/scop-double /scope character output subroutine /o. fedoroff -- 16 october 1963 /updated for possible assembler oct 1965 90f, 0 /ac store dio 95f 2 dap 95f-1 /return address lac 95f 2 and (77 /glean flexo code sad (36 /tab jmp 96f sad (77 /cr jmp 93f 3 cli /get sa of triple list from flexo table rcr 1s add (98f /flexo table origin dap . 1 lac /flexo table entry spi i /entries packed 2/word rar 9s /even entry left half and (777 sza i jmp 93f /space for undefined character add (99f-1 /origin of triple table-1 dap 91f 2 91f, law i 3 /display loop dac 95f 3 /point counter lac /get triple ral 1s /nop for half figures dac 95f 4 92f, cli lac 95f 4 /get next point rar 3s dac 95f 4 and (16016 /and (7007 for half figures sza i /rel. coordinates 0,0 . end of character jmp 93f /exit to space add 95f 1 /space vector sma sub (1 /carry from x into y fix rcr 9s ral 9s spi i sub (1000 /carry from y into x fix dpy-i 200 isp 95f 3 /index point counter jmp 92f /if not 3 points idx 91f 2 /index triple reference jmp 91f /scope character output subroutine (scop-double) - page 2 93f, lac 95f 5 /space constant add 95f 1 /space vector jmp 94f law i 24 /cr, law i 12 for half figures add 95f /line vector dac 95f 94f, dac 95f 1 /space vector rar 9s /glean space component and (776 dac 95f 3 and (760 /and (770 for half figures sad (360 /sad (370 for half figures jmp 93f 3 /cr if next letter off page law 95f 6 /setup to look-up nextab dap . 5 idx . 4 sad (sas 96f-1 /check end of table jmp 95f-3 /exit lac 95f 3 /present space sas jmp .-5 idx .-2 /get nextab law 1 add i .-4 dac 95f 6 lac 90f /restore ac lio 95f 2 /restore io jmp /return 95f, 0 /line vector 0 /space vector 0 /io store 0 /point triple count 0 /current triple 14000 /space constant, 6000 for half figures 0 /next tab stop 400 /tab stop table 570 760 150 340 400 96f, lac 95f 6 /tab routine sad (401 jmp 93f 3 /cr if next tab off page lio 95f 1 /space vector ril 9s /get line part rcl 9s jmp 94f /store and nextab lookup /scope character output subroutine (scop-double) - p3 97f, lio (401360 /set page ... (line, space) dio 95f dio 95f 1 lio (570 dio 95f 6 dap . 1 jmp /flexo table define entry f, s fx1000+s terminate 98f, entry 313, 222 entry 226, 233 entry 240, 245 entry 253, 261 entry 265, 273 entry 0, 0 entry 0, 0 entry 0, 0 entry 301, 324 entry 150, 156 entry 162, 170 entry 175, 203 entry 210, 214 entry 0, 316 entry 0, 0 entry 0, 0 entry 310, 64 entry 70, 75 entry 101, 107 entry 116, 124 entry 132, 141 entry 0, 0 entry 306, 333 entry 320, 327 entry 0, 1 entry 7, 16 entry 23, 31 entry 37, 44 entry 52, 60 entry 0, 314 entry 0, 0 entry 0, 0 /scop-double, p4 define triple a,b, m,n, x,y mx10>>05<>05<>05<>05<>05<