UNIT Z88Utils; {Z88 Tank File Processing Utilities} {(c) 1989 SP Services } {+44 703 550037 } {All rights retained by SP Services} INTERFACE CONST z_OK = 0; z_NotUsed = MAXINT; z_NoFile = -1; z_NotARC = -2; z_NoList = -3; z_NotFound= -4; z_NoName = -5; TYPE pNameRec = ^NameRec; NameRec = RECORD pPrev : pNameRec; {Pointer to previous list entry} lfa : LONGINT; {SEEK address of 1st name letter} Cmd : BOOLEAN; {Not used at present} Name : STRING {The full Z88 file name} END; {RECORD NameRec} VAR z_Status : INTEGER; {Contains status of previous operation} z_fVDU : BOOLEAN; {Set FALSE to turn of error messages on screen} FUNCTION z_GetDir(TName : STRING): pNameRec; {Returns the tail of a linked list of directory entries in the tank specified} {or NIL if any error occurs} FUNCTION z_FindFile(zName : STRING; DirList : pNameRec): pNameRec; {Sweeps through the linked list provided looking for an entry whose .Name} {contains the text in zName. Not case sensitive} FUNCTION z_Version: STRING; {Returns the title & version string for this Unit} {=============================================================================}