#B .J NEW 10 *NAME FILCMP 20 REM Phil Wheeler -- 1/11/89 -- Copyright 1989 30 REM Program to compare two ASCII files. Prints 40 REM all miscompares, line-to-line. Press ESC 50 REM to terminate comparisons. Line length less than 250!! 60 REM (intended to compare program files) 65 REM 70 BL$=CHR$(1)+"B":FL$=CHR$(1)+"F" 80 CLS:PRINT BL$;"Z88 ASCII FILE COMPARER";BL$ 90 PRINT:PRINT"First file to compare: ";:INPUT F$ 100 PRINT"Second file to compare: ";:INPUT G$ 110 N=0:F%=OPENIN(F$):G%=OPENIN(G$) 120 CLS:PRINT TAB(0,3);" Working......."; 130 IF EOF#F% OR EOF#G% THEN CLS:PRINT CHR$(7);TAB(20,3);BL$;"EOF(s) reached with ";N;" differences in files";BL$:END 140 INPUT#F%,A$:INPUT#G%,B$ 150 IF A$=B$ THEN 130 160 REM This code if the files differ 170 CLS:N=N+1:PRINT TAB(0,1);A$ 180 PRINT TAB(0,3);"------------------" 190 PRINT TAB(0,5);B$ 200 PROC_WAIT:CLS:PRINT TAB(0,3);" Working........";:GOTO 130 210 DEF PROC_WAIT 220 PRINT TAB(0,7);BL$;">>Press Any Key to Continue<<";BL$; 230 WT$=GET$ 240 ENDPROC