%OP%BON %OP%JUN %OP%LS1 %OP%DEFunction Keys - Documentation. %CO:A,12,72% %C%%H1%@T@%H1% %JL% The purpose of this program is to run short CLI files (executable files) from BASIC at the touch of a single key. My main criticism of the Z88 has always been the lack of user definable function keys, and this program goes some way towards rectifying that omission. The program comes with a selection of routines, which show the variety of uses to which the this program can be put. In an ideal world frequently used routines would be run from PipeDream (for example) by pressing <>1 or <>2, etc. In this routine you press []B1 or []B2, etc., which is only one extra key-stroke. The program is organised as follows:- Lines 1 - 10 are DATA statements which hold the description of each routine and the routine itself. Lines 20 to 270 are the program itself. The lines above 60000 are the line editor produced by Cambridge Computer Ltd., published in the M-Tec BBC BASIC Manual for the Z88. This line editor is provided to facilitate the customisation of functions. For example, to change the function allocated to key 3, first of all enter 0 (Quit) which halts the program and restores the flashing cursor. Then enter PROCE(3). After a brief pause line three will be displayed ready for editing. What is this program capable of doing? The answer is - I don't know! To use a tired old cliche, it is limited only by your imagination. (Sorry about using that one.) The selection of routines will get you started. Obviously you will need to put your own address in DATA statement no.7. The only guide lines are:- (1) that CLI routines are quite indiscriminate in what they will do - be careful of those which erase files or delete anything. A routine which such as #F|ER:RAM.*//*~EN~E will swiftly erase all your files without asking for any confirmation! (2) DATA statements do not require to be contained in quotes - useful if you want to quote a file name. If you need to use commas in the CLI routine then you must use quotes, so obviously you cannot use commas and quote a file name in the same DATA statement. This is why date.cli cannot be written as a DATA statement. (3) Many of these routines assume that you have only one "Instantiation" of PipeDream present. You may substitute the ~I|CARD|[~R~D~E method used by date.cli. This always selects the most recently suspended PipeDream file (or the Diary or Quickedit,etc.) but it takes longer to run. %P0% May I take this opportunity to thank Barry Green and Richard Marsh for all their help, advice and suggestions. This program really is a team effort. My next project is to re-work this program so that a CLI routine can be allocated to each key. This gives an enormous potential for customising your Z88 and really getting the most out of the CLI. Any suggestions will be gratefully received.... I look forward to hearing from you! Michael W. Hey (0703) 18, Woodside Road, Sandiacre, Nottingham. NG10 5GP %CO:B,12,60%%CO:C,12,48%%CO:D,12,36%%CO:E,12,24%%CO:F,12,12%