 652 Reverse grant. 672 Grant. Grant and reverse grant are similar to share and reverse share, except that the donor's copy is deleted. Entered process capabilities may be granted (they may not be shared). Format of (reverse) share and grant The capability in the donor specified by I(6-11) is read and placed in the C-list of the receiver at the index in I(12-17) if non-zero, or the first free index otherwise. If successful, the index of the capability created in the receiver is placed in A and a copy of the capability in I. If unsuccessful, either the requested index in the receiver (or, if 0 was requested, every index) was already occupied, in which case the capability at that index (or if 0 was requested, the last index) is returned in I, or else the index in the receiver was available but no capability (or, in the case of (reverse) share, an entered process capability) existed at the specified index in the donor, in which case I is cleared. Skip if successful. k