Concise Atari ST 68000 Programmer's Reference Guide

Example programs

The programs presented in this section illustrate some of the techniques involved in accessing parts of the Atari ST operating system and also present general purpose header/include files. The programs are written as shells to which the programmer may add his/her own composition.

It is not the intention to provide ‘state of the art’ programs, merely demonstrate access to the various parts of the operating system. Any attempt at definitive programming would rapidly succumb to the passage of time and tend to produce a book of listings. The main place to find quality programs will be the computer magazines, where programs developed from this and other books will appear as programmers quickly find new, smarter routes to access and use the ROM routines.

Desktop accessories should be compiled as applications for debugging purposes as it is not possible to execute an accessory.

Program conversion key:

n. a program not suitable for this assembler.
xxx delete this line
* use ; for Kseka, GST and Metacomco comments


GEM demonstration program