#B .J NEW 1 REM TABFLT.BAS 2 REM Utility to remove TAB's (chr$(9)) from Z88 ASCII files 3 REM Phil Wheeler -- 12/88 4 REM Importing files with TAB's to the Z88 can lead to some odd 5 REM results when they are loaded into Pipedream. This utility 6 REM lets you replace all TAB's with a single character of your 7 REM choice (which might be a space, a '#', a '@' or 8 REM whatever you choose). 9 REM 10 *NAME TABFLT 20 B$=CHR$(1)+"B":FL$=CHR$(1)+"F" 30 CLS:PRINT TAB(28,0)B$"Z88 TAB Filter Utility"B$ 40 PRINT TAB(18,2)"File to process : ";:INPUTF$ 50 IF F$="" THEN CLS:END ELSE PRINT TAB(18,3)" Output File: ";:INPUTG$ 55 PRINT TAB(18,4)" TAB Replacement Character: ";:T$=GET$:PRINT T$ 60 F=OPENIN(F$):G=OPENOUT(G$) 70 PRINT TAB(35,5)FL$"Working..."FL$ 80 H=BGET#F 85 IF H<>9 THEN 90 ELSE BPUT#G,ASC(T$):GOTO 100 90 BPUT#G,H 100 IF EOF#F THEN CLOSE#0:PRINTCHR$(7);:GOTO 30 ELSE 80