5 *NAME WCHILL 100 REM Windchill computation program 110 REM 120 REM This program computes the windchill, in degrees F 130 REM given the wind speed in mph. The following relation is 140 REM used to compute the windchill (taken from "Climatology: 150 REM Selected Applications" by John E. Oliver, V.H. Winston 160 REM and Sons, 1981. 170 REM 180 REM k = ( sqr(v*100) - v + 10.5 ) * (33 - T) 190 REM 200 @%=&00020108 210 CLS 220 READ NTH 230 DIM TH(NTH), M$(NTH) 240 FOR I=1 TO NTH 250 READ TH(I),M$(I) 260 NEXT I 270 DATA 6 280 DATA 600,"Cool",1000,"Cold",1200,"Very cold",1400,"Bitter cold",2000,"Exposed flesh freezes - Danger",4000,"Exposed flesh freezes in 1 minute - Severe danger" 290 CLS 300 PRINT 310 INPUT "Temperature (F) [-80 to 60] ";TF 320 IF TF<-80 THEN TF=-80 330 IF TF>60 THEN TF=60 340 INPUT "Wind Speed (mph) ";VM 350 CLS 360 TC=(TF-32)*5/9:V=VM*.447:IF V<1.8 THEN V=1.8 370 XK=(SQR(V*100)-V+10.5)*(33-TC) 380 TE=33-XK/22.116:TE=TE*9/5+32 390 PRINT 400 PRINT "Air temperature ";TF;" F and wind speed ";VM;" Mph" 410 PRINT "Windchill temperature is ";TE 420 PRINT 430 PRINT "Approximate feeling: "; 440 FOR I=1 TO NTH 450 IF XK"; 500 A=GET:IF A=32 THEN CLS:END ELSE GOTO 290