%OP%WRN %OP%PL66 %OP%TM0 %OP%HM2 %OP%FM2 %OP%BM8 %OP%LM5 %OP%HE/%H2%Z88 User's Club Software Library%H2%/ %OP%FO/Z134//@P@/ %CO:A,6,72%%H2%%H1%Z88 User Manual, Third Edition, Additions and Corrections%H1%%H2% Page 11 15 25 34 72 81 89 90 94 94 94 115 116 117 120 122 127 132 143 151 151 175 179 179 180 180 181 181 182 183 185 185 186 186 186 188 189 190 190 192 192 192 209 231 232 237 All tried with a Z88 serial# 004190, with the swedish ROM version 2.5. To print this file correctly on an Epson or IBM compatible printer, use the supplied driver EpsonSwe.prt or IbmSwe.prt. Updates: 1991.03.16 Page 122, 143, and 190. 1991.03.31 Page 231. 1991.08.19 Page 89 and 231. Z88 Users' Club Member 1080 Dennis Gröning Ranglebyn 5482 S-661 00 Säffle Sweden %CO:B,12,66% Description If the ESC key is pressed when in a popdown, you are returned to the last suspended application, or if none, to Index . On the swedish keyboard there are some keys that gives more then the two characters obtained by pressing the key alone or together with a SHIFT key. The upper of the extra characters marked on the keys are obtained by pressing the key together with the <> (Diamond) key. The lower are obtained by pressing the key together with the [] (Square) key. Pressing [] together with , (comma) . (full stop) / (slash) or £ (pound) produces a black square. If a SOFT RESET is performed with any file in the device :RAM.- the system will FAIL and often need a HARD RESET. After a FAIL, even if a soft reset is succesful, the system can be left in an unstable condition leading to a crash even months later. Back up your files and HARD RESET after a FAIL to be more safe. A text slot can contain 243 characters. Write 123456789 in slot A1, <>BRE A1 to A2A24, <>H 255, <>R, <>BRP ^S with 0, <> arrow right, write 01234, the 4 is not accepted. This ruler can be used to test printing widths. <>ENT on a such a slot gave me a crash. When using the calculator command "RclM", beware of old values in the registers, because there is no way of clearing them. The letters A to Z, the digits 0 to 9 and the - (minus) character can bee used in filenames. If a swedish letter or another character is used in a filename, the file is saved with a filename consisting only of the characters before that character. Sending ODD or EVEN parity works. On receiving, the parity bit is not cleared, so 50%PC% of the bytes are interpreted as a byte with the actual code+128. Do not Batch receive after Sending a file. Every file received will have the same name as the file sent, and will overwrite that file. If a SOFT RESET is performed with any file in the device :RAM.- the system will FAIL and often need a HARD RESET. Do not use the command <>PURGE before you have made sure that there are no files in :RAM.- See page 25. An easy way of doing this is to execute this CLI-file. .;PURGE.CLI, saved as plain text. |ER:RAM.-//*~EN~E .;Erase all files in :RAM.- ~I|PURGE .;Go to Index, enter <>PURGE The Index command <>CARD, does not show the presens of an EPROM until Catalogue EPROM <>CE, Save to EPROM <>ES or Fetch from EPROM <>EF, in the Filer, have been used on it first. Cursor left will have the effect to move the cursor to the previous column when the cursor reaches the beginning of the slot. If the cursor is in a slot containing an expression, you can move to the previous or next column using only the arrow keys. Try the command <>COBRA. Swap Case <>S, does not change case on swedish characters. If a line above a hard page break is split by entering <>ESL, the second resulting line disapears under the hard page break. Split the line again. This second resulting line disapears and the first disapeared line apears below the hard page break. A disapeared line can be recovered by entering <>EJL. The 'Insert at slot' option only works OK for loading documents with a maximum of two columns. Otherwise extra columns are added and the document is corrupted. For printing on a printer that can print 132 characters on a line, go to column a, Set margin <>H to 133, then press [] and cursor left once. Now you can move right in the columns and see where the right margin is. The l in /left/ will be the first character to right of the left margin specified on options page. The t in /right/ will be positioned one position to the left of the last position of the wrapwidth or the columnwidth of the last column in the range to be printed, wichever is most to the right. /centre/ will be positioned one position to the left of the true centre-aligned position between the l and the t. The last column-label is BL. Try <>BRE a not empty A1 TO BL1. Row-number 32769 can be created with the ENTER key, but the operating system crashes. Approximatly 165000 bytes are used by an empty document. <>BRE A1 to A32768 takes 2 minutes. Se page 81. The CLI sequence ~. (tilde, full stop) represents a single full stop at the beginning of a line. Swedish characters in a CLI sequence are ignored. The CLI sequence |m or |M represents pressing ENTER, same as ~E. In the swedish Z88, the CLI sequence |, (vertical bar, comma) represents pressing the ESC key. In a popdown it always returns you to the last suspended activity, on the contrary to what is said about the brittish Z88s. Do not use []+S. See page 25. Execute the following CLI file instead. .;SSGN.CLI, saved as plain text. .T>S.Sgn .;Redirect screen output also to the file S.Sgn. .S .;Suspend CLI, maintain redirection. .;To terminate, instead of []-S, hold SHIFT or <> and press ESC. Do not use []+K. See page 25. Execute the following CLI file instead. .,KSGN.CLI, saved as plain text. .T and press ESC. Do not use []+S. See page 181. An example BOOT.CLI. .;BOOT.CLI, saved as plain text. #S|FL:*//96.pan~E~E .;Go to Panel, load a panelsetting, Enter to update. #E|FL:*//dico.prt~E|FU .;Go to PrinterEd, load a printerdriver, update driver. ~I~D~D~D~D~D~D~R|KILL .;Go to Index, put PipeDream on top of list, kill PrinterEd. #F|SV|~R~X1~E .;Go to Filer, change :RAM.0 to 1. |ER:ram.-/boot.cli .;Prepare for erasing :RAM.-/BOOT.CLI. .;Always include this last line in your BOOT.CLI. .;Save in :RAM.0 for execution if you don't have an EPROM. TAB sends ASCII-character 9, = $09. Action of received esqape sequences: ESC A - cursor up, ESC B - cursor down, ESC C - cursor right, ESC D - cursor left, ESC H - cursor to line 0, column 0, ESC I - cursor up, ESC J - delete to end of screen, ESC K - delete to end of line, ESC Y # 4 = 27 89 35 52 - cursor to line 35-32=3, column 52-32=20. Do not use []+S. See page 181. Output to screen or a spool file is filtered from ASCII- characters 0 to 6 and 14 to 31. ImpExp escape sequences ESC N, ESC F, ESC E and ESC Z and other escape sequences are also filtered out, exept: ESC A, ESC B, ESC C, ESC D and ESC I wich are replaced by ASCII-characters 11, 10, 9, 8 and 11 respectively. Executing the following CLI-file gives local echo in Terminal. Some interesting details appear on swedish Z88s. .;ECHO.CLI, saved as plain text. .T<:SCR .;Redirect keyboard input also to screen. #V .;Go to Terminal .S .;Suspend CLI, maintain redirection. .;To terminate, hold SHIFT or <> and press ESC. The different entering forms, decimal-, hex number, ASCII- character or symbol can be mixed in a driver without problem. Off at CR for Ext. sequence is by default Yes. Before using a modified driver, be sure to explicitly set this option to Yes or No. If saved without doing this, the driver is not saved with this option. It seems to cause OZ to FAIL quite often otherwise. To produce bold by overprinting, enter ?,BS,? as ON String. When using overprinting in this way, characters in the highlighted area are not translated. Some printers don't print a space for the 'Hard space' character, decimal code 160. To correct this, enter Translations, Character 160, Changes to 32. The swedish Z88s have six more translations using the same method. Ext. Sequence can be set up to print characters from other national charactersets on Epson compatible printers in a similar way. To print spanish characters, enter ESC,"R",7 as ON String, and ESC,"R",0 as Off String. To print the Pt-character from PipeDream, first insert the highlight for Ext. sequence, then the character in the USA characterset with the same code as Pt, wich is #, and then the highlight for Ext. sequence again. To list lines containing certain characters, enter the command LIST IF followed by a search string. Hold down the spacebar and the lines will be listed. PC-Link cable connections, Z88 - PC are: 2-3, 3-2, 4-5, 5-4, 7-7, 8-20, 9-6,8. Hardware handshaking with a PS/2 and an AT does not work with the PC-Link cable but does with the printer cable connections. For use with PC-Links or RangerLinks software handshaking, either is OK. Serial (Modem) cable connections, Z88 - Modem are: 2-2, 3-3, 5-20, 7-7, 8-20, 9-20. Assumes software handshaking. 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 7-7, 8-6, 9-20, makes hardware handshaking possible. For a Datatronics modem, enter the command AT&S0 to force pin 6, DSR on if not default. Or connect 8-20. Cable connections for Z88 - Sinclair ZX Spectrum are: 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5, 7-7, 8-9, 9-8. Cable connections for Z88 - Luxor ABC 800 are: 2-3, 3-2, 4-5, 5-1, 7-7, 8-6, 9-8. To use a PC as a parallell Centronics interface for your Z88. Enter: "mode com1:9600,n,8,1,p" and "copy com1 lpt1" on the PC. PrintOut from PipeDream or other applications to the PC. When transmission to the PC is finished, (the prompt returns), go to Terminal and press diamond Z. Then the printing starts. Ctrl C breaks. When receiving, the Z88 signals to the sending device to stop sending, by bringing RTS low, when the receive buffer becomes more then half full. The swedish characterset differ as follows. %H2%Hex%H2% 00 1B 1C 1D 9B 9C 9D 9E C4 C5 D6 E4 E5 F6 %CO:C,12,54% %H2%Dec%H2% 0 27 28 29 155 156 157 158 196 197 214 228 229 246 %CO:D,17,42% %H2%Character%H2% NUL ESC FS GS Black square Black square Black square Black square Ä (A diaeresis) Å (A with ring) Ö (O diaeresis) ä (a diaeresis) å (a with ring) ö (o diaeresis) %CO:E,25,25% %H2%Key%H2% <>= and <>+ <>, <>/ <>. [], []/ []. []£ Also on UK Z88s? SHIFT Ä SHIFT Å SHIFT Ö Ä Å Ö