#B .J NEW 10 *NAME LLIST 20 REM Phil Wheeler -- 1/8/89 -- Copyright 1989 30 REM Paged listing of a text file on the menu 40 REM Use to examine file contents without 50 REM loading file into Pipedream. Note that excess 60 REM linefeeds (e.g., downloaded PC file) can give 70 REM double spacing. To eliminate, load into Pipedream 80 REM and resave to menu with plain text option 90 REM 100 B$=CHR$(1)+"B":FL$=CHR$(1)+"F" 110 ON ERROR GOTO 210 120 CLS:M=1:PRINT B$"Z88 File Lister Utility"B$ 130 MX=6 140 PRINT "File to list : ";:INPUTF$ 150 IF F$="" THEN CLS:END 160 F=OPENIN(F$):P=OPENOUT(":SCR.0") 170 INPUT#F,H$ 180 PRINT#P,H$+CHR$(10):GOTO 190 190 IF EOF#F THEN CLOSE#0:PRINTCHR$(7);:GOTO 120 200 IF M=MX THEN PROC_WAIT:M=1:GOTO 170 ELSE M=M+1:GOTO 170 210 IF ERL=80 THEN PRINT:PRINTCHR$(7),"Bad File Name!":END 220 PRINT:PRINT CHR$(7),"Error Number ";ERR;" at Line Number ";ERL:CLOSE#F:END 230 DEFPROC_WAIT 240 PROC_BOLD 250 PRINT" >>Press any key to continue<<"; 260 PROC_BOLD 270 WT$=GET$:PRINT 280 ENDPROC 290 DEFPROC_BOLD 300 VDU 1,ASC("B") 310 ENDPROC