* newun.prg cls at 1,0 say "Title: Forename: Surname:" at 3,0 say "Enter the name of the person to add to the database" at 4,0 say "Leave all the fields blank to cancel" let title$=" " let forname$=" " let surname$=" " at 1,5 get title$ at 1,20 get forname$ at 1,52 get surname$ if len(surname$)=0 if len(forname$)=0 if len(title$)=0 cls ? "Cancelled Hit any key" wait return endif endif endif let usurnam$=upper(surname$) let ufornam$=upper(forname$) let looking$="Y" locate for upper(1:surname$)=usurnam$ if eof()=1 let looking$="N" endif go top do while looking$="Y" continue if eof() <> 1 if upper(1:forname$) = ufornam$ cls ? "That person is allready on the database - Try again" ? "Press any key to cancel" wait return endif if upper(1:forname$) <> ufornam$ looking$="N" endif endif if eof() = 1 let looking$="N" endif enddo append blank let 1:surname$=surname$ let 1:forname$=forname$ let 1:title$=title$ at 2,0 say "Address " at 4,0 say " " at 3,0 say " " at 5,0 say "Note" at 2,10 get 1:add1$ at 3,10 get 1:add2$ at 4,10 get 1:add3$ at 5,10 get 1:note$ return