HX - A Hex Import Program for the Z88 Version 1.00 The program HX is a utility which will take data in a modified INT hex format and burn that data into a blank EPROM in slot three. This allows for the creation and distribution of public domain or shareware software in ROM format. Previously, the only software available for th Z88 in ROM form was commercial software, which due to the limited user base of the Z88 and the cost of distribution tended to be expensive. Distribution: This product is Copyright 1990 by Richard Haw, all rights reserved It my be freely distributed and used at no cost so long as the program is not altered or modified in any way, this documentation is contained as part of the distributed package, this program is NOT bundled with a commercial product, and no fee is charged for the distribution other than mailing or normal system connect charges for BBS systems. Disclaimer: This product is provided as is, without any warranty either expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shal the author be liable for any loss of profit or any other damage caused by the use or misuse of the program, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential or other damages. Warnings: Due to the nature of this program you can latch up the machine whe running this program. For this reason ALL data from the Z88 should be backed up before using. Using HX To use HX to create an EPROM you must first have an EPROM image fi created to work with HX, and a blank (fully erased) EPROM. HX will accept any standard Z88 file as input, including :COM.0. To burn an EPROM simply perform the following steps: Insert the blank EPROM: With the Z88 in the INDEX display, open the front door and insert blank 32K EPROM in the third slot, then close the front door. DO NOT attempt to see if any files are on this EPROM, doing so will cause the Z88 to write information on the EPROM saying it is used for storing files and it will need to be erased before you can do anything with it Also, DO NOT perform a reset, either hard or soft, this also will caus the EPROM to be initialized for use by the Filer. The EPROM will NOT show up in the INDEX using the CARD command, this is normal. Run HX: Run the HX program, you will be asked if there is a blank EPROM in slot 3. If you answer no the program will abort, if you answer yes the program will verify that the EPROM is erased. This will take several seconds, (actually the program is checking the upper 512K of the third slot, if the EPROM is smaller than that it is simply tested 512/n time where n is the EPROM size). The program will then ask for the name of the hex input file to be processed. The file name can be any valid Z88 file (including :COM.0 to allow for transfer from another machine usin the serial port). The program will then run to completion, which may take from several minutes to several hours. It is a good idea to eithe have fresh batteries in the Z88 or to be running it on an external pow source such as an AC adadpter. While burning the EPROM the screen will flash on and off, this is normal. The program turns off the screen to conserve power while burning the bytes into the EPROM. Re-insert the EPROM: The EPROM burn is now complete, but the system doesn't know about it, to inform the system about the EPROM you need to go back to the INDEX display, open the front cover, REMOVE THE EPROM, close the front cover, the open the front cover again, INSERT THE EPROM, and then clos it again. The CARD command should indicate the card being there and th applications should appear in the applications menu on the INDEX display. Errors: Only three types of errors should occur when running the program, all of which are fatal in terms of the EPROM generated. Each of these errors is described below. Erase verification problem: The EPROM contains data, it may either be a valid EPROM for some other use, or it may not be erased fully. Replace it with a fully eras EPROM. Hex data file checksum error: The hex data file has been corrupted, the EPROM is in an indeterminate state and should be removed immediately. Get another cop of the hex data file which has not been corrupted. Verify error on EPROM burn: The program was unable to get a consistant burn on one or more byt in the EPROM. The EPROM is corrupted and should NOT be used.