IMD 1.16: 8/06/2007 14:22:45 ebmmug.023 eastbay micromate users' group fog: the total fogdir 4-11-85 best-of fog, synopsys & crc's disk issued: june 6, 1985 FOGDIR  FOGDIR  !FOGDIR "#$%&'()*+,-./01FOGDIR 23456789FOG/APP CRCI:;<=>FOGLBR DOC?@BEST-OF APP-ABCBEST-OF GAM DBEST-OF LNGEBEST-OF MISFGBEST-OF UTLCHIJKLSYNOPSISAPPMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\SYNOPSISAPP4]^_`SYNOPSISGAMIabcdeSYNOPSISHAK[fghijkSYNOPSISLIB:lmnoSYNOPSISLNG3pqrsSYNOPSISMIS tuvwxyz{|SYNOPSISUTL}~SYNOPSISUTL@FOG/GAM CRCEFOG/HAK CRC!FOG/LIB CRCFOG/LNG CRC)FOG/MIS CRC)FOG/UTL CRCW23 FINDSIG DOCFINDSIG COM -EBMMUG 023 COMPLETE FOG#1 DIRECTORY OF FILES DRIVE A-F ALL USERS-APRIL 11, 1985 A0>DIR *.* $U0ADL A0: -PROGRAM.SYS 0K : BYE .COM 4K A0: CHAT .COM 4K : DIR52 .COM 4K A0: DIR80 .COM 4K : FIND .COM 4K A0: HELP .COM 4K : MAP .COM 4K A0: METAL .COM 24K : RDIR .COM 4K A0: SECTION .COM 4K : TYPEL .COM 8K A0: WHATSNEW.COM 4K : XFERTIME.COM 4K A0: XMODEM .COM 8K >> DRIVE:A USER:0 FILES:15 SPACE USED:84K (3748K FREE) << A1: -HELP .SYS 0K : AMCALL .HLP 8K A1: BULLETIN.HLP 4K : CPMINFO .HLP 4K A1: FILES .HLP 4K : FOG .HLP 4K A1: HELP .HLP 4K : HELP1 .HLP 24K A1: MESSAGE .HLP 4K : METAL .HLP 4K A1: MODEM7 .HLP 8K : MYTERM .HLP 8K A1: NUMBERS .HLP 4K : RCP/M .HLP 8K A1: WELCOME .HLP 4K : WHATSNEW.COM 4K A1: XMODEM .HLP 8K >> DRIVE:A USER:1 FILES:17 SPACE USED:104K (3748K FREE) << [More] B0: -FILES .PUB 0K : BULLETIN.NOT 8K B0: DO-DONT .NOT 4K : FIND .NOT 4K B0: FOG .ART 4K : LONGHELP.NOT 12K B0: METAL .NOT 8K : NEWUSER .NOT 4K B0: PRACSA .ART 8K : WHATSNEW.COM 4K >> DRIVE:B USER:0 FILES:10 SPACE USED:56K (6568K FREE) << B1: -FILES .MFG 0K : OSBORNE .LTR 4K B1: OZ-STOCK.SEC 8K : WHATSNEW.COM 4K >> DRIVE:B USER:1 FILES:4 SPACE USED:16K (6568K FREE) << B2: -LIBRARY.FOG 0K : AMP .DAT 4K B2: APP .DAT 32K : C10 .DAT 4K B2: CATALOG4.DAT 4K : EX1 .DAT 24K B2: GAM .DAT 12K : HAK .DAT 12K B2: KAY .DAT 4K : LIB .DAT 4K B2: LIB#001 .LBR 76K : LIB#002 .LBR 76K B2: LIB#003 .LBR 68K : LIB#004 .LBR 80K B2: LIB#005 .LBR 88K : LIB#X+1 .LBR 64K B2: LIB#X+2 .LBR 68K : LIB#X+3 .LBR 48K [More] B2: LNG .DAT 12K : MAX .DAT 8K B2: MIS .DAT 16K : MMD .DAT 8K B2: OS1 .DAT 4K : PMC .DAT 4K B2: QXX .DAT 4K : SRX .COM 12K B2: TVI .DAT 4K : UTL .DAT 44K B2: VIX .DArectory for B2:LIB#X+2 .LBR 68k B2: -FOG/LIB.X+2 0k : -INCOMPL.ETE 0k B2: /LIB#X+2.CRC 1k : /LIB#X+2.DOC 3k B2: 06/07/84.INC 0k : BEST-OF .UTL 9k B2: SYNOPSIS.UTL 56k : Library Directory for B2:LIB#X+3 .LBR 48k B2: -FOG/LIB.X+3 0k : -INCOMPL.ETE 0k B2: /LIB#X+3.CRC 1k : /LIB#X+3.DOC 3k [More] B2: 06/07/84.INC 0k : BEST-OF .APP 6k B2: SYNOPSIS.APP 39k : There are 91 Member Files in 8 Library(s) >> DRIVE:B USER:2 FILES:31 SPACE USED:796K (6568K FREE) << B3: -VIXEN .PUB 0K : WHATSNEW.COM 4K >> DRIVE:B USER:3 FILES:2 SPACE USED:4K (6568K FREE) << B4: -FILES .FOG 0K : SYSOPS .APP 20K B4: WHATSNEW.COM 4K >> DRIVE:B USER:4 FILES:3 SPACE USED:24K (6568K FREE) << B5: -NEWFILE.FOG 0K : JETSIM .LBR 36K B5: LADDER .LBR 64K : LEDGER .LBR 116K B5: LZWCOM .LBR 40K : M7OSVX-1.AQM 12K B5: MURPHYS .LAW 12K : OSBORNE .LTR 4K B5: RESTORE .LBR 8K : SC-TAXES.LBR 148K B5: TERMINAL.DQT T 4K : WHATSNEW.COM 4K B2: ZOR .DAT 4K Library Directory for B2:LIB#001 .LBR 76k B2: -FOG/LIB.001 0k : CAT .COM 1k B2: CATALOG .DOC 10k : DISK .DOC 3k B2: DISPLAY .COM 3k : DISPLAY .DOC 1k B2: LIBRARY .DOC 9k : LIST .COM 2k B2: MAST .CAT 1k : NEWCAT .COM 6k B2: NEWS0982.LIB 21k : SHOW .COM 1k B2: SHOW .DOC 1k : SWEEP14 .COM 21k Library Directory for B2:LIB#002 .LBR 76k B2: -FOG/LIB.002 0k : CRCK4 .COM 2k B2: CRCKLIST.CRC 1k : DIRBANER.AQM 6k B2: DIRBANER.COM 1k : DIRLABEL.AQM 5k B2: DIRLABEL.COM 1k : DISK .DOC 3k B2: FOG/APP .CQC 6k : FOG/GAM .CQC 6k [More] B2: FOG/HAK .CQC 3k : FOG/LIB .CQC 1k B2: FOG/LNG .CQC 4k : FOG/MIS .CQC 4k B2: FOG/UTL .CQC 7k : NEWS1082.LIB 9k B2: NEWS1182.LIB 12k : TYPE17 .COM 9k Library Directory for B2:LIB#003 .LBR 68k B2: -FOG/LIB.003 0k : /LIB#003.CRC 1k B2: /LIB#003.DOC 2k : M13/DISK.DOC 1k B2: NEWS0183.LIB 14k : NEWS0283.LIB 13k4K : UNERA30 .OBJ 4K B5: WHATSNEW.COM 4K [More] Library Directory for B5:JETSIM .LBR 36k B5: JETSIM .BQS 8k : JETSIM .DQC 10k B5: JETSIMB .BQS 16k : Library Directory for B5:LADDER .LBR 64k B5: LADDER .COM 39k : LADCONF .COM 22k B5: LADDER .DOC 1k : LADDER .DAT 1k Library Directory for B5:LEDGER .LBR 116k B5: ACCOUNT1.DAT 6k : ACCOUNT2.DAT 6k B5: ACCOUNT3.DAT 6k : CATEGORY.DAT 6k B5: LEDGER .COM 36k : LEDGER .DOC 37k B5: LEDGER1 .DAT 1k : LEDGER2 .DAT 1k B5: LEDGER3 .DAT 1k : LGRTERM .DEF 1k B5: LINSTALL.COM 15k : README .1ST 3k B5: README .2ND 2k : Library Directory for B5:LZWCOM .LBR 40k B5: LZWCOM .DQC 18k : LZWCOM .CQM 10k B5: LZWUNC .CQM 10k : READ-ME . 2k Library Directory for B5:RESTORE .LBR 8k [More] B5: RESTORE .ASM 7k : RESTORE .COM 1k Library Directory for B5:SC-TAXES.LBR 148k B5: -84TAXES. 1k : -BY/EDSM.ITH 0k B5: /NOT/SC2. 0k : /README .1ST 5k B5: CAL B2: NEWS0383.LIB 7k : NEWS0483.LIB 3k B2: NEWS0583.LIB 16k : NEWS0683.LIB 1k B2: NEWS0783.LIB 1k : NEWS0883.LIB 1k B2: NEWS0983.LIB 1k : NEWS1083.LIB 1k B2: NEWS1282.LIB 7k : Library Directory for B2:LIB#004 .LBR 80k B2: -FOG/LIB.004 0k : /LIB#004.CRC 1k B2: /LIB#004.DOC 1k : /UTL#038.DOC 4k B2: NEWS0184.LIB 14k : NEWS0284.LIB 1k B2: NEWS0384.LIB 21k : NEWS0484.LIB 2k B2: NEWS0584.LIB 10k : NEWS1183.LIB 15k B2: NEWS1283.LIB 13k : [More] Library Directory for B2:LIB#005 .LBR 88k B2: -FOG/LIB.005 0k : /LIB#005.CRC 1k B2: /LIB#005.DOC 1k : EACH-MTH.LIB 3k B2: NEWS0684.LIB 18k : NEWS0784.LIB 63k Library Directory for B2:LIB#X+1 .LBR 64k B2: -FOG/LIB.X+1 0k : -INCOMPL.ETE 0k B2: /LIB#X+1.CRC 1k : /LIB#X+1.DOC 3k B2: 06/07/84.INC 0k : BEST-OF .GAM 2k B2: BEST-OF .LNG 1k : BEST-OF .MIS 3k B2: SYNOPSIS.GAM 10k : SYNOPSIS.HAK 12k B2: SYNOPSIS.LIB 8k : SYNOPSIS.LNG 7k B2: SYNOPSIS.MIS 18k : Library DiIF .540 18k : DISK76 .COM 4k B5: FORM4562.CAL 15k : PAGE1+A .CAL 10k B5: PAGE2+G .CAL 28k : SCHED-B .CAL 6k B5: SCHED-D .CAL 20k : SCHED-E .CAL 25k B5: TAXTMPL .DOC 18k : XDIR37 .COM 2k There are 40 Member Files in 6 Library(s) >> DRIVE:B USER:5 FILES:13 SPACE USED:452K (6568K FREE) << B6: -VIXEN .FOG 0K : WHATSNEW.COM 4K >> DRIVE:B USER:6 FILES:2 SPACE USED:4K (6568K FREE) << C0: -GAMES .PUB 0K : MANDALA .BQS 4K C0: OS-LIFE .OBJ 4K : OS-LIFE1.DQC 16K C0: OSBORNBI.BQS 4K : OSSARGON.DQC 4K C0: OSSARGON.OBJ 8K : OSZ-JEDI.BQS 12K [More] C0: WHATSNEW.COM 4K >> DRIVE:C USER:0 FILES:9 SPACE USED:56K (2980K FREE) << C1: -MISC .PUB 0K : WHATSNEW.COM 4K >> DRIVE:C USER:1 FILES:2 SPACE USED:4K (2980K FREE) << C2: -KAYPRO .PUB 0K : GRADEBOK.LBR 60K C2: WHATSNEW.COM 4K Library Directory for C2:GRADEBOK.LBR 60k C2: GB .OBJ 40k : GB .BQS 14k C2: GB .DQ .BAS 41k C4: CRAPS .DAT 1k : CRAPS .DOC 1k C4: CRAPS .INT 15k : DISK .DOC 1k C4: DISK .PRN 2k : ROBO .BAS 3k C4: ROBO .DOC 1k : ROBO .INT 2k Library Directory for C4:GAM#007 .LBR 72k C4: -FOG/GAM.007 0k : AWARI .BAS 3k C4: BIO-FF .BAS 5k : BUBBLE .BAS 6k C4: BUBBLE .DOC 2k : CHECKERS.BAS 5k C4: CRAZY-8 .BAS 7k : DCHARGE .BAS 2k C4: DESIGN .BAS 4k : DESIGN .DOC 2k C4: DISK .DOC 2k : ETCH .BAS 3k C4: GAMMON .BAS 15k : HANOI .BAS 4k C4: HEXAPAWN.BAS 5k : MENU .BAS 2k C4: NUCREAC .BAS 7k : SEARCH .BAS 3k C4: SEARCH .DOC 1k : Library Directory for C4:GAM#008 .LBR 68k C4: -FOG/GAM.008 0k : 23-MATCH.BAS 2k C4: ACEYDUCY.BAS 2k : AMAZING .BAS 3k C4: AMAZINGP.BAS 4k : ANIMAL .BAS 2k [More] C4: BAGELS .BAS 2k : BASKETBL.BAS 5k C4: BATNUM .BAS 2k : BATTLE .BAS 7k C4: BLACKJCK.BAS 8k : BOMBARD .BAS 3k C4: BOMBSAWY.BAS 3k : BOUNCE .BAS 2k C4: BOWLING .BC 4k : There are 3 Member Files in 1 Library(s) >> DRIVE:C USER:2 FILES:3 SPACE USED:64K (2980K FREE) << C3: -LOBOMAX.PUB 0K : WHATSNEW.COM 4K >> DRIVE:C USER:3 FILES:2 SPACE USED:4K (2980K FREE) << [More] C4: -GAMES .FOG 0K : ADVENTUR.MQG 32K C4: GAM#001 .LBR 84K : GAM#002 .LBR 80K C4: GAM#003 .LBR 76K : GAM#004 .LBR 80K C4: GAM#005 .LBR 84K : GAM#006 .LBR 64K C4: GAM#007 .LBR 72K : GAM#008 .LBR 68K C4: GAM#009 .LBR 72K : GAM#010 .LBR 68K C4: GAM#011 .LBR 72K : GAM#012 .LBR 72K C4: GAM#013 .LBR 80K : GAM#014 .LBR 84K C4: GAM#015 .LBR 68K : GAM#016 .LBR 72K C4: GAM#017 .LBR 80K : GAM#018 .LBR 76K C4: WHATSNEW.COM 4K Library Directory for C4:GAM#001 .LBR 84k C4: -FOG/GAM.001 0k : ADVENTUR.COM 21k C4: ADVENTUR.WRK 41k : DISK .DOC 1k C4: PACMAN .COM 16k : PACMAN .DAT 4k C4: SCREEN .CNT 1k : Library Directory for C4:GAM#002 .LBR 80k C4: -FOG/GAM.002 0k : CHESS .COM 26k C4: CHESS .DAS 2k : BOXING .BAS 3k C4: BUG .BAS 5k : BULLFGHT.BAS 5k C4: BULLSEYE.BAS 2k : BUZZWORD.BAS 2k C4: CHANGE .BAS 2k : CHECKERS.BAS 3k C4: CHEMIST .BAS 2k : CHOMP .BAS 3k C4: DISK .DOC 1k : MENU .BAS 1k Library Directory for C4:GAM#009 .LBR 72k C4: -FOG/GAM.009 0k : CRAPS .BAS 3k C4: CUBE .BAS 4k : DIAMOND .BAS 1k C4: DICE .BAS 1k : DIGITS .BAS 3k C4: DISK .DOC 1k : EVENWIN1.BAS 2k C4: EVENWIN2.BAS 3k : FLIPFLOP.BAS 2k C4: FOOTBAL1.BAS 6k : FOOTBAL2.BAS 6k C4: FURTRADR.BAS 6k : GOLF .BAS 6k C4: GOMOKO .BAS 2k : GUESS .BAS 2k C4: GUNNER .BAS 2k : HAMURABI.BAS 5k C4: HANGMAN .BAS 4k : HELLO .BAS 3k C4: HI-Q .BAS 4k : HOCKEY .BAS 8k [More] C4: HORSRACE.BAS 3k : MENU .BAS 1k Library Directory for C4:GAM#010 .LBR 68k C4: -FOG/GAM.010 0k : DISK .DOC 1k C4: HURKLE .BAS 2k : KINEMA .BAS 1k C4: KING .BAS 9k : LEM .BAS 6k C4: LETTER .BAS 1k :OC 2k : CHESS .FOR 25k C4: DISK .DOC 1k : TTT .ASM 25k C4: TTT .COM 3k : [More] Library Directory for C4:GAM#003 .LBR 76k C4: -FOG/GAM.003 0k : BACCARAT.BAS 4k C4: BACCRRT .BAS 4k : CASTLE .BAS 26k C4: CASTLE .DOC 15k : DISK .DOC 1k C4: E-SKETCH.BAS 3k : E-SKETCH.DOC 1k C4: STARTREK.BAS 23k : Library Directory for C4:GAM#004 .LBR 80k C4: -FOG/GAM.004 0k : CIA .BAS 16k C4: CIVILW .BAS 8k : DISK .DOC 1k C4: DSPACE .BAS 8k : FIGHTER .BAS 4k C4: GRANPRIX.BAS 7k : LIFE .BAS 4k C4: QUEST .BAS 11k : STARLAN4.BAS 7k C4: STARLANE.BAS 9k : YAHTZEE .BAS 6k Library Directory for C4:GAM#005 .LBR 84k C4: -FOG/GAM.005 0k : BLACKJCK.BAS 8k C4: DISK .DOC 1k : HANGMN-1.BAS 6k C4: HANGMN-2.BAS 6k : HANGMN-3.BAS 6k C4: MASTERMD.BAS 2k : MONOPOLY.BAS 27k C4: OTHELLO .COM 22k : ROULETTE.BAS 7k [More] Library Directory for C4:GAM#006 .LBR 64k C4: -FOG/GAM.006 0k : CRAPS  LIFE .BAS 2k C4: LIFE2 .BAS 2k : LITQUIZ .BAS 2k C4: LOVE .BAS 2k : LOVE-P .BAS 2k C4: LUNAR .BAS 3k : MADLIBS .BAS 4k C4: MASTRMND.BAS 5k : MATHDICE.BAS 2k C4: MENU .BAS 1k : MUGWUMP .BAS 2k C4: NAME .BAS 1k : NICOMA .BAS 1k C4: NIM .BAS 4k : NUMBER .BAS 2k C4: ONECHECK.BAS 3k : ORBIT .BAS 4k C4: PIZZA .BAS 3k : POETRY .BAS 2k C4: POKER .BAS 7k : REVERSE .BAS 2k C4: ROCKSP .BAS 2k : Library Directory for C4:GAM#011 .LBR 72k C4: -FOG/GAM.011 0k : DISK .DOC 1k C4: MENU .BAS 1k : QUBIC .BAS 6k C4: QUEEN .BAS 4k : ROCKET .BAS 3k [More] C4: ROULETTE.BAS 6k : RUSROU .BAS 1k C4: SALVO .BAS 7k : SINEWAVE.BAS 1k C4: SLALOM .BAS 5k : SLOTS .BAS 3k C4: SPLAT .BAS 5k : STARS .BAS 2k C4: STOCK .BAS 7k : SYNONYM .BAS 2k C4: TARGET .BAS 3k : TICTAC1 .BAS 2k C4: TICTAC2 .BAS 3k : TOWERS .BAS 4k C4: TRAIN .BAS 1k : TRAP .BAS 2k C4: WAR  CROSSPUZ.BAS 6k : DARTS .BAS 2k C4: MATH .BAS 4k : NUMBERSQ.BAS 4k C4: PIGLATIN.BAS 2k : SMART .BAS 2k C4: SMURF .BAS 10k : TRANSLAT.BAS 10k C4: VOCAB .BAS 2k : Library Directory for C4:GAM#018 .LBR 76k [More] C4: -FOG/GAM.018 0k : /GAM#018.CRC 1k C4: /GAM#018.DOC 3k : ALIENS .COM 15k C4: ALIENS .DQC 2k : BANNER .COM 2k C4: CRAPS .COM 6k : CRAWL .COM 31k C4: CRAWL .DQC 1k : CRAWL .HNT 6k C4: OSCHESS .COM 8k : OSCHESS .DQC 5k There are 276 Member Files in 18 Library(s) >> DRIVE:C USER:4 FILES:21 SPACE USED:1388K (2980K FREE) << C5: -MISC .FOG 0K : MIS#001 .LBR 72K C5: MIS#002 .LBR 76K : MIS#003 .LBR 44K C5: MIS#004 .LBR 80K : MIS#005 .LBR 68K C5: MIS#006 .LBR 84K : MIS#007 .LBR 76K C5: MIS#008 .LBR 84K : MIS#009 .LBR 84K C5: MIS#010 .LBR 84K : MIS#011 .LBR 84K C5: MIS#012 .LBR 84K : MIS#013 .LBR 80K C5: MIS#014 .LBR 80K : MIS#015 .LBR 64K C5: MIS#016 .LBR 72K : MIS#017 .LBR .BAS 2k : WEEKDAY .BAS 4k C4: WORD .BAS 2k : Library Directory for C4:GAM#012 .LBR 72k C4: -FOG/GAM.012 0k : AL . 13k C4: ALIEN .BAS 4k : ANDY-500.BAS 4k C4: DISK .DOC 2k : ELIZA .BAS 8k C4: GRAPH .PRN 2k : KONG .BAS 11k C4: LANDER1 .BAS 5k : MONSTER .BAS 10k C4: PICT .BAS 3k : PRITPICT.BAS 1k C4: SKET .BAS 4k : STARTREK.DOC 6k C4: TREKINS .BAS 5k : Library Directory for C4:GAM#013 .LBR 80k C4: -FOG/GAM.013 0k : ADVENTUR.DOC 2k [More] C4: ADVENTUR.MSG 63k : ATAB .DAT 2k C4: COMMON .DAT 4k : DISK .DOC 1k C4: KTAB .DAT 1k : LTEXT .DAT 1k C4: RTEXT .DAT 1k : STEXT .DAT 1k C4: TRAVEL .DAT 5k : Library Directory for C4:GAM#014 .LBR 84k C4: -FOG/GAM.014 0k : AD .COM 39k C4: ALIENS .COM 15k : ALIENS .DOC 3k C4: BOUNCE .COM 1k : CRCKLIST.CRC 1k C4: DISK .DOC 2k : PACMAN .DOC 2k C4: PACMANOS.COM 18k : WORDPUZL.COM 4k Library Directory for 68K C5: MIS#018 .LBR 80K : MIS#019 .LBR 80K C5: MIS#020 .LBR 76K : MIS#021 .LBR 84K C5: MIS#022 .LBR 84K : MIS#023 .LBR 76K [More] C5: MIS#024 .LBR 84K : WHATSNEW.COM 4K Library Directory for C5:MIS#001 .LBR 72k C5: -FOG/MIS.001 0k : BANNER .BAS 3k C5: BEEP .BAS 9k : BUNNY .BAS 2k C5: CALENDAR.BAS 2k : COPYRITE.DOC 5k C5: DEMO .BAS 9k : DISK .DOC 2k C5: EPSON4 .BAS 11k : PINUP .PIC 9k C5: PINUP1 .PIC 18k : SINEWAVE.BAS 1k C5: SNOOPY .PIC 4k : ZLOVE .BAS 2k Library Directory for C5:MIS#002 .LBR 76k C5: -FOG/MIS.002 0k : CLIENT .DTA 1k C5: CPM .DOC 9k : DF-1 .DTA 1k C5: DISK .DOC 1k : EXAMPLE .TXT 10k C5: FOG .DOC 3k : LETTER-1.TXT 1k C5: LETTER-2.TXT 1k : POS .TXT 2k C5: ROLLLIST.FMT 1k : RUBIK .CUB 18k C5: WSMODS .DOC 31k : Library Directory for C5:MIS#003 .LBR 44k C5: -FOG/MIS.003 0k : ASKORDER. 2k C5: CHAIN . 1k : CHAPTERS.TXT 1k [More]  C4:GAM#015 .LBR 68k C4: -FOG/GAM.015 0k : BREAKOUT.BAS 3k C4: CRCKLIST.CRC 1k : DISK .DOC 2k C4: OTHELLO .BAS 17k : OZDOT .COM 21k C4: PPONG .COM 7k : PPONG .DOC 2k C4: STARTREK.BAS 18k : Library Directory for C4:GAM#016 .LBR 72k C4: -FOG/GAM.016 0k : /GAM#016.CRC 1k C4: /GAM#016.DOC 3k : DUCK .BAS 6k [More] C4: ESCAPE .BAS 4k : FASTLIFE.AQM 5k C4: FASTLIFE.COM 2k : FASTLIFE.DOC 1k C4: GUNNER-2.BAS 3k : LIFE .BAS 3k C4: LIFE .DOC 3k : LIFE1 .PAT 1k C4: LIFE2 .PAT 1k : LIFE3 .PAT 1k C4: LIFE4 .PAT 1k : LIFEASC .COM 13k C4: PINGPONG.BAS 6k : RND-WALK.BAS 1k C4: SLOTS .BAS 10k : SLOTS .DOC 2k C4: SNOW .BAS 1k : TYPERACE.BAS 8k Library Directory for C4:GAM#017 .LBR 80k C4: -FOG/GAM.017 0k : /GAM#017.CRC 1k C4: /GAM#017.DOC 3k : BACCRRT .BAS 4k C4: BATTLSHP.BAS 4k : BRIDGE .COM 13k C4: BRIDGE .DOC 1k : BRIDGE .PQS 6k C4: CAPITALS.BAS 5k : CRAPS .BAS 6k C4: C5: CLIENT .DTA 1k : DEALERS .OUT 1k C5: DF1 .DTA 1k : DISK .DOC 2k C5: EASTWASH.ERS 1k : F1 . 1k C5: F2 . 1k : F4 . 1k C5: F5 . 1k : F6 . 1k C5: F7 . 1k : F8 . 1k C5: FEATURES. 1k : LABELS . 1k C5: LABELS .FMT 1k : LETTER1 .DTA 1k C5: LETTER2 .TXT 1k : MLLINE . 1k C5: MLLINE .FMT 1k : MULTI .TXT 1k C5: MULTIN .TXT 1k : NOTINAME.CHA 2k C5: NWPITCH .TXT 2k : OSBNATM .AIL 2k C5: OTHERCLU.BS 1k : POS .TXT 2k C5: QUESCOM . 10k : ROLLLIST. 1k C5: ROLLLIST.FMT 1k : SEACOMPS.HOP 2k C5: SIGNUP .LST 6k : TESTDATA.DTA 1k C5: TSTDTA .DTA 1k : WESTWASH.ERS 2k C5: WSDEMO .DOC 1k : Library Directory for C5:MIS#004 .LBR 80k C5: -FOG/MIS.004 0k : BKSPACE .DOC 3k C5: DISK .DOC 2k : EPSONWS .DOC 10k C5: INFO .CPM 49k : NOTES .VAN 3k [More] C5: QUOTES .PRN 13k : WSTIPS .TXT 3k Library Directory for C C5: -FOG/MIS.011 0k : CCPBUG .FIX 2k C5: CRCKLIST.CRC 1k : DISK .DOC 1k C5: FOGHORN .1Q6 44k : FOGHORN .1Q7 35k C5: ZSID .FIX 2k : Library Directory for C5:MIS#012 .LBR 84k C5: -FOG/MIS.012 0k : CRCKLIST.CRC 1k C5: DISK .DOC 1k : FH-PART1.1Q8 40k C5: FH-PART2.1Q8 19k : LIBRARY .CTL 12k C5: MDMPRTCL.DOC 8k : MOVCPM .FIX 2k C5: SPELSTAR.FIX 1k : Library Directory for C5:MIS#013 .LBR 80k [More] C5: -FOG/MIS.013 0k : BDS-C .HLP 17k C5: CPMCHAIN.DOC 11k : CRCKLIST.CRC 1k C5: DBINDEX .DOC 2k : DBINDEX1.DBF 25k C5: DBINDEX2.DBF 2k : DBINDEX3.TXT 2k C5: DISK .DOC 1k : OCC1NDX .DOC 1k C5: OCC1NDX3.DBF 9k : OCC1NDX3.FRM 1k C5: OCC1NDX3.TXT 10k : Library Directory for C5:MIS#014 .LBR 80k C5: -FOG/MIS.014 0k : CRCKLIST.CRC 1k C5: DEMO .BAS 13k : DISK .DOC 2k C5: INDEXSC .TXT 10k : INDEXWS .TXT 30k C5: LABELS .DOC 1k : READMEFI.RST 2k C5: SCPATCHS.TXT 6k : WSPATCHS.TXT 19k Library Dir5:MIS#005 .LBR 68k C5: -FOG/MIS.005 0k : BBSLIST .001 21k C5: BIORYTHM.BAS 4k : BIORYTHM.DOC 1k C5: BNCHMRK .ASM 1k : BNCHMRK .BAS 1k C5: BNCHMRK .TXT 2k : COMPAT .BAS 3k C5: COMPAT .DOC 1k : CPMFTH .ASC 2k C5: DISK .DOC 3k : EASTER .BAS 1k C5: EASTER .DOC 1k : FTHCPM .DOC 5k C5: FTHCPM .SCR 17k : GRAPHNUM.BAS 1k C5: HI-RES .BAS 1k : HI-RES .TXT 2k C5: OZIPS .BAS 2k : POETRY .BAS 1k C5: README .DOC 2k : YKW .BAS 2k C5: ZCPR-WS .DOC 2k : Library Directory for C5:MIS#006 .LBR 84k C5: -FOG/MIS.006 0k : DISK .DOC 1k C5: FANCFONT.COM 8k : FANCFONT.DM1 37k C5: FANCFONT.DM2 24k : FANCFONT.DOC 1k C5: OSBDSCIO.C 6k : OSCREEN .BAS 1k C5: OSMDIO .C 4k : [More] Library Directory for C5:MIS#007 .LBR 76k C5: -FOG/MIS.007 0k : BASCOM53.DOC 3k C5: DISK .DOC 1k : HINTS3 .DOC 6k C5: MICROSFT.SAV 2k : OSHINTS .DOC 11k C5: OSPATCH .DOC 3k : OSTRICKS.DOC 6k C5: RCPMLIST.24 23k ectory for C5:MIS#015 .LBR 64k C5: -FOG/MIS.015 0k : 1-03 .C 1k C5: 1-04 .C 1k : 1-05 .C 1k C5: 1-06 .C 1k : 1-07 .C 1k C5: 1-08 .C 1k : 1-10 .C 1k C5: 1-10F .C 2k : 1-11 .C 1k C5: 1-12H .C 2k : 1-12V .C 3k C5: 1-14 .C 2k : 1-15 .C 1k [More] C5: 1-16 .C 1k : 1-19 .C 1k C5: 1-20 .C 1k : 2-2 .C 2k C5: AUTOST .OSZ 3k : BP .C 1k C5: C .DOC 3k : CONFIG .TXT 4k C5: CRCKLIST.CRC 2k : DISK .DOC 1k C5: MODEM .SET 4k : MODEMS .CPK 18k C5: MODEMS .DOC 11k : PRIME .C 1k Library Directory for C5:MIS#016 .LBR 72k C5: -FOG/MIS.016 0k : /MIS#016.CRC 1k C5: /MIS#016.DOC 3k : BREAKKEY.DOC 3k C5: EXAMPLE .WYL 2k : FORTRAN .TXT 3k C5: FUNCTION.KEY 1k : MBASIC-P.DOC 1k C5: NECGRPH .BAS 1k : NEW-CHIP.CPK 9k C5: PASCAL .TXT 1k : PICONET .TXT 17k C5: RCPMDATA.17A 12k : SILVER2 .DOC 7k C5: WORDSTAR.DOC 5k : SCANNER .DOC 1k C5: SCANNER .TXT 11k : WS-MNEM .MSG 5k C5: WSLABELS. 7k : WSLABELS.DOC 1k Library Directory for C5:MIS#008 .LBR 84k C5: -FOG/MIS.008 0k : CINDY .PIC 7k C5: CRCKLIST.CRC 1k : DISK .DOC 2k C5: DRAGON .PIC 13k : EXPERT .DOC 2k C5: KIRK .PIC 5k : MONA .PIC 28k C5: RAQUEL .PIC 8k : SHIP .PIC 17k Library Directory for C5:MIS#009 .LBR 84k C5: -FOG/MIS.009 0k : BLOCK .COM 3k C5: CRCKLIST.CRC 1k : DISK .DOC 2k C5: DISKID .DOC 1k : FOGHORN .1Q1 8k C5: FOGHORN .1Q2 30k : FOGHORN .1Q3 20k C5: NLART . 7k : PUBLIC .ABS 13k [More] Library Directory for C5:MIS#010 .LBR 84k C5: -FOG/MIS.010 0k : CALENDR .BAS 4k C5: CRCKLIST.CRC 1k : DIRCUR .BAS 2k C5: DIRCUR .DOC 4k : DISK .DOC 2k C5: FOGHORN .1Q4 23k : FOGHORN .1Q5 24k C5: NUDE83 .CAL 14k : O2RUMORS.TXT 2k C5: SNOOPY83.CAL 5k : UNDOCCPM.DOC 3k C5: WEEKDAY .BAS 2k : Library Directory for C5:MIS#011 .LBR 84k : WS-EPSON.DOC 6k C5: WYLBUR .DOC 5k : Library Directory for C5:MIS#017 .LBR 68k C5: -FOG/MIS.017 0k : /MIS#017.CRC 1k C5: /MIS#017.DOC 3k : AREACODE.AQM 8k C5: AREACODE.COM 7k : ASCIIDEC.CMD 2k [More] C5: CAL .84 4k : CAL .DOC 2k C5: DBASE2 .TIP 3k : DBDIR .AQM 5k C5: DBDIR .CMD 5k : DBDIR .COM 2k C5: DBDIR .DOC 1k : DBHINTS .DOC 3k C5: FORM .CMD 2k : FORM .DBF 1k C5: FORM .DOC 1k : LIONCAL .84 7k C5: PINUPCAL.84 8k : POKE1 .CMD 4k C5: POKE1 .DOC 1k : SHOWMEM .CMD 5k C5: SHOWMEM .DOC 1k : Library Directory for C5:MIS#018 .LBR 80k C5: -FOG/MIS.018 0k : /MIS#018.CRC 1k C5: /MIS#018.DOC 2k : BARCODE .BAS 2k C5: BARCODE .DOC 2k : CBASIC .HLP 23k C5: MBASIC .HLP 21k : PLOT .BAS 4k C5: PLOT .DOC 2k : UNPROTEC.DOC 2k C5: WS .HLP 6k : XMODEM .HLP 6k C5: ZCPR2TEZ.DOC 14k : Library Directory for C5:MIS#019 .LBR 80k C5: -FOG/MIS.019 0k : /MIS#019.CRCKP .COM 5k : VDO23 .DOC 13k C6: WSFAST16.DOC 6k : WSFAST16.HEX 1k C6: WSFAST16.SUB 6k : Library Directory for C6:KAY#002 .LBR 96k C6: -FOG/KAY.002 0k : /KAY#002.CRC 1k C6: /KAY#002.DOC 2k : DDRAW .COM 21k C6: DDRAW .DOC 8k : M7LIB .COM 2k C6: M7LIB .DOC 3k : MDM740 .DOC 41k C6: MDM740KP.COM 19k : Library Directory for C6:KAY#003 .LBR 76k C6: -FOG/KAY.003 0k : /KAY#003.CRC 1k C6: /KAY#003.DOC 2k : 10GINSTL.SUB 1k C6: 10INSTAL.SUB 1k : 2INSTALL.SUB 1k [More] C6: GINSTALL.SUB 1k : ZCPR .DOC 10k C6: ZCPR .HLP 5k : ZCPR1 .MAN 45k C6: ZCPR10S .HEX 6k : ZCPR4S .HEX 6k Library Directory for C6:KAY#004 .LBR 72k C6: -FOG/KAY.004 0k : /KAY#004.CRC 1k C6: /KAY#004.DOC 4k : BACKUP22.DOC 7k C6: K10BAKUP.COM 4k : K10BAKUP.HLP 2k C6: KP-LABEL.DOC 1k : KP10NSWP.COM 11k C6: KPPRTLST.COM 14k : KPPRTLST.DOC 3k C6: NU-LABEL.BAS 8k : NU-LABEL.COM 11k C6: OLDLABEL.COM 9k : Library Directory fo 1k C5: /MIS#019.DOC 2k : CITOH .MOD 5k C5: SPOCK .DOC 2k : SPOCK1 .PQC 38k [More] C5: SPOCK3 .PQC 33k : Library Directory for C5:MIS#020 .LBR 76k C5: -FOG/MIS.020 0k : /MIS#020.CRC 1k C5: /MIS#020.DOC 2k : DIAG1-2 .COM 13k C5: DIAG1-3 .COM 15k : SPOCK2 .PQC 30k C5: SPOCK4 .PQC 19k : Library Directory for C5:MIS#021 .LBR 84k C5: -FOG/MIS.021 0k : /MIS#021.CRC 1k C5: /MIS#021.DOC 2k : ARTICLES.DBF 21k C5: ARTICLES.DOC 3k : ARTICLES.TXT 19k C5: BIO .COM 20k : LIMITS .BAS 12k C5: LIMLST .BAS 7k : Library Directory for C5:MIS#022 .LBR 84k C5: -FOG/MIS.022 0k : /MIS#022.CRC 1k C5: /MIS#022.DOC 2k : CALENDAR.CAL 25k C5: CALENDAR.DOC 3k : SUBJECT .SQF 24k C5: SUBJECT .TXT 30k : Library Directory for C5:MIS#023 .LBR 76k C5: -FOG/MIS.023 0k : /MIS#023.CRC 1k [More] C5: /MIS#023.DOC 2k : DELETE .KEY 1k C5: GRAPHICS.WS 4k : OSWSPRNT.TXT 2k C5: PORTABLE.DQA 24k : PORTABLE.DQC 4k Cr C6:KAY#005 .LBR 76k C6: -FOG/KAY.005 0k : /KAY#005.CRC 1k C6: /KAY#005.DOC 3k : B3KPRO-3.ASM 9k C6: FLYKPRO .COM 20k : GAMES .COM 39k C6: KP-BYE .COM 2k : KP-BYE .DOC 1k C6: XMODEM .COM 4k : There are 62 Member Files in 5 Library(s) >> DRIVE:C USER:6 FILES:7 SPACE USED:444K (2980K FREE) << [More] C7: -LOBOMAX.FOG 0K : MAX#001 .LBR 80K C7: MAX#002 .LBR 84K : MAX#003 .LBR 84K C7: MAX#004 .LBR 84K : MAX#005 .LBR 48K C7: MAX#006 .LBR 76K : MAX#007 .LBR 88K C7: MAX#008 .LBR 68K : MAX#009 .LBR 72K C7: MAX#010 .LBR 44K : MAX#011 .LBR 76K C7: MAX#012 .LBR 72K : WHATSNEW.COM 4K Library Directory for C7:MAX#001 .LBR 80k C7: -FOG/MAX.001 0k : /MAX#001.CRC 1k C7: /MAX#001.DOC 2k : CRCK .CHK 1k C7: NSWEEP .COM 12k : NSWP207 .COM 12k C7: NSWP207 .DQC 2k : NULU .COM 14k C7: NULU10 .COM 14k : NULU10 .DQC 22k Library Directory for C7:MAX#002 .LBR 84k C7: -FOG/MAX.002 0k : /MAX#002.CRC 1k C7: /MAX#05: PORTABLE.HDR 1k : PORTABLE.IQX 5k C5: PROPSPAC.DIA 11k : WS33FAST.ASM 3k C5: WS33PAT .AQM 10k : WS33PAT .DQC 2k C5: WSTIP1 .DOC 1k : WSUFIX4 .ASM 8k Library Directory for C5:MIS#024 .LBR 84k C5: -FOG/MIS.024 0k : /MIS#024.CRC 1k C5: /MIS#024.DOC 1k : GOTHIC .COM 11k C5: GOTHIC .DOC 2k : XMAS .PIC 69k C5: XMASPIC .DOC 1k : There are 326 Member Files in 24 Library(s) >> DRIVE:C USER:5 FILES:26 SPACE USED:1852K (2980K FREE) << C6: -KAYPRO .FOG 0K : KAY#001 .LBR 120K C6: KAY#002 .LBR 96K : KAY#003 .LBR 76K C6: KAY#004 .LBR 72K : KAY#005 .LBR 76K C6: WHATSNEW.COM 4K [More] Library Directory for C6:KAY#001 .LBR 120k C6: -FOG/KAY.001 0k : /KAY#001.DOC 3k C6: /KAY#002.CRC 1k : FRINSTAL.COM 8k C6: FRONT4 .COM 5k : FRONT4 .DOC 19k C6: FRONTPTC.AQM 4k : KP-TYPER.COM 5k C6: KP-TYPER.DOC 6k : KSTRO484.COM 4k C6: KSTROK10.COM 4k : KSTROKE2.COM 4k C6: KSTROKES.AQM 15k : KSTROKES.DOC 17k C6: VDO-02.DOC 2k : BAUD .ASM 2k C7: M7LO-1 .AQM 8k : M7NM-6 .AQM 5k C7: M7OD-4 .AQM 10k : MDM740 .DQC 26k C7: MDM740 .IQF 7k : MDM740 .OQJ 16k C7: SETIO .COM 2k : SETIO .MAC 9k [More] Library Directory for C7:MAX#003 .LBR 84k C7: -FOG/MAX.003 0k : /MAX#003.CRC 1k C7: /MAX#003.DOC 3k : BYE3MAX .AQM 47k C7: F3740 .BUG 1k : F3740 .MQC 22k C7: LOBO4 .DOC 3k : LOBOADR .DOC 2k C7: LTIME .COM 1k : NORMAL .COM 1k C7: QC .COM 3k : REVERSE .COM 1k Library Directory for C7:MAX#004 .LBR 84k C7: -FOG/MAX.004 0k : /MAX#004.CRC 1k C7: /MAX#004.DOC 3k : ALPHA .BAS 2k C7: ASSORTED. 1k : CHARINST.C 2k C7: CHARMODS.COM 2k : CHARSETS.DOC 7k C7: ENTER .BAS 3k : MONTHS . 1k C7: PHRASES . 1k : RBBSLOBO.AQC 14k C7: RBBSLOBO.OQJ 34k : RUSSIAN .COM 2k C7: RUSSIAN .DOC 2k : SMODEMX .COM 11k C7: TUTOR .BAS 2k : WEEKDAYS. 1k Library Directory for C7:MAX#005 .LBR 48k C7: -FOG/MAX.005 20K D2: MEX10Z .OBJ 24K : SMODEMZ .OBJ 12K D2: WHATSNEW.COM 4K : ZSWEEP .OBJ 12K >> DRIVE:D USER:2 FILES:10 SPACE USED:116K (5944K FREE) << D3: -NOVICES.PUB 0K : DE-LBR .DOC 4K D3: DE-LBR .OBJ 8K : HELP .OBJ 4K D3: PHELP .DQC 8K : PHELP .OBJ 4K D3: UNERA .DOC 4K : UNERA .OBJ 4K D3: WHATSNEW.COM 4K >> DRIVE:D USER:3 FILES:9 [More] SPACE USED:40K (5944K FREE) << D4: -LANG .FOG 0K : LNG#001 .LBR 76K D4: LNG#002 .LBR 76K : LNG#003 .LBR 76K D4: LNG#004 .LBR 56K : LNG#005 .LBR 68K D4: LNG#006 .LBR 20K : LNG#007 .LBR 56K D4: LNG#008 .LBR 80K : LNG#009 .LBR 72K D4: LNG#010 .LBR 72K : LNG#011 .LBR 60K D4: LNG#012 .LBR 72K : LNG#013 .LBR 68K D4: LNG#014 .LBR 64K : LNG#015 .LBR 64K D4: LNG#016 .LBR 56K : LNG#017 .LBR 80K D4: WHATSNEW.COM 4K Library Directory for D4:LNG#001 .LBR 76k D4: -FOG/LNG.001 0k : DISK .DOC 2k D4: TEST1A .ASM 3k : TEST2 .ASM 1k D4: Z80 .DOC 9k  0k : /MAX#005.CRC 1k C7: /MAX#005.DOC 4k : BDOSLOC .AQM 2k [More] C7: BDOSLOC .COM 1k : BENCH .BAS 1k C7: CHRSET .BQS 3k : CMDCOM .BQS 2k C7: MAXGRAP1.LQR 21k : MAXLETTR.LQR 9k C7: MEMTEST .COM 2k : TPA3 .COM 1k C7: TURNKEY .COM 1k : TURNKEY .MQC 2k C7: VFUZZY .BAS 1k : VSMALL .BAS 1k C7: WSKB .COM 1k : WSKB .MAC 1k C7: XFUNC .AQM 3k : Library Directory for C7:MAX#006 .LBR 76k C7: -FOG/MAX.006 0k : /MAX#006.CRC 1k C7: /MAX#006.DOC 2k : PHONE .0Q1 1k C7: SMODEM .AQM 49k : SMODEM .CQM 9k C7: SMODEM .DQC 16k : Library Directory for C7:MAX#007 .LBR 88k C7: -FOG/MAX.007 0k : /MAX#007.CRC 1k C7: /MAX#007.DOC 2k : ZCPRMAX .LQR 83k Library Directory for C7:MAX#008 .LBR 68k C7: -FOG/MAX.008 0k : /MAX#008.CRC 1k C7: /MAX#008.DOC 2k : MEX .CQM 20k C7: MEX .HQP 31k : MEXWEL .LQR 4k [More] C7: MXO-LO15.AQM 12k : Library Directory for C7:MAX#009 .LBR 72k C7: -FO: Z80 .LIB 6k D4: Z80ASM .COM 9k : Z80DOC .DOC 4k D4: Z80MAIN .ASM 28k : Z80OPCDS.ASM 4k D4: Z80SUBS .ASM 11k : Library Directory for D4:LNG#002 .LBR 76k D4: -FOG/LNG.002 0k : ASSEMBLE.COM 21k [More] D4: C .DOC 4k : C1 .COM 0k D4: CC .SUB 1k : DISK .DOC 2k D4: LINK .COM 13k : RUNTIME .TXT 2k D4: STDLIB .TXT 3k : Library Directory for D4:LNG#003 .LBR 76k D4: -FOG/LNG.003 0k : C .DEF 6k D4: C .SUB 1k : C1 .C 11k D4: C2 .C 13k : C3 .C 5k D4: C4 .C 6k : C5 .C 7k D4: C6 .C 4k : C7 .C 14k D4: C8 .C 7k : C9 .C 4k D4: DISK .DOC 2k : Library Directory for D4:LNG#004 .LBR 56k D4: -FOG/LNG.004 0k : CL .SUB 1k D4: DISK .DOC 2k : FUNCTION.ASM 3k D4: FUNCTION.CRL 1k : RUNTIME .ASM 12k D4: STDLIB .ASM 26k : SUBMIT .C 7k D4: TIME .C 5k : Library Directory for D4:LNG#005 .LBR 68k D4: -FOG/MAX.009 0k : /MAX#009.CRC 1k C7: /MAX#009.DOC 2k : MEX-EZ .LQR 9k C7: MEX-NEWS.LQR 21k : MEX10 .DQC 38k Library Directory for C7:MAX#010 .LBR 44k C7: -FOG/MAX.010 0k : /MAX#010.CRC 1k C7: /MAX#010.DOC 2k : KERMITM .COM 9k C7: KERMITM .DOC 30k : Library Directory for C7:MAX#011 .LBR 76k C7: -FOG/MAX.011 0k : /MAX#011.CRC 1k C7: /MAX#011.DOC 1k : KERM1PT1.ASM 72k Library Directory for C7:MAX#012 .LBR 72k C7: -FOG/MAX.012 0k : /MAX#012.CRC 1k C7: /MAX#012.DOC 1k : KERM1PT2.ASM 69k There are 108 Member Files in 12 Library(s) >> DRIVE:C USER:7 FILES:14 SPACE USED:880K (2980K FREE) << [More] D0: -LANG .PUB 0K >> DRIVE:D USER:0 FILES:1 SPACE USED:0K (5944K FREE) << D1: -MORROW .PUB 0K : WHATSNEW.COM 4K >> DRIVE:D USER:1 FILES:2 SPACE USED:4K (5944K FREE) << D2: -ZORBA .PUB 0K : INI .MEX 4K D2: INI .PHN 4K : M7ZB-3 .ASM 16K D2: MDM721Z .OBJ 20K : MDM740ZB.OBJG/LNG.005 0k : ALGINTRO.TXT 9k [More] D4: ALGOLM .COM 14k : ALGSTART.TXT 3k D4: COMERR .TXT 2k : DISK .DOC 2k D4: RUNALG .COM 14k : RUNERR .TXT 2k D4: USRMAN .TXT 25k : Library Directory for D4:LNG#006 .LBR 20k D4: -FOG/LNG.006 0k : ARRAY .ALG 3k D4: BLK .INP 1k : BLKTEST .ALG 1k D4: BOOLINT .ALG 1k : CASETEST.ALG 1k D4: CASETWO .ALG 1k : DISK .DOC 2k D4: FILE1 .INP 1k : FILE2 .INP 1k D4: FLYTEST .ALG 1k : GOTOTEST.ALG 1k D4: HANOI .ALG 2k : LUNAR .ALG 2k D4: ONEND2 .ALG 1k : PERM .ALG 2k D4: READWORD.ALG 2k : RFILE .INP 1k D4: RWINT .ALG 1k : SIISTR .ALG 1k D4: SORT .ALG 2k : STRING .ALG 1k D4: STRTST .ALG 1k : WFILE .OUT 1k D4: WINPUT .INP 1k : Library Directory for D4:LNG#007 .LBR 56k D4: -FOG/LNG.007 0k : DISK .DOC 2k D4: L81 .COM 11k : L82 .COM 11k [More] D4: L83 .COM 5k : M81 .COM 10k D4: ML .SUB 1k : ML80 .DOC 2k : JRTMAN .0Q0 3k D4: JRTMAN .0Q1 9k : JRTMAN .0Q2 6k D4: JRTMAN .0Q3 4k : JRTMAN .0Q4 8k D4: JRTMAN .0Q5 17k : JRTMAN .0Q6 15k D4: JRTMAN .INF 2k : Library Directory for D4:LNG#015 .LBR 64k D4: -FOG/LNG.015 0k : /LNG#015.CRC 1k D4: /LNG#015.DOC 2k : JRTMAN .0Q7 41k D4: JRTMAN .0Q8 2k : JRTMAN .0Q9 2k D4: JRTMAN .1Q0 9k : JRTMAN .1Q1 5k D4: JRTMAN .1Q2 5k : [More] Library Directory for D4:LNG#016 .LBR 56k D4: -FOG/LNG.016 0k : /LNG#016.CRC 1k D4: /LNG#016.DOC 2k : JRTMAN .1Q3 14k D4: JRTMAN .1Q4 2k : JRTMAN .1Q5 13k D4: JRTMAN .AQA 2k : JRTMAN .AQB 2k D4: JRTMAN .AQC 2k : JRTMAN .AQD 2k D4: JRTMAN .AQE 7k : JRTMAN .AQF 2k D4: JRTMAN .IQO 6k : JRTMAN .TQC 5k D4: JRTTECH .NQT 2k : Library Directory for D4:LNG#017 .LBR 80k D4: -FOG/LNG.017 0k : /LNG#017.CRC 1k D4: /LNG#017.DOC 3k : CPMFN .MAC 12k D4: CPMFN .REL 1k : CPMFNA .MAC 3k D4: CPMFNA .REL 1k : CP .DOC 2k D4: ML80 .REF 9k : WDIR .M80 3k D4: XDIR .M80 4k : Library Directory for D4:LNG#008 .LBR 80k D4: -FOG/LNG.008 0k : CUSTOMIZ.INT 1k D4: DEBUG .INT 1k : DISK .DOC 2k D4: JRTPAS2 .COM 21k : PASCAL .LIB 13k D4: PASCAL0 .INT 21k : PASCAL1 .INT 7k D4: PASCAL2 .INT 5k : PASCAL3 .INT 9k D4: PASCAL4 .INT 1k : Library Directory for D4:LNG#009 .LBR 72k D4: -FOG/LNG.009 0k : ARCTAN .PAS 2k D4: CONVERTM.INT 4k : COS .PAS 2k D4: DISK .DOC 2k : ERASE .INT 1k D4: EXEC .COM 23k : EXP .PAS 2k D4: JGRAF .PAS 8k : JRTASM .INT 16k D4: JSTAT .PAS 3k : LETTERS .INT 2k D4: LINKER .INT 4k : LN .PAS 2k D4: READTHIS. 2k : RENAME .INT 1k D4: RESETBIT.ASM 1k : SETBIT .ASM 1k [More] D4: SIN .PAS 1k : SQRT .PAS 1k D4: TESTBIT .ASM 1k : VERIFY .INT 1k Library Directory for D4:LNG#010 .LBR 72k D4: -FOG/LNG.010 0k : CRCKLIST.CRC 1k D4: DISK .DOC 3k : EM2MINT .FOR 29k D4: CPMINT .REL 5k : CPMLIB .DOC 17k D4: CPMLIB .REL 6k : TEST .FOR 4k There are 205 Member Files in 17 Library(s) >> DRIVE:D USER:4 FILES:19 SPACE USED:1120K (5944K FREE) << [More] D5: -MORROW .FOG 0K : MMD#001 .LBR 84K D5: MMD#002 .LBR 84K : MMD#003 .LBR 72K D5: MMD#004 .LBR 80K : MMD#005 .LBR 88K D5: MMD#006 .LBR 88K : WHATSNEW.COM 4K Library Directory for D5:MMD#001 .LBR 84k D5: -DISKDOC.001 2k : -FOG/MMD.001 0k D5: M7FNK .COM 3k : M7FNK .DQC 2k D5: M7LIB .COM 2k : M7LIB .DQC 2k D5: M7MD-1 .ASM 10k : M7NM-6 .ASM 7k D5: MDM730 .COM 19k : MODEM .COM 19k D5: SMODEM .COM 19k : Library Directory for D5:MMD#002 .LBR 84k D5: -FOG/MMD.002 0k : /DISKDOC.002 2k D5: D .COM 2k : D .DOC 1k D5: FBAD-DAT.COM 2k : FBAD-SYS.COM 2k D5: MDM730 .DQC 24k : NSWP199H.COM 8k D5: NSWP205 .COM 11k : TYPE109 .COM 2k D5: UNERA17 .COM 1k : XAMN .COM 27k D5: XDIR . .AQM 16k D4: EM2 .COM 3k : EM2 .DOC 5k D4: JRTFIX .SUB 1k : M80 .HLP 8k D4: MAC .FIX 3k : MAC .HLP 8k D4: MACREF .COM 2k : MACREF .DOC 1k D4: STDLIB20.AQM 15k : STDLIB20.DOC 2k D4: STDLIB20.TXT 3k : WORDPUZL.C 5k D4: XMAC .ASM 1k : Library Directory for D4:LNG#011 .LBR 60k D4: -FOG/LNG.011 0k : /LNG#011.CRC 1k D4: /LNG#011.DOC 2k : ASMFZ80 .DOC 4k D4: AUTOST .COM 13k : MVPFORTH.AQM 33k D4: MVPFORTH.DOC 8k : Library Directory for D4:LNG#012 .LBR 72k D4: -FOG/LNG.012 0k : -|--COPY.--- 0k D4: -|-DON'T.PIP 0k : /LNG#012.CRC 1k [More] D4: /LNG#012.DOC 2k : SDFORTH .DOC 3k D4: SDFORTH .SCR 65k : Library Directory for D4:LNG#013 .LBR 68k D4: -FOG/LNG.013 0k : -|--COPY.--- 0k D4: -|-DON'T.PIP 0k : /LIB#013.CRC 1k D4: /LNG#013.DOC 2k : DDFORTH .DOC 3k D4: DDFORTH .SCR 60k : Library Directory for D4:LNG#014 .LBR 64k D4: -FOG/LNG.014 0k : /LNG#014.CRC 1k D4: /LNG#014COM 3k : Library Directory for D5:MMD#003 .LBR 72k [More] D5: -FOG/MMD.003 0k : /MMD#003.DOC 3k D5: CAT2 .COM 1k : CATALOG .DQC 7k D5: EX12 .COM 3k : MAST .CAT 1k D5: MDMLNK .COM 2k : MDMLNK .DOC 2k D5: MDPRTR .AQM 4k : MESSAGE .ASM 3k D5: MESSAGE .COM 1k : MESSAGE .DOC 2k D5: N .COM 4k : NEWCAT .COM 6k D5: OUTLINE .COM 13k : OUTLINE .DOC 2k D5: PBH .COM 3k : PBH .DOC 1k D5: SCRAMBLE.COM 1k : SCRAMBLE.DOC 1k D5: UNSPOL .DOC 3k : UNSPOL33.COM 2k D5: WS3PATCH.LQT 12k : Library Directory for D5:MMD#004 .LBR 80k D5: -FOG/MMD.004 0k : /MMD#004.DOC 4k D5: @ .COM 4k : @ .DQC 4k D5: COMPASC .COM 2k : COMPBIN .COM 2k D5: CRCK .HQP 3k : CRCK44 .COM 2k D5: FTNOTE13.COM 16k : FTNOTE13.DQC 14k D5: MAGE31 .AQM 7k : MAGE31 .COM 2k D5: PATCHCPM.AQM 5k : PATCHCPM.HQP 4k D5: TYPEL .COM 4k : WSDOCON .COM 2k D5: WSDOCON .DQC 3k : WSPRTFMT.PQT 4k [More] B 0K : WHATSNEW.COM 4K >> DRIVE:E USER:3 FILES:2 SPACE USED:4K (160K FREE) << E4: -APPLIC .FOG 0K : APP#001 .LBR 72K E4: APP#002 .LBR 60K : APP#003 .LBR 72K E4: APP#004 .LBR 56K : APP#005 .LBR 72K E4: APP#006 .LBR 76K : APP#007 .LBR 76K E4: APP#008 .LBR 84K : APP#009 .LBR 72K E4: APP#010 .LBR 80K : APP#011 .LBR 68K E4: APP#012 .LBR 84K : APP#013 .LBR 80K E4: APP#014 .LBR 64K : APP#015 .LBR 84K [More] E4: APP#016 .LBR 84K : APP#017 .LBR 80K E4: APP#018 .LBR 84K : APP#019 .LBR 60K E4: APP#020 .LBR 76K : APP#021 .LBR 64K E4: APP#022 .LBR 76K : APP#023 .LBR 84K E4: APP#024 .LBR 60K : APP#025 .LBR 76K E4: APP#026 .LBR 76K : APP#027 .LBR 80K E4: APP#028 .LBR 84K : APP#029 .LBR 76K E4: APP#030 .LBR 72K : APP#031 .LBR 84K E4: APP#032 .LBR 52K : APP#033 .LBR 84K E4: APP#034 .LBR 72K : APP#035 .LBR 80K E4: APP#036 .LBR 84K : APP#037 .LBR 76K E4: APP#038 .LBR 76K : APP#039 .LBR 84K E4: APP#040 .LBR 84K : APP#041 .LBR 84K  D5: WSPRTPRO.PAT 1k : WSSYSOFF.PAT 2k Library Directory for D5:MMD#005 .LBR 88k D5: ++READ .IT! 2k : -FOG/MMD.005 0k D5: /MMD#005.CRC 1k : /MMD#005.DOC 3k D5: APPEND .ASM 1k : APPEND .COM 1k D5: COPY .MQI 5k : FILTW .COM 2k D5: LRUN .COM 2k : LSWEEP .DQC 6k D5: LSWEEP13.COM 16k : LU .DQC 14k D5: LU111 .COM 18k : MCI-MDM .AQM 7k D5: MCIMAIL .FQR 2k : MCIPAPR .FQR 6k D5: REVISION.20 2k : Library Directory for D5:MMD#006 .LBR 88k D5: -FOG/MMD.006 0k : /MMD#006.DOC 3k D5: EDFILE .COM 11k : EDFILE .DQC 12k D5: NSWP2 .WQ 18k : NSWP207 .COM 12k D5: NSWP207 .DQC 2k : PATCH .COM 8k D5: READ .ME 2k : WSPATSUG.TQT 5k D5: Z2PATMD .AQM 2k : Z2PATMD .HEX 1k D5: ZCPR2 .HQX 3k : ZCPRHDR .LQB 11k There are 98 Member Files in 6 Library(s) [More] >> DRIVE:D USER:5 FILES:8 SPACE USED:500K (5944K FREE) << D6: -ZORBA .FOG 0K : WHATSNEW.COM 4K >> DRIVE:D USER:6 FILES:2E4: APP#042 .LBR 72K : APP#043 .LBR 72K E4: APP#044 .LBR 80K : APP#045 .LBR 68K E4: APP#046 .LBR 60K : APP#047 .LBR 64K E4: APP#048 .LBR 80K : APP#049 .LBR 84K E4: APP#050 .LBR 76K : APP#051 .LBR 84K E4: APP#052 .LBR 68K : APP#053 .LBR 68K E4: APP#054 .LBR 60K : APP#055 .LBR 80K E4: APP#056 .LBR 80K : APP#057 .LBR 80K E4: APP#058 .LBR 64K : WHATSNEW.COM 4K [More] Library Directory for E4:APP#001 .LBR 72k E4: -FOG/APP.001 0k : ACCTFILE.BAS 2k E4: BINSERCH.BAS 1k : COMPILE .SUB 1k E4: CURSOR .BAS 1k : DISK .DOC 1k E4: FILEINIT.BAS 1k : G/L .DOC 3k E4: G/L-INFO.BAS 2k : G/L000 .BAS 2k E4: G/L010 .BAS 6k : G/L020 .BAS 6k E4: G/L030 .BAS 6k : G/L040 .BAS 9k E4: G/L050 .BAS 12k : G/L070 .BAS 5k E4: G/L080 .BAS 8k : GENINFO .BAS 1k E4: POSTFILE.BAS 2k : SUBS1 .BAS 5k Library Directory for E4:APP#002 .LBR 60k E4: -FOG/APP.002 0k : AUTOST .COM 2k E4: CRT . 7k : DISK .DOC 1k E4: G/I0F SPACE USED:4K (5944K FREE) << D7: -NOVICES.FOG 0K : /STARTER.DOC 4K D7: DE-LBR .DOC 4K : DE-LBR .OBJ 8K D7: DSKLABL2.AQM 12K : DU-V87 .DOC 16K D7: DU-V87 .OBJ 8K : EDFILE .DOC 20K D7: EDFILE .OBJ 12K : FBAD57 .DOC 8K D7: FBAD57 .OBJ 4K : NSWEEP .DOC 28K D7: NSWP207 .OBJ 12K : NULU11 .DOC 52K D7: NULU11 .OBJ 16K : RESTORE .ASM 8K D7: RESTORE .COM 4K : UNERA+ .DOC 4K D7: UNERA+ .OBJ 4K : WHATSNEW.COM 4K >> DRIVE:D USER:7 FILES:20 SPACE USED:228K (5944K FREE) << E0: -APPLIC .PUB 0K : MATH1 .FON 8K E0: RECOVER .OBJ 16K : RECOVER .PQS 4K E0: WHATSNEW.COM 4K : WSMOD4 .AQM 12K [More] >> DRIVE:E USER:0 FILES:6 SPACE USED:44K (160K FREE) << E1: -MICROMA.PUB 0K : WHATSNEW.COM 4K >> DRIVE:E USER:1 FILES:2 SPACE USED:4K (160K FREE) << E2: -EXEC .PUB 0K : WHATSNEW.COM 4K >> DRIVE:E USER:2 FILES:2 SPACE USED:4K (160K FREE) << E3: -TELEVID.PU010.DAT 1k : G/L .LTR 6k E4: G/L .SUB 1k : G/L000 .INT 2k E4: G/L010 .INT 5k : G/L020 .INT 2k E4: G/L030 .INT 5k : G/L040 .INT 6k E4: G/L050 .INT 6k : G/L070 .INT 4k E4: G/L080 .INT 5k : G/L0F020.DAT 0k E4: G/L0F030.DAT 0k : G/L0F110.DAT 1k E4: G/L0F130.DAT 1k : NEC000 .BAS 2k [More] E4: NEC000 .INT 2k : NUL000 .BAS 2k E4: NUL000 .INT 2k : OKI000 .BAS 2k E4: OKI000 .INT 2k : Library Directory for E4:APP#003 .LBR 72k E4: -FOG/APP.003 0k : ANNTOT1 .BAS 5k E4: ANNTOT1 .INT 3k : BUDGET1 .BAS 12k E4: BUDGET1 .DOC 2k : BUDGET1 .INT 6k E4: BUDGETCH.BAS 5k : BUDGETCH.INT 2k E4: DISK .DOC 1k : EXP1980 .TOT 2k E4: EXPENS80.JAN 1k : LEDGER1 .BAS 7k E4: LEDGER1 .DOC 2k : LEDGER1 .INT 3k E4: RJ .BAS 12k : RJ .DOC 4k E4: RJ .INT 6k : Library Directory for E4:APP#004 .LBR 56k E4: -FOG/APP.004 0k : 2NDMTG .CAL 2k E4: AMORT .CAL 10k : CHANGE .BAS 1k E4: DISK 72k E4: -FOG/APP.009 0k : AMPRESP .BAS 13k E4: BLLSTC .BAS 10k : CAL2 .BAS 8k E4: CAL2 .DOC 3k : CAL2 .INT 4k E4: CONNHORN.BAS 2k : DATABASE. 1k E4: DISK .DOC 2k : FFT .BAS 3k E4: FITTER .BAS 7k : RATIOS .BAS 5k E4: RATIOS .DOC 1k : RECOIL .BAS 2k E4: RFUTIL .BAS 8k : SAMP .BAS 6k E4: STRPLINE.BAS 3k : Library Directory for E4:APP#010 .LBR 80k E4: -FOG/APP.010 0k : DISK .DOC 3k E4: EDITOR .BAS 11k : EDITOR .COM 24k E4: MPG1 .CAL 19k : NFLFYL . 0k E4: NFLSTATS.BAS 2k : NFLUPDAT.BAS 5k E4: STCKEXMP.BAS 1k : STOCKFL . 0k E4: STOCKS .BAS 2k : TRAVS .BAS 10k E4: TRAVS .INT 6k : Library Directory for E4:APP#011 .LBR 68k E4: -FOG/APP.011 0k : BOOK . 2k E4: C-UPDATE.BAS 2k : C-UPDATE.INT 1k [More] E4: CBOOK .BAS 9k : CBOOK .INT 5k E4: CDAILY .BAS 2k : CDAILY .INT 1k E4: CHKBOOK .DOC 3k : CMENU .BAS 1k E4: CMENU .INT 1k : DISK .DOC  .DOC 3k : DISPLREC.BAS 1k E4: DOEND .BAS 1k : DOINIT .BAS 1k E4: DOORDER .BAS 1k : DOSTART .BAS 1k E4: FUNCTION.BAS 3k : GETORDER.BAS 2k E4: GETREC .BAS 1k : HEADMOD .BAS 1k [More] E4: LABELS .BAS 1k : LABELS .DOC 3k E4: LABELS .INT 4k : LOANPMT .CAL 6k E4: MODFILE .BAS 2k : MODREC .BAS 1k E4: MPLABELS. 1k : MPLABELS.FMT 1k E4: OPENFILE.BAS 1k : PRINTLBL.BAS 3k E4: ROLLLIST. 1k : ROLLLIST.FMT 1k E4: SUNRISE .BAS 10k : SUNRISE .INT 4k E4: TOFILE .BAS 1k : ZEROREC .BAS 1k Library Directory for E4:APP#005 .LBR 72k E4: -FOG/APP.005 0k : AMORT .BAS 2k E4: AMORTIZR.BAS 2k : CURVFIT .BAS 6k E4: CURVFIT .DOC 4k : DATES .BAS 2k E4: DEPRE .BAS 3k : DEPREC .BAS 2k E4: DISK .DOC 3k : EXPOTIME.BAS 1k E4: FSTOP .BAS 1k : MCOMP1 .BAS 1k E4: MONTHS .BAS 4k : MORTCOMP.BAS 3k E4: PERT1 .BAS 8k : PERT2 .BAS 6k E4: PROPERTY.BAS 3k : RETURN .BAS 3k E4: SIMEQU .BAS 3k 3k E4: FINANCE .BAS 8k : LOOKUP .AQM 5k E4: LOOKUP .COM 1k : LOOKUP .DOC 3k E4: MEASURE .BAS 6k : NEWGENEA.BAS 12k E4: WSMODS1 .AQM 8k : WSMODS1 .DOC 1k Library Directory for E4:APP#012 .LBR 84k E4: -FOG/APP.012 0k : A/RJOURN.CAL 18k E4: BPROFIT .CAL 2k : BUGWS1 .CAL 4k E4: DISBURS1.CAL 8k : DISBURS2.CAL 8k E4: DISK .DOC 2k : OWS .COM 1k E4: OWS .DOC 1k : PARTWS1 .CAL 2k E4: PAYABLES.CAL 14k : RECEIVAB.CAL 4k E4: RECONCIL.CAL 2k : RPN .COM 8k E4: RPN .CQ 8k : RPN .DOC 5k Library Directory for E4:APP#013 .LBR 80k E4: -FOG/APP.013 0k : AUTOST .COM 3k E4: CRCKLIST.CRC 1k : DISK .DOC 2k E4: PERT .DOC 29k : PERT128 .BAS 10k [More] E4: PERT80 .BAS 10k : PERTSAMP.COM 27k E4: PERTTEST. 1k : Library Directory for E4:APP#014 .LBR 64k E4: -FOG/APP.014 0k : @ .COM 5k E4: @ .DOC 1k : AUTOST .COM 2k E4: CHARGES .BAS 3k : CRCKLIST.CRC 2k E4: D .CMD  : SIMEQU .DOC 2k E4: SINKFUND.BAS 1k : STANDEV .BAS 3k E4: STANDEV .DOC 2k : WSPATCH .ASM 8k E4: WSPATCH .COM 2k : WSPATCH .DOC 4k [More] Library Directory for E4:APP#006 .LBR 76k E4: -FOG/APP.006 0k : BEEP .ART 5k E4: DISK .DOC 3k : HELP .COM 4k E4: INDEX .COM 11k : INDEX .HLP 10k E4: SORT .BAS 2k : TEACH .ASM 10k E4: TEACH .COM 17k : TEACH .DOC 3k E4: WSFAST .ASM 6k : WSFAST .DOC 9k E4: WSFAST .HEX 1k : Library Directory for E4:APP#007 .LBR 76k E4: -FOG/APP.007 0k : DISK .DOC 1k E4: HELP .BAS 2k : HELP-1 .BAS 6k E4: HELP-2 . 3k : HELP-3 . 4k E4: HELP-4 . 13k : MAIL .BAS 8k E4: MENU .BAS 9k : MERGE .BAS 2k E4: OPERATE .BAS 12k : REPORT .BAS 10k E4: REPT-FRM.BAS 5k : SORT .BAS 4k Library Directory for E4:APP#008 .LBR 84k E4: -FOG/APP.008 0k : EIGEN .COM 41k E4: MCALC .COM 41k : [More] Library Directory for E4:APP#009 .LBR  3k : D .MEM 3k E4: DISK .DOC 3k : DRAW .BAS 8k E4: DRAW .DOC 1k : EDIT .CMD 3k E4: ENTER .CMD 4k : FOG .CMD 1k E4: FOG .DBF 1k : FOGDBASE.DOC 2k E4: K .DOC 1k : KDRAW .BAS 6k E4: KPLOT .BAS 7k : LAST .NDX 2k E4: LBL .CMD 2k : MABPLOT . 1k E4: MPRINT . 1k : PHONE .CMD 1k E4: PHONE .FRM 1k : SCDESIGN.BAS 7k Library Directory for E4:APP#015 .LBR 84k E4: -FOG/APP.015 0k : 1040AB82.CAL 12k E4: 1040AB82.DOC 3k : ANOVA-RM.CAL 19k E4: CRCKLIST.CRC 1k : DISK .DOC 2k E4: LIN-REG .CAL 19k : TAXBASE .CAL 25k [More] E4: TAXBASE .DOC 3k : Library Directory for E4:APP#016 .LBR 84k E4: -FOG/APP.016 0k : AMORT .DOC 7k E4: AMORT60 .CAL 26k : CRCKLIST.CRC 1k E4: DISK .DOC 1k : GEM2 .CAL 25k E4: GEMLOAN .CAL 25k : Library Directory for E4:APP#017 .LBR 80k E4: -FOG/APP.017 0k : CRCKLIST.CRC 1k E4: DISK .DOC 2k : DRECTORY.BAS 5k E4: DRECTORY.COIST.CRC 1k E4: DISK .DOC 2k : LINREG .BAS 3k E4: PORTPRFM.BAS 4k : QKSORT% .BAS 2k [More] E4: SCRNIN .BAS 3k : STKBASE .INT 15k E4: STKBETA .BAS 8k : STKFPRNT.BAS 3k E4: STKGRAPH.BAS 2k : STKGRAPH.INT 8k E4: STKHIST .BAS 4k : STKPLOT .BAS 4k E4: STKPRFM .BAS 5k : STKPRICE.BAS 4k E4: STKPRICE.INT 11k : Library Directory for E4:APP#026 .LBR 76k E4: -FOG/APP.026 0k : CRCKLIST.CRC 1k E4: DAYHST .DAT 2k : DISK .DOC 2k E4: JULDATE%.BAS 2k : QKSORT$ .BAS 2k E4: STKADD .BAS 7k : STKBASE .BAS 6k E4: STKCHANG.BAS 10k : STKCREAT.BAS 8k E4: STKFIL01.DAT 1k : STKPRICE.BAK 1k E4: STKPRICE.DAT 1k : STKTRANS.BAS 7k E4: STKUPDAT.BAS 11k : STKUPDTE.BAS 4k E4: STOKBASE.DOC 12k : STOKBASE.TXT 3k Library Directory for E4:APP#027 .LBR 80k E4: -FOG/APP.027 0k : CRCKLIST.CRC 1k E4: DISK .DOC 2k : SCRNIN2 .BAS 3k E4: SCRNIN3 .BAS 3k : STKBASE2.INT 16k E4: STKBASE3.INT 16k : STKGRAP2.INT 8k [More] M 23k : DRECTORY.TXT 2k E4: DSORT .BAS 3k : DSORT .COM 22k E4: TEACH2 .AQM 7k : TEACH2 .COM 17k Library Directory for E4:APP#018 .LBR 84k E4: -FOG/APP.018 0k : CRCKLIST.CRC 1k E4: DISK .DOC 2k : EAC .COM 28k E4: EAC .DOC 7k : WSP2ANA .AQM 9k E4: WSP2ANA .HEX 2k : WSP2EPSN.AQM 10k E4: WSP2EPSN.HEX 2k : WSPATCH2.DOC 25k Library Directory for E4:APP#019 .LBR 60k [More] E4: -FOG/APP.019 0k : A . 1k E4: ADDBACK .SUB 1k : CRCKLIST.CRC 1k E4: DALSPACH.AQM 10k : DALSPACH.COM 3k E4: DALSPACH.DOC 2k : DISK .DOC 2k E4: F . 1k : L . 2k E4: LARGE .COP 1k : LETT .DIR 1k E4: LETTBACK.SUB 1k : OS1OWN01.A83 3k E4: PALC-SIG.COP 1k : PRINTME .1ST 29k E4: PROWPINS. 4k : SAMP-SIG.COP 1k E4: SMALL .COP 1k : Y-FORMAL.COP 1k Library Directory for E4:APP#020 .LBR 76k E4: -FOG/APP.020 0k : @ .DOC 5k E4: CRCKLIST.CRC 1k : DISK .DOC 2k E4: ENVELOPE.MRG 1k E4: STKGRAP3.INT 8k : STKPRIC2.INT 11k E4: STKPRIC3.INT 11k : Library Directory for E4:APP#028 .LBR 84k E4: -FOG/APP.028 0k : /APP#028.CRC 1k E4: /APP#028.DOC 2k : AUTOST .COM 2k E4: CHECK .CAL 2k : CHECK .DOC 1k E4: PCEXPORT.COM 15k : PCFILE .COM 35k E4: PCSORT .COM 26k : Library Directory for E4:APP#029 .LBR 76k E4: -FOG/APP.029 0k : /APP#029.CRC 1k E4: /APP#029.DOC 3k : 3-DPLOT .BAS 3k E4: CGPLOT .BAS 8k : INSTAL3 .SUB 1k E4: INSTALDD.SUB 2k : INSTALSD.SUB 2k E4: INVTRIG .BAS 1k : OKIWSP .HEX 2k E4: PCFILE .DOC 38k : PLOT3 .BAS 7k E4: PROC .DOC 6k : SCOTT .DOC 4k E4: WSPTCHDD.COM 4k : Library Directory for E4:APP#030 .LBR 72k E4: -FOG/APP.030 0k : /APP#030.CRC 1k E4: /APP#030.DOC 2k : AMORTAB2.CAL 23k [More] E4: AMORTAB2.DOC 5k : BYMAIL .ADD 1k E4: BYMAIL .CMD 2k : BYMAIL .DOC 2k E4: BYMAIL .ED 2k : BYMAIL .FAU 1k E4: BYMAIL .GET 6k : BYMAIL .GO 1k E4: BY : SAMPLE .TAX 22k E4: TAX .DOC 9k : TAX1 .CAL 22k E4: TAX2 .CAL 5k : W2 .MRG 2k E4: WSMODS .AQM 5k : WSMODS .DOC 3k Library Directory for E4:APP#021 .LBR 64k E4: -FOG/APP.021 0k : CRCKLIST.CRC 1k E4: DISK .DOC 1k : TAXTMPL .DOC 20k E4: TAXTMPL1.CAL 12k : TAXTMPL2.CAL 25k [More] E4: TAXTMPL3.CAL 6k : Library Directory for E4:APP#022 .LBR 76k E4: -FOG/APP.022 0k : CRCKLIST.CRC 1k E4: DISK .DOC 1k : TAXTMPL4.CAL 8k E4: TAXTMPL5.CAL 17k : TAXTMPL6.CAL 24k E4: TAXTMPL7.CAL 24k : Library Directory for E4:APP#023 .LBR 84k E4: -FOG/APP.023 0k : CRCKLIST.CRC 1k E4: DICT .DIC 56k : DISK .DOC 3k E4: SPELLM20.DOC 19k : SPELLM21.COM 6k Library Directory for E4:APP#024 .LBR 60k E4: -FOG/APP.024 0k : CRCKLIST.CRC 1k E4: DICCRE10.COM 2k : DICCRE10.MQC 11k E4: DISK .DOC 3k : SPELLM20.COM 6k E4: SPELLM20.MQC 37k : Library Directory for E4:APP#025 .LBR 76k E4: -FOG/APP.025 0k : CRCKLMAIL .IO 2k : BYMAIL .LBL 3k E4: BYMAIL .OUT 2k : ELNA .CAL 20k E4: ELNA .DOC 5k : Library Directory for E4:APP#031 .LBR 84k E4: -FOG/APP.031 0k : /APP#031.CRC 1k E4: /APP#031.DOC 2k : BYMAIL .PRN 4k E4: BYMAIL .RPT 2k : BYMAIL .SCR 4k E4: BYMAIL .VAL 1k : BYMAIL .WS 2k E4: CHARGEN .CAL 5k : CHECKBAL.CAL 13k E4: CPA .BAS 8k : ELNAEX .CAL 25k E4: HISNHERS.CAL 16k : READ .THS 2k Library Directory for E4:APP#032 .LBR 52k E4: -FOG/APP.032 0k : /APP#032.CRC 2k E4: /APP#032.DOC 1k : A .CMD 3k E4: ADD .MEM 3k : ALPH .FRM 1k E4: APEXMAIL.DBF 2k : AUTOST .COM 5k E4: CARDS .CMD 2k : DUMP .FRM 1k [More] E4: HELLO .CMD 1k : LABELMEN.FMT 2k E4: LABELS .CMD 1k : LOADER .CMD 1k E4: MAIL .DOC 2k : MAILCOMP.NDX 3k E4: MAILREP .CMD 2k : MAILZIP .NDX 2k E4: MAINMENU.FMT 2k : MAKEMEM .CMD 1k E4: POSTCARD.FMT 2k : PRELUDE .CMD 3k E4: PRINTLBL.CMD 1k : PRINTOFFE4:APP#037 .LBR 76k E4: -FOG/APP.037 0k : /APP#037.CRC 1k E4: /APP#037.DOC 3k : ARCHCPY .COM 18k E4: ARCHTYPE.COM 19k : BINOM2 .BAS 3k E4: BINOM2 .INT 2k : CURVFIT2.BAS 8k E4: DEFAULTS.SUB 1k : MESSAGE1.SUB 1k E4: MESSAGE2.SUB 1k : PRINT .SUB 1k E4: WSPATCH3.ASM 16k : WSPATCH3.DOC 3k E4: WSSUBMIT.DOC 3k : Library Directory for E4:APP#038 .LBR 76k [More] E4: -FOG/APP.038 0k : /APP#038.CRC 1k E4: /APP#038.DOC 2k : ALTER .CMD 2k E4: CHEX .CMD 3k : CHEX .DOC 6k E4: CHEXFILE.LST 1k : CHKPRINT.CMD 3k E4: CHXA .DBF 1k : CHXB .DBF 2k E4: CHXLOAD .CMD 3k : DBSQUASH.BAS 6k E4: DBSQUASH.COM 20k : DBSQUASH.DOC 5k E4: EDIT .CMD 2k : FINDCOD .CMD 2k E4: FINDNAM .CMD 2k : GCDPROGS.DOC 3k E4: INDXA .NDX 1k : INDXB .NDX 1k E4: KANCELS .CMD 3k : MEMVAR .MEM 3k E4: MENU .CMD 4k : SELECT .CMD 2k Library Directory for E4:APP#039 .LBR 84k E4: -FOG/APP.039 0k : /APP#039.CRC 1k E4: .CMD 1k E4: PRINTREP.CMD 1k : REP .FMT 2k E4: SEARCH .CMD 1k : SELECTMN.FMT 2k E4: UP1LBL .CMD 1k : UP1SEL .CMD 2k E4: UP2LBL .CMD 2k : UP2SEL .CMD 3k E4: UP3LBL .CMD 2k : UP3SEL .CMD 3k E4: UPDATE .CMD 1k : UPDATEMN.FMT 2k Library Directory for E4:APP#033 .LBR 84k E4: -FOG/APP.033 0k : /APP#033.CRC 1k E4: /APP#033.DOC 2k : G/L-USE .DOC 5k E4: G/L0F110.DAT 33k : G/L0F130.DAT 1k E4: NETBLANK.CAL 9k : NETWORTH.CAL 10k E4: NETWORTH.DOC 8k : SMBUS .CAL 8k E4: SW104 .BAS 4k : SW80 .BAS 4k Library Directory for E4:APP#034 .LBR 72k [More] E4: -FOG/APP.034 0k : /APP#034.CRC 2k E4: /APP#034.DOC 2k : ADDSCRN .FMT 2k E4: CITYLST .CMD 1k : CITYLST .FRM 1k E4: DELREC .CMD 2k : DELSCRN .FMT 2k E4: DEMGRAPH.CMD 7k : FOGMAIL .DBF 1k E4: FULLLST .CMD 2k : LIST .FRM 2k E4: MAILADD .CMD 3k : MAILDEL .CMD 2k E4: MAILENV .CMD 3k : MAILFMT .FMT 2k E4: MAILINFO.CMD 2k : MAILLAB .CMD 4k/APP#039.DOC 2k : BCSQUASH.BAS 5k E4: BCSQUASH.DOC 6k : MULTREG .BAS 15k E4: MULTREG .DOC 5k : VMAP2 .BQS 11k E4: VMAP2 .COM 31k : VMAP2 .DOC 7k Library Directory for E4:APP#040 .LBR 84k E4: -FOG/APP.040 0k : /APP#040.CRC 1k E4: /APP#040.DOC 2k : ELECTRON.BAS 18k [More] E4: LISTINGS.BAS 11k : STKBASE .FIX 1k E4: STKBASE .INT 15k : STKBASE .LTR 3k E4: STKCREAT.BAS 8k : TAXTMPL4.CAL 7k E4: TAXTMPL7.CAL 18k : Library Directory for E4:APP#041 .LBR 84k E4: -FOG/APP.041 0k : /APP#041.CRC 1k E4: /APP#041.DOC 1k : TAXTMPL .DOC 21k E4: TAXTMPL1.CAL 9k : TAXTMPL2.CAL 17k E4: TAXTMPL3.CAL 5k : TAXTMPL5.CAL 12k E4: TAXTMPL6.CAL 18k : Library Directory for E4:APP#042 .LBR 72k E4: -FOG/APP.042 0k : /APP#042.CRC 1k E4: /APP#042.DOC 2k : A/P0F030.PST 1k E4: A/P0F130.DAT 1k : A/P1 .DOC 19k E4: AUTOST .COM 2k : COMPA/P1.SUB 1k E4: COMPA/P2.SUB 1k : CRT . 7k E4: CRT1 . 20k : FILEINIT.BAS 2k E E4: MAILLST .CMD 2k : MAILLTTR.CMD 4k E4: MAILUPDT.CMD 2k : MENU .CMD 3k E4: NAME .NDX 1k : NAMEADDR.FRM 1k E4: PHONE .FRM 1k : PRINT .TXT 2k E4: SQRT .CMD 2k : SQRT .DBF 1k E4: SQRT .DOC 1k : UGRAPH .CMD 5k E4: UGRAPH .DBF 1k : UGRAPH .DOC 2k E4: UPDTREC .CMD 4k : UPDTSCRN.FMT 2k Library Directory for E4:APP#035 .LBR 80k E4: -FOG/APP.035 0k : /APP#035.CRC 1k E4: /APP#035.DOC 2k : 1040ES .CAL 11k E4: 3DGRAPH .BAS 2k : CALCTAX .CAL 11k E4: LABELPRT.CMD 5k : LABELPRT.DBF 1k [More] E4: LABELPRT.MEM 3k : SC/VC .DOC 4k E4: SCHEDG .CAL 20k : SCTOVC .BAS 5k E4: SCTOVC .DOC 4k : TAX001 .DOC 2k E4: VCTOSC .BAS 5k : VCTOSC .DOC 4k Library Directory for E4:APP#036 .LBR 84k E4: -FOG/APP.036 0k : /APP#036.CRC 1k E4: /APP#036.DOC 2k : ARCHADD .COM 20k E4: ARCHDIR .COM 17k : ARCHGET .COM 20k E4: ARCHIVE .HLP 12k : PAINT2 .BAS 9k E4: PAINT2 .DOC 6k : Library Directory for 4: G/I0F010.DAT 1k : G/L000 .BAS 2k E4: G/L010 .BAS 6k : G/L020 .BAS 6k E4: G/L030 .BAS 6k : PRTA/P1 .SUB 1k E4: PRTG/L1 .SUB 1k : [More] Library Directory for E4:APP#043 .LBR 72k E4: -FOG/APP.043 0k : /APP#043.CRC 1k E4: /APP#043.DOC 2k : A/P-INFO.BAS 1k E4: A/P000 .BAS 2k : A/P010 .BAS 13k E4: A/P02A .BAS 4k : A/P02B .BAS 6k E4: ACCTFILE.BAS 1k : ACCTG .BAS 3k E4: BINSEARC.BAS 1k : BINSERCH.BAS 1k E4: G/L040 .BAS 9k : G/L050 .BAS 12k E4: G/L070 .BAS 5k : G/L080 .BAS 9k E4: G/L0F130.DAT 1k : G/L1 .DOC 7k Library Directory for E4:APP#044 .LBR 80k E4: -FOG/APP.044 0k : /APP#044.CRC 1k E4: /APP#044.DOC 2k : A/P030 .BAS 12k E4: A/P040 .BAS 11k : A/P050 .BAS 6k E4: A/P060 .BAS 7k : A/P070 .BAS 11k E4: A/P080 .BAS 2k : A/P090 .BAS 12k E4: A/P110 .BAS 5k : A/P120 .BAS 9k E4: CURSOR .BAS 1k : G/L-INFO.BAS 1k E4: GENINFO .BAS 1k : Library Directory for E4:APP#045 .LBR 68k 8k : SPELLTST.BAS 6k E4: TYPEFAST.BAS 16k : UNSOFT .COM 6k E4: UNSOFT .DOC 1k : Library Directory for E4:APP#049 .LBR 84k E4: -FOG/APP.049 0k : /APP#049.CRC 1k E4: /APP#049.DOC 3k : FTNOTE12.COM 12k E4: FTNOTE12.DOC 15k : ROFF .COM 18k E4: ROFF .DOC 8k : TAX83 .CAL 26k E4: TAX83 .DOC 1k : Library Directory for E4:APP#050 .LBR 76k E4: -FOG/APP.050 0k : /APP#050.CRC 1k E4: /APP#050.DOC 6k : CALC-DM .BAS 9k E4: DDISK-DM.BAS 3k : DESK-DM .BAS 20k E4: DESK-DM .BQK 20k : DIALER .AQM 10k E4: DIALER .COM 2k : DIALER .DQC 8k E4: IDENT-DM. 1k : INIT-DM .BAS 1k Library Directory for E4:APP#051 .LBR 84k [More] E4: -FOG/APP.051 0k : /APP#051.CRC 1k E4: /APP#051.DOC 4k : ADD .BAS 11k E4: DIV .BAS 13k : DU .COM 8k E4: GRAPHIC .BAS 6k : KIDMATH .UQ 16k E4: KM .BAS 4k : MUL .BAS 11k E4: SUB .BAS 11k : Library Directory for E4:APP#052 .LBR 68k E4: -FOG/APP.052 0k : /AP [More] E4: -FOG/APP.045 0k : /APP#045.CRC 1k E4: /APP#045.DOC 4k : EMF .DOC 24k E4: ENVELOP .AQM 3k : ENVELOP .COM 1k E4: ENVELOP .DOC 1k : FFT .BAS 3k E4: FINANAL .CAL 5k : FINANAL .DOC 2k E4: MENU .CMD 2k : MENU2 .CMD 7k E4: MPRINT . 1k : POMENU .CMD 2k E4: POSTFILE.BAS 1k : READINV .BAS 1k E4: READVEND.BAS 1k : STMTRATO.CAL 5k E4: STMTRATO.DOC 2k : SUBS1 .BAS 5k E4: WRITEINV.BAS 1k : WRITEVND.BAS 1k Library Directory for E4:APP#046 .LBR 60k E4: -FOG/APP.046 0k : /APP#046.CRC 2k E4: /APP#046.DOC 2k : ENTER .CMD 1k E4: FILL .CMD 7k : INDCAT .NDX 1k E4: INDLAST .NDX 1k : INDNUM .NDX 1k E4: INDPO .NDX 1k : INVENTOR.CMD 2k E4: INVENTOR.FRM 1k : INVOICE .DBF 2k E4: ITEM .CMD 2k : ITEM .DBF 2k E4: LABEL .CMD 5k : LOAN .BAS 3k E4: MARK .CMD 1k : NAMES .DBF 2k E4: NUM .MEM 3k : PO .CMD 6k [More] E4: PO .DBF 4k : POMEM .P#052.CRC 1k E4: /APP#052.DOC 2k : DIABLO .BAS 1k E4: DIABLO .COM 7k : DIABLO .DIR 2k E4: DIABLO .DOC 11k : DIABLO .PRN 4k E4: MORP33A .ASM 3k : MORP33A .PRN 5k E4: MORP33A .REL 1k : MORP33A .SYM 1k E4: MORPAT .ASM 3k : MORPAT .HEX 1k E4: MORPAT .PRN 4k : MORPAT .REL 1k E4: MORPAT .SYM 1k : PAGE .BAS 1k E4: PAGE .COM 7k : WSNECSCI.DQC 20k Library Directory for E4:APP#053 .LBR 68k E4: -FOG/APP.053 0k : /APP#053.CRC 1k E4: /APP#053.DOC 2k : /USEWITH.054 0k E4: 01 .M00 3k : 01 .R00 2k [More] E4: 02 .M00 3k : 02 .R00 2k E4: 03 .M00 3k : 03 .R00 2k E4: 1 .D00 5k : 1 .DIR 1k E4: 1 .E00 2k : 1 .L00 3k E4: 1 .S00 2k : 11 .M00 7k E4: 11 .R00 4k : 12 .M00 7k E4: 12 .R00 4k : 13 .M00 5k E4: 13 .R00 3k : PRINTME .1ST 13k Library Directory for E4:APP#054 .LBR 60k E4: -FOG/APP.054 0k : /APP#054.CRCMEM 3k E4: PORTLBL .CMD 1k : SETUP .CMD 4k E4: SIGN .CMD 2k : STATS1 .BAS 2k E4: TEST .CMD 3k : UNPAID .FRM 1k E4: VEND .FRM 1k : VENDOR .DBF 3k Library Directory for E4:APP#047 .LBR 64k E4: -FOG/APP.047 0k : /APP#047.CRC 1k E4: /APP#047.DOC 3k : ABREV-SQ.CMD 1k E4: BALANCE .CAL 2k : BALANCE .DOC 1k E4: CANCEL .CMD 4k : CHECKS .CMD 3k E4: CHECKS .DBF 1k : CHECKS .MEM 3k E4: CHECKS .NDX 1k : COMMSN .BAS 3k E4: COMMSN .DOC 2k : ENVELOPE.MM 1k E4: FINANCE .BAS 5k : NEWENTER.CMD 4k E4: NEWNAMES.BAS 3k : NEWNAMES.DOC 14k E4: PUTNAMES.CMD 2k : SQ-ROOT .CMD 3k E4: SQ-ROOT .DOC 1k : STOCGRPH.BAS 3k E4: STOCGRPH.DOC 3k : TYPENAME.DBF 3k E4: TYPENAME.NDX 2k : Library Directory for E4:APP#048 .LBR 80k E4: -FOG/APP.048 0k : /APP#048.CRC 1k [More] E4: /APP#048.DOC 3k : 05-20-84.SPL 1k E4: AMORTAB3.CAL 20k : AMRT3SC2.DOC 3k E4: ENSOFT2 .COM 7k : ENSOFT2 .CQ 10k E4: ENSOFT2 .DOC 1k E4: /APP#054.DOC 2k : 14 .M00 6k E4: 14 .R00 3k : 2 .D00 5k E4: 2 .DIR 1k : 2 .E00 1k E4: 2 .L00 6k : 2 .S00 3k E4: 21 .M00 5k : 21 .R00 3k E4: 22 .M00 4k : 22 .R00 3k E4: 3 .D00 5k : 3 .DIR 1k E4: 3 .E00 2k : 3 .L00 5k E4: 3 .S00 2k : MILEAGE .LOG 3k E4: PEARL .DIR 1k : SERVICE .LOG 3k E4: VEHICLE .REG 3k : [More] Library Directory for E4:APP#055 .LBR 80k E4: -FOG/APP.055 0k : /84TAXES. 1k E4: /APP#055.CRC 1k : /APP#055.DOC 3k E4: /README .1ST 5k : FORM4562.CAL 15k E4: PAGE1+A .CAL 10k : PAGE2+G .CAL 27k E4: TAXTMPL .DOC 18k : Library Directory for E4:APP#056 .LBR 80k E4: -FOG/APP.056 0k : /84TAXES. 1k E4: /APP#056.CRC 1k : /APP#056.DOC 4k E4: /BY/EDSM.ITH 0k : /NOT/SC2. 0k E4: /README .1ST 5k : /USEWITH.055 0k E4: CALIF540.CAL 18k : SCHED-B .CAL 6k E4: SCHED-D .CAL 20k : SCHED-E .CALk [More] E6: SQ-16 .COM 16k : SQUEEZER.DQC 16k E6: SWEEP .DQC 8k : SWEEP38 .CQM 24k E6: TYPE17 .COM 9k : UMPIRE .COM 2k E6: UMPIRE .DOC 2k : USQ-19 .COM 12k Library Directory for E6:EX1#003 .LBR 160k E6: -FOG/EX1.003 0k : / .AQM 3k E6: / .COM 1k : / .DOC 2k E6: BUDGET .BQS 7k : CRCKLIST.CRC 2k E6: D .COM 1k : D .DOC 2k E6: DELBR .COM 7k : DISK .DOC 5k E6: EXTONE1 .ASM 3k : EXTONE1 .COM 1k E6: GRAFTEST.BAS 2k : LRUN .COM 2k E6: LU .DQC 14k : LU111 .COM 18k E6: LUDEF1 .DQC 5k : LUDIR .COM 6k E6: OTHELLO .BAS 18k : PAMS1183.LQT 23k E6: RECOVER .COM 14k : RECOVER .PAS 4k E6: SCRAMBLE.MSG 4k : SCRMBL21.AQM 6k E6: SCRMBL21.COM 1k : STKGRPH .BAS 5k E6: STKGRPH .DOC 7k : STOCK .DAT 1k E6: WSOKI .DOC 8k : Library Directory for E6:EX1#004 .LBR 76k [More] E6: -FOG/EX1.004 0k : CRCKLIST.CRC 1k E6: DIAL .COM 8k : DIAL .DQC 4k E6: 25k E4: XDIR37 .COM 2k : Library Directory for E4:APP#057 .LBR 80k E4: -FOG/APP.057 0k : /APP#057.CRC 1k E4: /APP#057.DOC 3k : /USEWITH.058 0k E4: DSCREEN .23B 19k : DSCREEN .CMD 19k E4: DSCREEN .DOC 37k : Library Directory for E4:APP#058 .LBR 64k [More] E4: -FOG/APP.058 0k : /APP#058.CRC 1k E4: /APP#058.DOC 3k : /USEWITH.057 0k E4: DSCREEN .BAK 37k : METALENT.CMD 7k E4: METALS .DBF 2k : METALS .DBS 5k E4: TEST .DBF 1k : TEST .DBS 2k E4: TESTENT .CMD 5k : XSCREEN .DBF 1k There are 901 Member Files in 58 Library(s) >> DRIVE:E USER:4 FILES:60 SPACE USED:4336K (160K FREE) << E5: -MICROMA.FOG 0K : WHATSNEW.COM 4K >> DRIVE:E USER:5 FILES:2 SPACE USED:4K (160K FREE) << E6: -EXEC .FOG 0K : EX1#001 .LBR 132K E6: EX1#002 .LBR 172K : EX1#003 .LBR 160K E6: EX1#004 .LBR 76K : EX1#005 .LBR 112K E6: EX1#006 .LBR 176K : EX1#007 .LBR 180K E6: EX1#008 .LBR 148K : EX1#009 .LBR 52K E6: EX1#010 DISK .DOC 5k : DISK76C .AQM 34k E6: DISK76C .COM 4k : DISK76C .DOC 5k E6: DISK76C .UPD 1k : INV .BAS 9k E6: INV .INT 4k : Library Directory for E6:EX1#005 .LBR 112k E6: -FOG/EX1.005 0k : C .DOC 3k E6: COMPARE .AQM 3k : COMPARE .COM 2k E6: COMPARE .DOC 2k : CPMADR .COM 6k E6: CPMCALC .COM 6k : CRCKLIST.CRC 1k E6: DISASSEM.BAS 16k : DISASSEM.DOC 3k E6: DISASSEM.LTR 1k : DISK .DOC 4k E6: DUPUSR21.AQM 5k : DUPUSR21.COM 1k E6: LOOK .COM 1k : RESOURCE.COM 10k E6: RESOURCE.DOC 26k : REZ80 .COM 7k E6: REZ80 .DOC 1k : TRANSLAT.COM 3k E6: TRANSLAT.DOC 1k : ZDASM14 .COM 10k E6: ZDT .COM 7k : ZDT .DOC 1k Library Directory for E6:EX1#006 .LBR 176k E6: -FOG/EX1.006 0k : CASHFLW .CAL 7k [More] E6: CASHFLW .DOC 2k : CHEMXMAS.POE 4k E6: CRCKLIST.CRC 1k : DISK .DOC 5k E6: DU-V86 .AQM 39k : DU-V86 .COM 8k E6: DU-V86 .DQC 8k : LU3 .COM 19k E6: LU300 .DQC 21k : LU300 .LBR 176K : EX1#011 .LBR 168K E6: EX1#012 .LBR 172K : EX1#013 .LBR 176K E6: EX1#014 .LBR 176K : EX1#015 .LBR 164K [More] E6: EX1#016 .LBR 180K : EX1#017 .LBR 172K E6: EX1#018 .LBR 172K : EX1#019 .LBR 120K E6: EX1#020 .LBR 140K : EX1#021 .LBR 176K E6: EX1#022 .LBR 132K : EX1#023 .LBR 172K E6: WHATSNEW.COM 4K Library Directory for E6:EX1#001 .LBR 132k E6: -FOG/EX1.001 0k : DISK .DOC 3k E6: M712OS1 .ASM 11k : M712OSEX.ASM 11k E6: MDM712 .COM 17k : MDM712 .DOC 39k E6: MDM712 .INF 5k : MDM712 .TXT 4k E6: MDM712 .UPD 5k : MODEM .COM 17k E6: NUMBERS .ASM 5k : SMODEM .COM 17k Library Directory for E6:EX1#002 .LBR 172k E6: -FOG/EX1.002 0k : CRCK4 .AQM 8k E6: CRCK4 .COM 2k : CRCK4 .DOC 3k E6: CRCKLIST.CRC 1k : DBSQUASH.BAS 6k E6: DBSQUASH.COM 19k : DBSQUASH.DOC 6k E6: DISK .DOC 6k : DSKLABL1.AQM 11k E6: DSKLABL1.COM 2k : DSKLABL1.DOC 3k E6: INUSE11 .AQM 11k : INUSE11 .COM 3k E6: INUSE11 .DOC 8k : SORT .COM 2 .IQF 1k E6: MAGE31 .AQM 7k : MAGE31 .COM 2k E6: NSWP199H.COM 8k : OTHELLO .COM 20k E6: RCPM-045.LQT 20k : TAXSHLTR.CAL 5k E6: TAXSHLTR.DOC 2k : Library Directory for E6:EX1#007 .LBR 180k E6: -FOG/EX1.007 0k : CRCKLIST.CRC 1k E6: DISK .DOC 3k : JRTMAN .0Q0 3k E6: JRTMAN .0Q1 9k : JRTMAN .0Q2 6k E6: JRTMAN .0Q3 4k : JRTMAN .0Q4 8k E6: JRTMAN .0Q5 17k : JRTMAN .0Q6 15k E6: JRTMAN .0Q7 41k : JRTMAN .0Q8 2k E6: JRTMAN .0Q9 2k : JRTMAN .1Q0 9k E6: JRTMAN .1Q1 5k : JRTMAN .1Q2 5k E6: JRTMAN .1Q3 14k : JRTMAN .1Q4 2k E6: JRTMAN .1Q5 13k : JRTMAN .AQA 2k E6: JRTMAN .AQB 2k : JRTMAN .AQC 2k E6: JRTMAN .AQD 2k : JRTMAN .AQE 7k [More] E6: JRTMAN .AQF 2k : JRTMAN .INF 1k E6: JRTMAN .IQO 6k : JRTMAN .TQC 5k E6: JRTTECH .NQT 2k : Library Directory for E6:EX1#008 .LBR 148k E6: -FOG/EX1.008 0k : ARCTAN .PAS 2k E6: CONVERTM.IN2 4k : CONVERTM.INT 4k E6: CONVERTM.PAS 6k : COS  : CALENDAR.COM 9k E6: CHEK .COM 3k : CRCKLIST.CRC 1k E6: DEMGRAPH.CMD 6k : DEMO .CMD 2k E6: DEMOCHC .CMD 1k : DIFF .COM 6k E6: DIRCHK .COM 2k : DISK .DOC 4k E6: DUCK .BAS 6k : LISTT .COM 3k E6: RPN .COM 8k : RPN .CQ 8k E6: RPN .DOC 5k : RULEDEMO.CMD 2k E6: SQRT .DBF 1k : SQRT .DOC 1k E6: SQRTDEMO.CMD 2k : TAXTMPL .DQC 13k E6: TAXTMPL1.CAL 9k : TAXTMPL2.CAL 17k [More] E6: TAXTMPL3.CAL 5k : TAXTMPL4.CAL 7k E6: TAXTMPL5.CAL 12k : TAXTMPL6.CAL 18k E6: TAXTMPL7.CAL 18k : TYPER .COM 1k E6: UGRAPH .CMD 5k : UGRAPH .DBF 1k E6: UGRAPH .DOC 2k : Library Directory for E6:EX1#013 .LBR 176k E6: -FOG/EX1.013 0k : COMMSN .BQS 3k E6: COMMSN .DQC 2k : CRCKLIST.CRC 1k E6: DISK13 .DOC 4k : EXECSCRN.COM 9k E6: EXSERIFS.CHR 6k : FILES .DOC 2k E6: FINANCE .BQS 4k : GRADES .BQS 7k E6: GREEK .CHR 6k : GREEK14 .FON 7k E6: LABEL .BQS 3k : LSWEEP10.DQC 7k E6: LSW .PAS 2k E6: CRCKLIST.CRC 1k : CRTMAP .PAS 4k E6: CUSTOMIZ.INT 2k : DEBUG .INT 1k E6: DISK .DOC 2k : ERASE .INT 1k E6: EXEC .COM 24k : EXP .PAS 2k E6: INDEX0 .INT 10k : INDEX1 .INT 7k E6: INDEX2 .INT 2k : JRTPAS3 .COM 22k E6: PASCAL .LIB 13k : PASCAL0 .INT 24k E6: PASCAL1 .INT 7k : PASCAL2 .INT 5k E6: PASCAL3 .INT 10k : PASCAL4 .INT 1k Library Directory for E6:EX1#009 .LBR 52k E6: -FOG/EX1.009 0k : CRCKLIST.CRC 1k E6: DISK .DOC 2k : JGRAF .INT 5k E6: JGRAF .PAS 8k : JRTASM .INT 15k E6: JSTAT .PAS 3k : LETTERS .INT 2k [More] E6: LINKER .INT 4k : LN .PAS 2k E6: PICTURE .INT 6k : READTHIS. 2k E6: RENAME .INT 1k : RESETBIT.ASM 1k E6: SEARCH .INT 1k : SETBIT .ASM 1k E6: SIN .PAS 1k : SQRT .PAS 1k E6: TESTBIT .ASM 1k : VERIFY .INT 1k Library Directory for E6:EX1#010 .LBR 176k E6: -FOG/EX1.010 0k : CRCKLIST.CRC 1k E6: DISK .DOC 5k : FANCFONT.COM EEP13.COM 16k : MSA .INF 1k E6: MSA15 .COM 7k : MSA15 .DQC 1k E6: NSWP202 .COM 11k : NSWP202 .DQC 19k E6: PROJECT .BQS 5k : PTR8023 .AQM 5k E6: PTR8023 .COM 1k : STOCGRPH.BQS 2k E6: STOCGRPH.DQC 3k : VDO-EX .AQM 33k E6: VDO-EX .COM 5k : VDO-EX .DQC 8k E6: VDO-EX .MSG 2k : VIDEO .BQS 4k [More] Library Directory for E6:EX1#014 .LBR 176k E6: -FOG/EX1.014 0k : CRC .COM 3k E6: CRCKLIST.CRC 1k : DEMO .SUB 1k E6: DISK14 .DOC 2k : ELNA .CQL 12k E6: ELNA .DQC 4k : ELNAEX .CQL 15k E6: HEADLINE.ASM 21k : HEADLINE.SUB 1k E6: HL .CRC 1k : HL .DOC 1k E6: HL080 .COM 2k : HL132 .COM 2k E6: PCEXPORT.COM 15k : PCFILE .COM 35k E6: PCFILE .DQC 23k : PCSORT .COM 26k E6: SUB .SUB 1k : ZEROMAKR.BAS 2k E6: ZEROMAKR.COM 14k : ZEROMAKR.DOC 2k Library Directory for E6:EX1#015 .LBR 164k E6: -FOG/EX1.015 0k : CALL-CPM.COM 16k E6: CALL-CPM.DOC 5k : CRCKLIST.CRC 1k E6: DISK15 .DOC 8k E6: FANCFONT.DOC 1k : FANCFONT.DQ1 23k E6: FANCFONT.DQ2 13k : GB .COM 40k E6: GB .DOC 7k : GRADEBOK.BAS 20k E6: GUSHER .COM 31k : MANDALA .BAS 2k E6: OSSARGON.COM 8k : OSSARGON.DOC 4k E6: RENUM .COM 2k : REPEAT .BAS 6k E6: SCRIPT .DOC 3k : SCRIPT .FIL 6k E6: TPA .COM 1k : Library Directory for E6:EX1#011 .LBR 168k E6: -FOG/EX1.011 0k : BOLDFACE.CQR 3k E6: BOLDINVR.CQR 3k : CRCKLIST.CRC 2k E6: CWOODDSK.DQC 5k : DISK .DOC 4k [More] E6: DOCINDEX.DQC 3k : FREE30 .DOC 4k E6: INVERTED.CQR 3k : M7NM-5 .AQM 4k E6: M7OX-1 .AQM 9k : MDM716 .DQC 23k E6: MDM716 .IQF 4k : MDM716 .MQG 3k E6: MDM716 .UQD 5k : MDM720 .COM 18k E6: MDM720 .MQG 5k : MODEM720.COM 18k E6: PORTCOMP.DBF 10k : QUIZ .BAS 2k E6: SMODM720.COM 18k : TPCDIREC.DBF 10k E6: TPCDIREC.FRM 1k : TYPING .BAS 1k E6: XDIR37 .AQM 17k : XDIR37 .COM 2k Library Directory for E6:EX1#012 .LBR 172k E6: -FOG/EX1.012 0k 2k : M7BELL .MQG 1k E6: M7FNK .COM 3k : M7FNK .DQC 2k E6: M7FNK .NQT 2k : M7LIB .COM 2k E6: M7LIB .DQC 2k : M7NM-6 .AQM 5k E6: M7OS-1 .AQM 8k : M7OX-1 .AQM 8k E6: M7RUB .MQG 1k : MDM730 .COM 19k E6: MDM730 .DQC 24k : MDM730 .MQG 3k [More] E6: MDM730 .NQT 3k : MDM730 .UQD 3k E6: MODEM .COM 19k : READMEFI.RST 2k E6: SMODEM .COM 19k : TYPWRYT .AQM 15k E6: TYPWRYT .COM 3k : TYPWRYT .DQC 3k Library Directory for E6:EX1#016 .LBR 180k E6: -FOG/EX1.016 0k : CAT-FIND.DOC 9k E6: CRCKLIST.CRC 1k : DISK16 .DOC 2k E6: FIND-20 .COM 2k : FIND-20 .DOC 3k E6: FOGEX .DSK 9k : INDEX .COM 3k E6: INDEX .DOC 12k : MDM730 .AQM 107k E6: PRNTR .AQM 2k : PRNTR .COM 1k E6: SETDEFLT.COM 20k : SETDEFLT.DQC 2k E6: SETDEFLT.PQI 10k : Library Directory for E6:EX1#017 .LBR 172k E6: -FOG/EX1.017 0k : CRCKLIST.CRC 2k E6: DATE .MQC 3k : DISK17 .DOC 5k E6: DU2BRIEF.DQC 3k : DU2V18 .AQM 56k k E6: PAYBILLS.QQQ 1k : PIXGEN .BQS 10k [More] E6: PIXGEN .DQC 4k : PIXRN .DAT 1k E6: QUICKSET.AQM 2k : QUICKSET.COM 1k E6: QUICKSET.DOC 1k : ROLO . 1k E6: SCRMBL .COM 1k : SCRMBL .DQC 2k E6: SCRMBL .MQC 3k : SYS212 .COM 7k E6: SYS212 .DOC 1k : TELEPHON.BQS 6k E6: TXTL .COM 1k : TXTL .DOC 4k E6: TXTL .MQC 7k : XDIR .COM 3k Library Directory for E6:EX1#020 .LBR 140k E6: -FOG/EX1.020 0k : /EX1#020.CRC 1k E6: /EX1#020.DOC 3k : M7BELL .MQG 1k E6: M7FNK .COM 3k : M7FNK .DQC 2k E6: M7FNK .NQT 2k : M7LIB .COM 2k E6: M7LIB .DQC 2k : M7NM-6 .AQM 5k E6: M7OX-1 .AQM 8k : M7RUB .MQG 1k E6: MDM740 .COM 19k : MDM740 .DQC 26k E6: MDM740 .IQF 8k : MDMLINK .COM 2k E6: MDMLINK .DOC 2k : MODEM .COM 19k E6: MODEM12 .COM 19k : SMODEM .COM 19k Library Directory for E6:EX1#021 .LBR 176k E6: -FOG/EX1.021 0k : /EX1#021.CRC 1k [More] E6: /EX1#021.DOC 3k : GET  E6: DU2V18 .CQM 10k : DU2V18 .MSG 2k E6: EXCLOCK .COM 2k : EXCLOCK .DQC 5k E6: EXCLOCK .MQC 2k : EXCLOCK .SUB 1k E6: EXCLOCKR.MQC 13k : FUNNY .CQR 3k [More] E6: GETXTIME.CQD 3k : GUSHER .DQC 4k E6: MDMLINK .COM 2k : MDMLINK .DOC 2k E6: NSWP205 .COM 11k : NSWP205 .DQC 18k E6: NSWP205 .UQD 2k : PEEK .AQM 2k E6: PEEK .COM 2k : PEEK .DQC 2k E6: PEEKBDOS.AQM 8k : ROMBANK .MAC 1k E6: SOFTCR .BQS 5k : SOFTCR .DQC 4k E6: STAT30 .AQM 4k : STAT30 .COM 1k E6: STAT30 .DQC 2k : TIME .MQC 1k E6: VIDBANK .MAC 1k : Library Directory for E6:EX1#018 .LBR 172k E6: -FOG/EX1.018 0k : BATLSHIP.BQS 5k E6: CRCKLIST.CRC 2k : DISK18 .DOC 4k E6: ENSOFT .COM 5k : FIND40 .COM 2k E6: MAST .CAT 1k : MCAT .SQT 3k E6: MCAT43 .AQM 28k : MCAT43 .COM 7k E6: MCAT43 .DQC 5k : NULL .AQM 4k E6: NULL .COM 1k : RCPM-049.LQT 25k E6: RSXSEED .MQC 7k : TABSET .COM 2k E6: TABSET .DOC 3k : TPAT .DQC 2k E6: GET .MEX 1k : MEX .COM 25k E6: MEX .HLP 52k : MEX-EASY.DQC 5k E6: MEX-OVLY.BQG 2k : MEX-RVW .TQT 2k E6: MEX112 .BQG 1k : MEX112 .COM 24k E6: MEX112 .UQD 2k : MEX11DOC.TQC 2k E6: MEX11DOC.WQ 47k : MEX11UPD.DQC 7k E6: MEX20 .HQP 2k : MEXINFO .TQT 2k Library Directory for E6:EX1#022 .LBR 132k E6: -FOG/EX1.022 0k : /EX1#022.CRC 2k E6: /EX1#022.DOC 5k : APL .CQR 2k E6: APL .DQC 2k : APL .OQI 2k E6: APLCHARS.CQR 3k : APLCHARS.DOC 1k E6: BUFFERS .DQC 3k : EXECESAY.TQT 8k E6: FNKEYS .COM 1k : FNKEYS .DQC 2k E6: KEYBOARD.COM 2k : KEYBOARD.DQC 5k E6: MEXNEWS .0Q1 5k : MEXNEWS .0Q2 6k E6: MEXNEWS .0Q3 5k : MEXNEWS .0Q4 7k E6: MLOAD .COM 3k : MXO-OS14.AQM 19k E6: MXO-OX11.AQM 10k : MXO-SM13.AQM 7k E6: OZMEX .MSG 1k : PATCHWS .DQC 10k E6: PATCHWS .TXT 1k : PIANO .AQM 7k [More] E6: PIANO .COM 1k : SAVKEY .AQM 4k E6: SAVKEY .COM 1k : SET/SAV .DOC 2kCH .COM 1k E6: TPATCH .DOC 1k : UNSOFT .COM 6k E6: UNSOFT .DOC 2k : VDO-EX2 .COM 5k [More] E6: WS30/33 .TQT 1k : WS33 .DQC 13k E6: WS33 .SQM 2k : WS33/B .DQV 2k E6: WS33CUS .TQT 4k : WS33MSG .PAT 1k E6: WSLBR .DIR 2k : WSLSTPAT.AQM 2k E6: WSUFIX5 .AQM 10k : XCAT40 .AQM 20k E6: XCAT40 .COM 3k : XCAT40 .DQC 3k Library Directory for E6:EX1#019 .LBR 120k E6: -FOG/EX1.019 0k : /EX1#019.CRC 2k E6: /EX1#019.DOC 6k : ABC .BAS 4k E6: ABC .DOC 1k : ASTRDS .BAS 3k E6: ASTRDS .CQR 3k : ASTRDS .DOC 1k E6: BUFEXEC .COM 2k : BUFEXEC .DOC 1k E6: BUFEXECR.COM 5k : BUFEXECR.DOC 1k E6: CATALOG .DAT 1k : DIRU .COM 1k E6: DIRU .DQC 5k : DIRU .MQC 12k E6: EXROM11 .COM 1k : EXROM11 .DOC 1k E6: FONT .PQX 1k : GERMAN .CQR 3k E6: GERMAN .DQC 2k : INDEX .QQQ 1k E6: KEYS .COM 1k : KEYS .DQC 3k E6: KEYS .MQC 3k : NSWP207 .COM 12k E6: NSWP207 .DQC 2k : PAYBILLS.DQC 2  E6: SETKEY .AQM 3k : SETKEY .COM 1k E6: SNAPSHOT.AQM 2k : SNAPSHOT.COM 1k E6: SONG .AQM 6k : SONG .COM 1k E6: TIME .ASM 1k : TIME .COM 1k E6: TIME .RSX 1k : Library Directory for E6:EX1#023 .LBR 172k E6: -FOG/EX1.023 0k : /EX1#023.CRC 1k E6: /EX1#023.DOC 7k : DA .COM 1k E6: DA .DQC 4k : ETERM .COM 2k E6: ETERM .DQC 3k : EXAUTO .AQM 3k E6: EXECDISK.023 32k : HP .COM 2k E6: HP+ .COM 3k : HP+ .DQC 7k E6: M730EXCP.AQM 19k : M730EXCP.COM 19k E6: M730EXCP.DQC 6k : VDE-2C .AQM 41k E6: VDE-2C .DQC 9k : VDE-2CE .COM 6k E6: WSEXPAT .AQM 5k : WSEXPAT .DQC 4k E6: WSEXPAT .HQX 1k : WSEXPAT .SUB 1k There are 573 Member Files in 23 Library(s) >> DRIVE:E USER:6 FILES:25 [More] SPACE USED:3508K (160K FREE) << E7: -TELEVID.FOG 0K : TVI#001 .LBR 88K E7: WHATSNEW.COM 4K Library Directory for E7:TVI#001 .LBR 88k E7: -FOG/TVI.001 0k : /TVI#001.CRC 1k E7: /TBR 64K : UTL#003 .LBR 72K F4: UTL#004 .LBR 76K : UTL#005 .LBR 76K F4: UTL#006 .LBR 84K : UTL#007 .LBR 76K F4: UTL#008 .LBR 76K : UTL#009 .LBR 64K F4: UTL#010 .LBR 76K : UTL#011 .LBR 84K [More] F4: UTL#012 .LBR 80K : UTL#013 .LBR 84K F4: UTL#014 .LBR 72K : UTL#015 .LBR 80K F4: UTL#016 .LBR 76K : UTL#017 .LBR 80K F4: UTL#018 .LBR 88K : UTL#019 .LBR 72K F4: UTL#020 .LBR 64K : UTL#021 .LBR 76K F4: UTL#022 .LBR 72K : UTL#023 .LBR 72K F4: UTL#024 .LBR 80K : UTL#025 .LBR 72K F4: UTL#026 .LBR 76K : UTL#027 .LBR 80K F4: UTL#028 .LBR 76K : UTL#029 .LBR 72K F4: UTL#030 .LBR 72K : UTL#031 .LBR 80K F4: UTL#032 .LBR 72K : UTL#033 .LBR 76K F4: UTL#034 .LBR 76K : UTL#035 .LBR 76K F4: UTL#036 .LBR 76K : UTL#037 .LBR 68K F4: UTL#038 .LBR 72K : UTL#039 .LBR 76K F4: UTL#040 .LBR 72K : UTL#041 .LBR 76K F4: UTL#042 .LBR 84K : UTL#043 .LBR 64K F4: UTL#044 .LBR 88K : UTL#045 .LBR 80K F4: UTL#046 .LBR 80K : UTL#047 .LBR 84K F4: UTL#048 .LBR 76K : UTL#0VI#001.DOC 2k : M7FNK .COM 3k E7: M7FNK .DQC 2k : M7LIB .COM 2k E7: M7LIB .DQC 2k : M7TV-7 .AQM 10k E7: MDM740 .DQC 26k : MDM7T802.COM 17k E7: MDM7T803.COM 19k : MDMLNK .COM 2k E7: MDMLNK .DQC 2k : USQ .COM 2k There are 14 Member Files in 1 Library(s) >> DRIVE:E USER:7 FILES:3 SPACE USED:92K (160K FREE) << F0: -UTILITY.PUB 0K : WHATSNEW.COM 4K >> DRIVE:F USER:0 FILES:2 SPACE USED:4K (1720K FREE) << F1: -HACKER .PUB 0K : RBBS32A1.LBR 84K [More] F1: RBBS32A2.LBR 28K : WHATSNEW.COM 4K F1: XM74OS .AQM 8K : XMODEM74.AQM 40K Library Directory for F1:RBBS32A1.LBR 84k F1: COMMANDS.COM 2k : COMMANDS.DQC 1k F1: COMMANDS.SUB 1k : COMPILE .SUB 1k F1: CRUNCH .BQS 9k : INDEX1 .BAS 2k F1: INDEX1 .BQS 2k : INDEX2 .BAS 2k F1: PURGE .SUB 1k : PURGE32D.BQS 13k F1: RBACCESS.BAS 1k : RBBS32 .AQC 28k F1: RBBS32 .CRC 2k : RBBS32 .DQC 11k F1: RBBSLIB .MQC 4k : REINDEX .BQS 249 .LBR 76K F4: UTL#050 .LBR 76K : UTL#051 .LBR 80K F4: UTL#052 .LBR 76K : UTL#053 .LBR 72K F4: UTL#054 .LBR 64K : UTL#055 .LBR 72K F4: UTL#056 .LBR 64K : UTL#057 .LBR 68K [More] F4: WHATSNEW.COM 4K Library Directory for F4:UTL#001 .LBR 76k F4: -FOG/UTL.001 0k : CK-FIX .COM 1k F4: CK-FIX .DOC 1k : CONFIGUR.DOC 2k F4: CRCK4 .ASM 11k : CRCK4 .COM 2k F4: DISK .DOC 3k : INDEX .DOC 2k F4: MDM7OS .COM 8k : MDMOS .ASM 5k F4: MODEM .DOC 7k : MODEM7 .DOC 16k F4: MODEM714.COM 5k : MODEM714.DOC 4k F4: OSFIG .COM 2k : OSMODN .COM 5k F4: UMPIRE .COM 2k : UMPIRE .DOC 2k F4: WASH .COM 3k : Library Directory for F4:UTL#002 .LBR 64k F4: -FOG/UTL.002 0k : CAT .ASM 5k F4: CAT .COM 1k : CATALOG .DOC 10k F4: CROSSREF.COM 2k : CROSSREF.DOC 1k F4: DISK .DOC 3k : DISPLAY .COM 3k F4: DISPLAY .DOC 1k : FIND .COM 1k F4: FIND .DOC 1k : FMAP .ASM 8k F4: FMAP .COM 1k : FMAP k F1: REINDEX1.BQS 2k : RTMLD .MQC 4k F1: SYSOP13 .AQC 5k : Library Directory for F1:RBBS32A2.LBR 28k F1: CONTENTS.DQC 3k : DATA . 1k F1: FILPRINT.HEX 1k : HELP . 2k F1: HELPTEXT.QQQ 4k : LOCALOP .BAS 1k F1: NAMES .DAT 1k : NEWCOM .QQQ 2k F1: NEWLIB .SUB 1k : OTHERSYS. 1k F1: SESSION .DQC 4k : RECOPY .BAS 1k F1: SETUP .BAS 1k : SORTINDX.BQS 2k [More] F1: TAG .COM 1k : USED .BQS 5k F1: BCLOAD . 1k : LOCENTER.ASC 1k There are 37 Member Files in 2 Library(s) >> DRIVE:F USER:1 FILES:6 SPACE USED:164K (1720K FREE) << F2: -OSBORN1.PUB 0K : OSBIOS .CTL 4K F2: OSBIOS .DQC 8K : OSBIOS .SYM 8K F2: OSBIOS .TXT 4K : WHATSNEW.COM 4K >> DRIVE:F USER:2 FILES:6 SPACE USED:28K (1720K FREE) << F3: -COMPU10.PUB 0K : WHATSNEW.COM 4K >> DRIVE:F USER:3 FILES:2 SPACE USED:4K (1720K FREE) << F4: -UTILITY.FOG 0K : UTL#001 .LBR 76K F4: UTL#002 .L .DOC 2k F4: HELP1 . 1k : HELP2 . 3k [More] F4: LIST .COM 2k : LOGIN .COM 1k F4: LOOK .COM 1k : MAST .CAT 1k F4: NEWCAT .COM 6k : SHOW .ASM 4k F4: SHOW .COM 1k : SHOW .DOC 1k F4: SIMPLCAT.DOC 3k : UCAT .ASM 8k F4: UCAT .COM 2k : Library Directory for F4:UTL#003 .LBR 72k F4: -FOG/UTL.003 0k : COMBINE .ASM 7k F4: COMBINE .COM 1k : D .COM 2k F4: D .DOC 1k : DISK .DOC 1k F4: LINES .COM 1k : LINES .DOC 1k F4: LIST .COM 1k : LIST .DOC 1k F4: SQ .COM 13k : SQ/UNSQ .DOC 2k F4: SQCHNG1 .DOC 2k : SQCHNGS2.DQC 2k F4: SQUEEZER.DOC 23k : TYPESQ .COM 8k F4: UNLOAD .COM 1k : USQ .COM 10k Library Directory for F4:UTL#004 .LBR 76k F4: -FOG/UTL.004 0k : COMPARE .ASM 4k F4: COMPARE .COM 2k : DISK .DOC 2k F4: FLS-11 .COM 9k : SQ-15 .COM 14k F4: SQ/USQ15.DOC 1k : SUPERSUB.ASM 19k [More] F4: SUPERSUB.COM 2k : SUPERSUB.DOC  UNSPOL30.COM 2k F4: UNSPOL30.DOC 9k : Library Directory for F4:UTL#011 .LBR 84k F4: -FOG/UTL.011 0k : DIF .RNO 4k F4: DIF2 .COM 15k : DISK .DOC 2k F4: OZCPR .COM 2k : OZCPR .DOC 3k F4: READ .ME 4k : SSED2 .COM 11k F4: ZCPR .DOC 44k : Library Directory for F4:UTL#012 .LBR 80k F4: -FOG/UTL.012 0k : DISK .DOC 2k F4: NCAT32 .COM 7k : NCAT32 .DOC 6k F4: NCAT32 .SET 4k : OTERM30 .DOC 41k [More] F4: OTERM303.COM 14k : OTERM303.MSG 2k F4: XCAT36 .COM 3k : XCAT36 .DOC 4k Library Directory for F4:UTL#013 .LBR 84k F4: -FOG/UTL.013 0k : CTERM .C 7k F4: CTERM .COM 8k : CTERM .DOC 3k F4: DIRLABEL.ASM 11k : DIRLABEL.COM 2k F4: DISK .DOC 2k : PLNK0124.ASM 24k F4: PLNK0124.COM 2k : SWEEP36 .COM 28k Library Directory for F4:UTL#014 .LBR 72k F4: -FOG/UTL.014 0k : DISK .DOC 4k F4: EPSET2 .ASM 3k : EPSET2 .COM 1k F4: ERAA .COM 1k : ERAA .DOC 1k F4: NECSET .AQM  5k F4: SUPRSUB2.COM 3k : TYPESQ14.COM 10k F4: USQ-15 .COM 10k : Library Directory for F4:UTL#005 .LBR 76k F4: -FOG/UTL.005 0k : DISK .DOC 2k F4: FINDBAD .COM 2k : HELP .COM 4k F4: HELP .HLP 24k : SORT .COM 2k F4: SUPERDIR.COM 3k : SUPERDIR.HLP 2k F4: SWEEP14 .COM 21k : WASH .COM 3k F4: WASH .HLP 10k : WASH1 .HLP 4k F4: WASH2 .HLP 5k : Library Directory for F4:UTL#006 .LBR 84k F4: -FOG/UTL.006 0k : DISK .DOC 2k F4: DU .ASM 42k : DUMP .ASM 19k F4: DUMP .COM 3k : DUU .COM 6k F4: DUU .DOC 11k : Library Directory for F4:UTL#007 .LBR 76k F4: -FOG/UTL.007 0k : DISASSEM.BAS 16k F4: DISASSEM.DOC 3k : DISASSEM.LTR 1k F4: DISK .DOC 2k : RESOURCE.COM 10k [More] F4: RESOURCE.DOC 26k : REZ80 .COM 7k F4: REZ80 .DOC 1k : TRANSLAT.COM 3k F4: TRANSLAT.DOC 1k : ZDT .COM 7k F4: ZDT .DOC 1k : Library Directory for F4:UTL#008 .LBR 76k F4: -FOG/UTL.008 0k : 2k : NECSET .COM 1k F4: OREMOTE .AQM 9k : OREMOTE .COM 2k F4: SAP .COM 2k : SETMX .AQM 4k F4: SETMX .COM 1k : SETMX .DOC 2k F4: SETOK .AQM 4k : SETOK .COM 1k F4: SETOK .DOC 2k : SQ-16 .COM 16k F4: TOGGLE .ASM 1k : TOGGLE .COM 1k F4: TYPE17 .COM 9k : USQ-19 .COM 12k [More] Library Directory for F4:UTL#015 .LBR 80k F4: -FOG/UTL.015 0k : / .COM 0k F4: DIRR .COM 3k : DIRR .DOC 3k F4: DISK .DOC 4k : EX12 .COM 3k F4: LISTT .AQM 16k : LISTT .COM 2k F4: LISTT .DOC 5k : OSPATCH .DOC 2k F4: OSPATCH1.COM 8k : OSPLNK70.AQM 14k F4: OSPLNK70.COM 3k : OSPLNK70.DOC 7k F4: SWEEP36 .DOC 14k : Library Directory for F4:UTL#016 .LBR 76k F4: -FOG/UTL.016 0k : BDLOC .AQM 2k F4: BDLOC .COM 1k : BMENU .COM 1k F4: CMENU .COM 1k : CPYFIL15.COM 2k F4: DISK .DOC 4k : FILEFIND.COM 1k F4: MENU .AQM 8k : MENU .COM 1k F4: MENU .DOC 2k : PBH .AQM 13k  BMAP .COM 1k F4: BMAP7/11.ASM 10k : BMAP7/11.COM 1k F4: DISK .DOC 2k : TED .COM 17k F4: TED .DOC 23k : TYPER .COM 1k F4: TYPER .DOC 2k : XREF .ASM 20k F4: XREF .COM 3k : Library Directory for F4:UTL#009 .LBR 64k F4: -FOG/UTL.009 0k : AUTOMOD .ASM 6k F4: AUTOMOD .COM 2k : AUTOMOD .DOC 5k F4: AUTOST .ASM 5k : AUTOST .COM 2k F4: DISK .DOC 5k : DSCLABEL.ASM 11k F4: DSCLABEL.COM 2k : EPSNPRTR.ASM 12k F4: EPSNPRTR.COM 3k : EPSNPRTR.DOC 1k F4: FUNCTION.COM 1k : FUNCTION.DOC 2k F4: FUNCTN2 .COM 1k : MAKE .COM 3k F4: RPIP .ASM 5k : RPIP .HEX 1k [More] F4: RPIP .SUB 1k : SETAUTO .COM 1k F4: SETAUTO .DOC 2k : UNERA .COM 1k F4: UNERA .DOC 2k : Library Directory for F4:UTL#010 .LBR 76k F4: -FOG/UTL.010 0k : CV .ASM 8k F4: CV .COM 1k : CV .DOC 1k F4: DISK .DOC 2k : OTERM .COM 11k F4: OTERM .DOC 27k : OTERM .LTR 1k F4: UNSPOL30.ASM 17k : F4: PBH .COM 3k : SYNONYM2.DOC 5k F4: SYNONYM3.AQM 8k : SYNONYM3.COM 2k F4: XAMN .COM 27k : Library Directory for F4:UTL#017 .LBR 80k F4: -FOG/UTL.017 0k : DISK .DOC 3k [More] F4: FMAP .COM 4k : LRUN .COM 2k F4: LU .DOC 23k : LU111 .COM 18k F4: SAFRAM .AQM 10k : SAFRAM .DOC 7k F4: SAFRAM2 .COM 2k : VMAP .BAS 8k F4: VMAP .DOC 2k : XCOPY .AQM 4k F4: XCOPY .COM 1k : Library Directory for F4:UTL#018 .LBR 88k F4: -FOG/UTL.018 0k : DISK .DOC 3k F4: OTERM4 .COM 31k : OTERM4 .DOC 40k F4: OTSETUP .COM 9k : OTSETUP .DOC 3k Library Directory for F4:UTL#019 .LBR 72k F4: -FOG/UTL.019 0k : ALLOC .COM 3k F4: CPMADR .COM 6k : CPMCALC .COM 6k F4: CRCKLIST.CRC 1k : D .COM 1k F4: D .DOC 2k : DISK .DOC 4k F4: DU-V77 .COM 6k : DU-V77 .DOC 6k F4: DUPUSR21.AQM 5k : DUPUSR21.COM 1k F4: FCB .COM 1k : LUDEF1 .DOC 7k F4: LUDIR .COM 6k : MEMMAP .COM 1CKLIST.CRC 1k F4: DISK .DOC 1k : INUSE11 .AQM 11k F4: INUSE11 .COM 3k : INUSE11 .DOC 8k F4: NZCPR-21.AQM 46k : NZCPR-21.HEX 6k F4: ONZCPR21.MSG 6k : Library Directory for F4:UTL#025 .LBR 72k F4: -FOG/UTL.025 0k : CRCKLIST.CRC 1k F4: DIRLBTEC.AQM 8k : DIRLBTEC.COM 2k F4: DIRLBTEC.DOC 1k : DISK .DOC 2k F4: PRINTER .BAS 14k : PRISM132.TXT 22k F4: PRLMOV .AQM 3k : RAMDSK .AQM 15k F4: RAMDSK .COM 3k : RAMDSK .DOC 4k F4: RAMDSK .TXT 1k : Library Directory for F4:UTL#026 .LBR 76k F4: -FOG/UTL.026 0k : CAL .COM 11k F4: CAT .COM 8k : CH .COM 13k F4: CMP .COM 9k : CRCKLIST.CRC 1k F4: DISK .DOC 2k : README .UT 1k [More] F4: UTKWIC .DAT 1k : UTKWIC .OUT 9k F4: UTOOL .DOC 7k : UTOOL .MAN 15k Library Directory for F4:UTL#027 .LBR 80k F4: -FOG/UTL.027 0k : COMM .COM 10k F4: CRCKLIST.CRC 1k : CRT .COM 9k F4: DISK .DOC 2k : FIND .COM 13k F4: HCAT .COM 9k :k F4: MOVUSER2.AQM 5k : MOVUSER2.COM 2k F4: SCRAMBLE.MSG 4k : SCRMBL21.AQM 6k [More] F4: SCRMBL21.COM 1k : SECTRAN .COM 4k Library Directory for F4:UTL#020 .LBR 64k F4: -FOG/UTL.020 0k : CRCKLIST.CRC 1k F4: DDTF .AQM 12k : DDTF .COM 2k F4: DDTF .DOC 6k : DIRCHK .COM 2k F4: DIRCHK .DOC 1k : DISK .DOC 4k F4: FAST .COM 1k : FAST .DOC 2k F4: FILTER11.AQM 4k : FILTER11.COM 1k F4: FILTER11.DOC 1k : FIND-20 .AQM 9k F4: FIND-20 .COM 2k : FIND-20 .DOC 3k F4: PIPCHANG.TXT 1k : RENAME .COM 3k F4: STRIP .AQM 3k : STRIP .COM 1k F4: STRIP .DOC 1k : ZDASM14 .COM 10k Library Directory for F4:UTL#021 .LBR 76k F4: -FOG/UTL.021 0k : BACK2DDT.COM 1k F4: CRCKLIST.CRC 1k : DISK .DOC 3k F4: MENU .COM 11k : MENU .DOC 7k F4: SETIO .AQM 13k : SETIO .COM 3k F4: SETIO .DOC 1k : SMODEM4 .COM 10k F4: SMODEM4 .DOC 25k : WAIT .COM 1k F4: WAIT .DOC 1k : XFERTIM2.BAS 2k [Mo INCL .COM 9k F4: KWIC .COM 9k : LPR .COM 9k F4: PREP .COM 10k : Library Directory for F4:UTL#028 .LBR 76k F4: -FOG/UTL.028 0k : CRCKLIST.CRC 1k F4: DISK .DOC 2k : SORT .COM 11k F4: SPLIT .COM 9k : TABS .COM 9k F4: TAIL .COM 10k : TEE .COM 9k F4: TR .COM 10k : UNIQ .COM 9k F4: UNROT .COM 9k : Library Directory for F4:UTL#029 .LBR 72k F4: -FOG/UTL.029 0k : CAL .C 6k F4: CAT .C 3k : CH .C 4k F4: CMP .C 2k : COMM .C 5k [More] F4: CRCKLIST.CRC 1k : CRT .C 2k F4: DISK .DOC 2k : FIND .C 5k F4: HCAT .C 4k : INCL .C 3k F4: KWIC .C 2k : LLINE .C 1k F4: LPR .C 3k : MAKDOC .C 3k F4: README .UTS 3k : UTDIR .COM 10k F4: VSPLIT .COM 9k : WC .COM 8k Library Directory for F4:UTL#030 .LBR 72k F4: -FOG/UTL.030 0k : CRCKLIST.CRC 1k F4: DISK .DOC 2k : MYLIB3 .C 12k F4: PREP .C 6re] Library Directory for F4:UTL#022 .LBR 72k F4: -FOG/UTL.022 0k : CRCKLIST.CRC 1k F4: DISK .DOC 4k : LCAT .COM 9k F4: OSBMDM76.COM 10k : PASSWORD.AQM 6k F4: PASSWORD.COM 1k : PASSWORD.DOC 1k F4: RECOVER .AQM 6k : RECOVER .COM 1k F4: RECOVER .DOC 2k : SUBGEN10.DOC 13k F4: SUBGEN12.AQM 13k : SUBGEN12.COM 2k F4: WHODERE1.AQM 5k : WHODERE1.COM 1k F4: WHODERE1.DOC 1k : Library Directory for F4:UTL#023 .LBR 72k F4: -FOG/UTL.023 0k : APPEND .AQM 1k F4: APPEND .COM 1k : APPEND .DOC 1k F4: AUTOMODD.AQM 4k : AUTOMODD.COM 2k F4: CAT2 .COM 1k : CATFILBO.AQM 3k F4: CATFILBO.COM 1k : CATFILBO.DOC 1k F4: CRCKLIST.CRC 1k : DISK .DOC 3k F4: FINDBAD .DOC 6k : FNDBD541.COM 2k F4: IF .AQM 7k : IF .COM 1k F4: IFSKIP .DOC 17k : LISTCAT .COM 18k F4: LISTCAT .DOC 2k : SKIP .AQM 4k [More] F4: SKIP .COM 1k : Library Directory for F4:UTL#024 .LBR 80k F4: -FOG/UTL.024 0k : CR k : SORT .C 8k F4: SPLIT .C 4k : SPLTSCAN.C 11k F4: SPLTSCAN.DOC 9k : TABS .C 5k F4: TAIL .C 2k : TEE .C 3k F4: TR .C 4k : UNIQ .C 2k F4: UNROT .C 3k : UTDIR .C 2k F4: VSPLIT .C 3k : WC .C 1k Library Directory for F4:UTL#031 .LBR 80k F4: -FOG/UTL.031 0k : /UTL#031.CRC 1k F4: /UTL#031.DOC 3k : M712OS1 .AQM 8k F4: M712OS1 .COM 17k : MODEM712.DOC 39k [More] F4: NSWEEP .COM 8k : NUMBERS .AQM 4k F4: USQNEW .COM 2k : Library Directory for F4:UTL#032 .LBR 72k F4: -FOG/UTL.032 0k : / .AQM 3k F4: / .COM 1k : / .DOC 2k F4: /UTL#032.CRC 1k : /UTL#032.DOC 4k F4: DELBR .COM 7k : HOSTCM .BAS 2k F4: HOSTCM .DOC 2k : ML92SET .COM 1k F4: SUBSET .CQ 2k : SUBSET1 .COM 3k F4: SUBSET2 .COM 3k : SUPERSET.CQ 11k F4: SUPERSET.DOC 3k : SUPRSET1.COM 7k F4: SUPRSET2.COM 7k : X .AQM 16k F4: X .COM 2k : Library Directory 14 .TST 1k F4: FILEPRIN.BAS 7k : FILEPRIN.DOC 4k F4: INDEX .DOC 11k : INDEX .OBJ 3k [More] F4: OCLOCK .DOC 2k : OCLOCK .OBJ 1k F4: PAUSE .OBJ 1k : PAUSWAIT.AQM 5k F4: SEEP .AQM 2k : SEEP .OBJ 1k F4: SORTDIR .DOC 2k : SORTDIR .OBJ 2k F4: UNPRO .OBJ 1k : XERA .OBJ 1k Library Directory for F4:UTL#038 .LBR 72k F4: -FOG/UTL.038 0k : /UTL#038.CRC 1k F4: /UTL#038.DOC 4k : DSKLABL1.AQM 11k F4: DSKLABL1.DOC 3k : DSKLABL1.OBJ 2k F4: GEMINI15.AQM 4k : GEMINI15.OBJ 2k F4: LABLDISK.ABS 3k : LABLDISK.AQM 11k F4: LABLDISK.OBJ 1k : OSPD .CQ 13k F4: OSPD .OBJ 7k : PRINT .BAS 5k F4: PRINT .DOC 1k : SETSTAR .OBJ 1k F4: WORDS .AQM 5k : WORDS .OBJ 1k Library Directory for F4:UTL#039 .LBR 76k F4: -FOG/UTL.039 0k : /UTL#039.CRC 1k F4: /UTL#039.DOC 4k : CHUSER .AQM 3k F4: CHUSER .COM 1k : FILTER .AQM 22k F4: FILTER .COM 5k : FILTER .DOC 11k F4: FUNC .COM 2k : HEXDUMP .AQfor F4:UTL#033 .LBR 76k F4: -FOG/UTL.033 0k : /UTL#033.CRC 1k F4: /UTL#033.DOC 4k : DMPSCR .BAS 2k F4: DUMP .COM 17k : DUMP .CQ 4k F4: DUMP .DOC 2k : GRAPH .BAS 3k F4: I/O-CAP .AQM 13k : I/O-CAP .COM 1k F4: I/O-CAP .DOC 7k : KERMIT .COM 11k F4: KERMIT .DOC 3k : SILVER .DOC 5k [More] F4: TO .AQM 2k : TO .COM 1k F4: TO80 .AQM 1k : TO80 .DOC 2k Library Directory for F4:UTL#034 .LBR 76k F4: -FOG/UTL.034 0k : /UTL#034.CRC 1k F4: /UTL#034.DOC 4k : ASPRETTY.C 2k F4: ASPRETTY.COM 6k : ASPRETTY.DOC 1k F4: AUTOSUB .AQM 10k : AUTOSUB .DOC 1k F4: DSKLABL1.AQM 11k : DSKLABL1.COM 2k F4: DSKLABL1.DOC 3k : MLOAD .COM 2k F4: MLOAD14 .AQM 17k : MLOAD14 .TXT 9k F4: SERIAL .AQM 5k : SERIAL .COM 2k F4: UNLOAD .COM 1k : Library Directory for F4:UTL#035 .LBR 76k F4: -FOG/UTL.035 0k : /UTL#035.CRC 1k F4: /UTL#035.DOC 3k : CHEK10 .COM 3k F4: CHEK10 .DOC 3k : COPYFILE.COM 2k M 3k [More] F4: HEXDUMP .COM 1k : HEXIDEC .AQM 2k F4: HEXIDEC .COM 1k : MBIG .BAS 2k F4: MBIG .DAT 4k : MBIG .DOC 8k F4: STARTER .AQM 6k : STARTER .COM 2k F4: STARTER .DOC 2k : Library Directory for F4:UTL#040 .LBR 72k F4: -FOG/UTL.040 0k : /UTL#040.CRC 2k F4: /UTL#040.DOC 5k : CFORMAT .COM 2k F4: DFORMAT .COM 2k : FLAGS .COM 2k F4: FORMAT .DOC 1k : KFORMAT .COM 2k F4: MAKAUTO2.AQM 4k : MAKAUTO2.COM 2k F4: MAKEAUTO.AQM 3k : MAKEAUTO.COM 2k F4: MAKEAUTO.DOC 1k : MSA .INF 1k F4: MSA15 .COM 7k : MSA15 .DOC 1k F4: OFORMAT .COM 3k : OSDISK76.COM 4k F4: OSDISK76.DOC 5k : OSTOKPRO.AQM 5k F4: OSTOKPRO.COM 1k : PCPIP .COM 12k F4: PCPIP .DOC 1k : STATUS .COM 2k F4: WID .AQM 4k : WID .COM 1k F4: WID .DOC 2k : Library Directory for F4:UTL#041 .LBR 76k [More] F4: -FOG/UTL.041 0k : /UTL#041.CRC 1k F4: /UTL#041.DOC 4k : CHGCHAR .AQM 4k F4: CHGCHAR .COF4: OZZCPR2 .MSG 9k : PROPOR .COM 3k F4: PROPOR .DOC 1k : ZCPR2 .AQM 38k F4: ZCPR2 .HEX 6k : ZCPRHDR .LQB 11k Library Directory for F4:UTL#036 .LBR 76k [More] F4: -FOG/UTL.036 0k : /UTL#036.CRC 1k F4: /UTL#036.DOC 6k : FILE .AQM 8k F4: FILE .COM 1k : FILE .DOC 2k F4: IDUMP .AQM 3k : IDUMP .COM 1k F4: LIST3 .AQM 9k : LIST3 .COM 2k F4: LIST3 .DOC 2k : MB-SAVE .COM 1k F4: MBASAUTO.COM 2k : PRINTSQ .COM 9k F4: Q .AQM 2k : Q .COM 1k F4: QWIKKEY .COM 2k : QWIKKEY .DOC 4k F4: SAVE .DOC 4k : UNERA15 .AQM 8k F4: UNERA15 .COM 1k : UNERA15 .DOC 3k F4: WRINST .BAS 4k : WRINST .DOC 2k F4: WS-SAVE .COM 1k : Library Directory for F4:UTL#037 .LBR 68k F4: -FOG/UTL.037 0k : /UTL#037.CRC 2k F4: /UTL#037.DOC 7k : AUTOBOOT.BAS 2k F4: DEXSUB .AQM 1k : DEXSUB .OBJ 1k F4: DISK72 .DOC 3k : DISK72 .OBJ 4k F4: DRI-UTIL.DOC 1k : EX14 .DOC 6k F4: EX14 .OBJ 3k : EX M 1k : CHGCHAR .DOC 5k F4: CLOCK .BAS 2k : DIRBANER.COM 1k F4: DIRBANER.DOC 1k : HEXDEC .BAS 2k F4: LSWEEP10.DOC 9k : LSWEEP13.COM 16k F4: LSWEEP13.TXT 1k : SAP38 .AQM 8k F4: SAP38 .COM 2k : VDO2A .COM 4k F4: VDO2A .DOC 17k : VDO2QUIK.DOC 1k F4: VDO2READ.ME 1k : Library Directory for F4:UTL#042 .LBR 84k F4: -FOG/UTL.042 0k : /UTL#042.CRC 1k F4: /UTL#042.DOC 4k : EDFILE .COM 11k F4: EDFILE .DOC 20k : FUNCTDD .COM 1k F4: NSWP205 .COM 11k : NSWP205 .DOC 28k F4: NSWP205 .UPD 2k : TABSET .COM 2k F4: TABSET .DOC 4k : Library Directory for F4:UTL#043 .LBR 64k F4: -FOG/UTL.043 0k : /UTL#043.CRC 1k F4: /UTL#043.DOC 3k : CCHECK .COM 19k F4: CCHECK .MAN 9k : CCREF .COM 16k [More] F4: CCREF .DOC 2k : OSCHG .COM 1k F4: PCPIP2 .COM 13k : Library Directory for F4:UTL#044 .LBR 88k F4: -FOG/UTL.044 0k : /UTL#044.CRC 1k F4: /UTL#044.DOC 2k : DIAL .COM 8k F4: DIAL .DOC 6k : DU2BR0 .COM 2k F4: MCAT .SET 4k : MCAT43 .AQM 28k F4: MCAT43 .DOC 8k : MCAT43OS.COM 7k F4: XCAT40 .AQM 20k : XCAT40 .COM 3k F4: XCAT40 .DOC 4k : Library Directory for F4:UTL#052 .LBR 76k F4: -FOG/UTL.052 0k : /UTL#052.CRC 1k F4: /UTL#052.DOC 3k : BISHOW52.COM 3k [More] F4: BISHOW80.COM 3k : DEMO .SUB 1k F4: HEADLINE.AQM 14k : HEADLINE.DOC 4k F4: HL080 .COM 2k : HL132 .COM 2k F4: NC .COM 2k : NC .DOC 3k F4: NSWP207 .COM 12k : NSWP207 .DOC 3k F4: NSWP2XX .TXT 28k : SUB .SUB 1k Library Directory for F4:UTL#053 .LBR 72k F4: -FOG/UTL.053 0k : /UTL#053.CRC 2k F4: /UTL#053.DOC 2k : ARCADD .COM 3k F4: ARCADD1 .DOC 2k : ARCCOPY .COM 2k F4: ARCCOPY1.DOC 1k : ARCDEL .COM 2k F4: ARCDEL .DOC 2k : ARCDIR .COM 2k F4: ARCDIR1 .DOC 1k : ARCGET .COM 2k F4: ARCGET1 .DOC 1k : ARCTYPE .COM 3k F4: ARCTYPE1.DOC 2k : LBR-ARC .COM 3k F4: LOCK .COM 11k : LOCK .DOC 2k F4: MKEY IEF.DOC 4k F4: DU2V18 .AQM 56k : DU2V18 .COM 12k Library Directory for F4:UTL#045 .LBR 80k F4: -FOG/UTL.045 0k : /UTL#045.CRC 1k F4: /UTL#045.DOC 2k : M7BELL .MSG 1k F4: M7NM-6 .AQM 5k : M7OD-4 .AQM 11k F4: M7RUB .MSG 2k : MDM730 .COM 19k F4: ODMDM730.COM 19k : ODMDM730.DOC 22k Library Directory for F4:UTL#046 .LBR 80k F4: -FOG/UTL.046 0k : /UTL#046.CRC 1k F4: /UTL#046.DOC 2k : M7FNK .COM 3k F4: M7FNK .DOC 2k : M7FNK .NOT 3k F4: M7LIB .COM 2k : M7LIB .DOC 3k F4: MDM730 .DOC 39k : MDM730 .MSG 4k F4: MDM730 .NOT 3k : MDM730 .UPD 4k [More] F4: MDM740 .INF 12k : MDMLINK .COM 2k F4: MDMLINK .DOC 2k : Library Directory for F4:UTL#047 .LBR 84k F4: -FOG/UTL.047 0k : /UTL#047.CRC 1k F4: /UTL#047.DOC 2k : M7NMOS-6.AQM 5k F4: M7OS-2 .AQM 12k : MDM740 .COM 19k F4: OSMDM740.COM 19k : OSMDM740.DOC 27k Library Directory for F4:UTL#048 .LBR 76k F4: -FOG/UTL.048 0k : /UTL#048.CRC 1k F4: /U.COM 1k : MKEY .DOC 5k F4: NSQ .COM 6k : NSQ110 .DOC 4k F4: SORTDIR .COM 2k : SORTDIR3.DOC 2k F4: UNLOCK .COM 11k : USQ .COM 2k Library Directory for F4:UTL#054 .LBR 64k [More] F4: -FOG/UTL.054 0k : /UTL#054.CRC 1k F4: /UTL#054.DOC 2k : BIGBURST.COM 2k F4: BIGBURST.DOC 3k : DIALER .COM 2k F4: DIALER .DOC 12k : FLOPCOPY.AQM 11k F4: FLOPCOPY.COM 3k : FLOPCOPY.DOC 2k F4: FROMHARD.AQM 6k : FROMHARD.COM 1k F4: FROMHARD.DOC 2k : MULTCOPY.AQM 9k F4: MULTCOPY.COM 2k : MULTCOPY.DOC 1k F4: RECOVER .COM 4k : RECOVER .DOC 2k F4: TOHARD .AQM 6k : TOHARD .COM 1k F4: TOHARD .DOC 2k : Library Directory for F4:UTL#055 .LBR 72k F4: -FOG/UTL.055 0k : /UTL#055.CRC 1k F4: /UTL#055.DOC 2k : EX14 .COM 3k F4: EX14 .DOC 6k : EX14 .SUB 5k F4: EX14 .TST 1k : MBEAUT .BAS 6k F4: MBREM .BAS 2k : MBXREF .BAS 7k F4: SD-91 .COM 4k : SD-91 .DOC 16k F4: SD-91 .INF 3k : SD-91 .UPD TL#048.DOC 1k : LUHELP .DOC 18k F4: LUXDIR11.SUB 1k : LUXFND10.SUB 1k F4: LUXTYP20.MQC 13k : LUXTYP20.SUB 1k F4: M .SUB 1k : MAKELUX .INF 1k F4: MAKELUX .SUB 1k : MDM740 .DOC 41k Library Directory for F4:UTL#049 .LBR 76k F4: -FOG/UTL.049 0k : /UTL#049.CRC 1k F4: /UTL#049.DOC 2k : HELP18A .COM 5k F4: LUX .HQP 8k : LUX-FILE.12B 2k F4: LUX12B .COM 5k : LUX12B .MQC 23k F4: LUXDIR .COM 2k : LUXDIR11.MQC 9k [More] F4: LUXFND .COM 2k : LUXFND10.MQC 9k F4: LUXTYP .COM 3k : MAKELUX .COM 2k F4: MAKELUX .MQC 8k : Library Directory for F4:UTL#050 .LBR 76k F4: -FOG/UTL.050 0k : /UTL#050.CRC 1k F4: /UTL#050.DOC 2k : CREATE .COM 2k F4: LBRDISK2.DOC 5k : LBRDISK2.NOT 2k F4: LBRDISK2.SET 2k : LBRDSK22.COM 8k F4: LBRDSK22.NOT 1k : LU300 .COM 19k F4: LU300 .DOC 34k : SETRSX .COM 1k Library Directory for F4:UTL#051 .LBR 80k F4: -FOG/UTL.051 0k : /UTL#051.CRC 1k F4: /UTL#051.DOC 3k : FIND4  7k F4: VLIST .COM 2k : VLIST .DOC 2k F4: XTYPE .COM 9k : XTYPE .DOC 1k [More] Library Directory for F4:UTL#056 .LBR 64k F4: -FOG/UTL.056 0k : /UTL#056.CRC 1k F4: /UTL#056.DOC 3k : HP .COM 2k F4: HP .DOC 6k : LIST .BAS 2k F4: LIST20 .COM 1k : LIST20 .DOC 2k F4: PRINT .COM 1k : PRINT .DOC 5k F4: SEND .COM 1k : SEND .DOC 1k F4: TELL .COM 2k : TELL .DOC 1k F4: TXT42 .$ 1k : TXT42 .DOC 3k F4: TYPE1 .COM 2k : TYPE1 .DOC 4k F4: XCAT42 .AQM 21k : XCAT42 .COM 3k F4: XCAT42 .DOC 5k : XCAT42U .COM 3k Library Directory for F4:UTL#057 .LBR 68k F4: -FOG/UTL.057 0k : /UTL#057.CRC 1k F4: /UTL#057.DOC 4k : CV20 .COM 2k F4: CV20 .DOC 2k : FILTER4 .COM 6k F4: FILTER4 .DOC 1k : LBL1&3 .DOC 3k F4: LBL1ACRS.BAS 3k : LBL3ACRS.BAS 3k F4: N20 .AQM 8k : N20 .COM 4k F4: N20 .DOC 2k : OKICHAR .COM 2k F4: OKICHAR .DOC 5k : PK .COM 1k F4:  DISK .DOC 1k : Library Directory for F5:HAK#004 .LBR 76k F5: -FOG/HAK.004 0k : DISK .DOC 1k F5: DOWHILES.LIB 1k : DUMP24X .OBJ 3k F5: JRNL .BAS 13k : NCOMPARE.LIB 2k F5: PASSWORD.BAS 2k : POW .ASM 24k F5: POWCMDS .POW 5k : POWTEXT .POW 2k F5: RESIZE .DOC 2k : RESIZE2 .BAS 5k F5: RESIZE3 .BAS 5k : ROM .ASM 2k F5: ROM .DOC 2k : SELECTS .LIB 2k F5: SEQIO .LIB 11k : Library Directory for F5:HAK#005 .LBR 72k F5: -FOG/HAK.005 0k : CODE .BAS 2k F5: DISK .DOC 1k : HAMPROGS.DOC 3k F5: MOONLOC1.BAS 3k : MOONLOC2.BAS 3k F5: MOONLOC3.BAS 7k : MOONLOC5.BAS 5k [More] F5: RTTY .ASM 26k : SYMSTACK.LIB 1k F5: TTY .ASM 9k : TTYR .ASM 5k F5: TTYR1 .ASM 5k : TTYX .ASM 5k F5: WHENS .LIB 1k : Library Directory for F5:HAK#006 .LBR 76k F5: -FOG/HAK.006 0k : ADE .AQM 8k F5: BANNER .AQM 4k : DATABASE.DOC 6k F5: DBENTRY .BAS 6k : DBQUERY .BAS 7k F5: DBSETUP .BAS PK .DOC 6k : REFORMAT.BAS 6k [More] F4: REFORMAT.DOC 2k : SAP40 .AQM 9k F4: SAP40 .COM 2k : SAP40 .DOC 3k There are 892 Member Files in 57 Library(s) >> DRIVE:F USER:4 FILES:59 SPACE USED:4296K (1720K FREE) << F5: -HACKER .FOG 0K : HAK#001 .LBR 76K F5: HAK#002 .LBR 76K : HAK#003 .LBR 80K F5: HAK#004 .LBR 76K : HAK#005 .LBR 72K F5: HAK#006 .LBR 76K : HAK#007 .LBR 80K F5: HAK#008 .LBR 84K : HAK#009 .LBR 84K F5: HAK#010 .LBR 80K : HAK#011 .LBR 80K F5: HAK#012 .LBR 76K : HAK#013 .LBR 60K F5: HAK#014 .LBR 76K : HAK#015 .LBR 72K F5: HAK#016 .LBR 84K : HAK#017 .LBR 68K F5: HAK#018 .LBR 80K : HAK#019 .LBR 80K F5: HAK#020 .LBR 80K : HAK#021 .LBR 64K F5: HAK#022 .LBR 84K : HAK#023 .LBR 72K F5: WHATSNEW.COM 4K Library Directory for F5:HAK#001 .LBR 76k F5: -FOG/HAK.001 0k : 120 .BAS 2k [More] F5: 130 .BAS 1k : 21000 .BAS 2k F5: 800 .BAS 2k : A/R010 .BAS 12k F5: ABSTRACT.043 1 7k : DDTPATCH.AQM 2k F5: DIRS9/8 .AQM 6k : DISK .DOC 2k F5: INV . 1k : INV .IND 1k F5: MFACCESS.LIB 3k : PROM .AQM 8k F5: STRTRK/2.BAS 16k : UCOPY .AQM 5k Library Directory for F5:HAK#007 .LBR 80k F5: -FOG/HAK.007 0k : CRCKLIST.CRC 1k F5: DISK .DOC 1k : FPCONV .SQC 7k F5: FPDATA .SQC 2k : FPINT .SQC 5k F5: FPPKG .SQC 15k : MAKSUB .AQM 2k F5: MEGATREK.AQC 0k : MEGATREK.DOC 1k F5: MLIST3 .AQM 4k : TRAN .SQC 8k F5: VLIST11 .AQM 6k : [More] Library Directory for F5:HAK#008 .LBR 84k F5: -FOG/HAK.008 0k : CRCKLIST.CRC 1k F5: DISK .DOC 1k : MBOOT3OS.AQM 5k F5: MCAL780 .AQM 6k : MODEM780.LQB 12k F5: MODEM781.AQM 57k : MODEM781.DQC 4k Library Directory for F5:HAK#009 .LBR 84k F5: -FOG/HAK.009 0k : CRCKLIST.CRC 1k F5: DISK .DOC 1k : LOSTGOLD.BQS 12k F5: PIPMODEM.AQM 2k : PIPMODEM.DOC 7k F5: RECV .AQM 5k : SEND .AQM 6k F5: SMODEM39.MQC 50k : Library Direk : AP .BAS 16k F5: AR .BAS 14k : BINSEARC.BAS 1k F5: CATALOG .043 2k : CURSOR .BAS 1k F5: DISK .DOC 1k : FS .BAS 16k F5: INSTALL .BAS 2k : READCUST.BAS 1k F5: READINV .BAS 1k : READVEND.BAS 1k F5: WRITCUST.BAS 1k : WRITEINV.BAS 2k F5: WRITEVND.BAS 1k : Library Directory for F5:HAK#002 .LBR 76k F5: -FOG/HAK.002 0k : A/P000 .BAS 1k F5: A/P010 .BAS 13k : A/P02A .BAS 4k F5: A/R-INFO.BAS 2k : A/R-INV .BAS 1k F5: A/R020 .BAS 5k : A/R03A .BAS 4k F5: A/R03B .BAS 12k : A/R040 .BAS 9k F5: A/R050 .BAS 11k : A/R060 .BAS 2k F5: A/R070 .BAS 9k : A/R080 .BAS 5k F5: A/RTAX .BAS 2k : DISK .DOC 1k Library Directory for F5:HAK#003 .LBR 80k F5: -FOG/HAK.003 0k : A/P-INFO.BAS 1k [More] F5: A/P02B .BAS 6k : A/P030 .BAS 12k F5: A/P040 .BAS 11k : A/P050 .BAS 6k F5: A/P060 .BAS 7k : A/P070 .BAS 11k F5: A/P080 .BAS 2k : A/P090 .BAS 11k F5: A/P110 .BAS 5k : A/P120 .BAS 10k F5: ctory for F5:HAK#010 .LBR 80k F5: -FOG/HAK.010 0k : COPYFAST.AQM 16k F5: CRCKLIST.CRC 1k : DIAL6/23.AQM 14k F5: DIAL6/23.DOC 2k : DISK .DOC 1k F5: FLIP3 .AQM 2k : MENURBBS. 1k F5: NEWCOM . 1k : PMMIBYE3.AQM 11k F5: RBBS30 .BQS 19k : RBBS30 .DOC 3k F5: RBBS30-U.DOC 10k : [More] Library Directory for F5:HAK#011 .LBR 80k F5: -FOG/HAK.011 0k : CRCKLIST.CRC 1k F5: DISK .DOC 2k : FINDBAD .MAC 7k F5: KID .AQM 8k : KID .KID 1k F5: MBASIC .MOD 2k : MOVUSER1.AQM 2k F5: NCAT32 .AQM 0k : UNERA13 .AQM 8k F5: XCAT36 .AQM 21k : Library Directory for F5:HAK#012 .LBR 76k F5: -FOG/HAK.012 0k : COMAND .LQB 5k F5: CRCKLIST.CRC 1k : DISK .DOC 1k F5: DISKDEF .LQB 5k : FAST2 .AQM 13k F5: MEMLNK20.AQM 12k : MORSE .AQM 5k F5: PACKUP2 .AQM 10k : PRACTICE.AQM 5k F5: RANDTEXT.BAS 2k : SEQIO22 .LQB 13k F5: TBPRNT13.AQM 8k : Library Directory for F5:HAK#013 .LBR 60k F5: -FOG/HAK.013 0k : A F5: DR .AQM 4k : EDUCATOR.AQM 12k F5: ENCRYPT .BQS 2k : MEDICAL .FQM 1k F5: MENU .CQD 4k : MENU .DQC 2k F5: MENU .DQF 4k : MENU .FQT 1k F5: MENU .MQM 1k : MENU .NQX 1k F5: MENUEDIT.CQD 6k : MENURPT .DQF 1k F5: MENURPT .FQT 2k : MENURPT1.CQD 2k F5: QD .AQM 7k : QUME3 .DQC 5k F5: REPORT1 .CQD 2k : TAXES .CQD 3k F5: TAXES .DQF 2k : TOPOFPAG.CQD 1k F5: XFORMAT .OBJ 2k : Library Directory for F5:HAK#018 .LBR 80k F5: -FOG/HAK.018 0k : /HAK#018.CRC 1k F5: /HAK#018.DOC 2k : FUNDTRND.OBJ 28k F5: NECDSKL2.AQM 4k : OSBYEZ2H.AQM 31k F5: WSPTCHDD.AQM 7k : WSPTCHDD.DOC 5k F5: WSPTCHDD.OBJ 2k : Library Directory for F5:HAK#019 .LBR 80k F5: -FOG/HAK.019 0k : /HAK#019.CRC 1k F5: /HAK#019.DOC 2k : CPMDEC .FQN 9k F5: GB .BQS 14k : GB .DOC 7k [More] F5: PHONES .T 2k : TERMNL2 .AQM 7k F5: TERMNL2 .DOC 3k : YAM-NOTE.TXT 2k F5: YAMDOC .RQO 0k : YAMHELP .TQ 4MORTTBL.BAS 2k F5: ANINTRTE.BAS 2k : ANNUITY .BAS 1k F5: BUSINESS.BAS 1k : BUSINESS.DAT 1k F5: CHECKWTR.BAS 3k : COMPAT .BAS 3k F5: CRCKLIST.CRC 2k : DAYDATES.BAS 2k [More] F5: DAYWEEK .BAS 1k : DEPRAMNT.BAS 1k F5: DEPRRATE.BAS 1k : DEPRSCHD.BAS 2k F5: DISCOMPR.BAS 1k : DISK .DOC 1k F5: EFFINEST.BAS 1k : ENG-METR.BAS 3k F5: FINAN1-3.DOC 1k : FINANC1A.BQS 6k F5: FUTRVALU.BAS 1k : INTINVST.BAS 1k F5: LOANTERM.BAS 1k : LSTPAYMT.BAS 2k F5: MAPCHECK.BAS 4k : NOMINTST.BAS 1k F5: PRINLOAN.BAS 1k : RCIPECST.BAS 1k F5: REGDEPOS.BAS 1k : REGPAYMT.BAS 1k F5: REGWDRAW.BAS 1k : S&L .BQS 13k F5: SALVGVAL.BAS 1k : WITHHDTX.BAS 2k Library Directory for F5:HAK#014 .LBR 76k F5: -FOG/HAK.014 0k : ACCOUNT .BQS 24k F5: AUTOST .OBJ 1k : BANK .BQS 12k F5: CRCKLIST.CRC 1k : DISK .DOC 1k F5: FINANCE2.BQS 7k : FINANCE3.BQS 7k F5: INCOME .BQS 17k : STAR .BQS 3k F5: STAR .DOC 6k : Library Dk Library Directory for F5:HAK#020 .LBR 80k F5: -FOG/HAK.020 0k : /HAK#020.CRC 1k F5: /HAK#020.DOC 2k : BULLETIN. 1k F5: CALLERS . 1k : ENTERCPM. 1k F5: RBBS .OBJ 42k : RBBS35 .ASC 29k F5: RBBS35 .DQC 6k : Library Directory for F5:HAK#021 .LBR 64k F5: -FOG/HAK.021 0k : /HAK#021.CRC 1k F5: /HAK#021.DOC 2k : INFO . 1k F5: MENURBBS. 1k : NEWCOM . 1k F5: NEWS . 1k : OZCHAT34.ASM 21k F5: PWDS . 1k : RBSUTIL .OBJ 24k F5: RBSUTL35.ASC 12k : TWIT . 1k F5: USERS . 1k : Library Directory for F5:HAK#022 .LBR 84k F5: -FOG/HAK.022 0k : /HAK#022.CRC 1k F5: /HAK#022.DOC 2k : BYE3-OS .ASM 67k [More] F5: OZFILE52.ASM 14k : Library Directory for F5:HAK#023 .LBR 72k F5: -FOG/HAK.023 0k : /HAK#023.CRC 1k F5: /HAK#023.DOC 2k : XMDM74OS.ASM 11k F5: XMODEM74.ASM 59k : There are 324 Member Files in 23 Library(s) >> DRIVE:F USER:5 FILES:25 SPACE USED:1764K (1720Kirectory for F5:HAK#015 .LBR 72k F5: -FOG/HAK.015 0k : AIR .MUS 4k [More] F5: AMERICA .MUS 1k : AUTOST .AQM 2k F5: AWAVE .BAS 2k : CALIOPE .MUS 2k F5: CCPPATCH.AQM 1k : CHORALE .MUS 3k F5: CRCKLIST.CRC 1k : DISK .DOC 2k F5: HELPER .DOC 6k : HELPER .OBJ 2k F5: IRISH .MUS 1k : MINWALZ .MUS 3k F5: MUSIC .DOC 13k : MUSIC .OBJ 5k F5: MUSIC4 .AQM 9k : MUSIC4 .DOC 2k F5: MUSIC4 .OBJ 2k : NOTES .BAS 3k F5: PDQFILE .BAS 9k : STARWARS.MUS 2k F5: WALK .MUS 2k : YANKEE .MUS 2k Library Directory for F5:HAK#016 .LBR 84k F5: -FOG/HAK.016 0k : /HAK#016.CRC 1k F5: /HAK#016.DOC 1k : BBSCON2 .AQM 17k F5: ODBS .BQS 19k : SPELL .LQX 2k F5: SPELL-ED.DQC 4k : SPELL-ED.OBJ 9k F5: SPELL-OS.OBJ 3k : YAM .OBJ 28k Library Directory for F5:HAK#017 .LBR 68k F5: -FOG/HAK.017 0k : /HAK#017.CRC 2k F5: /HAK#017.DOC 2k : DEAR-ED .DQC 1k F5: DECRYPT .BQS 2k : DISKMON .AQM 7k [More]   FREE) << F6: -OSBORN1.FOG 0K : OS1#001 .LBR 84K F6: OS1#002 .LBR 84K : WHATSNEW.COM 4K Library Directory for F6:OS1#001 .LBR 84k F6: -FOG/OS1.001 0k : /DECEMBR.084 0k F6: /OS1#001.CRC 1k : /OS1#001.DOC 2k F6: CURSOR .AQM 3k : CURSOR .COM 1k F6: CURSOR .DOC 2k : DFDZCPR .AQM 24k F6: DFDZCPR .DOC 2k : DFDZCPR .SPR 3k F6: FK .COM 4k : FK .DQC 12k F6: M7OSCP-5.AQM 10k : MXO-OC10.AQM 12k F6: OSBDDD .COM 7k : [More] Library Directory for F6:OS1#002 .LBR 84k F6: -FOG/OS1.002 0k : /OS1#002.CRC 1k F6: /OS1#002.DOC 3k : JOURNEY .COM 48k F6: JOURNEY .DQC 17k : JOURNEY .INS 1k F6: JOURNEY .SSS 1k : OBIOSPT .COM 4k F6: OBIOSPT .DQC 8k : OS1SET .COM 2k There are 25 Member Files in 2 Library(s) >> DRIVE:F USER:6 FILES:4 SPACE USED:172K (1720K FREE) << F7: -COMPU10.PUB 0K : WHATSNEW.COM 4K >> DRIVE:F USER:7 FILES:2 SPACE USED:4K (1720K FREE) << B 1D --> FILE: BUDGETCH.BAS CRC = 61 6E --> FILE: EXPENS80.JAN CRC = 49 90 --> FILE: ANNTOT1 .BAS CRC = 00 87 --> FILE: ANNTOT1 .INT CRC = E8 CC --> FILE: BUDGET1 .INT CRC = C8 4C --> FILE: EXP1980 .TOT CRC = 55 F4 --> FILE: LEDGER1 .BAS CRC = E9 58 --> FILE: LEDGER1 .INT CRC = 4F 75 --> FILE: BUDGETCH.INT CRC = 81 C6 --> FILE: RJ .BAS CRC = 1E 9E --> FILE: RJ .DOC CRC = D4 29 --> FILE: RJ .INT CRC = B9 25 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 21 6A ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 50 D5 --> FILE: ROLLLIST.FMT CRC = D6 30 --> FILE: -FOG/APP.004 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: CHANGE .BAS CRC = 88 2B --> FILE: DISPLREC.BAS CRC = 08 DD --> FILE: DOEND .BAS CRC = 3C 39 --> FILE: DOINIT .BAS CRC = 4D A2 --> FILE: DOORDER .BAS CRC = 92 5B --> FILE: DOSTART .BAS CRC = 15 D5 --> FILE: FUNCTION.BAS CRC = 62 29 --> FILE: GETORDER.BAS CRC = 58 D5 --> FILE: GETREC .BAS CRC = FD FD --> FILE: --> FILE: -FOG/APP.001 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: ACCTFILE.BAS CRC = 90 10 --> FILE: BINSERCH.BAS CRC = F3 A3 --> FILE: COMPILE .SUB CRC = B5 60 --> FILE: CURSOR .BAS CRC = 29 FF --> FILE: FILEINIT.BAS CRC = 3B 93 --> FILE: G/L .DOC CRC = 63 BB --> FILE: G/L-INFO.BAS CRC = 9D 3E --> FILE: G/L000 .BAS CRC = B2 5F --> FILE: G/L010 .BAS CRC = 76 3F --> FILE: G/L020 .BAS CRC = 3C A9 --> FILE: G/L030 .BAS CRC = 5A FA --> FILE: G/L040 .BAS CRC = 63 8B --> FILE: G/L050 .BAS CRC = CB 3D --> FILE: G/L070 .BAS CRC = 73 2C --> FILE: G/L080 .BAS CRC = 48 6C --> FILE: GENINFO .BAS CRC = 84 C1 --> FILE: POSTFILE.BAS CRC = DF B5 --> FILE: SUBS1 .BAS CRC = 06 AF --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = C0 1D ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 75 81 --> FILE: -FOG/APP.002 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: AUTOST .COM CRC = D8 F1 --> FILE: CRT . CRC = C8 24 --> FILE: G/I0F010.DAT CRC = 2C 6C --> FILE: G/L  HEADMOD .BAS CRC = 43 B4 --> FILE: LABELS .DOC CRC = 37 E9 --> FILE: LABELS .BAS CRC = 28 3B --> FILE: LABELS .INT CRC = 29 B4 --> FILE: MODFILE .BAS CRC = 15 7B --> FILE: MODREC .BAS CRC = 35 32 --> FILE: OPENFILE.BAS CRC = 0A 30 --> FILE: PRINTLBL.BAS CRC = C4 DF --> FILE: TOFILE .BAS CRC = 93 D9 --> FILE: ZEROREC .BAS CRC = A8 6E --> FILE: 2NDMTG .CAL CRC = 35 C2 --> FILE: AMORT .CAL CRC = E5 F0 --> FILE: MPLABELS. CRC = 1C 86 --> FILE: MPLABELS.FMT CRC = 0B B5 --> FILE: ROLLLIST. CRC = 2B 4A --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = F2 4E --> FILE: LOANPMT .CAL CRC = C1 3B --> FILE: SUNRISE .BAS CRC = CB 5D --> FILE: SUNRISE .INT CRC = 15 D3 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 79 BD --> FILE: -FOG/APP.005 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: CURVFIT .BAS CRC = DB 3A --> FILE: CURVFIT .DOC CRC = 52 86 --> FILE: SIMEQU .BAS CRC = 72 EA --> FILE: SIMEQU .DOC CRC = 44 3F --> FILE: STANDEV .BAS C .SUB CRC = 8A FF --> FILE: G/L000 .INT CRC = 23 5A --> FILE: G/L010 .INT CRC = C7 41 --> FILE: G/L020 .INT CRC = 2C 09 --> FILE: G/L030 .INT CRC = 35 C7 --> FILE: G/L040 .INT CRC = 34 29 --> FILE: G/L050 .INT CRC = E4 91 --> FILE: G/L070 .INT CRC = 6D BD --> FILE: G/L080 .INT CRC = A0 33 --> FILE: G/L0F020.DAT CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: G/L0F030.DAT CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: G/L0F110.DAT CRC = 06 C3 --> FILE: G/L0F130.DAT CRC = 5E BE --> FILE: NEC000 .BAS CRC = 50 D5 --> FILE: NEC000 .INT CRC = CC A9 --> FILE: NUL000 .BAS CRC = 57 5A --> FILE: NUL000 .INT CRC = 89 90 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = C8 9D --> FILE: OKI000 .INT CRC = 50 83 --> FILE: OKI000 .BAS CRC = E8 A8 --> FILE: G/L .LTR CRC = F9 40 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 2A 86 --> FILE: -FOG/APP.003 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: BUDGET1 .DOC CRC = 2D 4A --> FILE: LEDGER1 .DOC CRC = CD F4 --> FILE: BUDGET1 .BAS CRC = 1 RC = 34 E2 --> FILE: STANDEV .DOC CRC = 35 FB --> FILE: AMORT .BAS CRC = 3F 0D --> FILE: DEPREC .BAS CRC = F4 3B --> FILE: MCOMP1 .BAS CRC = B1 9B --> FILE: MORTCOMP.BAS CRC = 31 A2 --> FILE: PROPERTY.BAS CRC = F7 33 --> FILE: RETURN .BAS CRC = 5E 66 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 18 4F --> FILE: DEPRE .BAS CRC = C1 8D --> FILE: PERT1 .BAS CRC = BA F2 --> FILE: AMORTIZR.BAS CRC = C1 02 --> FILE: DATES .BAS CRC = 70 CD --> FILE: EXPOTIME.BAS CRC = 74 04 --> FILE: FSTOP .BAS CRC = 20 1B --> FILE: MONTHS .BAS CRC = B2 16 --> FILE: PERT2 .BAS CRC = 37 AC --> FILE: SINKFUND.BAS CRC = 1D A2 --> FILE: WSPATCH .ASM CRC = 2A C8 --> FILE: WSPATCH .COM CRC = 13 17 --> FILE: WSPATCH .DOC CRC = CE 54 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 2A 37 --> FILE: -FOG/APP.006 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: WSFAST .ASM CRC = 2E B4 --> FILE: WSFAST .DOC CRC = D1 1A --> FILE: WSFAST .HEX CRC = 91 9E --> CRC = 88 A7 --> FILE: NFLSTATS.BAS CRC = C9 18 --> FILE: NFLUPDAT.BAS CRC = 31 E6 --> FILE: STCKEXMP.BAS CRC = BB B6 --> FILE: STOCKFL . CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: STOCKS .BAS CRC = 0F 5F --> FILE: TRAVS .BAS CRC = DF 5F --> FILE: TRAVS .INT CRC = 12 1B --> FILE: MPG1 .CAL CRC = 80 5B --> FILE: EDITOR .BAS CRC = 62 9D --> FILE: EDITOR .COM CRC = CE FB ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = F2 27 --> FILE: -FOG/APP.011 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: BOOK . CRC = F8 59 --> FILE: FINANCE .BAS CRC = 78 45 --> FILE: C-UPDATE.BAS CRC = CE DD --> FILE: LOOKUP .COM CRC = 51 D3 --> FILE: LOOKUP .DOC CRC = 0A 1A --> FILE: MEASURE .BAS CRC = CD F9 --> FILE: WSMODS1 .AQM CRC = EE 11 --> FILE: WSMODS1 .DOC CRC = BA 48 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 4D FB --> FILE: C-UPDATE.INT CRC = B2 36 --> FILE: CBOOK .BAS CRC = F4 EB --> FILE: CBOOK .INT CRC = B5 19 --> FILE: LOOKUP .AQM CRC = 03 EA  FILE: BEEP .ART CRC = CC 4C --> FILE: TEACH .ASM CRC = 88 7B --> FILE: TEACH .COM CRC = 18 EC --> FILE: TEACH .DOC CRC = FD 02 --> FILE: HELP .COM CRC = AC 54 --> FILE: INDEX .COM CRC = 41 14 --> FILE: INDEX .HLP CRC = 37 DE --> FILE: SORT .BAS CRC = C5 07 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = FB 4F ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = E1 BD --> FILE: -FOG/APP.007 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: HELP .BAS CRC = AA AD --> FILE: HELP-1 .BAS CRC = 88 50 --> FILE: HELP-2 . CRC = D6 EE --> FILE: HELP-3 . CRC = 8E FF --> FILE: HELP-4 . CRC = 34 62 --> FILE: MAIL .BAS CRC = 8D 90 --> FILE: MENU .BAS CRC = D5 7B --> FILE: MERGE .BAS CRC = B7 7F --> FILE: OPERATE .BAS CRC = 7A A5 --> FILE: REPORT .BAS CRC = 88 36 --> FILE: REPT-FRM.BAS CRC = 44 A5 --> FILE: SORT .BAS CRC = 42 EC --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 56 96 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = C8 D8 --> FILE: -F--> FILE: CDAILY .BAS CRC = 78 43 --> FILE: CDAILY .INT CRC = C1 9A --> FILE: CHKBOOK .DOC CRC = 8B 3B --> FILE: CMENU .BAS CRC = 59 AE --> FILE: CMENU .INT CRC = 6A 39 --> FILE: NEWGENEA.BAS CRC = D2 99 --> FILE: MAGE .COM CRC = D8 FD --> FILE: MAGE .DOC CRC = 6B A4 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 60 12 --> FILE: RPN .COM CRC = 11 46 --> FILE: RPN .CQ CRC = 5A A7 --> FILE: RPN .DOC CRC = 2F 68 --> FILE: -FOG/APP.012 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: A/RJOURN.CAL CRC = 77 00 --> FILE: DISBURS1.CAL CRC = DF 9E --> FILE: DISBURS2.CAL CRC = 96 6E --> FILE: PAYABLES.CAL CRC = A2 B8 --> FILE: RECEIVAB.CAL CRC = FE 91 --> FILE: RECONCIL.CAL CRC = CF 2C --> FILE: BPROFIT .CAL CRC = 1A 5A --> FILE: BUGWS1 .CAL CRC = 6E 57 --> FILE: PARTWS1 .CAL CRC = 72 06 --> FILE: OWS .COM CRC = 7C 46 --> FILE: OWS .DOC CRC = 1D 87 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = AC 6F ----------------OG/APP.008 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: EIGEN .COM CRC = FD 0E --> FILE: MCALC .COM CRC = 30 9A --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = A7 68 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = D5 10 --> FILE: -FOG/APP.009 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: CAL2 .BAS CRC = 7B 0B --> FILE: CAL2 .DOC CRC = 6A AC --> FILE: CAL2 .INT CRC = 2F 59 --> FILE: AMPRESP .BAS CRC = 91 98 --> FILE: BLLSTC .BAS CRC = 03 65 --> FILE: CONNHORN.BAS CRC = 9F F4 --> FILE: FFT .BAS CRC = 22 BA --> FILE: FITTER .BAS CRC = 4B 80 --> FILE: RECOIL .BAS CRC = B7 F2 --> FILE: RFUTIL .BAS CRC = 49 68 --> FILE: SAMP .BAS CRC = F9 77 --> FILE: STRPLINE.BAS CRC = A5 95 --> FILE: RATIOS .BAS CRC = C6 24 --> FILE: RATIOS .DOC CRC = 1C 31 --> FILE: DATABASE. CRC = 4C 48 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = B4 F4 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 3C 32 --> FILE: -FOG/APP.010 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: NFLFYL . CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: DISK .DOC -----> SUM OF CRCS = 39 C9 S1#001 .LBR 84k F6: -FOG/OS1.001 0k : /DECEMBR.084 0k F6: /OS1#001.CRC 1k : /OS1#001.DOC 2k F6: CURSOR .AQM 3k : CURSOR .COM 1k F6: CURSOR .DOC 2k : DFDZCPR .AQM 24k F6: DFDZCPR .DOC 2k : DFDZCPR .SPR 3k F6: FK .COM 4k : FK .DQC 12k F6: M7OSCP-5.AQM 10k : MXO-OC10.AQM 12k F6: OSBDDD .COM 7k : [More] Library Directory for F6:OS1#002 .LBR 84k F6: -FOG/OS1.002 0k : /OS1#002.CRC 1k F6: /OS1#002.DOC 3k : JOURNEY .COM 48k F6: JOURNEY .DQC 17k : JOURNEY .INS 1k F6: JOURNEY .SSS 1k : OBIOSPT .COM 4k F6: OBIOSPT .DQC 8k : OS1SET .COM 2k There are 25 Member Files in 2 Library(s) >> DRIVE:F USER:6 FILES:4 SPACE USED:172K (1720K FREE) << F7: -COMPU10.PUB 0K : WHATSNEW.COM 4K >> DRIVE:F USER:7 FILES:2 SPACE USED:4K (1720K FREE) << f the file. To terminate, press Q; if you inadvertently made changes to SYNOPSIS.APP, respond to the ABANDON EDITED VERSION question with Y for yes. For each category except Library (LIB) and Hackers (HAK), the files, programs, and systems selected as the most useful or unique are summarized in These text files may be displayed using the CP/M command TYPE; if is toggled, the display will also be printed. WordStar may be used to display, print, or search the file. These disks are presently incomplete. Since the SYNOPSIS and BEST-OF files will be periodically updated, it is not expected that these disks will ever be made permanent. Jim Woolley FOG Disk Librarian June 1984  : WHATSNEW.COM 4K >> DRIVE:F USER:7 FILES:2 SPACE USED:4K (1720K FREE) <<  DISK.DOC FOG/LIB.X+1 and X+2 First Osborne Group (FOG) Library Information Disk The most recent update was June 1984. FOG/LIB.X+1 contains synopses of disks in the Library, Games, Miscellaneous, Languages, and Hackers categories of the FOG disk library. Also included are descriptions of the best entries selected from the Games, Miscellaneous, and Languages categories. FOG/LIB.X+2 contains a synopsis of disks in the Utilities category as well as a selection of the best entries from that category. FOG/LIB.X+3 contains a synopsis of disks in the Applications category as well as a selection of the best entries from that category. Text for each file is extracted from the DISK.DOC files for disks in that category (cat). Similar entries are placed in the NEWSmmyy.LIB files found elsewhere in the Library category. The difference is that the files summarize all disks in a given category, while the NEWSmmyy.LIB files represent all disks installed in the library during a given month (mm) and year (yy). files may be displayed using the CP/M command TYPE. Each category may be searched by keyword with the FIND utilities from FOG/UTL.020 and 027. WordStar may be particularly useful for displaying, printing, and searching the synopsis files. For example, to search for all dBASE applications, place SYNOPSIS.APP in drive B and your WordStar disk in drive A. At the A> prompt, type WS When WordStar is ready, type D to edit a file and specify the filename B:SYNOPSIS.APP. Once this file has been loaded, tell WordStar to find (search) by pressing F. At the FIND? prompt, type DBASE, and for OPTIONS?, specify U to ignore case. WordStar will find the keyword DBASE (or dBASE) and display it in context. When you wish to search for additional occurences of the keyword, simply press . Press to begin another search from the beginning o BEST-OF.APP A Selection from the Applications Category of the First Osborne Group (FOG) Disk Library ==================================================== This file may be expected to change periodically. The most recent update was June 1984. ==================================================== From FOG/APP.001 and FOG/APP.002: G/L is the Osborne/McGraw-Hill General Ledger system. From FOG/APP.005: AMORT will calculate loan amortization. MONTHS will display a calendar. SIMEQU will solve a set of simultaneous linear equations. STANDEV provides statistics regarding a set of data. WSPATCH will patch WordStar on single- density Osborne 1s to provide a blinking cursor and automatically configured arrow keys. From FOG/APP.006: TEACH is a program to teach Morse code. INDEX will produce an index for a WordStar text file. From FOG/APP.007: The Electronic Card File (ECF) system is a menu driven limited database manager written in MBASIC.  on double-density Osborne 1s to provide a blinking cursor and automatically configured arrow keys. From FOG/APP.030 and 031: BYMAIL is a dBASE II mail list system. From FOG/APP.033: SW80 and SW104, 80 and 104 column versions of SCDESIGN found on FOG/APP.014, permit interactive design of a screen display, then build an MBASIC program to recreate the display. From FOG/APP.034: UGRAPH will display point or bar graphs of data contained in a dBASE II DBF file. Another dBASE application is Detroit's DeFOG membership and mailing list system. From FOG/APP.035: 3DGRAPH will display a 3D bargraph using interactive input. From FOG/APP.036: PAINT2, similar to SCDESIGN found on FOG/APP.014, permits interactive design of a screen display using graphic and ASCII characters. (Also, see SW80 and SW104 found on FOG/APP.032). From FOG/APP.037: CURVFIT2, a revision of CURVFIT from FOG/APP.005, will fit a polynomial thru a set of data points. From FOG/APP.038: CHEX is a From FOG/APP.008: MCALC is a general matrix calculator. EIGEN will solve eigenvalue problems. From FOG/APP.010: TRAVS solves the "traveling salesman" optimization problem, finding the path of least cost thru all of a set of objectives. From FOG/APP.011: CBOOK is a checkbook management system. LOOKUP will search a file for all records (lines of data) containing a keyword. From FOG/APP.012: RPN, a programmers calculator, uses reverse polish notation to perform arithmetic in decimal, hexadecimal, octal, or ASCII. From FOG/APP.013: The Performance Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) is a project management system. From FOG/APP.014: D is a dBASE II command file which presents a general menu for entering date, displaying files or extended disk directory, and setting defaults. FOG is a dBASE application for managing a FOG membership list. SCDESIGN permits interactive design of a screen display using graphic and ASCII characters and builds an MBASIC program  dBASE II application to manage one or more checkbooks. DBSQUASH compacts dBASE II command files. From FOG/APP.039: VMAP2 will cross reference an MBASIC program. BCSQUASH compacts BASIC programs by taking out comments and unnecessary blanks. MULTREG performs linear multiple regression. From FOG/APP.040 and 041: The TAXTMPL federal income tax SuperCalc templates from FOG/APP.022 are updated for the 1983 tax year. From FOG/APP.042 thru 044 and part of 045: The Osborne/McGraw-Hill Accounts Payable (A/P) system is integrated with the General Ledger (G/L) system from FOG/APP.001 and 002. From FOG/APP.045 and 046: FFT will perform the fast fourier transform calculation. FINANAL is a SuperCalc template for compound interest, future value, present value of a tax deduction, net present value of an investment, and rate of depreciation. EMF is a multi-purpose dBASE II invoice, inventory, and purchase order processing application. From FOG/APP.047: CHECKS is a dBASto recreate the display. From FOG/APP.015: ANOVA-RM performs analysis of variance with repeated measures. LIN-REG will do linear regression. These are SuperCalc templates. From FOG/APP.018: EAC is an Extended Arithmetic Calculator which can perform computation on integers up to 127 bytes long. WSPATCH2 combines several useful WordStar modifications into one complete and easy to use procedure; these include smooth scrolling, fast memory mapped display, automatic arrow key redefinition, printer patches, and other changes for both single- and double-density Osborne 1s. From FOG/APP.023 and 024: SPELLM20 is a spelling checker system. From FOG/APP.025 thru 027: The Stock Base system may be used to track the performance of a stock portfolio. (Corrections may be found on FOG/APP.040.) From FOG/APP.028: PCFILE is a complete but easy to use database management system. Its documentation is found on FOG/APP.029. From FOG/APP.029: WSPTCHDD will patch WordStarE II checkbook management application. STOCGRPH will display/print a table/plot of weekly prices of a security. From FOG/APP.048: AMORTAB3 is a SuperCalc2 template for loan amortization. ENSOFT2 will convert a standard text file containing "hard" spaces and carriage returns into a WordStar Document mode compatible file with "soft" spaces and carriage returns; UNSOFT will do the reverse. From FOG/APP.049: FTNOTE12 will organize footnotes for a WordStar file. Jim Woolley FOG Disk Librarian June 1984  not expected that these disks will ever be made permanent. Jim Woolley FOG Disk Librarian June 1984  : WHATSNEW.COM 4K >> DRIVE:F USER:7 FILES:2 SPACE USED:4K (1720K FREE) <<  BEST-OF.LNG A Selection from the Languages Category of the First Osborne Group (FOG) Disk Library ==================================================== This file may be expected to change periodically. The most recent update was March 1983. ==================================================== From FOG/LNG.001: Z80ASM is a Z80 assembler. Z80.LIB is a library of macros for use with Digital Research's MAC to assemble Z80 code. From FOG/LNG.002 thru 004: The small-c compiler. An update/correction of the standard library of input/output routines (STDLIB) may be found on FOG/LNG.010 From FOG/LNG.005 and 006: A version of Algol called ALGOLM. From FOG/LNG.008 and 009: The JRT Pascal system. From FOG/LNG.011 thru 013: The MVP-FORTH system. From FOG/LNG.014 thru 016: The manual for JRT Pascal version 3.0. Jim Woolley FOG Disk Librarian March 1983  BEST-OF.GAM A Selection from the Games Category of the First Osborne Group (FOG) Disk Library ==================================================== This file may be expected to change periodically. The most recent update was June 1984. ==================================================== From FOG/GAM.001: PACMAN. This is a COM file. From FOG/GAM.002: CHESS, and TTT (Three-D Tic-Tac- Toe). These are COM files. From FOG/GAM.003: Two MBASIC games, STARTREK and CASTLE (an Adventure-type game). From FOG/GAM.005: MONOPOLY, an MBASIC game. From FOG/GAM.007: HANOI, an MBASIC game using Osborne graphics, involves moving disks between three pegs. From FOG/GAM.012: SKET is an etch-a-sktech game which will save the sketch on a file for later redisplay using PRITPICT. KONG uses a machine level routine to quickly paint on the screen a whole block of graphics, such as a line or a stick figure. ELIZA simulates conversation with a psychologist. These are MBASIC games. From FOG/GAM.013 and 014: PACMANOS, another version of the popular game distinct from PACMAN found on FOG/GAM.001, and the Adventure game AD. These are COM files. From FOG/GAM.015: PPONG, a COM file, is a Polish Pong game. From FOG/GAM.017: NUMBERSQ in MBASIC requires ordering tiles within a square matrix containing one missing tile. Jim Woolley FOG Disk Librarian June 1984 im Woolley FOG Disk Librarian June 1984  not expected that these disks will ever be made permanent. Jim Woolley FOG Disk Librarian June 1984  : WHATSNEW.COM 4K >> DRIVE:F USER:7 FILES:2 SPACE USED:4K (1720K FREE) <<  BEST-OF.MIS A Selection from the Miscellaneous Category of the First Osborne Group (FOG) Disk Library ==================================================== This file may be expected to change periodically. The most recent update was March 1984. ==================================================== From FOG/MIS.001: ZLOVE is an MBASIC program which produces an artistic display. PINUP, PINUP1, and SNOOPY.PIC provide an interesting picture when directly printed. From FOG/MIS.003: Demonstration files to facilitate learning WordStar and MailMerge are also useful as a basis for general applications. From FOG/MIS.008: The picture (PIC) files CINDY, DRAGON, KIRK, MONA, RAQUEL, and SHIP may be directly printed. From FOG/MIS.009 thru 012: The FOGHORN, Vol. 1, Nos. 1 thru 8 are included in SQueezed form. From FOG/MIS.010: CALENDR is an MBASIC program to generate a calendar on your printer. From FOG/MIS.017: CAL.84, LIONCAL.84, and PINUPCAL.84 are calendars which may be directly printed; they replace NUDE83 and SNOOPY83.CAL found on FOG/MIS.010. AREACODE will display the geographical region represented by a given telephone area code. From FOG/MIS.018: BARCODE generates Universal Product Code A barcode using an Epson with Graftrax. From FOG/MIS.019 and 020: The SPOCK picture must be printed in four parts, then taped together. From FOG/MIS.021: ARTICLES is a database containing information from PORTABLE COMPANION, Aug/Sept. 82 thru Oct. 83, and FOGHORN, May 83 thru Sept. 83, organized by program, category, volume, date, and miscellaneous information. ARTICLES.DBF is a dBASE II version; ARTICLES.TXT is a WordStar compatible version, which may be searched or printed. From FOG/MIS.022: SUBJECT files list contents of the FOG Disk Library, by subject, thru July, 1983. SUBJECT.TXT is in a form which may be conveniently printed or searched using WordStar. SUBJECT.SQF is the squeezed version of a comma  BEST-OF.UTL A Selection from the Utilities Category of the First Osborne Group (FOG) Disk Library ==================================================== This file may be expected to change periodically. The most recent update was June 1984. ==================================================== From FOG/UTL.001: OSFIG configures RS232 transmission speed and protocol. CRCK4 permits verification of file transfer activities. From FOG/UTL.002: The CAT system helps maintain a catalog of files in your disk library. From FOG/UTL.004: SUPERSUB is a super SUBMIT utility. From FOG/UTL.005: SORT will sort a file into ASCII order. SUPERDIR is a super DIR utility. From FOG/UTL.009: AUTOMOD (for single-density systems) enables entry of a command line which will be executed upon cold start (or ). From FOG/UTL.010: UNSPOL30 permits printing an ASCII file as a background activity while simultaneously performing other functions at tdelimited data file, which may be used with other application programs. Jim Woolley FOG Disk Librarian March 1984  update was March 1983. ==================================================== From FOG/LNG.001: Z80ASM is a Z80 assembler. Z80.LIB is a library of macros for use with Digital Research's MAC to assemble Z80 code. From FOG/LNG.002 thru 004: The small-c compiler. An update/correction of the standard library of input/output routines (STDLIB) may be found on FOG/LNG.010 From FOG/LNG.005 and 006: A version of Algol called ALGOLM. From FOG/LNG.008 and 009: The JRT Pascal system. From FOG/LNG.011 thru 013: The MVP-FORTH system. From FOG/LNG.014 thru 016: The manual for JRT Pascal version 3.0. Jim Woolley FOG Disk Librarian March 1983 he console. From FOG/UTL.013: DIRLABEL will print a label listing files contained on a disk. From FOG/UTL.014: The squeeze/unsqueeze utilities SQ-16 and USQ-19 will shrink a file for storage in less space, then expand it back to its original form. TYPE17 will display on the screen one or a group of ASCII text files, squeezed or unsqueezed, producing 7-bit ASCII so WordStar Document mode files are readable; screen displays are blocked in groups of 24 lines. ERAA erases files like the CP/M command ERA, except that the program will request confirmation for each file to be erased. From FOG/UTL.015: OSPATCH1 patches the single- density version of COPY.COM for more reliable disk formating and copying. OSPLNK70 is a simple to use smart terminal emulator (modem control program) for ASCII text communication with simultaneous printing capability. LISTT will print a file on the CP/M list device with a versatile selection of options. From FOG/UTL.017: The LU library ent for the standard CP/M Console Command Processor (CCP). From FOG/UTL.036: UNERA15, replacing UNERA found on FOG/UTL.009, will recover files which have been previously ERAsed. LIST3, replacing LIST found on FOG/UTL.002, will display an ASCII file on the printer (60 lines/page with heading and page number) or on the console (24 lines/screen); the high order bit is zeroed out allowing WordStar "document mode" files to be viewed without funny looking characters. MB-SAVE will recover an MBASIC program which was not SAVEd before exiting MBASIC. WS-SAVE will recover a WordStar file lost by unexpected termination of WordStar. QWIKKEY permits definition of up to 16 additional special function keys using any key on the keyboard. From FOG/UTL.037: AUTOBOOT will exit MBASIC and execute a series of CP/M commands similar to running SUBMIT. EX14, which may be used in place of SUBMIT, will accept a series of commands interactively from the console. INDEX is a versatile DIRutility system permits many small files to be packed into one larger library file; individual files may be withdrawn from the library; COM command files may be executed directly. From FOG/UTL.018: OTERM4 is a user friendly and very versatile smart terminal emulator and modem control program. From FOG/UTL.019: D is another disk directory program. LUDIR displays a directory of files contained in a LBR file created by the LU library utility system. From FOG/UTL.020: DIRCHK displays information for verification of a disk directory. FAST may be used to speed up MPI disk drives on the Osborne 1. FILTER11 will remove all control characters (except CR, LF, and HT; I'm unsure about FF) from a file and zero the parity bit of each byte, producing a standard 7-bit ASCII text file. RENAME is similar to the CP/M command REN but will accept filenames containing wildcards. From FOG/UTL.023: AUTOMODD (a double-density compatible version of AUTOMOD found on FOG/UTL.009)  utility similar to SUPERDIR found on FOG/UTL.005. From FOG/UTL.038: DSKLABL1, an updated version of DIRLABEL found on FOG/UTL.013, will print a label of files contained on a disk. From FOG/UTL.039: MBIG loads an MBASIC subroutine to display extra large letters on the screen. STARTER will create a customized version of AUTOST.COM to be automatically executed upon cold start. From FOG/UTL.040: WID permits changing screen width and toggling automatic horizontal scrolling. MSA15 is a COM file disassembler. MAKEAUTO will build an AUTOST.COM file; MAKAUTO2 adds the FAST feature. A collection of programs will format single-sided disks for several different computers. OSTOKPRO enables use of a double-density Kaypro disk. From FOG/UTL.041: CHGCHAR permits changing a specified character in a file to another character. CLOCK provides a digital clock display on the screen. LSWEEP13 will view and extract members of an LBR library; squeezed files are automatically  will setup a command line to be executed upon each cold and/or warm start. FNDBD541 will locate and isolate bad disk sectors. From FOG/UTL.025: RAMDSK will define a pseudo disk drive in 20K bytes of RAM (memory), which will operate more efficiently than a regular floppy disk. From FOG/UTL.026 thru 030: The UTOOLS system of utilities (tools), derived from the Software Tools publications by Kernighan and Plauger, provide functions similar to UNIX. From FOG/UTL.032: SUPERSET and SUBSET will display and permit modification of the special function and arrow keys and the auto-start program executed upon system boot; the key configuration may be saved in a file for later restoration. From FOG/UTL.033: DUMP will copy text from the CRT screen to a file. For Osborne 1 users with the 80/104 column screen upgrade (SCREEN-PAC), TO will set the screen to 52, 80, or 104 column format. From FOG/UTL.035: ZCPR2, replacing NZCPR found on FOG/UTL.024, is a customized replacem unsqueezed. SAP38 will sort (alphabetically) and pack your disk directory, eliminating hidden references to ERAsed files. VDO2A is a full-screen video text editor From FOG/UTL.042: EDFILE is like a full-screen DDT. FUNCTDD displays special function keys for a double- density Osborne 1. The generalized disk file maintenance utility NSWP205 is a more user friendly replacement for CP/M utilities PIP, STAT, DIR, ERA, and REN; this version will squeeze and unsqueeze, permit wildcard file selection, find a file using an abbreviation, display and alter tag settings, and permit copy with name change. From FOG/UTL.043: CCHECK will check a C program for balanced punctuation, indentation, nested comments, and use of = where == might have been intended. CCREF will cross-reference a C program. PCPIP2 will read and write PCDOS or MSDOS formatted disks. From FOG/UTL.044: DU2V18 is a general disk manipulation utility permitting access to any track, sector, or byte on a disk; this version includes macro commands, sector/group transfer to/from a queue, and queue transfer to/from a file. From FOG/UTL.045 thru 048: The latest versions of the MDM7 smart terminal and modem control program include ODMDM730, configured for an Osborne 1 Comm- Pac or CTS Knights modem using the MODEM port, and OSMDM740, for a modem like the Hayes Smartmodem interfaced to the SERIAL RS-232 port; each has auto- dialing, special function keys, and many other features. From FOG/UTL.049: HELP18A will display menu driven help text stored in a standard ASCII file of type HLP or its squeezed equivalent of type HQP. From FOG/UTL.050: LU300 updates the Library Utility LU111 found on FOG/UTL.017; it will pack several files into a single LBR library file, or vice versa. LBRDSK22 will allocate one or more LBR files as a pseudo disk drive permitting direct access to each member file as if there were a third drive. From FOG/UTL.051: MCAT43 and XCAT40 are updated programs SYNOPSIS.APP A Synopsis of the Applications Category of the First Osborne Group (FOG) Disk Library ==================================================== This file will be appended as new disks are added. The most recent update was June 1984. ==================================================== -FOG/APP.001 and -FOG/APP.002 -FOG/APP.001 and -FOG/APP.002 contain the Osborne/ McGraw-Hill General Ledger system modified to function efficiently on the Osborne 1 computer. The source .BAS files included on -FOG/APP.001 are updated versions of those previously found on -FOG.023. Executable .INT files and initialized data .DAT files on -FOG/APP.002 simplify implementation of G/L to your financial application. A customized AUTOST.COM enables automatic initiation of G/L upon cold start (). For instructions, refer to G/L.LTR (which should be printed using WordStar), G/L.DOC, and the Osborne/ McGraw-Hill publication "General Led for the CAT disk library catalog system found on FOG/UTL.002. FIND40 will search for text in one or several files; the search string may include _ representing TAB and | representing OR, as in this|that for this OR that. Jim Woolley FOG Disk Librarian June 1984  Z80.LIB is a library of macros for use with Digital Research's MAC to assemble Z80 code. From FOG/LNG.002 thru 004: The small-c compiler. An update/correction of the standard library of input/output routines (STDLIB) may be found on FOG/LNG.010 From FOG/LNG.005 and 006: A version of Algol called ALGOLM. From FOG/LNG.008 and 009: The JRT Pascal system. From FOG/LNG.011 thru 013: The MVP-FORTH system. From FOG/LNG.014 thru 016: The manual for JRT Pascal version 3.0. Jim Woolley FOG Disk Librarian March 1983 ger - CBASIC". -FOG/APP.003 This disk contains the BUDGET1/LEDGER1/ANNTOT1 general ledger system previously found on -FOG.007 and -FOG.008. RJ was received from the Osborne Users Group (OUG) of the Washington D.C. area. Its purpose appears to be for inserting special printer microjustification control codes to perform right justification of text files. -FOG/APP.004 This disk contains the LABELS program previously found on -FOG.024, which was submitted by Dave Blair of FOG. It prints data contained in a file onto mailing labels using an Epson printer. SUNRISE, previously found on -FOG.017, is a program which provides various solar data for specified locations and dates. MPLABELS and ROLLLIST were received from the Northwest Osborne Users Club in the Washington/ Oregon area. They will produce mailing labels on any printer using MergePrint. 2NDMTG, AMORT, and LOANPMT are SuperCalc loan payment related programsn MBASIC program to sort data input at run time. WSFAST was submitted by Dave Radke of FOG. It is a corrected version of Thom Hogan's article on p.45 of the June/July 1982 issue of Portable Companion. Perhaps WSFAST belongs in the utility category, but it is placed here because of its relationship with the WordStar application program. These patches are incompatible with those performed by WSPATCH found on -FOG/APP.005. -FOG/APP.007 This disk contains the Electronic Card File (ECF) system received from the Boston Osborne Group (BOG). ECF is a menu driven database system written in MBASIC. -FOG/APP.008 This disk contains the general matrix calculator MCALC and the eigenvalue problem solver EIGEN. These programs were submitted by Scott Buethe of FOG. -FOG/APP.009 DATABASE, previously found on -FOG.018, is used in conjunction with WordStar's MergePrint option to enter data about busin. The first two files were received from the Northwest Osborne Users Club. -FOG/APP.005 This disk contains various MBASIC application programs. AMORTIZR and DEPREC were previously found on -FOG.004. DATES, MONTHS, FSTOP, and EXPOTIME were previously on -FOG.005. CURVFIT, SIMEQU, and STANDEV were on -FOG.025. AMORT, AMORTIZR, MCOMP1, MORTCOM, and PROPERTY pertain to loans. DEPRE and DEPREC calculate depreciation. RETURN and SINKFUND relate to cash flow. EXPOTIME and FSTOP are for camera buffs. DATES will determine years for a given day/date combination. MONTHS will display a calendar. CURVFIT will fit a polynomial thru a set of data points. SIMEQU will solve a set of simultaneous linear equations. STANDEV provides statistics regarding a set of data. PERT1 was submitted by Roger De Haven of FOG. It is a project management aid documented in BYTE magazine, 5/82, p.465. PERT2, received from the Osborne Users Group (OUG) of the Waess contacts into a file called DATABASE.DAT. RATIOS calculates financial ratios from balance sheet information. The printer must be turned on. Refer to RATIOS.DOC. The remaining files on this disk were received from the Phoenix Osborne Group (PhOG). CAL2 keeps track of an appointment calendar. It is a CBASIC program. Refer to CAL2.DOC for further information. AMPRESP, CONNHORN, RFUTIL, SAMP, and STRPLINE are electrical engineering related programs. BLLSTC and RECOIL calculate ballistics information. FITTER is a polynomial curve fitting program. FFT is a fast Fourier transform program. These are all written in MBASIC. -FOG/APP.010 MPG1.CAL is a SuperCalc spreadsheet to calculate cost of fuel given mi/gal and $/gal. EDITOR is provided in two forms -- as an MBASIC program and as a compiled .COM command file. This program is a line oriented editor like ED. There are few instructions, but trial and error is a good learning techniqshington D.C. area, is another version of the same program. It is suggested that you get a copy of the magazine article to learn how to use PERT. WSPATCH is a program to patch WordStar for blinking cursor and for automatic redefinition of the arrow keys between WordStar and CP/M. It may belong with the utility category but is included here because of its relationship with the WordStar application program. WSPATCH was received from the Osborne Users Group (OSBUG) of Vancouver, B.C. (The original did not work as described, but this version does.) Resulting patches made to WordStar are incompatible with those made by WSFAST found on -FOG/APP.006. -FOG/APP.006 TEACH, previously found of -FOG.027, is a program to teach Morse code. INDEX was received from the Osborne Users Group (OUG) of the Washington D.C. area. This program will produce an index for a WordStar text file, which must be marked with special control characters. SORT is aue. One advantage of EDITOR is that you can use it to edit an MBASIC program while remaining in MBASIC. EDITOR was received from the Phoenix Osborne Group (PhOG). S. R. Ducker of Gulf Breeze, FL, submitted the rest of these files. STCKEXMP and STOCKS help manage a portfolio of stocks. Use STCKEXMP to initialize the securities data onto the file STOCKFL. Then STOCKS calculates current portfolio value. NFLSTATS is used to initialize each team's Power Rating as published in "Pro Football Annual" during the summer. Then NFLUPDAT updates this rating following weekend games. NFLFYL is used to store the data. TRAVS is a solution program for the "traveling salesman" optimization problem. This may be thought of as a generic problem to find the path of least cost thru all of a set of objectives. This is a CBASIC program. -FOG/APP.011 This disk contains the checkbook management system described in CHKBOOK.DOC. This system includes CMENU, CBitted by Doug Hurst. It is an enhanced version of the programs PERT1 and PERT2 found on FOG/APP.005 and includes a reprint of the original BYTE article appearing in May 1982, pp. 465-478 (PERT.DOC). PERT80 is intended for use on 80 column matrix printers capable of printing in condensed mode (132 columns per line) and for wide carriage printers with 132 column capacity in normal mode. PERT128 is intended for wide carriage matrix printers capable of more than 200 columns in condensed mode. Both PERT tables and a GANNT chart are provided by this system. PERTTEST is a test file with three activities. PERTSAMP is a sample run of PERT which will run completely thru without operator interaction. It is initiated by AUTOST. FOG/APP.014 This disk contains dBASE II applications submitted by Jim Ulrick. Upon a cold boot (RESET-RETURN), AUTOST.COM loads DB.COM (dBASE) and the dBASE command file D.CMD. D presents a general menu for entering date, dOOK, CDAILY, and C-UPDATE. It is a CBASIC system including both source (.BAS) files and compiled intermediate (.INT) files. The system is menu driven. Jim Schenkel of FOG submitted LOOKUP, FINANCE, and MEASURE. LOOKUP will search a file for all records (lines of data) containing a keyword. Each record is assumed to be ASCII text terminated by . Only upper case ASCII is searched. The program will prompt for keywords. BOOK is a sample telephone book for use with LOOKUP. FINANCE and MEASURE are MBASIC programs. FINANCE calculates loans, deposits, and compound interest. MEASURE performs conversions between common units. NEWGENEA is an MBASIC program for genealogists received from the Cincinnati Osborne Group. MAGE will recover all or part of a WordStar file left in memory. This may be useful if some error prevents WordStar from saving a file on disk, for example, when the disk becomes full. WSMODS1 was submitted by Carl Flarity of FOG. It groups toisplaying files or extended disk directory, and setting defaults. Results are stored in D.MEM. The second dBASE application is for managing a FOG membership list. FOG.CMD is the main menu. ENTER.CMD allows new names to be appended. PHONE.CMD prints a list of names and phone numbers using PHONE.FRM. LBL.CMD prints mailing labels. EDIT.CMD allows existing records to be edited. FOG.DBF and LAST.NDX are skeleton database and index files. The program @ is a general purpose calculator similar to RPN found on FOG/APP.012. CHARGES provides a screen representation of electrical fields. DRAW, submitted by Carl Flarity, permits composing charts on the screen using ASCII characters, then printing them on the list device. KPLOT will display on the screen a bar chart or point plot of numeric data. KDRAW is a non- interactive graphics screen display program. MABPLOT is a sample file for KPLOT. These files were submitted by David Ring. SCDESIGN, submitted by R. Huntegether several WordStar modifications, including WSFAST from -FOG/APP.006 and NEC 8023A printer control commands. -FOG/APP.012 This disk contains RPN, a programmers calculator, submitted by David Brower of FOG. Using reverse polish notation, calculations may be performed in decimal, hexadecimal, octal, or ASCII. The system is screen oriented and very friendly. It is highly recommended for serious programmers. OWS was submitted by Jim Crowell of FOG. It may be used to eliminate the side-to-side jitter during vertical scrolling in WordStar. The remaining files are sample SuperCalc .CAL spreadsheets. BPROFIT, BUGWS1, and PARTWS1 relate to a dealership which also sells maintenance service and parts. A/RJOURN, DISBURS1 & 2, PAYABLES, RECEIVAB, and RECONCIL relate to the usual bookkeeping applications. FOG/APP.013 This disk contains the Performance Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) project management system submr Morey, permits interactive design of a screen display using graphic and ASCII characters. It builds a file of DATA statements and an MBASIC program to recreate the display. The resulting program may be merged with other similar display programs and/or integrated into a larger program which utilizes the resulting screens. DRAW, KDRAW, and SCDESIGN are similar to E-SKETCH on FOG/GAM.003 and SKET on FOG/GAM.012. Perhaps they belong in the Games category, but they are placed here because of their potential use in making business related charts. FOG/APP.015 This disk contains SuperCalc spreadsheet templates. ANOVA-RM and LIN-REG were submitted at a FOG meeting by a lady who's name I neglected to ask. (Please accept my apology.) ANOVA-RM performs analysis of variance with repeated measures. LIN-REG will do linear regression as described in the October/ November 1982 issue of Portable Companion. TAXBASE, submitted by Bill Francis, enables s. WordStar arrow keys are automatically set on entry and reset to CP/M arrow keys on exit as provided by WSPATCH on FOG/APP.005. Printer patches may be easily included as in WSMODS1 on FOG/APP.011. All of the other WordStar patch locations described in WSLABELS and WS-MNEM on FOG/MIS.007 may be conveniently modified. And best of all, this procedure works with both single- density and double-density Osborne 1's. There are two versions: WSP2EPSN is for use with Epson printers and WSP2ANA is for Anadex printers. Accomodating other printers is straight forward. WSPATCH2.DOC contains a detailed description. FOG/APP.019 This disk contains THE LETTER, an "automated" correspondence management system for use with WordStar. THE LETTER was received from Mike Schwab, Denver Osborne Group (DOG) Disk Librarian. It was presented at a DOG meeting, but has not been tested either by Mike or by me. Read PRINTME.1ST for instructions. DALSPACH is anotherpreparation of form 1040 for income received during 1982. 1040AB82 is another template for taxes on 1982 income. This one presents form 1040 and schedules A and B. It was submitted by Scott Rainey of the Osborne Business Users Group (OSBUG) in Portland. Unfortunately for many of us, this spreadsheet was prepared using SuperCalc version 1.12 and can not be read using version 1.05 (which I currently have). Sorcim says 1.12 is upward compatible, but not downward. FOG/APP.016 This disk contains SuperCalc templates submitted by Scott Rainey of the Osborne Business Users Group (OSBUG) in Portland, Oregon. AMORT60 calculates a 60 month loan amortization. GEMLOAN and GEM2 are for Growing Equity Mortgages. FOG/APP.017 This disk contains a system for extracting file names from a disk directory and maintaining a database of the names. It may be useful for cataloging your personal disk library. (Also, see the CATALOG syst version of WSPATCH, which may be found on FOG/APP.005. This version, submitted by Dal Allan, is designed for the Prowriter (C. Itoh 8510, NEC 8023, TEC) printer. It will not work with Osborne 1's having the double-density option. See DALSPACH.DOC for further information. Also, refer to WSPATCH2 on FOG/APP.018. PROWPINS, also submitted by Dal Allan, describes interfacing the Prowriter to an Osborne 1. FOG/APP.020 This disk contains SuperCalc templates for IRS tax return forms 1040, A, B, D, E, G, and 2106. See FOG/APP.015 for similar tax templates. WSMODS is a version of WSFAST containing double- density and other corrections described in Portable Companion, April/May 1983, p. 107. It may be used to provide smooth scrolling and fast memory mapped display in WordStar. See WSMODS.DOC. Also, see WSMODS1 on FOG/APP.011 and WSPATCH2 on FOG/APP.018. (This double-density version has not been tested.) @.DOC describes the @ calculator found on em found on FOG/UTL.002.) Paul Trainer submitted DRECTORY for managing the directory database and DSORT to sort it. TEACH2 is a revision of TEACH found on FOG/APP.006. This is a program to teach Morse code. To sound the bell, TEACH used a method for entering "shadow ROM mode" which is invalid on the newer Osborne's. TEACH2 resolves this problem. FOG/APP.018 All files on this disk were received from the Denver Osborne Group (DOG). EAC is an Extended Arithmetic Calculator based upon an article in Dr. Dobb's Journal, 3/77. It can perform computation on integers up to 127 bytes long. It supports variables, square-root, factorization, defined functions, and file input. WSPATCH2 is by Mike Schwab, DOG disk librarian. He has combined several useful WordStar modifications into one complete and easy to use procedure. It contains the smooth scrolling and fast memory mapped display features of WSFAST on FOG/APP.006, with significant improvement FOG/APP.014. The above files were received from the Denver Osborne Group (DOG). ENVELOPE.MRG is a format for printing envelopes using WordStar's MergePrint option. W2.MRG is a similar format for printing employee's W2 forms. These files were submitted by Pat Waters of the East Bay FOG (Oakland/Berkeley). FOG/APP.021 and .022 FOG/APP.021 and .022 contain seven SuperCalc templates for federal income tax return forms 1040, A, B, C, D, E, G, and 4562. These were submitted by John E. Olson II of Anchorage, Alaska. Also, see FOG/APP.015 and .020 for similar applications. FOG/APP.023 and .024 FOG/APP.023 and .024 contain a spelling checker system submitted by Norm Yee of Lynchburg, VA. A detailed description is contained in SPELLM20.DOC. The system will compare words in a text file with those in the dictionary DICT.DIC. Each word not found in the dictionary will be flagged with an extra character at the beginning of the word FOG/APP.029 PCFILE.DOC describes the PCFILE system contained on FOG/APP.028. 3-DPLOT, CGPLOT, and PLOT3 are MBASIC programs submitted by Bob Scott. They are designed to work with the Radio Shack CGP-115 plotter. A description of each may be found in SCOTT.DOC. Since I do not have a CGP-115 plotter, I can not confirm proper function of these programs. INVTRIG contains arccos and arcsin inverse trig functions written as GOSUB routines in MBASIC. This was also submitted by Bob Scott and is described in SCOTT.DOC. Finally, Scott submitted OKIWSP.HEX, which is an assembled version of the WordStar patch file WSPATCH2 (found on FOG/APP.018) configured for the Okidata Microline 92 printer. Follow instructions found in WSPATCH2.DOC on FOG/APP.018 to overlay OKIWSP.HEX onto your copy of WS.COM. Also, see SCOTT.DOC. Again, since I do not have an Okidata 92, I can not verify this file. WSPTCHDD, submitted by Bob Whitaker of the Raleigh (NC) Osborne Computer  wherever it appears in the text file. SPELLM20 uses the flag character , which is an ASCII NULL. Since that character is not easily available on the Osborne 1, SPELLM21 has been patched to use as the flag. DICCRE10 may be used to create the DICT.DIC dictionary and an index file SPELL0.MAC. If a new dictionary is created, SPELLM20 must be reassembled using SPELL0.MAC. Special dictionaries may be more easily created using procedures described in SPELLM20.DOC. FOG/APP.025 thru .027 FOG/APP.025, .026, and .027 contains the Stock Base system submitted by Edward A. Valenzuela of Midland Michigan. This system may be used to track the performance of a stock portfolio. This is a CBASIC system. Executable .INT files found on FOG/APP.025 are programmed to work with an Okidata printer. Files labeled with the numeral 2 on FOG/APP.027 are programmed for an Epson printer, and those indicated by 3 work with a NEC 8023, C. Itoh 8510, or Club (ROCC), is a version of WSPATCH (found on FOG/APP.005) for double-density Osborne 1's. This program will patch WordStar to provide a blinking cursor and automatically configured arrow keys. The remaining files were submitted by Art Ripley of the Oberlin, Ohio, ^OB^OS group. They represent another approach to patching WordStar for specific printer controls and other special features. These files, intended for use with the CP/M SUBMIT utility, are customized for the Okidata Microline 84 printer; however, they may be easily modified for other printers. Details are described in PROC.DOC, except that reference to WSPTCHDD is missing from that description. FOG/APP.030 AMORTAB2, submitted by Benjamin H. Cohen of Chicago, is a SuperCalc template for loan amortization. Brief instructions are built into the template. Further information is contained in AMORTAB2.DOC. ELNA, submitted by Reuben Sand, is a SuperCalc template for stock portfolioTEC printer. For any other printer, change small.print$ in SCRNIN.BAS equivalent to the appropriate compressed print (132 columns) command, then recompile STBASE, STKPRICE, and STKGRAPH. FOG/APP.028 This disk and FOG/APP.029 contain the PCFILE database management system written by Jim Button and submitted by Craig Chun. PCFILE is a complete but easy to use database system customized for the Osborne 1. It is well documented by the file PCFILE.DOC found on FOG/APP.029. PCSORT is a sorting routine used by PCFILE. PCEXPORT is a stand-alone program to convert PCFILE database files into comma separated format for use with WordStar/MailMerge, BASIC, dBASE II, or SDI (SuperData Interchange). If you find PCFILE useful, you are encouraged to send a donation ($35 is suggested) to the author. See PCFILE.DOC for details. CHECK.CAL is a checkbook template for SuperCalc submitted by Jim Rowe. See CHECK.DOC for further information.  analysis. Refer to ELNA.DOC. BYMAIL is a dBASE II mail list system submitted by Byron McKay. Some of the BYMAIL files are found on this disk; the remaining files are on FOG/APP.XXX. The system is documented in BYMAIL.DOC. Since I do not have dBASE, I can not verify proper operation of this system. FOG/APP.031 BYMAIL is a dBASE II mail list system submitted by Byron McKay. Some of the BYMAIL files are found on this disk; documentation and the remaining files are on FOG/APP.030. CPA, submitted by Ng Cheng Mei of Singapore, is a critical path analysis programmed in MBASIC. The critical path method (CPM) is a project scheduling tool. Also, see the PERT project evaluation and review technique programs found on FOG/APP.005 and 013. CPA is adapted from an article by Zimmerman and Conrad, BYTE Magazine, 7/82, pp. 378 - 390. ELNAEX is an example illustrating use of the SuperCalc stock portfolio analysis template found on FOG/APP.030. Inplications requiring access to dBASE II. The following files were received from Rick Schmidt of Federal Way, Washington. UGRAPH will display on the screen point or bar graphs of data contained in a DBF file. DEMGRAPH will demonstrate UGRAPH. SQRT will calculate the square root of a number. This procedure may be incorporated into your own dBASE applications. The remaining files, received from Detroit's DeFOG, make up the DeFOG membership and mailing list database management system. This system assumes an NEC matrix printer, but could be modified for other printers. For similar applications, see FOG on FOG/APP.014, BYMAIL on FOG/APP.030 and 031, and the Apex Toolworks Mailing List System on FOG/APP.032. FOG/APP.035 3DGRAPH is from William Burkett's article on pp. 44 and 45 of the 6/83 issue of Portable Companion. It will display a 3D bargraph on the screen using interactive data input. This program was received from Detroit's DeFOG. itially I thought this was Rueben Sand's personal portfolio data, but he assures me it is not. The remaining SuperCalc template files were submitted by Steven Dyk of Saskatchewan. CHECKBAL is an aid to balancing your personal checkbook. HISNHERS is similar for two persons using one account. I believe CHARGEN is supposed to calculate dot graphics characters to be printed by Epson or NEC matrix printers. This disk was first introduced into the library in preliminary form as FOG/APP.XXX. FOG/APP.032 This disk contains the Apex Toolworks Inc. General Mailing List System. It was developed by Randy Shafer of DeFOG in Detroit as a school project. (I hope he received a good grade.) It requires availability of the dBASE II data base manager. For similar applications, see FOG on FOG/APP.014 and BYMAIL on FOG/APP.030 and 031. FOG/APP.033 G/L-USE.DOC describes use of the Osborne/McGraw-Hill General Ledger System found on Also received from DeFOG, 1040ES, CALCTAX, and SCHEDG are SuperCalc templates to aid income tax calculations. They may require updating for use during 1984. Also, see similar SuperCalc applications on FOG/APP.015, 020, and 022. SCTOVC and VCTOSC will convert a SuperCalc spreadsheet into a VisiCalc spreadsheet or vice versa. These programs, submitted by Paul Bullock, are specifically for those who have SuperCalc version 1.12 with the eXecute command, also use VisiCalc, and do not have SuperData Interchange. LABELPRT is a dBASE II application for printing mailing labels. A specific database file structure is assumed. For similar applications, see FOG on FOG/APP.014, BYMAIL on FOG/APP.030 and 031, the Apex Toolworks Mailing List System on FOG/APP.032, and the DeFOG system on FOG/APP.034. FOG/APP.036 These files were received from Rick Schmidt of Federal Way, Washington. PAINT2 is similar to SCDESIGN found on FOG/APP.014. (Also, see SW80 FOG/APP.001 and 002. G/L0F110.DAT (used with G/L0F130.DAT) contains the generic account file presented in the G/L document by Lon Poole. Since the publisher is no longer printing the G/L document, these files should facilitate getting started with the system. It may still be possible to purchase the document from Vandata in Seattle, Washington. NETWORTH is a SuperCalc spreadsheet to aid with personal net worth analysis. It may be useful when applying for a loan. NETBLANK is a template without sample data. SMBUS is a SuperCalc spreadsheet for small business general ledger application. Related templates may be found on FOG/APP.012. SW80 and SW104 are 80 and 104 column versions of SCDESIGN found on FOG/APP.014. They permit interactive design of a screen display using graphic and ASCII characters, then build an MBASIC program to recreate the display. All these files were received from Detroit's DeFOG. FOG/APP.034 This disk contains ap and SW104 found on FOG/APP.032). It permits interactive design of a screen display using graphic and ASCII characters. Then it builds a file of DATA statements and an MBASIC program to recreate the display. The resulting program may be merged into a larger program which utilizes the display. A previously created display may be edited using PAINT2. ARCHIVE.HLP describes the ARCHIVE system for packing several small files into one file, which usually requires less space than the sum of its parts. A second file is used to maintain a directory of files in the archive. The ARCHIVE system is similar to the library utility LU found on FOG/UTL.017. This disk contains ARCHADD for adding files to an archive, ARCHDIR for displaying an archive directory, and ARCHGET for retrieving files from an archive. FOG/APP.037 This disk contains the balance of files for the ARCHIVE system received from Rick Schmidt of Federal Way, Washington. ARCHCPY will reormel, CA. VMAP2, a significantly revised version of VMAP found on FOG/UTL.017, will cross reference an MBASIC program. It creates an alphabetical table of variables and branch statements (GOTO's, GOSUB's, etc.), listing line numbers in which these items appear. All branch statements are checked for validity of the referenced line. BCSQUASH compacts BASIC programs a reported average of 15 to 20 per cent by taking out comments and unnecessary blanks. This is an MBASIC program; the compiled COM file was not received. MULTREG performs linear multiple regression. Output includes R-squared, t, F and Durbin-Watson statistics, a table of errors, and a scatter plot of errors. Since data and any required transformations must be entered directly into the program, knowledge of BASIC is required. Perhaps VMAP2 and BCSQUASH belong in the Utilities category, but they were included here as part of Greg Dahl's "user supported" package initiated on FOG/APP.038. rganize an archive and ARCHTYPE will display an archived ASCII file. BINOM2, received from Detroit's DeFOG, is a CBASIC program for binomial and cumulative binomial statistical calculations. G. Dahl submitted WSPATCH3, a revision of WSPATCH2 found on FOG/APP.018 for modifying WordStar. This version controls scrolling depending upon WordStar's right margin setting, implements print spooling, allows highlighting to be toggled, and permits microspace printing with an F10-40 printer. Remaining files were submitted by Jeff Lund of the Davis (CA) Osborne Group. Another way to modify WordStar is to make use of the CP/M utilities SUBMIT, XSUB, and DDT. SUB files included here will patch WordStar to print double width, compressed, emphasized, italics, subscripts, and superscripts with an Epson printer. They also revise the WordStar ^P help menu to display descriptions of these new printer controls. Another similar approach may be found on FOG/APP.029. CURVFIT2 is a  FOG/APP.040 Ed Valenzuela submitted corrections to the Stock Base portfolio management system found on FOG/APP.025 thru 027. STKBASE.FIX describes changes made to STKCREAT.BAS to resolve difficulties in creating a new data file. STKBASE.INT is the result of recompiling with the updated STKCREAT.BAS and should replace the original version. STKBASE.LTR provides further information regarding use of this system. ELECTRON, from Robert Nemeth of East Bay (CA) FOG, provides assistance with radio fundamentals and theory. LISTINGS, received from Detroit's DeFOG, is a program for entering data regarding a real estate listing. TAXTMPL4 and 7 are two of the federal income tax SuperCalc templates from FOG/APP.022. Except for Schedule G, these have been updated for tax year 1983 by Richard J. Switz. The other TAXTMPL files have also been updated and installed on FOG/APP.041. These CAL files must be used with SuperCalc2 version 1.00 or later. revision of CURVFIT found on FOG/APP.005. This version has an 80 column screen plot function and options to save data in a file and read data from a file. The different order fit option has been fixed and the main menu has been improved. Also, this version is more forgiving of input errors. This is an MBASIC program. FOG/APP.038 CHEX is a dBASE II application submitted by R. J. Switz of El Segundo, CA. Its purpose is to manage one or more checkbooks. DBSQUASH is a "user supported" program by Greg Dahl of Carmel, CA. It compacts dBASE II command (CMD) files a reported average of 35-40 per cent, saving memory and speeding program execution. Perhaps DBSQUASH belongs in the Utility category, but it is included here because of its relationship to dBASE. GCDPROGS.DOC describes additional programs by Greg Dahl which may be found on FOG/APP.039. FOG/APP.039 This disk contains "user supported" programs by Greg Dahl of Ca FOG/APP.041 This disk contains an update of the TAXTMPL federal income tax SuperCalc templates from FOG/APP.022. These CAL files must be used with SuperCalc2 version 1.00 or later. FOG/APP.042 thru 044 FOG/APP.042 thru 044 and part of FOG/APP.045 contain the Osborne/McGraw-Hill Accounts Payable (A/P) system. Also included is the General Ledger (G/L) system from FOG/APP.001 and 002 modified for compatibility with A/P. Walt Lersch of Portland's OSBUG took the A/P files found on FOG/HAK.001 thru 003, adapted them for the Osborne computer, made corrections and improvements, integrated with G/L, then resubmitted them for use by all. As it stands, the system is not ready for use. Walt has provided detailed configuration instructions in A/P1.DOC and G/L1.DOC, which should be printed using WordStar's Print command. CBASIC source files and initialized data files are included. SUBMIT files facilitate compilation using CBAS2. CRUN2 must be us print all related CMD and FRM files. Thanks to Bryan Stallard for categorizing the EMF system for the FOG library. This disk was first introduced into the library in preliminary form as FOG/APP.XXX. It is now complete. FOG/APP.046 Steven Dyk of Wollaston Lake, Saskatchewan, submitted the loan amortization program LOAN and the STATS1 program, which calculates mean, variance, and standard deviation statistics for a set of input data. These are MBASIC programs. For similar applications, see FOG/APP.004, 005, 009, 015, 016, and 030. PORTLBL is a skeleton dBASE II CMD file for printing mailing labels. It may be adapted for your own labeling requirements. Remaining files on this disk constitute the balance of the EMF system initiated on FOG/APP.045. FOG/APP.047 CHECKS is a dBASE II checkbook management application. Also, see CHEX on FOG/APP.038. Thanks to Bryan Stallard for categorizing the CHECKS system for thed to execute. A double density disk system is required. It will also be necessary to obtain a copy of the Osborne/McGraw-Hill Accounts Payable / Accounts Receivable document, which unfortunately is no longer in print. It may still be possible to order a document from Vandata of Seattle; try (800)426-5248. FOG/APP.045 READINV, READVEND, SUBS1, WRITEINV, and WRITEVND.BAS complete the Osborne/McGraw-Hill Accounts Payable initiated on FOG/APP.042 thru 044. ENVELOP, received from Chris Hill, will enable your keyboard/printer combination to be used as a normal typewriter, almost. This is similar to TYPER found on FOG/UTL.008, except that the usual CP/M editing keys (backspace or left arrow or , , etc.) may be utilized before sending each line to the printer (by pressing ). Perhaps this belongs in the Utilities category, but it is included here because of its relationship with word processing. FFT, submitted by Bob Brige FOG library. NEWNAMES maintains a file of names and addresses. It was developed by John Gaudio as part of his MBASIC programming tutorial presented in the FOGHORN, February and March, 1984. SQ-ROOT.CMD, submitted by Verne Kurisu, is an update of the dBASE II command file SQRT.CMD found on FOG/APP.034. Its purpose is to find the square-root of a number. It may be used as a stand-alone application, or it may be incorporated into your own dBASE programs. ABREV-SQ.CMD is an abbreviated version. BALANCE is a SuperCalc checkbook statement reconciliation template. COMMSN compares Merrill-Lynch vs Schwab stock broker commissions. It may need to be updated with the latest commission schedule. FINANCE performs a variety of financial calculations. Also, see FINANCE found on FOG/APP.011 and FINANAL on FOG/APP.045. STOCGRPH will display a table of weekly prices of a security. It will also plot the same data. The display may be directed to the screen and/or prings, will perform the fast fourier transform calculation on a set of data points. There is a sample set of data representing a step function already included. Refer to Byte magazine, December 1978, for further information. Also, see FFT.BAS on FOG/APP.009. The following files were received from Bob Hamilton of Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. FINANAL is a SuperCalc template for various financial analyses including compound interest, future value, present value of a tax deduction, net present value of an investment, and rate of depreciation. STMTRATO is a SuperCalc template for corporate financial statement ratio analysis. Also, see RATIOS on FOG/APP.009. EMF is a multi-purpose dBASE II invoice, inventory, and purchase order processing application designed to serve the needs of a small publishing business. This disk contains the three CMD files MENU, MENU2, and POMENU. The remainder of the application may be found on FOG/APP.046. MPRINT is a MailMerge command file toter. COMMSN, FINANCE, and STOCGRPH are MBASIC programs. FOG/APP.048 AMORTAB3 was submitted by Ben Cohen, President of Chicago's First Osborne Group (CFOG). This is an update of the loan amortization template AMORTAB2 found on FOG/APP.030. This version runs only with SuperCalc2. ENSOFT2 will convert a standard text file containing "hard" spaces and carriage returns into a WordStar compatible file with "soft" spaces and carriage returns. The result may then be reformatted using WordStar's command while editing in the Document mode. ENSOFT2.CQ is the squeezed C language source file. UNSOFT will convert a WordStar Document mode file into a standard ASCII text file by resetting the high bit of each byte (as in PIP using the [Z] option), replacing each .PA command with form-feed, eliminating other dot commands, converting each "soft" hyphen at the end of a line into a regular hyphen, replacing non-break space with a regular space, and eliminating all mid-line "soft" hyphens and other special control codes (except TAB, CR, LF, and FF). SPELLTST, contributed by Austin Ardoin of Cupertino (Silicon Valley FOG), permits a teacher to set up a spelling test or other computerized lesson. The file 05-20-84.SPL is an example spelling lesson. TYPEFAST is a typing tutor. Also, see TYPERACE on FOG/GAM.016. FOG/APP.049 FTNOTE12 will organize footnotes for a WordStar text file of type DOC. The location of each footnote is first marked within the body of text. Each specific footnote may be placed close to its reference within the text. FTNOTE will extract footnotes from the DOC text and place them in a file of type NOT. Finally, FTNOTE will format the DOC file, numbering footnotes from the NOT file sequentially and placing them at the bottom of the page where referenced. The resulting formatted file is of type PRN. This program is another example of user supported software; the SYNOPSIS.GAM A Synopsis of the Games Category of the First Osborne Group (FOG) Disk Library ==================================================== This file will be appended as new disks are added. The most recent update was June 1984. ==================================================== -FOG/GAM.001 This disk contains ADVENTURE, previously found on -FOG.004, and PACMAN, from -FOG.022. -FOG/GAM.002 This disk contains CHESS, previously found on -FOG.018. The FORTRAN source code (CHESS.FOR) has been added from -CPMUG.041. Three-D Tic-Tac-Toe (TTT) came from -CPMUG.029. -FOG/GAM.003 This disk contains MBASIC games. BACCARAT & ELIZA were previously found on -FOG.004, STARTREK was on -FOG.005, and CASTLE was on -FOG.015. BACCRRT, which is similar to BACCARAT, came from -CPMUG.026. E-SKETCH was submitted by Dave Blair of FOG. -FOG/GAM.004 Th author suggests a $10 donation if you find it useful. ROFF will format and print (run-off) a text file, adding headers, footers, margins, etc., according to formatting dot commands placed in the file. Its function is similar to WordStar's built-in Print command. ROFF was submitted by John Steele of Detroit's DeFOG. TAX83 is a SuperCalc Version 1.06 template for 1983 IRS Form 1040 and Schedules A, B, and W. It is an update of TAXBASE found on FOG/APP.015. small-c compiler. An update/correction of the standard library of input/output routines (STDLIB) may be found on FOG/LNG.010 From FOG/LNG.005 and 006: A version of Algol called ALGOLM. From FOG/LNG.008 and 009: The JRT Pascal system. From FOG/LNG.011 thru 013: The MVP-FORTH system. From FOG/LNG.014 thru 016: The manual for JRT Pascal version 3.0. Jim Woolley FOG Disk Librarian March 1983 is disk contains MBASIC games. CIA, QUEST, STARLANE, & YAHTZEE were previously found on -FOG.015. CIVILW, DSPACE, FIGHTER, GRANPRIX, & LIFE were on -FOG.019. The source of STARLAN4, which is similar to STARLANE, is unknown. -FOG/GAM.005 This disk contains MBASIC games. MONOPOLY was previously found on -FOG.019. BLACKJCK & OTHELLO are from -CPMUG.026. HANGMN, MASTERMD, & ROULETTE are from -CPMUG.027. OTHELLO is the exception; it is not in MBASIC. -FOG/GAM.006 This disk contains CBASIC games. ROBO was previously found on -FOG.007 & -FOG.009. CRAPS is from -CPMUG.037. As described in DISK.PRN, CRAPS was submitted by John White of Washington. (Appar- ently, some other programs were sent by John but were subsequently misplaced.) -FOG/GAM.007 This disk contains MBASIC games. AWARI, DCHARGE, GAMMON, HANOI (an interesting display of graphics), & NUCREAC are from the Osborne Users Group (Od on -FOG/GAM.014 (currently preliminary and given the sequence number .XXX). This version was received from the Osborne Users Group (OUG) of the Washington D.C. area. This Adventure game is similar but more detailed than Adventure found on -FOG/GAM.001. In particular, you can interrupt a game for continuation at a later time. FOG/GAM.014 This disk was previously installed in preliminary form as FOG/GAM.XXX in October, 1982. It is now complete and has been assigned sequence number 14. This disk contains AD.COM, an Adventure game supported by files found on FOG/GAM.013. See DISK.DOC on that disk for further information. ALIENS is a graphics game. BOUNCE was submitted by Jim Schenkel. It displays an interesting graphics pattern. PACMANOS is another version of the popular game distinct from PACMAN found on FOG/GAM.001. WORDPUZL is a word puzzle game written by yours truly as an exercise in use of small-c found on FOG/LNG.002 thru .004.UG) in the Washington, D.C. area. HEXAPAWN is from the Northwest Osborne Users Club in the Oregon & Washington area. BIO-FF is from -CPMUG.005. CHECKERS is from -CPMUG.013. CRAZY-8 is from -CPMUG.026. MENU, BUBBLE, DESIGN, ETCH, & SEARCH were submitted by Archie Abaire, Jr., of Richmond, VA. DESIGN & ETCH (see E-SKETCH on -FOG/GAM.003) both use graphics. -FOG/GAM.008 thru -FOG/GAM.011 Disks -FOG/GAM.008 thru -FOG/GAM.011 each contain MBASIC games received from the Northwest Osborne Users Club in the Washington/Oregon area. -FOG/GAM.012 This disk contains games submitted by David Anning of FOG. These include ALIEN, PRITPICT, and SKET. Each is an MBASIC program. AL is a file used by ALIEN and PICT is a file used by PRITPICT and by SKET. ALIEN is a graphics game. SKET is an etch-a-sktech game, which will save the sketch on a file for later redisplay using PRITPICT. KONG and MONSTER were submitted by Dan Woolley of FOG/GAM.015 PPONG is a Polish Pong game. STARTREK is another version of the familiar MBASIC game found on FOG/GAM.003. PPONG and STARTREK were received from the Denver Osborne Group (DOG). OZDOT is a connect-the-dots game. BREAKOUT was submitted by Mike Marzalek. The objective is to break out a wall by bouncing a ball off paddles directed by the 9 and 3 keys on the keypad. OTHELLO was submitted by Mark Broadie. This game has good graphics and is self prompting. The object is to surround your opponents pieces, eliminating his and filling the board with yours. STARTREK, BREAKOUT, and OTHELLO are MBASIC programs. FOG/GAM.016 DUCK, contributed by Tim Fox, is a graphics shooting gallery game like that published in the Portable Companion, April/May 1983, p. 42, by Peter H. Kelly. Another version of this game submitted by Ray Rhodes was so similar that it was not included here. ESCAPE is a tank battle game using FOG. KONG uses a machine level routine to quickly paint on the screen a whole block of graphics, such as a line or a stick figure. The machine level routine loaded by KONG is derived from the assembly language code given in GRAPH.PRN. MONSTER is copied from the Kelly Smith article on pages 37 thru 44 of the June/July 1982 issue of Portable Companion. It is an Adventure style game using Osborne graphics. Andy Woolley of FOG submitted ANDY-500, which involves steering a racing car down a roadway. ELIZA, LANDER1, and TREKINS were received from the Osborne Users Group (OUG) of the Washington D.C. area. ELIZA simulates conversation with a psychologist. There was a version of ELIZA previously found on -FOG.004. LANDER1 simulates a lunar lander. TREKINS provides instructions for STARTREK, which may be found on -FOG/GAM.003. Also, see STARTREK.DOC on this disk. -FOG/GAM.013 This disk contains support files for the Adventure game AD.COM foun screen graphics. PINGPONG, also with graphics, is a pong game. These were provided by Jerry Silverstein. SLOTS, submitted by Ron Forsythe, simulates a slot machine customized for the Osborne 1. Another version of this game may be found on FOG/GAM.011. TYPERACE, from Donald Hill, is a typing tutor and horserace game. It is most effective with an 80- column screen. The following three games were received from Detroit's DeFOG. GUNNER-2 is a modified version of GUNNER found on FOG/GAM.009. It involves firing a howitzer at a target. SNOW will randomly fill the screen with letters. RND-WALK will display a random path of letters. The above games are MBASIC programs. FASTLIFE is a faster version of the LIFE games found on FOG/GAM.004 and 010. It uses graphics to simulate birth and death of cells, eventually reaching an equilibrium condition. This assembly language program was provided by Carl Flarity. Its output format is 60 columns by 32 rows. LIFEASC, s written using Turbo Pascal. footers, margins, etc., according to formatting dot commands placed in the file. Its function is similar to WordStar's built-in Print command. ROFF was submitted by John Steele of Detroit's DeFOG. TAX83 is a SuperCalc Version 1.06 template for 1983 IRS Form 1040 and Schedules A, B, and W. It is an update of TAXBASE found on FOG/APP.015. small-c compiler. An update/correction of the standard library of input/output routines (STDLIB) may be found on FOG/LNG.010 From FOG/LNG.005 and 006: A version of Algol called ALGOLM. From FOG/LNG.008 and 009: The JRT Pascal system. From FOG/LNG.011 thru 013: The MVP-FORTH system. From FOG/LNG.014 thru 016: The manual for JRT Pascal version 3.0. Jim Woolley FOG Disk Librarian March 1983 ubmitted by Edward Grant, is a compiled CBASIC version of the LIFE game found on FOG/GAM.004. Starting patterns are input by means of an ASCII file created using a text editor such as WordStar. LIFE1.PAT thru LIFE4.PAT include four sample starting patterns. This program has the ability to chain to DUMP.COM found on FOG/UTL.033 to capture an image of the screen in a file. This disk was first introduced into the library in preliminary form as FOG/GAM.XXX. It is now complete. FOG/GAM.017 CRAPS is a graphics version of the dice game contributed by Jim Hennessy. Also, see CRAPS on FOG/GAM.006 and 009. SMURF is a modified version of MONSTER found on FOG/GAM.012 and on pp. 37 thru 44 of the June/July 1982 issue of Portable Companion. This one is perhaps better suited for young children. It was received from Detroit's DeFOG. The following files were submitted by Wally Matthews of Pomona, CA. BACCRRT is a modified version of the same progra SYNOPSIS.HAK A Synopsis of the Hackers Category of the First Osborne Group (FOG) Disk Library ==================================================== This file will be appended as new disks are added. The most recent update was June 1984. ==================================================== -FOG/HAK.001 thru .003 This disk contains the personal finance system previously found on -FOG.002. This system, developed by Software Design Engineering, was submitted by Byron McKay of FOG and PICONET and is also available on -PNET.003. Files of type .BAS include 120, 130, 21000, 800, AP,AR FS and INSTALL. Remaining files on this disk and continuing to -FOG/HAK.002 and .003 are from the Osborne/McGraw- Hill accounts receivable/payable system previously found on -FOG.008, .010, .012, and .013 and also available on -SIGM.01A. Refer to ABSTRACT.043 and CATALOG.043 for further information. -FOG/HAK.004 This disk com found on FOG/GAM.003. It is a baccarat game. CROSSPUZ will prepare a word search puzzle using words you supply. The following files were received from Steven Dyk of Wollaston Lake, Saskatchewan. BATTLSHP requires sinking ships hidden in a square matrix by targeting one square after another. CAPITALS tests knowledge of state capitals. DARTS requires hitting a target on the screen. MATH is an arithmetic drill. NUMBERSQ is similar to the game of moving tiles within a square matrix containing one missing tile until all tiles are in sequence. PIGLATIN will translate input phrases into pig latin. SMART is played against the computer, which predicts your T/F input. TRANSLAT will translate input words into Cheyenne. VOCAB permits one to create a series of flashcards for testing purposes. This version is set up for English to Crow translation. These are MBASIC programs. BRIDGE, submitted by Doug Cox, is a bridge card game played against yourself. It wasntains DUMP24X and ROM previously found on -FOG.016, JRNL, PASSWORD, and RESIZE from -FOG.018, and POW and macro library .LIB files from -FOG.020. Additional .LIB files are continued on -FOG/HAK.005. -FOG/HAK.005 This disk contains macro .LIB files previously found on -FOG.020. Additional .LIB files were placed on -FOG/HAK.004. MOONLOC programs and HAM programs included here are from -FOG.021. -FOG/HAK.006 This disk contains the Tarbell database programs DBSETUP, DBENTRY, and DBQUERY previously found on -FOG.020. These are CBASIC programs. INV and INV.IND are sample database files. For information, see DATABASE.DOC. STRTRK/2 is an MBASIC Startrek program which needs work. It was received from the Osborne Users Group (OUG) of the Washington D.C. area. MFACCESS, from -CPMUG.036, is an assembly language library file which processes wild card filenames. The remaining are squeezed assembler files (.AQM). ADE is an abte when used with a PMMI modem. The remaining files were submitted by Byron McKay. PMMIBYE3, from CPMUG.040, is a PMMI version of the BYE program used by remote bulletin board systems (RBBS). RBBS30 is a BASIC language RBBS control program. It uses MENURBBS and NEWCOM files. FOG/HAK.011 FINDBAD.MAC is a source file for the bad sector lockout program found on FOG/UTL.005. KID permits definition of keyboard macros (programmable function keys) using any key. Essentially, the keyboard layout could be redefined (e.g., DVORAK). MBASIC.MOD describes modification of MBASIC definition of the delete key and default screen width. The reamining files were submitted by Byron McKay. MOVUSER1 will redefine the USER number associated with a given file. Also, see MOVUSER2 on FOG/UTL.019. NCAT32 and XCAT36 are assembly language source files for the catalog programs found on FOG/UTL.012. UNERA13 is an assembly language source file for the erasedsolute disk editor from -CPMUG.019. BANNER, from -CPMUG.008, prints some sort of banner. DDTPATCH, also from -CPMUG.008, is a patch for DDT. UCOPY is a universal disk copy program. DIRS9/8 is a sorted directory program. PROM is for programming PROMs. These last three programs are from -CPMUG.047. FOG/HAK.007 This disk contains several floating-point arithmetic routines from CPMUG.029. FPCONV, FPDATA, FPINT, FPPKG, and TRAN.SQC are squeezed assembly language source files. MAKSUB is an example of how one .COM command file may chain to another. MEGATREK is an extra large version of STARTREK. It would not fit into the space available within MBASIC. See MEGATREK.DOC. MLIST3 and VLIST11 were both submitted by Gale Rhoades. They will display a file on the CP/M list device, like LIST found on FOG/UTL.002. Each uses MAC and SEQIO.LIB found on FOG/HAK.004. FOG/HAK.008 Files on this disk were submitted by Byron M file recovery program found on FOG/UTL.009. FOG/HAK.012 COMAND and DISKDEF are library files used by certain programs written in macro assembly language MAC. SEQIO22 is an update of the library file found on FOG/HAK.004. FAST2 and PACKUP2 are disk I/O buffering routines. MEMLNK20 simulates a disk in RAM. MORSE, PRACTICE, and RANDTEXT all relate to morse code drill. They come from CPMUG.041. Also, see TEACH2 on FOG/APP.017. TBPRNT13 is for tabulated printout of a file onto the CP/M list device. Also, see LISTT on FOG/UTL.015. FOG/HAK.013 This disk contains several BASIC language business programs. Included is part of the FINANCE system received from the Phoenix Osborne Group (PhOG). FINANC1A is on this disk; FINANCE2 and FINANCE3 are on FOG/HAK.014; FINAN1-3.DOC describes the system. S&L performs various financial calculations. It should be verified before implementation in the Applications category. TcKay. MBOOT3OS is an Osborne version of MBOOT, a program intended for use when no better terminal emulator is available. Since there are several terminal emulators in the Utilities category (e.g., MODEM7 on FOG/UTL.001), this program does not seem necessary. MODEM781 is one of the more recent versions of MODEM7. It uses MODEM780.LIB and MAC for assembly. MCAL780 permits revision of the telephone directory. FOG/HAK.009 LOSTGOLD is a BASIC game which needs repair. PIPMODEM describes use of PIP as a terminal emulator. The remaining files were submitted by Byron McKay. RECV and SEND permit transfering files between two computers. SMODEM39 is a source file for the Hayes SmartModem version of MODEM7. An Osborne compatible SMODEM4 may be found on FOG/UTL.021. FOG/HAK.010 COPYFAST, from CPMUG.047, is for quickly copying from one disk to another. DIAL6/23 and FLIP3, also from CPMUG.047, will dial and change baud rahe remaining files make up the BUSINESS system activated by running BUSINESS.BAS. Several of the calculations performed by this package are known to be incorrect; therefore, the entire system is suspect. FOG/HAK.013 This disk contains several BASIC language business programs. Included is part of the FINANCE system received from the Phoenix Osborne Group (PhOG). FINANCE2 and FINANCE3 are on this disk. FINAN1-3.DOC, which describes the system, and FINANC1A are on FOG/HAK.013. Also received from PhOG is the STAR system, described by STAR.DOC. AUTOST.COM has been provided to automatically initiate STAR upon a cold start. FOG/HAK.015 The following files were received from the Denver Osborne Group (DOG). Each needs further work. AUTOST is a customized version of the familiar program described in Osborne User's Reference Guide, Rev. 2/82, pp. 247 - 250. CCPPATCH is supposed to provide auto-search of drive A for a fllowing files were sent by Steven Dyk of Wollaston Lake, Saskatchewan. DISKMON is a disk monitor similar to DU found on FOG/UTL.006 and 019. DR is another disk directory program. EDUCATOR is an 8080 code tutorial. XFORMAT, received from Jack Brown of the Vancouver Portable Computer Club, is supposed to format a Xerox 820 SD disk. FOG/HAK.018 FUNDTRND is a mutual fund trend analysis application which appears to work but has no accompanying documentation. OSBYEZ2H is an assembly language version of the RCP/M program BYE for the Osborne 1 with ZCPR and a Hayes Smartmodem. Thanks to Bryan Stallard for categorizing this file. NECDSKL2 is an overlay to convert the disk directory labeling program DSKLABL2 to support an NEC 8023 or C. Itoh 8510 instead of an Epson. DSKLABL1 may be found on FOG/UTL.038. WSPTCHDD is another version of the WSPATCH program found on FOG/APP.005 converted for the double- density Osborne 1. This one is different ile not found on the logged drive. HELPER will print on the list device a copy of text appearing on the screen. It also performs other functions described in HELPER.DOC. It does not appear to properly process a warm boot . PDQFILE is an MBASIC inventory file system described in BYTE magazine, 11/81, p. 236. The remainder of this disk contains the MUSIC system from CPMUG.039. I believe this system was designed for a SOL computer, but perhaps someone can determine the proper setup for an Osborne 1. Refer to the .DOC files. FOG/HAK.016 The following files were received from Rick Schmidt of Federal Way, Washington. BBSCON2 is similar to BYE, which is often used by remote CP/M (RCP/M) systems. This is an assembly language file. ODBS is an MBASIC Osborne data base system which needs some work. SPELL-OS is an Osborne version of the poor man's spelling checker. SPELL-ED is designed to work with SPELL-OS. I can't understand how tofrom WSPTCHDD found on FOG/APP.029. This one was described by Phil Pflager on p.30 of the FOGHORN, Vol.III, No.9, 6/84. It requires use of MOVCPM to establish a 58K CP/M system, which could be confusing unless all your disks were set up that way. Because of this 58K system requirement, it was decided to install the program in the Hackers category. FOG/HAK.019 CPMDEC is a FORTRAN program for use on a DEC PDP computer running RSX. It will transfer a text file using the MODEM7 protocol with 8-bit checksum verification. Thanks to Bryan Stallard for categorizing this file. GB is a teachers gradebook record keeping program. It is written in an unfamiliar version of BASIC. An executable COM file was provided, but it failed to run because of insufficient memory. Perhaps someone can modify it for the Osborne 1. TERMNL2 is a dumb terminal program. It can print while communicating. It has a special facility for anyone using a Ciarcia Z8 sing use these programs. SPELLM21 found on FOG/APP.023 seems to work better. YAM is an Osborne 1 version of Yet Another Modem program. It seems to work OK, but there is no documentation. Will anyone with a YAM document please donate a copy? FOG/HAK.017 ENCRYPT and DECRYPT, submitted by Wally Matthews of Pomona, CA, are public key encryption/decryption programs based upon an article in BYTE magazine, 10/83. These MBASIC programs need further work and refinement. QUME3 describes the QD driver for WordStar and a Qume Sprint 3 printer. These files were provided by Rodney Myrvaagnes of New York, NY. The following files were received from Rick Schmidt of Federal Way, Washington. They all require access to dBASE II. Files beginning with MENU, plus REPORT1 and TOPOFPAG, are all part of a dBASE II menu control system. I can't understand how it works. TAXES is an unfinished tax management system. MEDICAL.FRM is part of this system. The fole board computer. The port setup routine did not appear to work properly with my modem port. YAM-NOTE.TXT, YAMDOC.RQO, YAMHELP.TQ, and PHONES.T were submitted by John Steele of Detroit's DeFOG. They describe the YAM Yet Another Modem program found on FOG/HAK.016. Unfortunately, the available version of YAM does not work with the Osborne 1 MODEM port.  1983 IRS Form 1040 and Schedules A, B, and W. It is an update of TAXBASE found on FOG/APP.015. small-c compiler. An update/correction of the standard library of input/output routines (STDLIB) may be found on FOG/LNG.010 From FOG/LNG.005 and 006: A version of Algol called ALGOLM. From FOG/LNG.008 and 009: The JRT Pascal system. From FOG/LNG.011 thru 013: The MVP-FORTH system. From FOG/LNG.014 thru 016: The manual for JRT Pascal version 3.0. Jim Woolley FOG Disk Librarian March 1983 APP.CQC covering FOG/APP.001 thru .012 FOG/MIS.CQC covering FOG/MIS.001 thru .007 FOG/LNG.CQC covering FOG/LNG.001 thru .009 FOG/HAK.CQC covering FOG/HAK.001 thru .006 In the future, each new library disk (including this one) will contain a file named CRCKLIST.CRC listing the CRC number for each file on that disk. TYPE17 is duplicated on this disk from FOG/UTL.014. It will display both squeezed and unsqueezed files. NEWS1082.LIB identifies library files added during the month of October 1982. NEWS1182.LIB identifies library files added during the month of November 1982. FOG/LIB.CAT The MAST.CAT file contains a current catalog of the FOG disk library. This catalog is maintained using the NEWCAT and CAT utilities duplicated here from FOG/LIB.001. This disk is presently incomplete. Since the MAST.CAT file will be updated each month, it is not expected that this disk will ever be made permanent. FOG/LIB.00 SYNOPSIS.LIB A Synopsis of the Library Category of the First Osborne Group (FOG) Disk Library ==================================================== This file will be appended as new disks are added. The most recent update was June 1984. ==================================================== -FOG/LIB.001 The file LIBRARY.DOC explains organization of the FOG disk library and how to use it. NEWS0982.LIB is a synopsis of DISK.DOC files from each library disk introduced during September 1982. This covers -FOG/GAM.001 thru .011, -FOG/UTL.001 thru .010, -FOG/APP.001 thru .008, and -FOG/MIS.001 thru .004. This disk also contains several utilities which are useful in working with the library. CAT, NEWCAT, the skeleton MAST.CAT file, DISPLAY, LIST, and SHOW may all be found on -FOG/UTL.002. SWEEP14 is from -FOG/UTL.005. FOG/LIB.002 This disk was first introduced into the library in preliminary form 3 This disk was first introduced into the library in preliminary form as FOG/LIB.XXX. It is now complete; therefore, sequence number 3 has been assigned. M13/DISK.DOC is a copy of the DISK.DOC file for FOG/MIS.013. This DISK.DOC file was inadvertently missing from that disk when it was first introduced into the library. This file has since been added to its library disk. NEWS1282.LIB identifies library files added during the month of December 1982. NEWS0183.LIB identifies library files added during the month of January 1983. NEWS0283.LIB identifies library files added during the month of February 1983. NEWS0383.LIB identifies library files added during the month of March 1983. NEWS0483.LIB identifies library files added during the month of April 1983. NEWS0583.LIB identifies library files added during the month of May 1983. NEWS0683.LIB identifies library files added during the month of June 1983. NEWS0783.LIB identifies library files addedas FOG/LIB.XXX. It is now complete; therefore, sequence number 2 has been assigned. CAT.COM, NEWCAT.COM, and MAST.CAT have been moved to a special preliminary disk named FOG/LIB.CAT. This disk contains DIRBANER and DIRLABEL utilities used to generate the printed directory banner placed in the plastic envelope to identify each library disk and the directory label attached to each library disk. These are specially modified programs originally written by Dennis McFerran. An unmodified version of DIRLABEL may be found on FOG/UTL.013. CRCK4 is duplicated on this disk from FOG/UTL.001. At the suggestion of Jim Crowell it was used to generate CRCKLIST.CRC files identifying the cyclic redundancy check number for each file currently in the library. These were accumulated by category and then squeezed to produce the following files: FOG/LIB.CQC covering FOG/LIB.001 FOG/GAM.CQC covering FOG/GAM.001 thru .013 FOG/UTL.CQC covering FOG/UTL.001 thru .018 FOG/ during the month of July 1983. NEWS0883.LIB identifies library files added during the month of August 1983. NEWS0983.LIB identifies library files added during the month of September 1983. NEWS1083.LIB identifies library files added during the month of October 1983. FOG/LIB.X+1 and X+2 FOG/LIB.X+1 contains synopses of disks in the Library, Games, and Utilities categories of the FOG disk library. Also included are descriptions of the best entries selected from the Games and Utilities categories. FOG/LIB.X+2 contains synopses of the Applications, Miscellaneous, Languages, and Hackers categories. Also included are descriptions of the best entries selected from the Applications, Languages, and Miscellaneous categories. Text for each file is extracted from the DISK.DOC files for disks in that category (cat). Similar entries are placed in the NEWSmmyy.LIB files found elsewhere in the Library category. The difference is that the  version of /UTL#038.DOC should replace the original on all copies of FOG/UTL.038. Each NEWSmmyy.LIB identifies library files added during month mm, year yy. This disk contains library news for 11/83 thru 5/84.  found on FOG/HAK.016. Unfortunately, the available version of YAM does not work with the Osborne 1 MODEM port.  1983 IRS Form 1040 and Schedules A, B, and W. It is an update of TAXBASE found on FOG/APP.015. small-c compiler. An update/correction of the standard library of input/output routines (STDLIB) may be found on FOG/LNG.010 From FOG/LNG.005 and 006: A version of Algol called ALGOLM. From FOG/LNG.008 and 009: The JRT Pascal system. From FOG/LNG.011 thru 013: The MVP-FORTH system. From FOG/LNG.014 thru 016: The manual for JRT Pascal version 3.0. Jim Woolley FOG Disk Librarian March 1983 files summarize all disks in a given category, while the NEWSmmyy.LIB files represent all disks installed in the library during a given month (mm) and year (yy). files may be displayed using the CP/M command TYPE. Each category may be searched by keyword with the FIND utilities from FOG/UTL.020 and 027. WordStar may be particularly useful for displaying, printing, and searching the synopsis files. For example, to search for all dBASE applications, place SYNOPSIS.APP in drive B and your WordStar disk in drive A. At the A> prompt, type WS When WordStar is ready, type D to edit a file and specify the filename B:SYNOPSIS.APP. Once this file has been loaded, tell WordStar to find (search) by pressing F. At the FIND? prompt, type DBASE, and for OPTIONS?, specify U to ignore case. WordStar will find the keyword DBASE (or dBASE) and display it in context. When you wish to search for additional occurences of the keyword, simply pre SYNOPSIS.LNG A Synopsis of the Languages Category of the First Osborne Group (FOG) Disk Library ==================================================== This file will be appended as new disks are added. The most recent update was March 1983. ==================================================== -FOG/LNG.001 This disk contains the Z80 Assembler previously found on -FOG.006 and originally obtained from -CPMUG.016. TEST1A.ASM and TEST2.ASM are sample Z80 assembly language programs. Z80.LIB is a library of macros for use with Digital Research's MAC assembler to produce Z80 code. For use, refer to Z80.DOC. These were received from the Osborne Users Group (OUG) of the Washington D.C. area. -FOG/LNG.002 thru .004 Disks -FOG/LNG.002 thru .004 contain the C Compiler previously found on -FOG.029 thru .031. -FOG/LNG.005 thru .006 Disks -FOG/LNG.005 and .006 contain a version of Algol callss . Press to begin another search from the beginning of the file. To terminate, press Q; if you inadvertently made changes to SYNOPSIS.APP, respond to the ABANDON EDITED VERSION question with Y for yes. For each category except Library (LIB) and Hackers (HAK), the files, programs, and systems selected as the most useful or unique are summarized in These text files may be displayed using the CP/M command TYPE; if is toggled, the display will also be printed. WordStar may be used to display, print, or search the file. These disks are presently incomplete. Since the SYNOPSIS and BEST-OF files will be periodically updated, it is not expected that these disks will ever be made permanent. FOG/LIB.004 /UTL#038.DOC is a corrected version of the DISK.DOC file for FOG/UTL.038. The original DISK.DOC file included on that disk failed to identify OSPD, a program for measuring drive speed. This updateded ALGOLM. This system was down loaded from -CPMUG.028. Documentation in files of type .TXT are found on -FOG/LNG.005. Read ALGSTART.TXT first. Sample programs are included on -FOG/LNG.006. -FOG/LNG.007 This disk contains the ML80 system from -CPMUG.004 and -CPMUG.036. This system is the result of L.R.B.Pedroso's thesis "ML80: A Structured Machine- oriented Microcomputer Programming Language," available from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) using order number AD/A-020 055. ML80 is actually two language processors, M80 and L80. M80 is a general macro processor which can be used independently of L80. L80 is a structured assembly language for the 8080. Two sample disk directory programs written in ML80 are included, WDIR and XDIR. -FOG/LNG.008 and .009 -FOG/LNG.008 and .009, submitted by Jack Beale and Frank Morton of FOG, contain the JRT Pascal system originally sold for $29.95 by JRT Systems, 1891-23rd le for the public domain FORTH-79 version of FORTH implemented by Dr. Glen B. Haydon. AUTOST.COM is an assembled version of MVP- FORTH with the utility and editor "screens" loaded. ASMFZ80.DOC describes the Z80 assembler for FORTH written in FORTH. FOG/LNG.012 contains SDFORTH.SCR, which is set up for use with MVP-FORTH on a single-density Osborne 1. See SDFORTH.DOC for further information. FOG/LNG.013 contains DDFORTH.SCR, which is set up for use with MVP-FORTH on a double-density Osborne 1. See DDFORTH.DOC for further information. To maintain integrity of these SCR files, one should COPY the entire library disk to a blank disk using COPY.COM. If PIP or SWEEP was used instead, follow the procedure described in the appropriate xDFORTH.DOC to re-establish the SCR file. Thanks to Jim Crowell for setting up this system on the Osborne 1 computer. It should be noted that Bob Scott also submitted a version of MVP-FORTH, but his has not been installed in the library.  Ave., San Francisco, CA 94122, (415)566-5100. Their advertisement (see BYTE, 10/82) specifically authorizes copying the diskettes, "so long as it's not for resale." If this system is of interest to you, perhaps you should purchase the complete package including documentation from JRT Systems. FOG/LNG.010 M80.HLP and MAC.HLP provide information about the Microsoft M80 and Digital Research MAC macro- assemblers. They may be used with the HELP system found on FOG/UTL.005. MAC.FIX describes a modification patch to avoid converting lower case to upper case in the .PRN file generated by MAC. MACREF appends a program cross-reference to the .PRN file generated by MAC. It uses information from the SYM file, which must be on the same disk with .PRN. XMAC.ASM may be overlayed into MAC using DDT. Its purpose is for cross-assembly work. EM2 is an 8080 emulator. It executes assembler mnemonics directly, one at a time, and displays register and fla FOG/LNG.014 thru 016 FOG/LNG.014 thru 016 contain the manual for JRT Pascal version 3.0. Version 2.0 of the JRT Pascal system may be found on FOG/LNG.008 and 009. There are differences between the two versions, which are indicated in the introductory section of the manual. This situation is not optimal, but is better than no manual at all. The original manual was copyrighted, but Gale Rhoades assures me that it was released to the public domain by the bankruptcy court. There are fifteen sections, six appendices and three explanatory files. All files are squeezed. Thanks to Bryan Stallard, Assistant FOG Disk Librarian, for summarizing this material originally received on the FOG RCP/M. FOG/LNG.017 This disk contains a library of routines enabling Microsoft FORTRAN programs to make CP/M BDOS function calls. The routines were written to implement the following functions, which are not normally supported from FORTRAN:g information. Its function is primarily educational. WORDPUZL.C is the source file for a word puzzle game found on FOG/GAM.014. It was written primarily as an exercise in small-c, the C language compiler found on FOG/LNG.002 thru .004. STDLIB20 is an update of the small-c standard library of input/output routines. Unfortunately, the original version found on FOG/LNG.002 and .004 was full of bugs and virtually useless. This version has been satisfactorily tested. It is recommended that STDLIB20.TXT be used in place of STDLIB.TXT when linking small-c programs. JRTFIX.SUB is a SUBMIT file designed to patch the JRT Pascal run-time environment EXEC.COM to correct an error which occurs when multiplying a real number by zero. FOG/LNG.011 thru 013 FOG/LNG.011 thru 013 contain the MVP-FORTH system submitted by Jim Crowell. MVPFORTH.DOC on FOG/LNG.011 describes the system. MVPFORTH.AQM is a squeezed version of the 8080 assembly language source fi ERASE Erase a file. EXIST Test to see if a file exists. GETCMD Input the command line "tail". INCHR Input a single character without a terminating carriage return. INKEY Input a character (if one is pending) or a null (if not). RENAME Rename a file.  1983 IRS Form 1040 and Schedules A, B, and W. It is an update of TAXBASE found on FOG/APP.015. small-c compiler. An update/correction of the standard library of input/output routines (STDLIB) may be found on FOG/LNG.010 From FOG/LNG.005 and 006: A version of Algol called ALGOLM. From FOG/LNG.008 and 009: The JRT Pascal system. From FOG/LNG.011 thru 013: The MVP-FORTH system. From FOG/LNG.014 thru 016: The manual for JRT Pascal version 3.0. Jim Woolley FOG Disk Librarian March 1983 ting visual display. BANNER will print oversize letters on your printer. BUNNY prints out the familiar Playboy monogram. CALENDAR lists a full calendar on the console; it must be modified to change the assumed year. (Also see MONTHS on -FOG/APP.005.) PINUP, PINUP1, and SNOOPY.PIC were previously found on -FOG.005. They provide an interesting picture when printed. COPYRITE.DOC, previously found on -FOG.026, provides information regarding copyrights for software. -FOG/MIS.002 This disk contains various sample files to be used with WordStar and MailMerge. They were previously found on -FOG.017. A more complete set of examples is included on -FOG/MIS.003. WSMODS.DOC was on -FOG.014. It describes in general terms how WordStar may be modified for compatibility with printers. This information is repeated in the Osborne 1 Users Reference Guide. RUBIK.CUB, from -FOG.028, gives information regarding solution of the famous puzzle. It is a  document and may be viewed or printed using WordStar. CPM.DOC, from -CPMUG.019, contains instructions on use of CP/M. -FOG/MIS.003 This disk contains demonstration files for use with WordStar and MailMerge. They were received from the OZBUG group of Portland, Oregon. The pertinent files are ASKORDER, CHAIN, CLIENT.DTA, DF1.DTA, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, FEATURES, LABELS, LABELS.FMT, LETTER1.DTA, LETTER2.TXT, MLLINE, MLLINE.FMT, MULTI.TXT, MULTIN.TXT, ROLLLIST, ROLLLIST.FMT, TESTDATA.DTA, and TSTDTA.DTA. There is a less complete collection of files on -FOG/MIS.002. Also see -FOG/APP.004 for use of ROLLLIST and LABELS (MPLABELS). The remaining files on this disk are from the Northwest Osborne Users Club of the Washington/ Oregon area. They contain information regarding dealers in the Northwest area and other Osborne users groups. QUESCOM is a computer questionaire and SIGNUP.LST is a registration form; these may be useful for d SYNOPSIS.MIS A Synopsis of the Miscellaneous Category of the First Osborne Group (FOG) Disk Library ==================================================== This file will be appended as new disks are added. The most recent update was March 1984. ==================================================== -FOG/MIS.001 This disk contains several MBASIC programs. EPSON4 and ZLOVE were previously found on -FOG.005. BEEP, DEMO, and SINEWAVE were on -FOG.017. BANNER, BUNNY, and CALENDAR were received from the Northwest Osborne Users Clubs of the Washington/Oregon area. EPSON4 demonstrates operation of the Epson printer. ZLOVE provides an artistic display. (Also see LOVE on -FOG/GAM.010.) BEEP and DEMO are similar Osborne 1 demonstration programs; the first uses the bell, which has been eliminated from the second. Wordcraft has given FOG written permission to distribute their copyrighted DEMO program. SINEWAVE provides an interesesigning similar forms. -FOG/MIS.004 This disk contains text files with useful information. They can be viewed or printed using WordStar. BKSPACE.DOC, from -CPMUG.025, describes use of the backspace key in CP/M and MBASIC. It does not appear to be applicable to the Osborne 1. EPSONWS.DOC discusses modification of WordStar for compatibility with Epson printers. This file was received from the Osborne Users Group (OUG) of the Washington D.C. area. The text is similar to an article which appeared in the March 1982 issue of FOGHORN. INFO.CPM is from the CP/M-NET remote CP/M system. It discusses MODEM7, software tricks, DDT, MBASIC, SYSGEN, autoload, stack management, and quick loading of .COM files. NOTES.VAN, from -CPMUG.025, describes BDOS functions. QUOTES.PRN, from -CPMUG.042, contains humorous bromides for all computer nuts. WSTIPS.TXT, received from the Northwest Osborne Users Clubs of the Washington/Oregon area, describes Graftrax-80 or Graftrax-Plus is required. OSCREEN.BAS groups together Osborne 1 screen controls for use in BASIC programs. OSBDSCIO.C and OSMDIO.C contain C language routines related to Osborne 1 input/output. -FOG/MIS.007 HINTS3, OSHINTS, OSPATCH, and OSTRICKS are .DOC files submitted by Byron McKay of FOG. Each includes useful information pertinent to the Osborne 1. WS-MNEM.MSG, submitted by Jim Crowell of FOG, and WSLABELS, submitted by Carl Flarity of FOG, each describe labels used inside the WordStar program and recognized by WordStar's INSTALL program. Carl Flarity also submitted SCANNER.TXT with information for those who use radios which scan police, fire, ambulance, etc., frequencies. Gale Rhoades of FOG submitted RCPMLIST.24 with information about remote CP/M systems. Also, see BBSLIST.001 on -FOG/MIS.005. BASCOM53.DOC describes version 5.3 of Microsoft's BASIC compiler. MICROSFT.SAV discusses Microsoft's FORTRAN and M80 pafacilities for modifying WordStar. -FOG/MIS.005 This disk was first introduced into the library in preliminary form as -FOG/MIS.XXX. It is now complete; therefore, sequence number 5 has been assigned. This disk contains several MBASIC programs. BIORYTHM produces a printer chart bsaed upon your birth date. COMPAT determines the compatibility of two people; turn on the printer. EASTER calculates the date of Easter for any given year. GRAPHNUM, by David Anning of FOG, displays the full range of Osborne graphics. POETRY prints verse on the printer. (Notice, some of these programs have .DOC files with further information.) The following MBASIC programs were submitted by Byron McKay of FOG. OZIPS converts ZIP codes to states. YKW presents an interesting graphical display. BBSLIST.001 was submitted by Byron McKay of FOG. It contains a list of computerized bulletin board services around the nation. CPMFTH and FTHCPM, submitted by Jim ckages. FOG/MIS.008 This disk contains the picture (.PIC) files CINDY, DRAGON, KIRK, MONA, RAQUEL, and SHIP. EXPERT.DOC is a humorous description of a computer hacker. FOG/MIS.009 This disk contains the FOGHORN, Vol. 1, Nos. 1 thru 3. They are squeezed files. Note that Vol. 1, No. 2 was originally combined with INFONEWS, the precursor of PicoNet's PicoNews. BLOCK will generate block letters on your printer. It carries a copyright notice, but Paul Traina of Oxgate 1 assures me it has been placed in the public domain. DISKID.DOC, submitted by Bill Hooker, describes how to label a disk. NLART, submitted by Jack Brown of the Vancouver Portable Computer Club (VPCC), is a newsletter article describing Micromodem, the Hayes Stack Smartmodem, MYCHESS, and miscellaneous information for novices. PUBLIC.ABS is an abstract of the CACHE (Chicago Area Computer Hackers Exchange, I think) public domain disk library. Crowell of FOG, convert between CP/M text and FORTH screen files. CPMFTH is an MBASIC program; FTHCPM is a FORTH program. ZCPR-WS.DOC, also submitted by Jim Crowell, describes changes to ZCPR.ASM to facilitate use of TYPE with WordStar files. This is expected to be of little use until the library gets a copy of ZCPR.ASM. Mike Marzalek of Cotati, CA, submitted the next two programs. He used BNCHMRK to time MBASIC, CBASIC, and 8080 assembly language programs. HI-RES is an MBASIC subroutine facilitating block graphics on the Osborne screen. Refer to the .TXT files for each program. -FOG/MIS.006 This disk contains a demonstration of the Fancy Font software available from SoftCraft of Los Angeles. The demonstration files were placed in the public domain and submitted to the FOG library by SoftCraft. They illustrate "the high quality of printing which can be achieved by an Epson pronter in graphics mode...." An Epson MX80 or MX100 with  FOG/MIS.010 This disk contains the FOGHORN, Vol. 1, Nos. 4 and 5. They are squeezed files. DIRCUR, submitted by Doug Hurst, provides an interesting screen display. CALENDR generates a calendar on your printer. It is similar to CALENDAR on FOG/MIS.001, but more general. WEEKDAY provides the day of the week for any date. These are MBASIC programs. NUDE83.CAL and SNOOPY83.CAL are calendars which may be printed on the list device. O2RUMORS.TXT presents one person's thoughts on the yet to be announced Osborne 2. UNDOCCPM.DOC describes an undocumented "feature" of CP/M which may be of interest to assembly language programmers. FOG/MIS.011 This disk contains the FOGHORN, Vol. 1, Nos. 6 and 7. They are squeezed files. CCPBUG.FIX describes patches to the CP/M Console Command Processor to facilitate use of disk directory USER areas. ZSID.FIX describes patches to ZSID to make the DUMP display similar to DDT and SID.  MODEM.SET identifies patch locations for modifying versions of MODEM7 to interface with any particular computer. MODEMS.CPK and MODEMS.DOC discuss various aspects of modems. The above files were received from the Denver Osborne Group (DOG). The remaining files having type .C were submitted by Bob Briggs. They represent exercises from The C Programming Language by Kernighan & Ritchie. Refer to C.DOC. FOG/MIS.016 NEW-CHIP.CPK is a conversation regarding computer design using a Z800 CPU chip. RCPMDATA.17A describes etiquette when using a remote CP/M (RCP/M) system. The above files were received from the Denver Osborne Group (DOG). SILVER2.DOC, contributed by Jerry Silverstein, is a tutorial describing use of the CP/M utilities PIP and STAT. The following files were contributed by Byron McKay. MBASIC-P.DOC describes how to POKE an address in MBASIC, so that a file saved with the protect attribute (SAVE "filename",P) may be convert FOG/MIS.012 This disk contains the FOGHORN, Vol. 1, No. 8, parts 1 and 2. They are squeezed files. LIBRARY.CTL suggests procedures you may wish to use to control your own disk library. MDMPRTCL.DOC by Ward Christensen documents his MODEM communication protocol. MOVCPM.FIX describes patches to MOVCPM.COM, which probably are not required for most Osborne 1 versions of that utility. SPELSTAR.FIX recommends a correction to MicroPro's SpellStar program. FOG/MIS.013 This disk contains a "user modifiable index" for dBASE II and Osborne 1 user's guides. Files of type DBF and .FRM are intended for use with dBASE. The TXT files may be displayed as normal ASCII files. All were submitted by John Schmitz of Philadelphia. BDS-C.HLP describes the BDS implementation of the C programming language. It is intended to be used with the HELP utility found on FOG/UTL.005. CPMCHAIN.DOC indicates procedures for chaining from one CP/Med to unprotected mode. WORDSTAR.DOC identifies patch locations in WordStar and recommends modifications for Epson printers. Similarly, WS-EPSON.DOC describes patches for use of WordStar with an Epson. The following files were received from Detroit's DeFOG. FORTRAN.TXT is a review of the Nevada FORTRAN system. PASCAL.TXT is a comment on the JRT Pascal system. NECGRPH.BAS is an MBASIC program to print a matrix of characters created by an NEC 8023A (or compatible) matrix printer in response to decimal ASCII values received. It illustrates, for example, what symbols result from LPRINT CHR$(x) statements in an MBASIC program. The following files were submitted by (I believe) C. Nordaker of DeMoines, Iowa. BREAKKEY.DOC describes hardware additions to the Osborne 1 modem and RS232 interfaces to implement a break key. WYLBUR.DOC describes use of OTERM4 found on FOG/UTL.018 with a mainframe Wylbur system. EXAMPLE.WYL is an example Wylbur session. FUNCTION. program to another. It is written primarily for programmers using PL/I-80. FOG/MIS.014 Files on this disk were received from the Denver Osborne Group (DOG). DEMO.BAS is an improved version of the Osborne 1 demonstration programs DEMO.BAS and BEEP.BAS found on FOG/MIS.001. This revision includes simulations of WordStar, SuperCalc, and MicroLink. INDEXSC.TXT and INDEXWS.TXT provide an index to SuperCalc and WordStar documentation respectively. Each may be printed using WordStar. LABELS.DOC is one individual's approach for labeling Osborne 1's function keys. You may substitute your own key names, then print the file using WordStar. READMEFI.RST describes SCPATCHS.TXT and WSPATCHS.TXT, which provide information on patching SuperCalc and WordStar for certain printers. FOG/MIS.015 AUTOST.OSZ is a text file containing information about auto-start. CONFIG.TXT describes interfacing an Okidata 82/83 to the Osborne 1. KEY is an extended function key definition file for use with OTERM4 when communicating with a Wylbur system. FOG/MIS.017 Three 1984 calendars were contributed by Frank Dunaway of the Long Island Osborne Network (LION). CAL.84 is a one page calendar with 1984 in large block letters. LIONCAL.84 and PINUPCAL.84 add a second page with snoopy and a pinup respectively. The remaining files were received from Rick Schmidt of Federal Way, Washington. AREACODE will display the geographical region represented by a given telephone area code. DBASE2.TIP describes use of the dBASE II CALL statement, which is not fully documented in all of the Ashton-Tate manuals. DBHINTS.DOC provides additional information about dBASE II. The remaining files illustrate certain features of dBASE II. ASCIIDEC will convert an ASCII string to a string of decimal equivalents of each character, separated by commas. DBDIR illustrates use of CALL to execute an assembly wing diagnostic programs. DIAG1-2 is a diagnostic routine for single-density Osborne 1's with ROM version 1.2. DIAG1-3 is similar for ROM 1.3. FOG/MIS.021 ARTICLES is a database contributed by Ron Forsythe of Fairfield, CA. It includes information from PORTABLE COMPANION, Aug/Sept. 82 thru Oct. 83, and FOGHORN, May 83 thru Sept. 83, organized by program, category, volume, date, and miscellaneous information. ARTICLES.DBF is a dBASE II version; ARTICLES.TXT is a WordStar compatible version, which may be searched or printed. LIMITS, submitted by Rick Schmidt of Federal Way, Washington, provides a test of Boeing 727 limits for use as a pilot training aid. LIMLST will print correct answers for the test. These are MBASIC programs. Wally Matthews of Pomona, CA, contributed BIO, which will prepare a biorythm chart. FOG/MIS.022 CALENDAR, submitted by Bob Hamilton of Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, is a SuperCalc template whichlanguage routine previously loaded into memory. It will display a disk directory on the screen. ASCIIDEC is used by DBDIR. FORM prints a form describing the structure of a specified database file. POKE1 demonstrates use of POKE and PEEK. SHOWMEM uses PEEK to display specified areas of memory. FOG/MIS.018 The following files were submitted from Gobind Khalsa of Liverpool, NY. BARCODE will generate Universal Product Code A barcode using an Epson with Graftrax. Refer to BARCODE.DOC. PLOT will display converted TRS-80 block graphics plots on an Osborne 1 screen. Refer to PLOT.DOC. UNPROTEC.DOC describes a procedure for unprotecting an MBASIC file saved using SAVE"filename",P. Also, see MBASIC-P found on FOG/MIS.016. The following files were received from Rick Schmidt of Federal Way, Washington. CBASIC.HLP describes use of CBASIC. MBASIC.HLP describes use of MBASIC. WS.HLP describes use of WordStar. XMODEM.HLP describes use of th will generate a calendar for any year from 1900 thru 1999. It was derived from a Portable Companion article (issue?). Also, see CALENDR.BAS on FOG/MIS.010. SUBJECT files were received from Edward Grant of Osan AB, Korea. They list contents of the FOG Disk Library, by subject, thru July, 1983. SUBJECT.TXT is in a form which may be conveniently printed or searched using WordStar. SUBJECT.SQF is the squeezed version of a comma delimited data file, which may be used with other application programs. 010 From FOG/LNG.005 and 006: A version of Algol called ALGOLM. From FOG/LNG.008 and 009: The JRT Pascal system. From FOG/LNG.011 thru 013: The MVP-FORTH system. From FOG/LNG.014 thru 016: The manual for JRT Pascal version 3.0. Jim Woolley FOG Disk Librarian March 1983 e XMODEM program typically found on remote CP/M (RCP/M) systems. Each of these files is intended for use with the HELP program found on FOG/UTL.005. ZCPR2TEZ.DOC describes the console command processor (CCP) replacement ZCPR2 found on FOG/UTL.035. FOG/MIS.019 CITOH.MOD, submitted by Wally Matthews of Pomona, CA, is a text file describing WordStar modifications for a C. Itoh 8510 (or NEC 8023) matrix printer. Bruce Carrie of Scappoose, OR, contributed the SPOCK picture described in SPOCK.DOC. This disk contains SPOCK1 and SPOCK3.PQC, the first and third parts of the picture. SPOCK2 and SPOCK4.PQC may be found on FOG/MIS.020. These are squeezed files, which should be unsqueezed, printed, then taped together to form the complete picture. FOG/MIS.020 SPOCK2 and SPOCK4.PQC are the remaining parts of the SPOCK picture introduced and described in FOG/MIS.019. Rick Schmidt of Federal Way, Washington, submitted the follo SYNOPSIS.UTL A Synopsis of the Utilities Category of the First Osborne Group (FOG) Disk Library ==================================================== This file will be appended as new disks are added. The most recent update was June 1984. ==================================================== -FOG/UTL.001 This disk contains the MODEM7 terminal program and related files previously found on -FOG.001. The DOC files CONFIGUR, INDEX, MODEM, & MODEM7 describe use of MODEM7. MODEM714 is another version of MODEM7. Its origin is unclear to me, but D. Slaughter has provided good documentation in MODEM714.DOC. I suspect he also configured the program. Built-in documentation and examples are available. OSMODN appears to be the same as MODEM714; however, its .COM file is not identical. Since a complete test of the differences between each program was not possible, I decided to include both. OSMODN and OSFIG were obtained frome on the console. D, from -CPMUG.040, is a special kind of DIR utility. -FOG/UTL.004 This disk contains updated squeeze/unsqueeze utilities SQ-15, USQ-15, TYPESQ14, and FLS-11 received from the Osborne Users Group (OUG) of the Washington D.C. area. COMPARE, from -CPMUG.040, permits comparison of two files. Either both files must be on the same disk, or one file must be on the disk with COMPARE.COM. SUPERSUB is a super SUBMIT utility received from the Northwest Osborne Users Club in the Washington/ Oregon area. SUPRSUB2, from OUG, is an update of SUPERSUB allowing entry of control characters. I haven't quite determined the use of this feature, however. -FOG/UTL.005 All utilities on this disk except SWEEP14 were received from the Osborne Users Group (OUG) of the Washington D.C. area. FINDBAD locates and locks out bad sectors on a disk. SORT will sort a file into ASCII order, line by line, where each line i the Osborne Users Group (OUG) of the Washington D.C. area. OSFIG configures RS232 transmission speed and protocol for the current operating session. CRCK4, previously found on -FOG.003, and CK-FIX, from -CPMUG.040, permit verification of file transfer activities. UMPIRE, previously found on -FOG.016, provides hardware diagnostics for the Osborne. WASH (version 1.0) is a versatile file maintenance utility previously found on -FOG.016. -FOG/UTL.002 This disk contains the catalog utility CAT and related programs CROSSREF, FMAP, and UCAT previously found on -FOG.003. The NEWCAT program, obtained from the Osborne Users Group (OUG) of the Washington D.C. area, obviates the need to run FMAP and UCAT. A skeleton MAST.CAT file is provided. The remaining utilities were previously found on -FOG.016. DISPLAY is for viewing an ASCII file on the console. LIST was submitted by Byron McKay of FOG. It lists an ASCII file on the printer (60 lis terminated by (Carriage Return). HELP is used with .HLP files to display information on the console. SUPERDIR is a super DIR utility. WASH is an updated version of the file manipulation utility found on -FOG/UTL.001. SWEEP14, from -PNET.010, is a super WASH utility. -FOG/UTL.006 This disk contains utilities to read and write a disk by byte, sector, track, etc. DUU was received from the Northwest Osborne Users Club in the Washington/Oregon area. One interesting function permits identification of erased files on any disk. Since DUU.ASM was not available, I included DU.ASM, an earlier version, for those interested in techniques used. DUMP is from -CPMUG.024. This is not the same as DUMP.COM provided on the Osborne CP/M disk. -FOG/UTL.007 Utilities on this disk will be particularly useful to the assembly language programmer. Using RESOURCE, you can perform detailed disassembly of a .COM file. This pnes/page with heading and page number) or on the console (24 lines/screen). As when using the [Z] option in PIP, the high order bit is zeroed out leaving only printable 7 bit ASCII characters. Therefore, WordStar "document mode" files can be viewed on the screen without funny looking __ characters. LOGIN will reset each disk drive which has been accessed since the last system boot cold start. The result is similar to pressing ^C (warm start). LOOK permits searching RAM for a specific byte pattern. SHOW is similar to DISPLAY and LIST. -FOG/UTL.003 This disk contains squeeze/unsqueeze utilities SQ, USQ, and TYPESQ previously found on -FOG.026. Also, see -FOG/UTL.004 for updated versions, including FLS. COMBINE, LINES, and LIST are from -CPMUG.036. COMBINE will merge two or more files into one. LINES will count characters and lines in an ASCII file. LIST, which is not the same as LIST on -FOG/UTL.002, is another program to list a filrogram is from -CPMUG.042. REZ80 is a version of RESOURCE which can use TDL Z80 mnemonics. ZDT is a version of DDT which can use the same mnemonics. Note: These are not the Zilog Z80 mnemonics you may be more familiar with. TRANSLAT converts 8080 assembler code to Z80 code. It appears to use Zilog mnemonics. It was received from the Osborne Users Group (OUG) of the Washington D.C. area. DISASSEM is an MBASIC program to disassemble a .COM file. It was received from OUG. -FOG/UTL.008 BMAP7/11, from -CPMUG.047, provides a bit map representation of the allocation of information on your disk. BMAP is essentially the same program, but a newer version; it was received from the Osborne Users Group (OUG) of the Washington D.C. area. TYPER was submitted by Dave Blair of FOG. It permits typing directly to your printer (LST: device). XREF, from -CPMUG.036, permits cross-referencing labels used in assembly language programs. TED, also fromw reseting disk drives without exiting. This premits you to change a disk, reset it to R/W, then continue with standard PIP functions. New functions recognized by RPIP are R, which will reset all drives, and Q, which will reset drives and repeat the last PIP function. UNERA will unerase (recover) a file which was previously ERAsed. To identify erased files, see DUU on -FOG/UTL.006. -FOG/UTL.010 CV, from -CPMUG.040, permits simultaneously viewing and comparing two separate files. The files do not have to be ASCII, so .COM files may be compared in detail with this utility. OTERM was received from the Osborne Users Group (OUG) of the Washington, D.C. area. It is another terminal emulator utility. (Also, see MODEM7 on -FOG/UTL.001.) UNSPOL30, also from OUG, permits printing an ASCII file as a background activity while simultaneously performing other functions at the console. -FOG/UTL.011 This disk contains DIF -CPMUG.036, is a text editor program. Perhaps it should be placed in the Applications category of the library, rather than the Utilities category. However, it is of questionable use anyway, since Osborne owners already have WordStar and ED. It is being included here for anyone who may find it interesting. -FOG/UTL.009 This disk contains three utilities for manipulating the Osborne 1 auto-start (AUTOST) feature. AUTOMOD enables entry of a command line up to 36 characters which will be executed upon cold start (or ). If the command line is N characters, where N > 6, first use SETUP to program function key 0 (zero) to contain (N - 6) dummy characters (e.g., blanks). AUTOST.ASM is from Chapter 8 of the Osborne 1 User's Reference Guide. This particular version is programmed to auto-start SuperCalc. You may modify it to start some other program of your choice. SETAUTO was received from the Osborne Users Group (OUG) of the W2 and SSED2, which were submitted by Jim Crowell of FOG. DIF2 permits identification of differences between two files. It can feed information regarding the differences to SSED2, which will edit the differences into a copy of the original file. More complete information is contained in DIF.RNO. OZCPR was received from the Osborne Users Group (OUG) of the Washington D.C. area. It replaces your Console Command Processor (CCP) and adds several new built-in functions to CP/M. Dennis McFerran of FOG reviewed this program and verified proper operation. He supplied the READ.ME file, which briefly explains features of ZCPR. More detailed documentation is contained in ZCPR.DOC and OZCPR.DOC. -FOG/UTL.012 This disk contains OTERM303, NCAT32, and XCAT36, which were submitted by Jim Crowell of FOG. OTERM303 is an update of OTERM, which is found on -FOG/UTL.010. It is a terminal emulator program for use with a modem. Complete instructions may be fashington D.C. area. It enables changing the command executed upon cold start (or ) to a command of your choice (6 characters or less). It also enables automatic execution of the command upon warm start () or upon both cold start and warm start. DSCLABEL was submitted by Dennis McFerran of FOG. It will print 3 1/2" x 15/16" labels containing a list of files found in the disk directory. It will aslo print a list of function keys programmed on the disk. An Epson printer is required to properly utilize this program. EPSNPRTR, received from OUG, may be used to setup special printing features on your Epson printer. FUNCTION was submitted by John Florent of FOG. It will list function key settings on the screen. FUNCTN2 is identical to FUNCTION, but was patched to eliminate blank lines on the screen. This provides a more compact display of the function key settings. MAKE redefines the USER number for specified files. RPIP extends PIP to alloound in OTERM30.DOC. NCAT32 is an update of NEWCAT and XCAT36 is an update of CROSSREF. These earlier programs may be found on -FOG/UTL.002. They enable maintenance of a catalog of programs contained in a file called MAST.CAT. More complete information on these programs is contained in the files NCAT32.DOC and XCAT36.DOC. -FOG/UTL.013 This disk contains CTERM and PLNK0124, two terminal emulator programs for communicating with a modem. For instructions, refer to CTERM.DOC or PLNK0124.ASM. DIRLABEL, submitted by Dennis McFerran of FOG, is similar to DSCLABEL found on -FOG/UTL.009. For information, refer to DIRLABEL.ASM. SWEEP36 is an update of SWEEP14 found on -FOG/UTL.005. -FOG/UTL.014 All files on this disk were submitted by Byron McKay of FOG. This disk contains several utilities for setting special print modes on matrix printers. EPSET2 and NECSET were written by Kent Walker of FOG to set modes on the Epsrom a terminal at work and operate your computer at home. -FOG/UTL.015 This disk contains OSPATCH1 from Mechanized Knowledge of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. They have given FOG written permission to distribute the program on a non-commercial basis. Its function is to patch the Osborne 1 COPY.COM utility for more reliable disk formatting and copying. The OSPATCH files were submitted by Jim Crowell of FOG. The remaining files on this disk were submitted by Byron McKay of FOG. Originally version 6.5 of OSPLINK was submitted. This was a version of PLINK similar to PLNK0124 found on -FOG/UTL.013, except it used modem input/output routines specific for the Osborne 1. This looked promising as a smart terminal emulator which would be simple to use for ASCII text communication. Therefore, I decided to smooth out some rough spots, clean up the user interface, and improve documentation. I added the ability to simultaneously print on the CP/M list deon and NEC printers respectively. SETMX and SETOK will set modes on the Epson and Okidata printers respectively. (A related program EPSNPRTR may be found -FOG/UTL.009.) [I have not been able to test NECSET or SETOK. -jw] Kent Walker also wrote TOGGLE to switch between an RS232 serial printer and an IEEE-488/Centronics parallel printer for those who have both. Squeezed .AQM files may be unsqueezed using utilities found on -FOG/UTL.003 and .004. Also, this disk contains SQ-16, USQ-19, and TYPE17, which are updated versions of the squeeze/unsqueeze utilities. TYPE17 will display on the screen one or a group of ASCII text files, squeezed or unsqueezed. That is, if the file specified is a squeezed file, such as NECSET.AQM, the file will be displayed in its unsqueezed form. TYPE17 produces 7-bit ASCII with bit 8 set to zero (as in PIP option Z), so WordStar Document mode files are readable. Screen displays are blocked in groups of 24 lines; however, this blocking isvice (for example, an Epson printer) interfaced thru the Osborne 1 parallel (IEEE-488 or Centronics) port; this is a feature which is not available (to my knowledge) on any of the other modem/terminal routines presently in the FOG library. Since the changes were extensive, I named this version 7.0. LISTT will print a file on the CP/M list device with a versatile selection of options. It zeroes out the parity bit (like PIP option Z), so WordStar Document mode files will be legible. DIRR is like the Osborne 1 utility XDIR except that it displays four columns across. This may be useful for those who have an 80-column screen and, perhaps, double-density disks. Using EX12 you may enter a series of CP/M commands and related line input to be executed sequentially. Its function is similar to the Osborne 1 utilities SUBMIT.COM and XSUB.COM. Control characters may be represented by ^ (carat) followed by the letter defining the control character (for example, ^C, ^P, or  inconsistent when several files are to be displayed during one session. ERAA erases files like the CP/M command ERA, except that the program will request confirmation for each file to be erased. SAP will sort and pack your disk directory. The SAP process eliminates hidden directory references to ERAsed files, so UNERA cannot recover a previously erased file. Any files saved after SAPing will appear at the end of a DIR list and, therefore, probably not in alphabetical order; this may be an aid to identify updated versions. OREMOTE will permit attachment of a remote console (terminal or computer) thru the serial/modem port in parallel with the CP/M console (keyboard and screen). Characters entered at either console will be echoed to both; therefore, the remote console can control your computer. For example, someone at the remote console could execute your programs. If you leave your Osborne at home powered up and attached to an auto-answer modem, you could call f^M). SWEEP36.DOC describes use of SWEEP36, which may be found on -FOG/UTL.013. -FOG/UTL.016 This disk contains three MENU programs. MENU will display a list of .COM command files which exist on your disk. You may select one from the list; it will then be executed automatically. BMENU will do a similar function for .BAS files, which are assumed to be MBASIC programs. CMENU will do the same for INT files, which are assumed to be CBASIC programs. CPYFIL15 copies files from one disk to another, a function similar to PIP. Each transfer is confirmed. XAMN is a general disk examination utility. Its function is similar to DUU found on -FOG/UTL.006, but XAMN is more "user friendly." The program is self-prompting with help screens. The above programs were submitted by Byron McKay of FOG. Jim Crowell, also of FOG, submitted SYNONYM. This program will create a .COM file having a name of your choice which, when executed, will cause another .Cocks occupied by a particular file and to write-protect portions of the disk. FCB displays the first 256 bytes of RAM where the default File Control Block (FCB) is located. MEMMAP displays a map indicating available memory (64K on the Osborne 1). SECTRAN displays the logical to physical disk sector translation table. CPMADR displays address information pertinent to the currently installed version of CP/M. CPMCALC aids calculation of CP/M addresses for new system sizes. D, submitted by Bill Hooker, is another disk directory program. It is distinct from D found on FOG/UTL.003, SUPERDIR found on FOG/UTL.005, DIR, or XDIR. DUPUSR21 permits access of one file from more than one user number. The file itself is not duplicated, only the directory entry. MOVUSER2, submitted by Byron McKay, permits a file to be moved from one user number to another. The remaining files were submitted by Jim Crowell. DU-V77 is a general disk utility permitting access to any trackOM file to run. For example, you might create a synonym command called TREK which will cause the command MBASIC STARTREK to be executed. BDLOC will print the address of BDOS (basic disk operating system) and CCP (console command processor). FILEFIND, submitted by Gale Rhoades of FOG, will search all disks and user numbers to locate a specified file. When found, the drive and user number will be displayed. PBH will print a banner heading and/or the text of a file on your list device. -FOG/UTL.017 This disk contains the library utility LU, which permits you to pack many small files into one larger library file. Similarly, you may withdraw individual files from the library. If the library contains .COM command files, these may be run using LRUN. SAFRAM allows you to protect an area of high memory from being overwritten. FMAP, submitted by Gale Rhoades of FOG, displays information about your disk directory or will perform a variety of , sector, or byte on a disk. It is an update of DUU found on FOG/UTL.006; the Yank command and better help screens are new. LUDEF1 and LUDIR are intended for use with the library utility programs found on FOG/UTL.017. LUDEF1 defines the structure of a .LBR library file. LUDIR displays a directory of files contained in a LBR file. SCRAMBL21 will scramble a file, making it unreadable/unusable until it is unscrambled. The original file is replaced by the scrambled file. FOG/UTL.020 DDTF adds search capability to DDT. It will search for bytes (ASCII text or program instructions) in any file. DIRCHK displays information for verification of a disk directory. FAST may be used to speed up MPI disk drives on the Osborne 1. (It may not work with the double-density configuration.) Do not use with Siemens drives. FILTER11 will remove all control characters (except CR, LF, and HT; I'm unsure about FF) from a text file. It also zeroes the pariother functions. It is a newer version of FMAP found on -FOG/UTL.002. VMAP is an MBASIC program which will prepare a cross-reference of variables used in another MBASIC program. XCOPY, submitted by Jim Schenkel of FOG, will copy files from one disk to another using a single drive. -FOG/UTL.018 OTERM4.COM, (c) 1981, 1982 by Michael M. Rubenstein ver. 4 (4 Oct 82): a terminal emulator and modem program for Osborne 1 rev. 1.2 and up. SF FOG member Peter Fleming downloaded this public domain software from CompuServe and R. Hunter Morey wrote the DISK.DOC file describing how to view and printout the documentation files: OTSETUP.DOC and OTERM4.DOC (which he reformatted including redoing the OTERM4.DOC Index). OTERM4 is a major update of OTERM and OTERM303 found on -FOG/UTL.010 and .012. FOG/UTL.019 ALLOC displays a bit map showing use of a disk. It is similar to BMAP found on FOG/UTL.008. It is possible to indicate blty bit of each byte (as in the Z option of PIP) producing standard ASCII characters. The resulting text is stored in a file named FILTER.FIL. FIND-20 is an update of FIND on FOG/UTL.002. It will search for text in one or several files. The search string may include _ representing TAB (HT) and | representing OR, as in this|that for this OR that. PIPCHANG.TXT describes patches to make PIP automatically verify each disk-to-disk file transfer. PIPV is the resulting version of PIP and may be used in the same manner as the unpatched PIP except the V option is assumed. RENAME is similar to the CP/M command REN but will accept filenames containing wildcards. STRIP will delete comment lines beginning with semi- colon from an assembly language source file. ZDASM14 will disassemble Z80 code using Zilog mnemonics. It is similar to the 8080 disassembler RESOURCE found on FOG/UTL.007. FOG/UTL.021 BACK2DDT permits exit from and quick return to DDT  easily determine the correct password. RECOVER will restore from memory an MBASIC program which was inadvertantly lost by typing the MBASIC command NEW, by dropping out of MBASIC as the result of a BDOS error, or by otherwise hanging the system. SUBGEN12 provides a versatile way to generate .SUB files for use with SUPERSUB (found on FOG/UTL.004) or with SUBMIT. WHODERE1 will display a line of debug information for each disk access. FOG/UTL.023 APPEND will concatenate one text file onto the end of another. Note that CP/M's PIP may be used for the same function. Also, see COMBINE on FOG/UTL.003. AUTOMODD is a double-density compatible version of AUTOMOD found on FOG/UTL.009. This will setup a command line to be executed upon each cold and/or warm start. CAT2 is part of the CATALOG system found on FOG/UTL.002. It may be used to display all MAST.CAT master catalog entries in the alphabetized format filename diskname1, diskname2, . for flexibility during debugging. It must be used in conjunction with SAFRAM2 from FOG/UTL.017. MENU permits definition of menu screens along with command lines to be executed depending upon the operator's selection from choices on the menu. Text for the menu and command lines are both saved in a file named with .MNU type. Only .COM file commands may be used; no built-in CP/M commands such as DIR are allowed. This MENU program is not similar to MENU found on FOG/UTL.016. SETIO may be used instead of STAT to set the IOBYTE, which relates physical devices to the logical input/output devices CON, RDR, PUN, and LST. It is more versatile than STAT. SMODEM4 is a terminal emulator similar to MODEM7 found on FOG/UTL.001. It is especially useful with the Hayes Stack Smartmodem, enabling automatic dialing from stored phone directory files. Like OSPLNK70 on FOG/UTL.015, SMODEM4 may be requested to record communications on the list device. WAIT simply waits until a key .. identifying each of several disks containing the same file. Also, see CROSSREF on FOG/UTL.002 and XCAT36 on FOG/UTL.012. CATFILBO will read the master catalog MAST.CAT file, strip all "ignore" names, and copy all of the remaining information to a file called TEMP.CAT with comma delimited fields. The result is compatible with SuperSort, MailMerge, BASIC, etc. FNDBD541 is an update of FINDBAD found on FOG/UTL.005. Its function is to locate and isolate bad disk sectors. This version is modified to skip system tracks (which may be necessary with double- density disks) and to allocate bad blocks to the file [UNUSED].BAD in USER 15. The above files were received from the Denver Osborne Group (DOG). IF and SKIP permit conditional execution of lines in a SUBMIT file. LISTCAT will print a catalog of your disk library maintained by the CATALOG system found on FOG/UTL.002 and .012. Also, see CROSSREF on FOG/UTL.002 and CAT2 on this disk. FOGis depressed, beeping every 10 seconds or so as a reminder. It is useful with SUBMIT batch procedures, as when a pause to swap disks is required. XFERTIM2 is an MBASIC program which calculates modem transfer time as a function of baud rate and file size. FOG/UTL.022 LCAT will display on the screen an ASCII text file which is contained within a .LBR library file created by the Library Utility LU from FOG/UTL.017. OSBMDM76, submitted by Jack Brown of the Vancouver Portable Computer Club (VPCC), is another version of MODEM7 configured for the Osborne 1. (This one is from MODEM765.) See FOG/UTL.001 for additional MODEM7 versions. PASSWORD will assign a password for runtime access to a .COM command file. Subsequently, when the command file is executed it will request and confirm the password. Multiple passwords may be assigned by simply running PASSWORD several times. The method used is not very secure, because a knowledgable person could/UTL.024 NZCPR is a New version of ZCPR, the Console Command Processor (CCP) replacement found on FOG/UTL.011. This was submitted by Jim Crowell. INUSE11 types INUSE on the console to warn others not to disturb the function in process. FOG/UTL.025 DIRLBTEC is a version of DIRLABEL, found on FOG/UTL.013, modified for use with a TEC printer. It is believed that TEC print commands are similar to those for the C. Itoh 8510 and the NEC 8023. This program, submitted by Chris Hill, will print disk labels containing filenames found in each disk's directory. PRINTER.BAS, submitted by Maj. Brian Dugle of Ft. Leavenworth, KS, is an MBASIC program for sending special print commands to an IDS Prism printer. It is described in PRISM132.TXT, which was originally printed in the FOGHORN, Vol. 2, Nbr. 7, 4/83. RAMDSK will define a pseudo disk drive D contained in 20K bytes of RAM (memory), which will operate more efficiently than a regular floppy disk. s space for the COM file. It was submitted by Eric Pearson. FOG/UTL.032 The program / (pronounced slash or slant) permits entry of several CP/M commands on one line. Each command will be executed in turn as if the CP/M utility SUBMIT were being used. This program was received from the Denver Osborne Group (DOG). Also, see EX12 on FOG/UTL.015. DELBR, submitted by Eric Pearson, will unpack the files from a LBR file created by the Library Utility LU found on FOG/UTL.017. The individual files contained within filname.LBR will be extracted and placed on the default drive. HOSTCM, submitted by Bob Scott, is an Osborne 1 smart terminal interface to the HOSTCM mainframe communication program distributed by WATSOFT, Inc. Scott uses this program to upload files to an IBM running VM/CMS. This is an MBASIC program. Bob Scott also submitted ML92SET, a menu driven program for setting special character styles on an Okidata Microline 92 printer. (ThFiles in D will be lost if power is turned off. PRLMOV is a PRL relative object file relocator used to build RAMDSK. FOG/UTL.026 thru 030 FOG/UTL.026 thru 030 contain the UTOOLS system of utilities (tools) submitted by David H. Wolen. Most were derived from the Software Tools publications by Kernighan and Plauger. They are written in the BDS version of C; source files are included. They provide functions similar to UNIX; hence, the name UTOOLS. The actual tools are contained on FOG/UTL.026 thru 029. Source files are on 029 and 030. FOG/UTL.031 This disk contains MODEM712 for the Osborne 1 submitted by Byron McKay. This version of MODEM712 should support special features of the Hayes Smartmodem, including autodial. NUMBERS.AQM is a list of phone numbers which may be modified, assembled, and overlayed into M712OS1. (I have not been able to test Smartmodem capabilities.) If your printer interface is seperate from this program may also be compatible with certain other Okidata Microline models, such as 82, 83, 84, and 93.) Since I do not have the necessary equipment, I have not been able to verify that HOSTCM and ML92SET function as described. SUPERSET will display and permit modification of the special function and arrow keys for the Osborne 1. The configuration of these keys may be saved in a file. SUBSET (as well as SUPERSET) will permit key values to be reset from a previously created key configuration file. SUPERSET will also permit redefinition of the program (nominally AUTOST) automatically run at boot time (cold, warm, or both). SUPERSET.CQ and SUBSET.CQ are squeezed source code files written in Software Toolworks C/80. SUPRSET1.COM and SUBSET1.COM are the executable command files configured for single-density. SUPRSET2.COM and SUBSET2.COM are the executable command files configured for double-density. Refer to SUPERSET.DOC for examples of use. These programs wee modem interface (for example, a Centronics connection off the IEEE-488 port), pressing should toggle the printer on/off. Any character after ESC (which is the same as ) will be transmitted as is. A logon sequence may be installed by modifying M712OS1.AQM, assembling, and overlaying into M712OS1.COM. This version will not support a BREAK signal or phone line disconnect. NSWEEP, submitted by Eric Pearson and Dave Ring, is a new version of SWEEP, the generalized file maintenance utility found on FOG/UTL.005 and 013. NSWEEP will automatically unsqueeze a squeezed file for view (on the screen) or print (on paper). Or it will create an unsqueezed version of a file; it cannot squeeze yet. It will change certain status bits of tagged files. You may tag, find, and rename with wildcards. And it takes up much less space for the COM file. USQNEW is a new version of USQ, the unsqueeze utility found on FOG/UTL.003, 004, and 014. This one takes much lesre submitted by Dave Ring. X, submitted by Dal Allan, is a smaller (2K) version of XDIR. Also, see D on FOG/UTL.003 and 019, DIRR on FOG/UTL.015, and SUPERDIR on FOG/UTL.005. FOG/UTL.033 DUMP, submitted by Chris Hill, will copy text from your Osborne 1 screen to a file. Once the screen is copied, the resulting file may be printed or used as part of a WordStar document. You may wish to rename this program because its name is similar to CP/M utilities which display the hex contents of a file. DMPSCR performs a function similar to DUMP. An MBASIC program, it takes much longer to copy the screen. However, you may wish to incorporate the logic into your own MBASIC programs. The screen copy will be saved in DMPSCR.DAT on the default drive. This program was submitted by Jerry Silverstein, previously of the Osborne Users Computer Group of Houston (OUCH). It is documented in SILVER.DOC. Chris Hill indicates that DMPSCR was the precursor to DUMPand DIRLABEL found on FOG/UTL.009 and 013. Using an Epson printer, this program will print a label listing each file on a disk, the date, whether the disk is single- or double-density, the amount of free space, the disk name (e.g., -FOG/UTL.034), and a page number if more than one label is required to list all files. MLOAD is a substitute for the CP/M utility LOAD, which makes a COM file from a HEX file. MLOAD will load multiple HEX files and permits the resulting COM filename to be specified. The COM file will begin at the HEX file origin rather than always at 100H, but a load bias may be specified. Jim Crowell contributed MLOAD to the library. SERIAL is a 6850 ACIA contol utility similar to OSFIG found on FOG/UTL.001. The 6850 ACIA is the chip which drives the Osborne 1 RS232 serial and modem ports. This menu driven program allows one to set all the available options for this chip. UNLOAD will convert a binary COM file into a HEX file, which is in ASCII forma. GRAPH, submitted by Gobind Singh Khalsa of Liverpool, NY, will print graphics characters from the screen to an Epson with Graftrax. Only graphics characters will be printed; text will be replaced by blanks. I/O-CAP was received from David Whorf of San Francisco. It will capture all console I/O into a 2K buffer. When full, the buffer will be written to a file on drive A called USER.LOG. Subsequent buffer writes will append to that file. It currently is setup to load at 8000h; therefore, it will only work in conjunction with programs requiring 32K or less. Refer to I/O-CAP.DOC. KERMIT, submitted by T. J. Olney of Englewood, NJ, is a smart terminal communications program. It is most useful if KERMIT is used on both ends of the link. This program is sponsored by Columbia University and is becoming popular among academic groups. See KERMIT.DOC for additional information. TO80 was also submitted by Chris Hill. For Osborne 1 users with the 80/104 column screet. This may be useful in order to transfer the file to another computer, where it may be converted back into a COM file using the CP/M utility LOAD. SERIAL and UNLOAD were submitted by Bob Scott. FOG/UTL.035 CHEK10 calculates the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) parameter for a set of files. It uses an algorithm which is different from that used by CRCK4 found on FOG/UTL.001; therefore, the CRC calculated by each program will not compare. COPYFILE will copy files from one disk to another. It is somewhat friendlier than the CP/M utility PIP. Before each file is copied, the user may elect to Transfer the file, Skip it, Quit, or demand Continuous transfer without further prompts. CHEK10 and COPYFILE were received from Byron McKay. PROPOR, contributed by Carl Flarity, will prepare a WordStar Document mode file to be printed using proportional type style on an NEC 8023A or C. Itoh Prowriter matrix printer. PROPOR will create filename.PRN with n upgrade (SCREEN-PAC), TO80 will switch from 52 or 104 to 80 column format. It is documented in TO80.DOC. TO is a generalized version of TO80. The command TO n, where n is 52, 80, or 104, will set the screen format desired. FOG/UTL.034 ASPRETTY, submitted by Byron McKay, will beautify an assembly language source file. AUTOSUB, provided by Carl Flarity, works like the CP/M utility SUBMIT; however, the SUBMIT command lines are predefined in the AUTOSUB program rather than being given in a file of type SUB. The desired command lines must be typed into AUTOSUB.ASM before it is assembled. AUTOSUB.COM may be run just like any other program except that it will cause the predefined set of commands to be performed in sequence. If desired, AUTOSUB.COM may be renamed AUTOST.COM and executed automatically upon cold boot. As with SUBMIT, substitution parameters of type $n may be utilized. DSKLABL1, from Dennis McFerran, is an update of DSCLABEL WordStar printer control characters inserted at appropriate places for balanced proportional spacing. The WordStar Print command must be used to print filename.PRN. Also, WordStar must be patched as described in PROPOR.DOC. Once patched, Q in the WordStar Document mode file will turn on proportional printing. ZCPR2, submitted by Jim Crowell, is the latest in the series of ZCPR customized console command processor (CCP) substitutes. (OZCPR may be found on FOG/UTL.011 and NZCPR-21 on FOG/UTL.024.) FOG/UTL.036 FILE is an updated version of FILEFIND found on FOG/UTL.016. It will search all drives and users to find files satisfying a command line specification. PRINTSQ may be used to print a squeezed file without first unsqueezing it. A squeezed file is indicated by the presence of a Q as the second character in filetype (e.g., FILE.AQM). UNERA15 is an update of UNERA found on FOG/UTL.009. It will recover files which have been previs. Also, see ERAA on FOG/UTL.014. The following files were received from Rick Schmidt of Federal Way, Washington. AUTOBOOT will exit MBASIC and execute a series of CP/M commands built into AUTOBOOT via DATA statements. It is similar to running the CP/M utility SUBMIT. It could be used as a subroutine to your own MBASIC program for special effects; for example, you could terminate your program, execute the CP/M utility XDIR, then restart MBASIC. For those familiar with dBASE II, it could be used like the QUIT TO command. FILEPRIN will identify disks listed in a library catalog called MAST.CAT created using NEWCAT found on FOG/UTL.002. It will then display files contained on requested disks, similar to a disk directory. The display may be on the screen or printer, or labels may be produced. AUTOBOOT and FILEPRIN are MBASIC programs. DEXSUB may be used to delete XSUB while executing a SUBMIT file. This will permit part of the SUBMIT file to contain automatiously ERAsed. FILE, PRINTSQ, and UNERA15 were contributed by Byron McKay. The remaining files were received from Detroit's DeFOG. IDUMP will display a file in hex and ASCII. Also, see the CP/M DUMP utility and DUMP found on FOG/UTL.006. Q will display memory in hex and ASCII. LIST3 is an update of LIST found on FOG/UTL.002. It will display a file on the screen or the printer. MB-SAVE and WS-SAVE were inspired by the Baldwin and Lopez article on pp. 74 and 75 of the April/May 1983 Portable Companion. MB-SAVE may be used to recover an MBASIC program which was not SAVEd before terminating MBASIC; similarly, WS-SAVE will recover a WordStar file lost by not using S, D, or X. These programs will even be successful following , so long as the AC power has not been interrupted; however, they should be used immediately, without any significant intervening program activity. MBASAUTO.COM may be substituted for AUTOST.COM to automatc program input managed by XSUB, while programs run after DEXSUB will wait for interactive input from the console. A byproduct of DEXSUB is that the toggle will be turned off if originally on. SEEP may be used in a SUBMIT file to toggle on or off. DEXSUB and SEEP are described in DRI-UTIL.DOC. These programs are also described in DRI's CP/M 2.2 Application Note 14. PAUSE may be used in a SUBMIT file to pause until any key is pressed. This might allow disks to be changed, for example, before continuing. PAUSWAIT is an assembly language program containing options to assemble either PAUSE or WAIT, which will terminate when any key is pressed or upon timeout. WAIT may be found on FOG/UTL.021. EX14 is an update of EX12 found on FOG/UTL.015. This program may be used in place of SUBMIT. It is not even necessary to prepare a SUB file in advance, since EX14 will accept a series of commands interactively from the console. Enhancements relative toically log drive B for your program files before starting MBASIC on drive A. QWIKKEY will permit definition of up to 16 additional special function keys using any key on the keyboard. Each definition may contain up to 30 characters of any type. The definitions will remain valid until a cold boot or until certain programs are executed. WRINST was inspired by an article in the Feb/Mar 1983 issue of Portable Companion. It will take text prepared using WordStar, add line numbers and PRINT statements, and build an MBASIC program to reproduce the text on the screen. The resulting program may be merged into your own program or run by itself. FOG/UTL.037 OCLOCK uses RAM locations 0Bh and 0Ch to store a clock counter which is incremented every 60th second. Since only two bytes are used for the counter, it will recycle every 18+ minutes. Doug Hurst of 29 Palms, CA, contributed XERA, which double checks confirmation before erasing one or more file SUBMIT include repeated execution, pause for key, control character representation, default parameters, and other features described in EX14.DOC. DISK72 is a generalized file maintenance utility similar to SWEEP found on FOG/UTL.005 and 013 and NSWEEP found on FOG/UTL.031. It is smaller than those programs, but less versatile. INDEX is a versatile DIR utility similar to SUPERDIR found on FOG/UTL.005. Options may be secified on the command line to reset drives for accurate free space determination, output to the printer, add titles, and alter output width. SORTDIR will sort directory track entries into alphabetical order, placing all erased file entries at the end. It is similar to SAP found on FOG/UTL.014, except that SAP eliminates all erased file entries. UNPRO will unprotect an MBASIC file saved using SAVE"filename",P. Also, see MBASIC-P found on FOG/MIS.016 and UNPROTEC found on FOG/MIS.018. FOG/UTL.038 LABLDISK, submittSIC subroutine to display extra large letters on the screen. Claude Ostyn of Sitka, Alaska, contributed the following files. FILTER will perform certain housekeeping functions on text files. One option will remove hard carriage returns from a standard ASCII file, permitting the text to be reformatted using WordStar in the Document mode. Other options convert WordStar's "soft" carriage returns, hyphens, spaces, etc., into standard ASCII form or strip WordStar print control commands. Also, see FILTER11 on FOG/UTL.020. STARTER will create a customized version of AUTOST.COM, which will normally be automatically executed upon cold start or . (Some systems have modified the cold start program to be other than AUTOST, which is assumed for standard Osborne systems.) The program will prompt for a command line of up to 80 characters and for a message to be displayed when executed. Also, see AUTOST and AUTOMOD on FOG/UTL.009 and AUTOMODD on FOG/UTL.023. ed by Byron McKay, is a version of DSCLABEL found on FOG/UTL.009 modified for the NEC 8023, C. Itoh 8051, or compatible printer. This program will print on a 3" x 5" label a list of files found in the directory of a disk. Also, see DIRLABEL on FOG/UTL.013 and FOG/LIB.002, and DIRLBTEC on FOG/UTL.025. DSKLABL1 is Dennis McFerran's updated version of the series of programs indicated above. Besides printing on standard Avery labels a list of files found in the directory, it adds a heading with date, SD or DD indication, disk free space, disk name (e.g., -FOG/UTL.038), and label page number, with multiple labels as required. If the program has not been executed since last powering up your computer, it will ask for entry of the date as mm/dd/yy. This date is stored in RAM and remains even if is pressed. If the disk has no name, represented by a filename beginning with hyphen (-), the program will request one. A directory entry will be created in USER area 15  FUNC, submitted by James Gangwer of Richmond, CA, will display current function key settings for a double density Osborne. Also, see FUNCTION on FOG/UTL.009 for single density configurations. FOG/UTL.040 WID, contributed by Claude Ostyn of Sitka, Alaska, is for use with the Screen-Pac 80 column upgrade. It permits changing screen width and toggling automatic horizontal scrolling. Also, see TO found on FOG/UTL.033. MSA15 is a COM file disassembler, producing 8080 mnemonics. MSA is the reverse of ASM, the CP/M 8080 assembler. Also, see DISASSEM and RESOURCE on FOG/UTL.007. The following files were sent by Steven Dyk of Wollaston Lake, Saskatchewan. FLAGS permits one to set or reset flags for a file on the disk. A flag is set by turning on the high bit of a character in the 8 character filename (flags f1 thru f8) or the three character filetype (flags R/O, SYS, and t3). R/O and SYS are the familiar read-only and system attributes managfor the resulting filename. PRINT was contributed by Pat Watters of Oakland. This MBASIC program will setup an Epson printer in a variety of print modes. The program is menu driven and easy to use. Also, see EPSNPRTR on FOG/UTL.009 and EPSET2 on FOG/UTL.014. Donald Hill submitted SETSTAR for setting print control options on a Gemini-10x/15x printer. The following files were received from Jim Schenkel. GEMINI15 is similar to SETSTAR. It will also set print control options on a Gemini printer. WORDS will count the number of words in one or more text files. FOG/UTL.039 The following files were received from Jim Schenkel. CHUSER will modify the CP/M USER number for specified files. Also, see MOVUSER2 and DUPUSR21 on FOG/UTL.019. HEXDUMP will display on the screen 128 bytes of memory from any specified starting address. The dump display will be in hexidecimal. HEXIDEC will convert a hexidecimal number to decimal. MBIG loads an MBAed by the CP/M utility STAT. Flag t3 is sometimes used as an archive attribute. When a flag is set, DIR will display the filename with the flagged character underlined. NSWEEP, found on FOG/UTL.031, may be used to set/reset flags by its Y command. MAKEAUTO will build an AUTOST.COM file containing a user specified CP/M command line and associated screen message to be executed automatically each time a cold boot (RESET-RETURN) is performed. MAKAUTO2 provides the same function, but adds the FAST feature to speed up MPI disk drives whenever the AUTOST program is run. STATUS displays the status of various CP/M system parameters. Also, see CPMADR and CPMCALC found on FOG/UTL.019. Thanks to Bryan Stallard for categorizing the remaining files. OSDISK76 is a generalized file maintenance utility similar to sweep found on FOG/UTL.005 and 013, NSWEEP on FOG/UTL.031, and DISK72 on FOG/UTL.037. It is smaller than but nearly as versatile as NSWEEP. The following filesunsqueezed. Several LBR libraries may be LSWEEPed in one session. SAP38 is an update of the disk directory sort and pack program found on FOG/UTL.014. The directory will be put into alphabetical order, and hidden references to ERAsed files will be eliminated. VDO2A, a full-screen video text editor, is smaller and quicker than WordStar and easier than ED. FOG/UTL.042 EDFILE is like a full-screen DDT. It permits patching a file in ASCII or hex mode. The file may be searched for unique strings. This program is most useful with an 80 column screen. FUNCTDD is a revision of FUNCTN2 found on FOG/UTL.009. This version will work with a double- density Osborne 1. It simply displays the current special function key (SFK) settings. Thanks to Bryan Stallard for categorizing this program. NSWP205 is an update of the NSWEEP generalized file maintenance utility found on FOG/UTL.031. This version will squeeze as well as unsqueeze tagged files; howe were received from Jack Brown of the Vancouver Portable Computer Club. FORMAT.DOC describes a collection of programs permitting a double-density Osborne 1 to format single-sided disks for several different computers. These are: CFORMAT IBM-PC CP/M 86 DFORMAT DEC VT180 DD KFORMAT Kaypro DD OFORMAT Osborne SD or DD We have only been able to perform limited testing on these programs. XFORMAT for Xerox 820 SD did not perform correctly; therefore, it was placed on FOG/HAK.017. OSTOKPRO will enable a double-density Osborne 1 to work with a double-density Kaypro disk, which contains 195K with 191K usable. We have only been able to perform limited testing. PCPIP will permit a double-density Osborne to read and write an IBM-PC PCDOS or MSDOS formatted disk. This program was tested satisfactorily. FOG/UTL.041 CHGCHAR was submitted by Al de la Torre, VP of the Gold Coast (Florida) Osborne Group (GCOG). This program permitver, the resulting file(s) will not appear in the directory list until the disk is reloged. The find command requires only the first few characters of a filename. This version will occasionally quit with a BDOS R/O error when using the copy command C; execute the size or log command to insure proper reset after changing a disk. (This is not a problem when performing a mass copy with the M command.) A destination filename may be specified with copy. A wildcard file selection may be defined when loging a drive. The program has been patched to highlight characters in filename.typ to indicate when flags 1 thru 4, R/O, SYS, or Archive are set. The highlight will appear as an underline on the Osborne 1. Flags may be reset by first tagging the file, then using the Y command. This is another example of user supported software; the author suggests a $20 donation. TABSET will replace blank spaces in a file with appropriate TAB characters to achieve the same results whens changing each occurrence of a specified character in a file to another character. It may be used with WordStar document mode files to convert soft hyphens at the end of any line (1F hex) to hard hyphens (2D hex) and soft hyphens in the middle of any line (1E hex) to nulls (00 hex). Also, see CH found on FOG/UTL.026. CLOCK and HEXDEC are MBASIC programs sent by Steven Dyk of Wollaston Lake, Saskatchewan. CLOCK provides a digital clock display on the screen. HEXDEC will convert hexadecimal numbers to decimal and vice versa. DIRBANER, submitted by Dale Peterson of Miami Beach, will print a 4" x 1 7/16" label identifying up to 64 files contained in a disk directory. It uses the Epson subscript font for tiny letters. Similar programs may be found on FOG/UTL.009, 013, 025, and 038, as well as FOG/LIB.002. LSWEEP13 permits one to view and/or extract files which are members of an LBR library created by LU (see FOG/UTL.017). Squeezed member files are automatically  displayed with standard CP/M TABs set at 8 column increments. Also, see TABS found on FOG/UTL.028. FOG/UTL.043 CCHECK will check a C language source file for balanced punctuation of all kinds { }, [ ], ( ), " ", ' ', and /* */. Indentation is compared against CCHECK's rules, which may conflict with your own but are recommended by many. Nested comments are identified, as is use of = where == might have been intended. CCREF will cross-reference all words used in a file with the exception of C language keywords and operators. OSCHG, for Osborne 1's with the 80-column Screen-Pac option, will set the screen to 52, 80, or 104 columns and optionally set the arrow keys to CP/M or WordStar mode (using for left arrow). Also, see TO found on FOG/UTL.033 and WID on FOG/UTL.040. PCPIP2, submitted by Eric Leininger of Columbus, Ohio, and Eric Pearson of Santa Cruz, CA, is an update of PCPIP found on FOG/UTL.040. It will permit a doube been partially prepared for use with the HELP utility found on FOG/UTL.005 and FOG/APP.006. Remaining files support the LUX system found on FOG/UTL.049. FOG/UTL.049 HELP18A is a version of HELP found on FOG/UTL.005 and FOG/APP.006 which works with standard ASCII help files of type HLP or with their squeezed equivalents of type HQP. LUX creates an environment which facilitates working with LBR files created by the library utility LU found on FOG/UTL.017. LUX enables commands like DIR and TYPE for files which are members of filename.LBR. FIND will find which LBR file contains a specified member file. FILES will identify all LBR files. HELP will display help about LUX. Remaining files of type MQC are squeezed source files requiring Microsoft's M80 macro- assembler. Additional support files may be found on FOG/UTL.048. Also, see LSWEEP13 found on FOG/UTL.041. FOG/UTL.050 LU300, received from Bob Shands, is an ule-density Osborne 1 to read and write PCDOS or MSDOS formatted disks. This version adds DOS 2.0 (9 sector/track) capability. PCPIP2.LBR is a collection of C/80 language source files and SUBMIT files associated with PCPIP2; besides C/80, the M80 assembler is required. FOG/UTL.044 DU2V18 is an update of the general disk examination utility DU-V77 found on FOG/UTL.019. This version includes macro commands, sector/group transfer to/from a queue, and queue transfer to/from a file. Also, see DUU found on FOG/UTL.006 and XAMN on FOG/UTL.016. DIAL will work with an auto-dial modem connected to the SERIAL RS232 port. It will repeatedly dial a single number or a series of numbers until connection is established, or it will search all numbers for a remote modem signal. Once a connection is made, it will automatically initiate a program of your choice, such as a version of MODEM7. DIAL can also display a disk directory or the contents of a text fipdate of the Library Utility LU111 found on FOG/UTL.017. This program will pack several files into a single library file, or vice versa. The library file is named with type LBR (i.e., filename.LBR). LBRDSK22 will allocate one or more LBR library files as a pseudo disk drive. Each separate file within the LBR files may then be accessed directly on the pseudo drive. The system works as if there were actually a third drive. SETRSX must first be used to modify the operating system to support LBRDISK. This version of LBRDSK22 has been patched to address BDOS at D300h for the double-density Osborne 1. It does not work with my version of ZCPR, but will work with the standard CP/M CCP. Also, see LUX found on FOG/UTL.048 and 049. CREATE will create an empty LBR library file or ARC archive file. See FOG/APP.036 and 037 for the ARCHIVE programs. FOG/UTL.051 MCAT43 is the latest version of the CAT disk library catalog utility found on FOG/UTL.00le. It may be commanded to erase a file from the disk. It can also disconnect a modem from the phone line. This version is setup for the Hayes Smartmodem but may be modified for others. FOG/UTL.045 thru 047 FOG/UTL.045 thru 047 and part of 048 contain the latest versions of MDM7, a smart terminal and modem interface program. FOG/UTL.045 includes ODMDM730, which is configured for the Osborne 1 Comm-Pac or CTS Knights modem using the MODEM port. OSMDM740 on FOG/UTL.047 may be used with other modems interfaced to the SERIAL RS-232 port, such as a Hayes Smartmodem. Each has auto-dialing, special function keys, and many other features. FOG/UTL.046 provides support programs. FOG/UTL.048 MDM740.DOC documents MDM740 and OSMDM740 found on FOG/UTL.045 thru 047. LUHELP.DOC, submitted by Bob Shands, is a summary description of the Library Utility LU and supporting programs found on FOG/UTL.017, 019, and 032. It appears to hav2 and 012 and on FOG/LIB.001 and FOG/LIB.CAT. MCAT43OS has been modified to support 64 directory entries, which is consistent with the Osborne disk format. XCAT40 will cross-reference files cataloged in MAST.CAT and store the results in MAST.LST; on option, the list may be printed. Only the last three digits (the filetype field) of the diskname will be recorded in the list. Unfortunately, this is inconsistent with the format used in the FOG Disk Library, which names each disk as FOG/cat.nnn, where cat is the category abbreviation and nnn is the sequence number. With XCAT, only the nnn field will be identified in MAST.LST. Also, see XCAT36 found on FOG/UTL.012. FIND40 is the latest version of FIND found on FOG/UTL.002 and 020. It may be used to locate all occurences of any string of characters in an ASCII text file, with OR selection capability. Therefore, it is useful for scanning the MAST.LST file created by XCAT. DISK .DOC CRC = CD 9A --> FILE: CRAPS .BAS CRC = 42 1F --> FILE: CRAPS .DAT CRC = 8B BB --> FILE: CRAPS .DOC CRC = F7 C5 --> FILE: CRAPS .INT CRC = 6B 42 --> FILE: DISK .PRN CRC = 9B 7C --> FILE: ROBO .BAS CRC = 78 E4 --> FILE: ROBO .DOC CRC = BB FD --> FILE: ROBO .INT CRC = C6 38 --> FILE: -FOG/GAM.006 CRC = 00 00 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 95 10 --> FILE: -FOG/GAM.007 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: CRAZY-8 .BAS CRC = 90 73 --> FILE: BIO-FF .BAS CRC = 40 9A --> FILE: CHECKERS.BAS CRC = DD 18 --> FILE: BUBBLE .BAS CRC = 13 6C --> FILE: BUBBLE .DOC CRC = 96 2B --> FILE: DESIGN .BAS CRC = C1 FA --> FILE: DESIGN .DOC CRC = 5D D1 --> FILE: ETCH .BAS CRC = 22 11 --> FILE: MENU .BAS CRC = 35 AC --> FILE: SEARCH .BAS CRC = 03 B2 --> FILE: SEARCH .DOC CRC = CA 7E --> FILE: HEXAPAWN.BAS CRC = AD D3 --> FILE: GAMMON .BAS CRC = A5 96 --> FILE: HANOI .BAS CRC --> FILE: -FOG/GAM.001 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: ADVENTUR.COM CRC = 52 AC --> FILE: ADVENTUR.WRK CRC = 0F 1B --> FILE: PACMAN .COM CRC = 86 A2 --> FILE: PACMAN .DAT CRC = 34 64 --> FILE: SCREEN .CNT CRC = B4 4B --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = D7 A8 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = A8 C0 --> FILE: CHESS .COM CRC = 85 48 --> FILE: CHESS .DOC CRC = 6C 75 --> FILE: TTT .ASM CRC = AE A6 --> FILE: TTT .COM CRC = F0 FE --> FILE: -FOG/GAM.002 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: CHESS .FOR CRC = F2 EE --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 8B 93 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 0F E2 --> FILE: BACCARAT.BAS CRC = A5 E3 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 83 2B --> FILE: STARTREK.BAS CRC = 5C 79 --> FILE: BACCRRT .BAS CRC = 66 12 --> FILE: E-SKETCH.BAS CRC = 9F F2 --> FILE: E-SKETCH.DOC CRC = F9 10 --> FILE: CASTLE .BAS CRC = 85 A3 --> FILE: CASTLE .DOC CRC = 65 EA --> FILE: -FOG/GAM.003 CRC = 00 00 ------- = 4F 58 --> FILE: NUCREAC .BAS CRC = B7 B5 --> FILE: AWARI .BAS CRC = 69 11 --> FILE: DCHARGE .BAS CRC = C8 88 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = D9 A3 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 03 26 --> FILE: -FOG/GAM.008 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: 23-MATCH.BAS CRC = 30 31 --> FILE: ACEYDUCY.BAS CRC = BB 13 --> FILE: AMAZING .BAS CRC = CC 3A --> FILE: ANIMAL .BAS CRC = 53 D2 --> FILE: BAGELS .BAS CRC = B5 06 --> FILE: BASKETBL.BAS CRC = 95 0D --> FILE: BATNUM .BAS CRC = 70 30 --> FILE: BATTLE .BAS CRC = D8 97 --> FILE: BLACKJCK.BAS CRC = 12 FE --> FILE: BOMBARD .BAS CRC = 7C BF --> FILE: BOMBSAWY.BAS CRC = E2 23 --> FILE: BOUNCE .BAS CRC = E3 CE --> FILE: BOWLING .BAS CRC = C4 BD --> FILE: BOXING .BAS CRC = 23 A1 --> FILE: BUG .BAS CRC = 8C 52 --> FILE: BULLFGHT.BAS CRC = 57 08 --> FILE: BULLSEYE.BAS CRC = 22 01 --> FILE: BUZZWORD.BAS CRC = 10 5D --> FILE: CHANGE .BAS CRC = 6E 7B --> F--------------> SUM OF CRCS = 70 28 --> FILE: CIA .BAS CRC = A9 67 --> FILE: QUEST .BAS CRC = 69 2D --> FILE: STARLANE.BAS CRC = 48 28 --> FILE: YAHTZEE .BAS CRC = 7D 24 --> FILE: STARLAN4.BAS CRC = C6 F4 --> FILE: CIVILW .BAS CRC = C5 A5 --> FILE: DSPACE .BAS CRC = 8E 11 --> FILE: FIGHTER .BAS CRC = 84 3C --> FILE: GRANPRIX.BAS CRC = 1C B4 --> FILE: LIFE .BAS CRC = 20 9C --> FILE: -FOG/GAM.004 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = CB 3F ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 7F 55 --> FILE: MONOPOLY.BAS CRC = 88 80 --> FILE: -FOG/GAM.005 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: OTHELLO .COM CRC = 8E 72 --> FILE: HANGMN-1.BAS CRC = 53 B6 --> FILE: HANGMN-2.BAS CRC = A3 E2 --> FILE: HANGMN-3.BAS CRC = 5F 8E --> FILE: MASTERMD.BAS CRC = 31 BA --> FILE: ROULETTE.BAS CRC = 28 68 --> FILE: BLACKJCK.BAS CRC = D5 FD --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = FE 6C ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 9C A3 --> FILE:  ILE: CHECKERS.BAS CRC = 2E 76 --> FILE: CHEMIST .BAS CRC = 19 56 --> FILE: CHOMP .BAS CRC = 72 B6 --> FILE: AMAZINGP.BAS CRC = 6C 2A --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 76 2F --> FILE: MENU .BAS CRC = 20 13 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 1D 57 --> FILE: CUBE .BAS CRC = 4F DC --> FILE: DIAMOND .BAS CRC = 26 FA --> FILE: DICE .BAS CRC = 91 BD --> FILE: DIGITS .BAS CRC = 6A 51 --> FILE: EVENWIN1.BAS CRC = 7E 8C --> FILE: EVENWIN2.BAS CRC = 00 87 --> FILE: FLIPFLOP.BAS CRC = 5D 04 --> FILE: FOOTBAL1.BAS CRC = 41 B6 --> FILE: FOOTBAL2.BAS CRC = 6E D0 --> FILE: FURTRADR.BAS CRC = C7 62 --> FILE: GOLF .BAS CRC = 8A 1A --> FILE: GOMOKO .BAS CRC = E6 F7 --> FILE: GUESS .BAS CRC = 2B 77 --> FILE: GUNNER .BAS CRC = 2A C1 --> FILE: HAMURABI.BAS CRC = 77 60 --> FILE: HANGMAN .BAS CRC = 2A 29 --> FILE: HELLO .BAS CRC = 4E 02 --> FILE: -FOG/GAM.009 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: CRAPS .BAT .BAS CRC = 74 AE --> FILE: TICTAC1 .BAS CRC = B2 D5 --> FILE: TICTAC2 .BAS CRC = 09 D9 --> FILE: TOWERS .BAS CRC = E1 94 --> FILE: TRAIN .BAS CRC = 98 62 --> FILE: TRAP .BAS CRC = CD FE --> FILE: WAR .BAS CRC = 0C FC --> FILE: WEEKDAY .BAS CRC = 2D B6 --> FILE: WORD .BAS CRC = A2 8C --> FILE: -FOG/GAM.011 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = A8 B2 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 79 0F --> FILE: AL . CRC = 7D 00 --> FILE: ALIEN .BAS CRC = AD D2 --> FILE: PICT .BAS CRC = 8F 4F --> FILE: PRITPICT.BAS CRC = 0F 95 --> FILE: SKET .BAS CRC = 54 DC --> FILE: -FOG/GAM.012 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: GRAPH .PRN CRC = BA AF --> FILE: KONG .BAS CRC = 27 E4 --> FILE: ELIZA .BAS CRC = 55 A9 --> FILE: LANDER1 .BAS CRC = 60 0D --> FILE: TREKINS .BAS CRC = 29 50 --> FILE: STARTREK.DOC CRC = 78 36 --> FILE: ANDY-500.BAS CRC = 88 13 --> FILE: MONSTER .BAS CRC = EFS CRC = 3E ED --> FILE: HI-Q .BAS CRC = 13 B0 --> FILE: HOCKEY .BAS CRC = D5 ED --> FILE: HORSRACE.BAS CRC = 4C 08 --> FILE: MENU .BAS CRC = 09 5A --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 36 DC ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 32 7F --> FILE: HURKLE .BAS CRC = 36 26 --> FILE: KINEMA .BAS CRC = 72 BF --> FILE: KING .BAS CRC = EE 48 --> FILE: -FOG/GAM.010 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: LEM .BAS CRC = 98 E6 --> FILE: LETTER .BAS CRC = 5F 4E --> FILE: LIFE .BAS CRC = E4 66 --> FILE: LIFE2 .BAS CRC = 85 62 --> FILE: LITQUIZ .BAS CRC = BE 7A --> FILE: LOVE .BAS CRC = F8 A4 --> FILE: LOVE-P .BAS CRC = 73 78 --> FILE: LUNAR .BAS CRC = CF 61 --> FILE: MADLIBS .BAS CRC = 5C D1 --> FILE: MASTRMND.BAS CRC = DD CC --> FILE: MATHDICE.BAS CRC = 4B 8D --> FILE: MUGWUMP .BAS CRC = D1 F8 --> FILE: NAME .BAS CRC = 3B 2A --> FILE: NICOMA .BAS CRC = ED 52 --> FILE: NIM .BAS CRC = F2 5E  5C --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = A1 E8 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 71 B8 --> FILE: -FOG/GAM.013 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: ADVENTUR.MSG CRC = 31 D3 --> FILE: ATAB .DAT CRC = 23 81 --> FILE: COMMON .DAT CRC = 03 23 --> FILE: KTAB .DAT CRC = 2A D0 --> FILE: LTEXT .DAT CRC = 2B 52 --> FILE: RTEXT .DAT CRC = 7A 12 --> FILE: STEXT .DAT CRC = DE 21 --> FILE: TRAVEL .DAT CRC = 7B F3 --> FILE: ADVENTUR.DOC CRC = D7 D8 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 3B 31 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 95 C8 ntified in MAST.LST. Also, see XCAT36 found on FOG/UTL.012. FIND40 is the latest version of FIND found on FOG/UTL.002 and 020. It may be used to locate all occurences of any string of characters in an ASCII text file, with OR selection capability. Therefore, it is useful for scanning the MAST.LST file created by XCAT.  --> FILE: NUMBER .BAS CRC = 8C 24 --> FILE: ONECHECK.BAS CRC = 5D 4B --> FILE: ORBIT .BAS CRC = 2E DC --> FILE: PIZZA .BAS CRC = 92 CE --> FILE: POETRY .BAS CRC = 8D 9B --> FILE: POKER .BAS CRC = 86 06 --> FILE: REVERSE .BAS CRC = B7 6A --> FILE: ROCKSP .BAS CRC = 24 24 --> FILE: MENU .BAS CRC = AB 6D --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 44 DA ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = F0 AB --> FILE: QUBIC .BAS CRC = 12 28 --> FILE: QUEEN .BAS CRC = 84 A1 --> FILE: ROCKET .BAS CRC = 53 29 --> FILE: MENU .BAS CRC = 9A CC --> FILE: ROULETTE.BAS CRC = 7F 6C --> FILE: RUSROU .BAS CRC = 29 12 --> FILE: SALVO .BAS CRC = 1F EB --> FILE: SINEWAVE.BAS CRC = 9D 03 --> FILE: SLALOM .BAS CRC = 24 52 --> FILE: SLOTS .BAS CRC = 5D 45 --> FILE: SPLAT .BAS CRC = 7A 6A --> FILE: STARS .BAS CRC = BD F3 --> FILE: STOCK .BAS CRC = FC 88 --> FILE: SYNONYM .BAS CRC = D9 29 --> FILE: TARGE D 5B --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 18 4C ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 9C 28 --> FILE: -FOG/HAK.004 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: DUMP24X .COM CRC = 76 CE --> FILE: ROM .ASM CRC = 71 0E --> FILE: ROM .DOC CRC = E6 FF --> FILE: JRNL .BAS CRC = 96 F6 --> FILE: PASSWORD.BAS CRC = FF FE --> FILE: RESIZE .DOC CRC = C1 10 --> FILE: RESIZE2 .BAS CRC = EF 51 --> FILE: RESIZE3 .BAS CRC = CD C2 --> FILE: POW .ASM CRC = 0C 58 --> FILE: POWCMDS .POW CRC = 96 7A --> FILE: POWTEXT .POW CRC = 25 63 --> FILE: DOWHILES.LIB CRC = A1 70 --> FILE: NCOMPARE.LIB CRC = E9 8E --> FILE: SELECTS .LIB CRC = 09 83 --> FILE: SEQIO .LIB CRC = CE 4F --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 97 DA ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = A6 D1 --> FILE: -FOG/HAK.005 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: SYMSTACK.LIB CRC = 5D A3 --> FILE: WHENS .LIB CRC = 70 DE --> FILE: CODE .BAS CRC = 3C 99 --> FILE: HAMPROGS.DOC CRC = 1D AB -- --> FILE: -FOG/HAK.001 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: 120 .BAS CRC = 57 8E --> FILE: 130 .BAS CRC = 6F A7 --> FILE: 21000 .BAS CRC = 10 84 --> FILE: 800 .BAS CRC = 00 47 --> FILE: AP .BAS CRC = 55 0D --> FILE: AR .BAS CRC = 6C C2 --> FILE: FS .BAS CRC = E4 C4 --> FILE: INSTALL .BAS CRC = F8 26 --> FILE: ABSTRACT.043 CRC = 80 1B --> FILE: BINSEARC.BAS CRC = 3A 2C --> FILE: CATALOG .043 CRC = 50 4A --> FILE: CURSOR .BAS CRC = 9F 05 --> FILE: READCUST.BAS CRC = 29 03 --> FILE: READINV .BAS CRC = ED 02 --> FILE: READVEND.BAS CRC = BB 44 --> FILE: WRITCUST.BAS CRC = 9A BC --> FILE: WRITEINV.BAS CRC = 27 8F --> FILE: WRITEVND.BAS CRC = 86 11 --> FILE: A/R010 .BAS CRC = DB F1 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = A6 BC ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = BC A1 --> FILE: A/R050 .BAS CRC = 32 0B --> FILE: A/R060 .BAS CRC = F7 9B --> FILE: A/R070 .BAS CRC = 51 C5 --> FILE: A/R0> FILE: MOONLOC1.BAS CRC = 99 36 --> FILE: MOONLOC2.BAS CRC = C6 BB --> FILE: MOONLOC3.BAS CRC = 52 59 --> FILE: MOONLOC5.BAS CRC = 0C 74 --> FILE: RTTY .ASM CRC = 75 C2 --> FILE: TTY .ASM CRC = 81 18 --> FILE: TTYR .ASM CRC = 6C E8 --> FILE: TTYR1 .ASM CRC = A4 68 --> FILE: TTYX .ASM CRC = 03 3A --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 68 82 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 5B 69 --> FILE: ADE .AQM CRC = D9 BC --> FILE: BANNER .AQM CRC = 53 56 --> FILE: DDTPATCH.AQM CRC = 41 3D --> FILE: DATABASE.DOC CRC = 29 A5 --> FILE: DBENTRY .BAS CRC = CE 0C --> FILE: DBQUERY .BAS CRC = E1 FE --> FILE: DBSETUP .BAS CRC = B9 B6 --> FILE: INV . CRC = 35 26 --> FILE: INV .IND CRC = 16 A2 --> FILE: STRTRK/2.BAS CRC = 09 6F --> FILE: -FOG/HAK.006 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: MFACCESS.LIB CRC = C9 7C --> FILE: UCOPY .AQM CRC = 22 69 --> FILE: DIRS9/8 .AQM CRC = C2 20 --> FILE: PROM 80 .BAS CRC = 57 9B --> FILE: A/RTAX .BAS CRC = B6 D2 --> FILE: A/P000 .BAS CRC = 7C 0E --> FILE: A/P010 .BAS CRC = DA CF --> FILE: A/P02A .BAS CRC = 09 C7 --> FILE: A/R-INFO.BAS CRC = A7 E4 --> FILE: A/R-INV .BAS CRC = B4 AB --> FILE: A/R020 .BAS CRC = 8F E1 --> FILE: A/R03A .BAS CRC = C1 21 --> FILE: A/R03B .BAS CRC = B7 B5 --> FILE: A/R040 .BAS CRC = 43 9A --> FILE: -FOG/HAK.002 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 80 DC ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 14 38 --> FILE: -FOG/HAK.003 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: A/P-INFO.BAS CRC = 4A A8 --> FILE: A/P02B .BAS CRC = 80 FF --> FILE: A/P030 .BAS CRC = CD 2A --> FILE: A/P040 .BAS CRC = 4D 57 --> FILE: A/P050 .BAS CRC = 33 F9 --> FILE: A/P060 .BAS CRC = 1A E1 --> FILE: A/P070 .BAS CRC = EA 6F --> FILE: A/P080 .BAS CRC = 07 C1 --> FILE: A/P090 .BAS CRC = EA BB --> FILE: A/P110 .BAS CRC = 74 94 --> FILE: A/P120 .BAS CRC = F!.AQM CRC = 7A 62 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = E0 BA ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 60 0C 00 --> FILE: ADVENTUR.MSG CRC = 31 D3 --> FILE: ATAB .DAT CRC = 23 81 --> FILE: COMMON .DAT CRC = 03 23 --> FILE: KTAB .DAT CRC = 2A D0 --> FILE: LTEXT .DAT CRC = 2B 52 --> FILE: RTEXT .DAT CRC = 7A 12 --> FILE: STEXT .DAT CRC = DE 21 --> FILE: TRAVEL .DAT CRC = 7B F3 --> FILE: ADVENTUR.DOC CRC = D7 D8 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 3B 31 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 95 C8 ntified in MAST.LST. Also, see XCAT36 found on FOG/UTL.012. FIND40 is the latest version of FIND found on FOG/UTL.002 and 020. It may be used to locate all occurences of any string of characters in an ASCII text file, with OR selection capability. Therefore, it is useful for scanning the MAST.LST file created by XCAT.  --> FILE: -FOG/LNG.001 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: Z80ASM .COM CRC = 5C AC --> FILE: Z80DOC .DOC CRC = 6D 2C --> FILE: Z80MAIN .ASM CRC = ED 10 --> FILE: Z80OPCDS.ASM CRC = 2B AC --> FILE: Z80SUBS .ASM CRC = A5 C3 --> FILE: TEST1A .ASM CRC = 3B 5F --> FILE: TEST2 .ASM CRC = D7 04 --> FILE: Z80 .DOC CRC = F5 AC --> FILE: Z80 .LIB CRC = 77 37 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = A9 46 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = B0 E3 --> FILE: -FOG/LNG.002 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: ASSEMBLE.COM CRC = FA 82 --> FILE: C1 .COM CRC = F9 67 --> FILE: LINK .COM CRC = EE 2E --> FILE: C .DOC CRC = 23 CA --> FILE: CC .SUB CRC = 4D 66 --> FILE: RUNTIME .TXT CRC = 23 E6 --> FILE: STDLIB .TXT CRC = 06 5B --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 03 C9 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 81 51 --> FILE: -FOG/LNG.003 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: C1 .C CRC = 7D D1 --> FILE: C2 .C CRC = 92 68 --> FILE --> FILE: -FOG/LIB.001 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: DISPLAY .COM CRC = CF E0 --> FILE: DISPLAY .DOC CRC = B2 20 --> FILE: LIST .COM CRC = 4A B7 --> FILE: NEWS0982.LIB CRC = C6 E7 --> FILE: SHOW .COM CRC = 34 7D --> FILE: SHOW .DOC CRC = ED 93 --> FILE: SWEEP14 .COM CRC = 60 A6 --> FILE: LIBRARY .DOC CRC = 93 6E --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 01 1B --> FILE: CAT .COM CRC = 5F A2 --> FILE: CATALOG .DOC CRC = 5B 54 --> FILE: MAST .CAT CRC = 01 BD --> FILE: NEWCAT .COM CRC = 1B 5D ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 82 ED ntified in MAST.LST. Also, see XCAT36 found on FOG/UTL.012. FIND40 is the latest version of FIND found on FOG/UTL.002 and 020. It may be used to locate all occurences of any string of characters in an ASCII text file, with OR selection capability. Therefore, it is useful for scanning the MAST.LST file created by XCAT. !: C3 .C CRC = E4 6A --> FILE: C4 .C CRC = 1F CE --> FILE: C5 .C CRC = 03 69 --> FILE: C6 .C CRC = 05 97 --> FILE: C7 .C CRC = 34 00 --> FILE: C8 .C CRC = DB 15 --> FILE: C9 .C CRC = 30 C3 --> FILE: C .DEF CRC = 6E 2C --> FILE: C .SUB CRC = A2 F7 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 75 B1 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = E4 1D --> FILE: SUBMIT .C CRC = 6D 3E --> FILE: TIME .C CRC = C7 68 --> FILE: CL .SUB CRC = E4 DE --> FILE: FUNCTION.ASM CRC = 7B 93 --> FILE: FUNCTION.CRL CRC = FD 48 --> FILE: RUNTIME .ASM CRC = 31 A9 --> FILE: STDLIB .ASM CRC = 9A 8A --> FILE: -FOG/LNG.004 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 45 1B ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = A3 AD --> FILE: -FOG/LNG.005 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: ALGOLM .COM CRC = 45 29 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = E2 DC --> FILE: ALGINTRO.TXT CRC = 7D F5 --> FILE: ALGSTARILE: PASCAL4 .INT CRC = B3 A0 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 05 86 --> FILE: CUSTOMIZ.INT CRC = 04 44 --> FILE: DEBUG .INT CRC = A5 F8 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 10 80 --> FILE: -FOG/LNG.009 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: ARCTAN .PAS CRC = 39 6C --> FILE: CONVERTM.INT CRC = B0 55 --> FILE: COS .PAS CRC = D5 57 --> FILE: ERASE .INT CRC = EC CF --> FILE: EXEC .COM CRC = DF 03 --> FILE: EXP .PAS CRC = AA D5 --> FILE: JGRAF .PAS CRC = 22 B4 --> FILE: JRTASM .INT CRC = DA EC --> FILE: JSTAT .PAS CRC = 8E 8F --> FILE: LETTERS .INT CRC = 83 34 --> FILE: LINKER .INT CRC = 2A BB --> FILE: LN .PAS CRC = 67 8D --> FILE: VERIFY .INT CRC = A9 68 --> FILE: RENAME .INT CRC = F7 66 --> FILE: RESETBIT.ASM CRC = 35 97 --> FILE: SETBIT .ASM CRC = C7 17 --> FILE: SIN .PAS CRC = 63 90 --> FILE: SQRT .PAS CRC = A4 B0 --> FILE: TESTBIT .ASM CRC = F5 1B --> FILE: READTHIS. T.TXT CRC = A2 86 --> FILE: COMERR .TXT CRC = 84 7D --> FILE: RUNALG .COM CRC = 6C E5 --> FILE: RUNERR .TXT CRC = BD 4A --> FILE: USRMAN .TXT CRC = BF 05 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = B6 31 --> FILE: ARRAY .ALG CRC = 91 C3 --> FILE: BLKTEST .ALG CRC = 2B 42 --> FILE: BOOLINT .ALG CRC = BD 09 --> FILE: CASETEST.ALG CRC = 84 9A --> FILE: CASETWO .ALG CRC = D7 DE --> FILE: GOTOTEST.ALG CRC = 1E 5B --> FILE: HANOI .ALG CRC = E9 6B --> FILE: LUNAR .ALG CRC = AC D7 --> FILE: ONEND2 .ALG CRC = 65 F0 --> FILE: READWORD.ALG CRC = EA 0A --> FILE: RWINT .ALG CRC = 4B 94 --> FILE: SIISTR .ALG CRC = E1 3E --> FILE: SORT .ALG CRC = 03 F8 --> FILE: STRING .ALG CRC = 08 D8 --> FILE: STRTST .ALG CRC = 69 A7 --> FILE: FLYTEST .ALG CRC = 7F D8 --> FILE: PERM .ALG CRC = D6 F1 --> FILE: -FOG/LNG.006 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: BLK .INP CRC = A1 8C --> FILE: FILE1 .INP CRC = 7C E CRC = A7 A8 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 2F C8 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 49 B1 LE: LIST .COM CRC = 4A B7 --> FILE: NEWS0982.LIB CRC = C6 E7 --> FILE: SHOW .COM CRC = 34 7D --> FILE: SHOW .DOC CRC = ED 93 --> FILE: SWEEP14 .COM CRC = 60 A6 --> FILE: LIBRARY .DOC CRC = 93 6E --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 01 1B --> FILE: CAT .COM CRC = 5F A2 --> FILE: CATALOG .DOC CRC = 5B 54 --> FILE: MAST .CAT CRC = 01 BD --> FILE: NEWCAT .COM CRC = 1B 5D ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 82 ED ntified in MAST.LST. Also, see XCAT36 found on FOG/UTL.012. FIND40 is the latest version of FIND found on FOG/UTL.002 and 020. It may be used to locate all occurences of any string of characters in an ASCII text file, with OR selection capability. Therefore, it is useful for scanning the MAST.LST file created by XCAT. A --> FILE: FILE2 .INP CRC = F2 04 --> FILE: RFILE .INP CRC = E0 8F --> FILE: WFILE .OUT CRC = 87 57 --> FILE: WINPUT .INP CRC = 01 FA --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 62 09 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = B1 92 --> FILE: L81 .COM CRC = E8 D7 --> FILE: L82 .COM CRC = 09 F7 --> FILE: L83 .COM CRC = 7F 00 --> FILE: M81 .COM CRC = 67 ED --> FILE: ML .SUB CRC = 4C 20 --> FILE: ML80 .DOC CRC = 29 BA --> FILE: ML80 .REF CRC = FC 8A --> FILE: WDIR .M80 CRC = 57 B8 --> FILE: XDIR .M80 CRC = BD 7F --> FILE: -FOG/LNG.007 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = B1 B9 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 13 0F --> FILE: -FOG/LNG.008 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: JRTPAS2 .COM CRC = 65 D0 --> FILE: PASCAL .LIB CRC = 78 AB --> FILE: PASCAL0 .INT CRC = 32 0B --> FILE: PASCAL1 .INT CRC = D4 20 --> FILE: PASCAL2 .INT CRC = 9C 26 --> FILE: PASCAL3 .INT CRC = 2C 52 --> F" --> FILE: -FOG/MIS.001 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: EPSON4 .BAS CRC = 31 E6 --> FILE: ZLOVE .BAS CRC = AD 1B --> FILE: BEEP .BAS CRC = 5F ED --> FILE: DEMO .BAS CRC = 5E BC --> FILE: SINEWAVE.BAS CRC = 82 58 --> FILE: COPYRITE.DOC CRC = 90 8C --> FILE: BANNER .BAS CRC = AA BB --> FILE: BUNNY .BAS CRC = BC DF --> FILE: CALENDAR.BAS CRC = 32 C9 --> FILE: PINUP .PIC CRC = D2 E9 --> FILE: PINUP1 .PIC CRC = C7 DC --> FILE: SNOOPY .PIC CRC = E4 41 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 37 C5 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 01 BC --> FILE: -FOG/MIS.002 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: RUBIK .CUB CRC = 30 ED --> FILE: CLIENT .DTA CRC = 8C BC --> FILE: DF-1 .DTA CRC = EE FE --> FILE: EXAMPLE .TXT CRC = C8 E5 --> FILE: FOG .DOC CRC = 7C AF --> FILE: LETTER-1.TXT CRC = 71 F6 --> FILE: LETTER-2.TXT CRC = 63 F2 --> FILE: POS .TXT CRC = 62 53 --> FILE: ROLLLIST.FMT CRC = 48 5F --> FILE: WSMO DISK .DOC CRC = 92 0E ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 84 B2 --> FILE: -FOG/MIS.005 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: BIORYTHM.BAS CRC = C7 13 --> FILE: BIORYTHM.DOC CRC = 70 70 --> FILE: COMPAT .BAS CRC = E7 C0 --> FILE: COMPAT .DOC CRC = 2C 3F --> FILE: EASTER .BAS CRC = 93 D7 --> FILE: EASTER .DOC CRC = 8B 3D --> FILE: POETRY .BAS CRC = 01 9A --> FILE: GRAPHNUM.BAS CRC = E7 40 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 6B DD --> FILE: BNCHMRK .ASM CRC = 17 8C --> FILE: README .DOC CRC = C7 6F --> FILE: BNCHMRK .BAS CRC = BE B9 --> FILE: BNCHMRK .TXT CRC = 7B BE --> FILE: HI-RES .BAS CRC = 05 A2 --> FILE: HI-RES .TXT CRC = AA AB --> FILE: CPMFTH .ASC CRC = 97 F2 --> FILE: FTHCPM .DOC CRC = 0B 52 --> FILE: FTHCPM .SCR CRC = FE FF --> FILE: ZCPR-WS .DOC CRC = 47 9E --> FILE: BBSLIST .001 CRC = 91 79 --> FILE: OZIPS .BAS CRC = 52 AD --> FILE: YKW .BAS CRC = 18 2A ---------------------> SUDS .DOC CRC = A8 2B --> FILE: CPM .DOC CRC = 68 61 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = BA 49 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 3D AA --> FILE: -FOG/MIS.003 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: ASKORDER. CRC = 9E D2 --> FILE: CHAIN . CRC = A2 50 --> FILE: CLIENT .DTA CRC = 5A 06 --> FILE: DF1 .DTA CRC = F4 1A --> FILE: F1 . CRC = 12 31 --> FILE: F2 . CRC = EB EA --> FILE: F4 . CRC = 64 21 --> FILE: F5 . CRC = FB 01 --> FILE: F6 . CRC = E5 9D --> FILE: F7 . CRC = 4D 90 --> FILE: F8 . CRC = 0A 9D --> FILE: FEATURES. CRC = 0C D3 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = BD DA --> FILE: LABELS . CRC = 6C 20 --> FILE: LABELS .FMT CRC = 21 20 --> FILE: LETTER1 .DTA CRC = 3D AB --> FILE: LETTER2 .TXT CRC = 7E 15 --> FILE: MLLINE . CRC = 66 6F --> FILE: MLLINE .FMT CRC = 0D 3E --> FILE: MULTI .TXT CRC = 33 92 --> FILE: MULTIN .TXT CRC = 3M OF CRCS = 6F 3D --> FILE: -FOG/MIS.006 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: FANCFONT.COM CRC = 56 53 --> FILE: FANCFONT.DM1 CRC = 73 52 --> FILE: FANCFONT.DM2 CRC = 77 97 --> FILE: OSBDSCIO.C CRC = E4 69 --> FILE: OSCREEN .BAS CRC = AC 46 --> FILE: OSMDIO .C CRC = 71 9A --> FILE: FANCFONT.DOC CRC = 9F 1A --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = FA D2 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = DD 71 --> FILE: HINTS3 .DOC CRC = DE B6 --> FILE: OSHINTS .DOC CRC = 40 92 --> FILE: OSPATCH .DOC CRC = E8 31 --> FILE: OSTRICKS.DOC CRC = E9 5B --> FILE: -FOG/MIS.007 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: SCANNER .DOC CRC = BA 60 --> FILE: SCANNER .TXT CRC = 3F BF --> FILE: WSLABELS. CRC = 8A 3B --> FILE: WSLABELS.DOC CRC = C7 E7 --> FILE: WS-MNEM .MSG CRC = AF D7 --> FILE: RCPMLIST.24 CRC = 48 60 --> FILE: BASCOM53.DOC CRC = 32 F7 --> FILE: MICROSFT.SAV CRC = 0B F4 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = BA 2F ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS A DA --> FILE: POS .TXT CRC = A1 3A --> FILE: ROLLLIST. CRC = 76 AA --> FILE: ROLLLIST.FMT CRC = 00 3B --> FILE: TESTDATA.DTA CRC = BA BD --> FILE: TSTDTA .DTA CRC = CF B7 --> FILE: CHAPTERS.TXT CRC = F3 52 --> FILE: DEALERS .OUT CRC = EC D0 --> FILE: EASTWASH.ERS CRC = 05 94 --> FILE: NOTINAME.CHA CRC = 36 8C --> FILE: NWPITCH .TXT CRC = 97 49 --> FILE: OSBNATM .AIL CRC = 36 5E --> FILE: OTHERCLU.BS CRC = 2C 80 --> FILE: QUESCOM . CRC = 34 D4 --> FILE: SEACOMPS.HOP CRC = 53 30 --> FILE: WESTWASH.ERS CRC = 30 9C --> FILE: SIGNUP .LST CRC = B8 B3 --> FILE: WSDEMO .DOC CRC = 78 2B ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = C2 89 --> FILE: -FOG/MIS.004 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: INFO .CPM CRC = 50 53 --> FILE: NOTES .VAN CRC = 22 B9 --> FILE: BKSPACE .DOC CRC = 82 F6 --> FILE: WSTIPS .TXT CRC = 8C 6A --> FILE: QUOTES .PRN CRC = D1 56 --> FILE: EPSONWS .DOC CRC = 9E E2 --> FILE:"= 2E 66 LE: LIST .COM CRC = 4A B7 --> FILE: NEWS0982.LIB CRC = C6 E7 --> FILE: SHOW .COM CRC = 34 7D --> FILE: SHOW .DOC CRC = ED 93 --> FILE: SWEEP14 .COM CRC = 60 A6 --> FILE: LIBRARY .DOC CRC = 93 6E --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 01 1B --> FILE: CAT .COM CRC = 5F A2 --> FILE: CATALOG .DOC CRC = 5B 54 --> FILE: MAST .CAT CRC = 01 BD --> FILE: NEWCAT .COM CRC = 1B 5D ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 82 ED ntified in MAST.LST. Also, see XCAT36 found on FOG/UTL.012. FIND40 is the latest version of FIND found on FOG/UTL.002 and 020. It may be used to locate all occurences of any string of characters in an ASCII text file, with OR selection capability. Therefore, it is useful for scanning the MAST.LST file created by XCAT. 5 BB --> FILE: SQCHNG1 .DOC CRC = D3 E6 --> FILE: SQCHNGS2.DQC CRC = 0A 84 --> FILE: SQUEEZER.DOC CRC = A0 4D --> FILE: LINES .COM CRC = 2F 59 --> FILE: TYPESQ .COM CRC = 84 AB --> FILE: USQ .COM CRC = 13 9D --> FILE: LINES .DOC CRC = 5C 9F --> FILE: LIST .COM CRC = 13 D3 --> FILE: LIST .DOC CRC = 5E F1 --> FILE: COMBINE .ASM CRC = 72 22 --> FILE: COMBINE .COM CRC = A9 38 --> FILE: D .COM CRC = 8C B7 --> FILE: D .DOC CRC = 04 82 --> FILE: UNLOAD .COM CRC = D7 9D --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = EE 98 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = C5 53 --> FILE: -FOG/UTL.004 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: FLS-11 .COM CRC = 0C 99 --> FILE: SQ-15 .COM CRC = 1E 8B --> FILE: SQ/USQ15.DOC CRC = C5 B7 --> FILE: TYPESQ14.COM CRC = 2D 63 --> FILE: USQ-15 .COM CRC = 56 1F --> FILE: SUPERSUB.ASM CRC = 32 F7 --> FILE: SUPERSUB.COM CRC = AA F2 --> FILE: SUPERSUB.DOC CRC = 21 85 --> FILE: --> FILE: -FOG/UTL.001 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: CONFIGUR.DOC CRC = 98 64 --> FILE: CRCK4 .ASM CRC = C0 EB --> FILE: CRCK4 .COM CRC = B8 F5 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 1C DB --> FILE: MDM7OS .COM CRC = 02 46 --> FILE: MDMOS .ASM CRC = 28 9C --> FILE: MODEM .DOC CRC = DD 9F --> FILE: MODEM7 .DOC CRC = B0 BD --> FILE: OSFIG .COM CRC = 12 61 --> FILE: OSMODN .COM CRC = 83 C0 --> FILE: MODEM714.COM CRC = 01 80 --> FILE: MODEM714.DOC CRC = 1D 27 --> FILE: CK-FIX .COM CRC = E2 FF --> FILE: CK-FIX .DOC CRC = 60 13 --> FILE: UMPIRE .COM CRC = 92 05 --> FILE: INDEX .DOC CRC = 25 B2 --> FILE: WASH .COM CRC = 50 57 --> FILE: UMPIRE .DOC CRC = AF 36 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 97 7B --> FILE: CAT .ASM CRC = 4A DB --> FILE: CAT .COM CRC = 5F A2 --> FILE: CATALOG .DOC CRC = 5B 54 --> FILE: CROSSREF.COM CRC = 2B C3 --> FILE: CROSSREF.DOC CRC = F6 84 --> FILE: FMAP SUPRSUB2.COM CRC = DD EB --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 20 2E --> FILE: COMPARE .ASM CRC = FA 0A --> FILE: COMPARE .COM CRC = AA 48 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 16 36 --> FILE: -FOG/UTL.005 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: HELP .COM CRC = AC 54 --> FILE: WASH .COM CRC = C5 29 --> FILE: WASH .HLP CRC = 84 FF --> FILE: WASH1 .HLP CRC = 9D C8 --> FILE: WASH2 .HLP CRC = B0 01 --> FILE: SWEEP14 .COM CRC = 60 A6 --> FILE: HELP .HLP CRC = 87 88 --> FILE: SUPERDIR.COM CRC = AD C5 --> FILE: SUPERDIR.HLP CRC = B9 D9 --> FILE: SORT .COM CRC = 6B 77 --> FILE: FINDBAD .COM CRC = 5F 14 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = FA B7 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 59 53 --> FILE: -FOG/UTL.006 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: DUU .COM CRC = 9E 90 --> FILE: DUU .DOC CRC = CE 9D --> FILE: DU .ASM CRC = 1F 0B --> FILE: DUMP .COM CRC = FA 04 --> FILE: DUMP .ASM CRC = 6B 6D --> FILE: DISK  .ASM CRC = E5 C4 --> FILE: FMAP .COM CRC = 4F 8F --> FILE: FMAP .DOC CRC = 19 54 --> FILE: HELP1 . CRC = C0 06 --> FILE: HELP2 . CRC = A0 68 --> FILE: SIMPLCAT.DOC CRC = F5 DA --> FILE: UCAT .ASM CRC = 6B BE --> FILE: UCAT .COM CRC = 50 37 --> FILE: DISPLAY .COM CRC = CF E0 --> FILE: FIND .COM CRC = 35 54 --> FILE: LIST .COM CRC = 4A B7 --> FILE: LOGIN .COM CRC = C8 2C --> FILE: LOOK .COM CRC = 51 79 --> FILE: SHOW .ASM CRC = 75 5E --> FILE: SHOW .COM CRC = 34 7D --> FILE: SHOW .DOC CRC = ED 93 --> FILE: NEWCAT .COM CRC = 1B 5D --> FILE: FIND .DOC CRC = AB 91 --> FILE: DISPLAY .DOC CRC = B2 20 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 05 3F --> FILE: MAST .CAT CRC = 01 BD --> FILE: -FOG/UTL.002 CRC = 00 00 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 0A 04 --> FILE: -FOG/UTL.003 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: SQ .COM CRC = 47 15 --> FILE: SQ/UNSQ .DOC CRC = F#.DOC CRC = DE 39 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = CF E2 --> FILE: -FOG/UTL.007 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: RESOURCE.COM CRC = 9A 08 --> FILE: RESOURCE.DOC CRC = BA 72 --> FILE: DISASSEM.BAS CRC = C9 B2 --> FILE: DISASSEM.DOC CRC = 9E 70 --> FILE: REZ80 .COM CRC = 9C 86 --> FILE: REZ80 .DOC CRC = 55 3E --> FILE: TRANSLAT.COM CRC = 99 E0 --> FILE: TRANSLAT.DOC CRC = 8E 49 --> FILE: ZDT .COM CRC = 21 51 --> FILE: ZDT .DOC CRC = 81 07 --> FILE: DISASSEM.LTR CRC = 86 96 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 91 F9 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 91 70 --> FILE: -FOG/UTL.008 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: BMAP .COM CRC = C4 BF --> FILE: BMAP7/11.ASM CRC = 37 8B --> FILE: BMAP7/11.COM CRC = 49 B8 --> FILE: TYPER .COM CRC = 1C 85 --> FILE: TYPER .DOC CRC = 47 1F --> FILE: TED .COM CRC = 26 59 --> FILE: TED .DOC CRC = DD 8F --> FILE: XREF .ASM CRC = 50 EA --> FILE: XREF .COM CRC  NCAT32 .SET CRC = 68 BF --> FILE: XCAT36 .COM CRC = 74 7A --> FILE: XCAT36 .DOC CRC = B5 CC --> FILE: OTERM30 .DOC CRC = D9 6C --> FILE: OTERM303.COM CRC = A5 90 --> FILE: OTERM303.MSG CRC = EF BD --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 57 9B ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 54 C1 --> FILE: -FOG/UTL.013 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: CTERM .C CRC = 91 C8 --> FILE: CTERM .COM CRC = 8C 75 --> FILE: CTERM .DOC CRC = 90 99 --> FILE: PLNK0124.ASM CRC = EC B3 --> FILE: PLNK0124.COM CRC = B7 12 --> FILE: DIRLABEL.ASM CRC = AA DB --> FILE: DIRLABEL.COM CRC = 59 BF --> FILE: SWEEP36 .COM CRC = 6F 48 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 78 16 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 3E 93 --> FILE: -FOG/UTL.014 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: SETMX .AQM CRC = ED C9 --> FILE: SETMX .COM CRC = F5 1F --> FILE: SETMX .DOC CRC = D3 3B --> FILE: SETOK .AQM CRC = 62 B1 --> FILE: SETOK .COM CRC = F0 CF --> FILE: SETOK = C5 C4 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 95 E8 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 5A 24 --> FILE: -FOG/UTL.009 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: RPIP .ASM CRC = CC 70 --> FILE: RPIP .COM CRC = 6F 3E --> FILE: DSCLABEL.ASM CRC = 2A 9D --> FILE: DSCLABEL.COM CRC = DE 09 --> FILE: MAKE .COM CRC = A9 F2 --> FILE: EPSNPRTR.ASM CRC = CE 0A --> FILE: EPSNPRTR.COM CRC = 3C 05 --> FILE: EPSNPRTR.DOC CRC = 93 A3 --> FILE: AUTOMOD .COM CRC = EE 96 --> FILE: AUTOMOD .ASM CRC = 03 C5 --> FILE: AUTOST .ASM CRC = 39 B8 --> FILE: AUTOST .COM CRC = E6 9E --> FILE: SETAUTO .COM CRC = DF E6 --> FILE: SETAUTO .DOC CRC = A6 71 --> FILE: AUTOMOD .DOC CRC = BE 05 --> FILE: UNERA .COM CRC = FB F1 --> FILE: UNERA .DOC CRC = 68 C6 --> FILE: FUNCTION.COM CRC = 50 6F --> FILE: FUNCTION.DOC CRC = FA 11 --> FILE: FUNCTN2 .COM CRC = 4A B5 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = F2 0E ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = CE FF .DOC CRC = 01 10 --> FILE: SQ-16 .COM CRC = F7 95 --> FILE: EPSET2 .ASM CRC = 38 5F --> FILE: EPSET2 .COM CRC = DA FD --> FILE: ERAA .COM CRC = 8C 29 --> FILE: USQ-19 .COM CRC = 2E 55 --> FILE: TOGGLE .ASM CRC = BB 93 --> FILE: TOGGLE .COM CRC = 46 65 --> FILE: TYPE17 .COM CRC = F4 B8 --> FILE: ERAA .DOC CRC = 72 47 --> FILE: NECSET .AQM CRC = 15 FB --> FILE: NECSET .COM CRC = 8D 5A --> FILE: OREMOTE .AQM CRC = 6E AB --> FILE: OREMOTE .COM CRC = 4E 95 --> FILE: SAP .COM CRC = 38 44 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 0F 8C ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = E1 7E --> FILE: -FOG/UTL.015 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: OSPLNK70.AQM CRC = CD D7 --> FILE: OSPLNK70.COM CRC = EB EB --> FILE: OSPLNK70.DOC CRC = 39 EA --> FILE: LISTT .AQM CRC = FC C4 --> FILE: LISTT .COM CRC = A6 B7 --> FILE: LISTT .DOC CRC = 1C 3B --> FILE: / .COM CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: SWEEP36 .DOC CRC = 62 82 --> FILE: -FOG/UTL.010 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: OTERM .COM CRC = D7 DE --> FILE: OTERM .DOC CRC = E4 48 --> FILE: OTERM .LTR CRC = 86 96 --> FILE: UNSPOL30.DOC CRC = 9C 1C --> FILE: UNSPOL30.ASM CRC = E1 69 --> FILE: CV .ASM CRC = 09 00 --> FILE: UNSPOL30.COM CRC = A6 3C --> FILE: CV .COM CRC = 46 B5 --> FILE: CV .DOC CRC = DE 87 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = DC A8 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 71 61 --> FILE: DIF .RNO CRC = 7F 7A --> FILE: DIF2 .COM CRC = 6D 0D --> FILE: SSED2 .COM CRC = D8 D7 --> FILE: OZCPR .COM CRC = 13 9B --> FILE: OZCPR .DOC CRC = 9F 8E --> FILE: READ .ME CRC = 84 77 --> FILE: ZCPR .DOC CRC = 17 95 --> FILE: -FOG/UTL.011 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 0A 4E ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 1E E1 --> FILE: NCAT32 .COM CRC = 19 98 --> FILE: NCAT32 .DOC CRC = E1 D0 --> FILE: -FOG/UTL.012 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE:# --> FILE: DIRR .COM CRC = 66 48 --> FILE: DIRR .DOC CRC = FC 58 --> FILE: EX12 .COM CRC = 11 C4 --> FILE: OSPATCH .DOC CRC = 0C 38 --> FILE: OSPATCH1.COM CRC = 26 DB --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = C7 59 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 84 B4 --> FILE: -FOG/UTL.016 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: BMENU .COM CRC = 2F 06 --> FILE: CMENU .COM CRC = 3A 72 --> FILE: CPYFIL15.COM CRC = 39 5F --> FILE: MENU .AQM CRC = C8 F3 --> FILE: MENU .COM CRC = 82 AB --> FILE: MENU .DOC CRC = 68 F5 --> FILE: XAMN .COM CRC = DC 9D --> FILE: SYNONYM2.DOC CRC = BE 33 --> FILE: SYNONYM3.AQM CRC = 89 2E --> FILE: SYNONYM3.COM CRC = 9B D2 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 58 97 --> FILE: BDLOC .COM CRC = 89 A4 --> FILE: PBH .AQM CRC = 60 95 --> FILE: PBH .COM CRC = AB 87 --> FILE: FILEFIND.COM CRC = 61 E3 --> FILE: BDLOC .AQM CRC = 7A 8F ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = E2 03 --> FI Drive B0: files: 25 space used: 352k (34k free) B0: -EBMMUG .023 2k : FINDSIG .COM 2k : FOG/MIS .CRC 6k : SYNOPSIS.LIB 8k B0: 23 . 0k : FINDSIG .DOC 4k : FOG/UTL .CRC 12k : SYNOPSIS.LNG 8k B0: BEST-OF .APP 6k : FOG/APP .CRC 10k : FOGDIR . 112k : SYNOPSIS.MIS 18k B0: BEST-OF .GAM 2k : FOG/GAM .CRC 10k : FOGLBR .DOC 4k : SYNOPSIS.UTL 56k B0: BEST-OF .LNG 2k : FOG/HAK .CRC 6k : SYNOPSIS.APP 40k : B0: BEST-OF .MIS 4k : FOG/LIB .CRC 2k : SYNOPSIS.GAM 10k : B0: BEST-OF .UTL 10k : FOG/LNG .CRC 6k : SYNOPSIS.HAK 12k : PSIS.LNG 023.22 18K SYNOPSIS.MIS 023.23 56K SYNOPSIS.UTL .19 12K SYNOPSIS.HAK 023.20 8K SYNOPSIS.LIB 023.21 8K SYNO DISK.DOC files for disks in that category (cat). Similar entries are placed in the NEWSmmyy.LIB files found elsewhere in the Library category. The difference is that the files summarize all disks in a given category, while the NEWLE: VMAP .BAS CRC = C9 36 --> FILE: VMAP .DOC CRC = F4 A4 --> FILE: FMAP .COM CRC = 7B D4 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 39 FC --> FILE: XCOPY .COM CRC = 0B F3 --> FILE: SAFRAM .AQM CRC = 7B D4 --> FILE: SAFRAM .DOC CRC = 3A 9A --> FILE: SAFRAM2 .COM CRC = 27 8C --> FILE: LRUN .COM CRC = 5A 79 --> FILE: LU .DOC CRC = EE 7E --> FILE: LU111 .COM CRC = 0B 3B --> FILE: -FOG/UTL.017 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: XCOPY .AQM CRC = C8 20 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = 79 E9 --> FILE: OTERM4 .COM CRC = 24 C3 --> FILE: DISK .DOC CRC = 58 C8 --> FILE: OTSETUP .COM CRC = A8 C2 --> FILE: OTERM4 .DOC CRC = 6D 51 --> FILE: -FOG/UTL.018 CRC = 00 00 --> FILE: OTSETUP .DOC CRC = 2B 87 ---------------------> SUM OF CRCS = BF 25 ity. Therefore, it is useful for scanning the MAST.LST file created by XCAT. $ FINDSIG.DOC FINDSIG.COM is a program to locate files in the massive catalogs of the SIG/M listings. A short documentation file is in order for the use of FINDSIG.COM. The original FIND as best I am able to determine was the brain- child of the great public domain software generator Ward Christensen. It was a part of the CATALOG program he created and has gone through several changes including the one we are addressing at this time. This version, which was supplied with the SIG-M catalogs on CompuServe, is version 2.0. It does not work very well and it was thought that possibly a few minor changes could be made to make it much more attactive and workable. To this end Rich Harrington has massaged the .COM file...of course the source code was not readily he came up with the program we have dubbed FINDSIG.COM and which has been designated version 2.R for revised 2.0...for all we know there may be a 740 or whatever out there somewhere. On CompuServe the file was FNS .DOC but not LCHEK .DOC but a search for COLONS|LCHEK Finds: All files in either name with all the extensions The source code for this progam revision is FINDSIG.MAC Any comments to: Ed Miller, Librarian EastBay MicroMate Users's Group POB 402, Moraga, CA 94556 (415)376-1611 ames, Miscellaneous, and Languages categories. FOG/LIB.X+2 contains a synopsis of disks in the Utilities category as well as a selection of the best entries from that category. FOG/LIB.X+3 contains a synopsis of disks in the Applications category as well as a selection of the best entries from that category. Text for each file is extracted from the DISK.DOC files for disks in that category (cat). Similar entries are placed in the NEWSmmyy.LIB files found elsewhere in the Library category. The difference is that the files summarize all disks in a given category, while the NEWIND80. USE: The SIG/M catalogs, SIG-M0.CAT through SIG-M5.CAT (currently) should be on disk with the program FINDSIG.COM (although it can be run from a different drive than where the catalogs reside... see below). Type FINDSIG at the > prompt and then (carriage return) You will get: Enter String> So, just enter the name of the file you wish to locate and a It need not have the spaces if there are less than 8 characters in the file name, i.e., D.COM. The catalogs will be searched in the same order as they were placed on disk. Due to this fact is is better to place them on disk in the order of newest SIG-M0.CAT to oldest SIG-M5.CAT. They should PIP'd in that way to get them on disk in the same sequence. All the control codes which work at the CP/M command line also work at the FINDSIG "Enter String" command line, i.e., ^W,^A,^X, etc. You can use the wildcards ? and *. You can use the "and" sign | --- (not the : colon) to search for several strings such as AND|TO|ÁFIND - Version 2.R 05-30-85 MOD BY RICH HARRINGTON $SIG-M? CAT ++FIND ABORTED++$ ++CANNOT FIND----> FILE XXXXXXXX.XXX $ Enter String>$\ 2͵ ͋ ͖  ͖ Ăy0 ͖ 2ͯ $ 'd ! ^#V#*0}o|g*  ":D x=D yjFIND - Version 2.0 10/05/82 $SIG/M CAT ++FIND ABORTED++$ ++CANNOT FIND----> FILE XXXXXXXX.XXX * :] £!9] Oo&6#~ ²#fåf  :o&6!~#X.(* !~#*(. +#  > >? >.#~#*(   >? !  å1!]q!ez W 1\<; 0!]q!ez f!"!~0 ʓ|ʓ? #N#IGyaz{z_I#~ C*~#|=… !~_~# ¥ D^#V#N#Fx#~G#~#fo>FOR and so on up to 31 characters. You cannot search for two files with the |. Upper or lower case can be used. Other catalogs such as MAST.CAT can also be searched on the same or different drives. A>FINDSIG B:PDOMAIN FIND - Version 2.R 05-30-85 MOD BY RICH HARRINGTON Enter String>VOLUME3A.DOC This will find the file VOLUME3A.DOC in the catalog PDOMAIN on drive B: while FINDSIG.COM is on drive A: Wildcards and the | can also be used with other catalogs. If the catalog does not employ all 8 spaces of the filename and 3 spaces of the extension then you will not be able to search for files. The catalog entry must comply with the SIG/M configuration, i.e., FILENAME.EXT or FILE .EXT not FILE.EXT Some examples: Enter String>BACKMW Enter String>*.DOC Finds: BACKMW .DOC Finds: All the .DOC files BACKMW27.COM BACKMW27.MAC Enter String>COLONS.DOC|LCHEK.DOC Finds: COLO$}ƀo|g+~+w+++#~g}o|g~ +p+q2h2|:>2!\ :\2!\ \ñ!\ \!\ \<7=Ɓo& ] 2h\ñ!ers's Group POB 402, Moraga, CA 94556 (415)376-1611 ames, Miscellaneous, and Languages categories. FOG/LIB.X+2 contains a synopsis of disks in the Utilities category as well as a selection of the best entries from that category. FOG/LIB.X+3 contains a synopsis of disks in the Applications category as well as a selection of the best entries from that category. Text for each file is extracted from the DISK.DOC files for disks in that category (cat). Similar entries are placed in the NEWSmmyy.LIB files found elsewhere in the Library category. The difference is that the files summarize all disks in a given category, while the NEWVOLUME 023 DESCRIPTION: NUMBER SIZE NAME COMMENTS -EBMMUG .023 CONTENTS OF EBMMUG VOL. 023 023. 1 6K BEST-OF .APP FOG LIBRARY LIST OF THE BEST OF APPLICATIONS 023. 2 2K BEST-OF .GAM FOG LIBRARY LIST OF THE BEST OF GAME PROGRAMS 023. 3 2K BEST-OF .LNG FOG LIBRARY LIST OF THE BEST OF LANGUAGES 023. 4 4K BEST-OF .MIS FOG LIBRARY LIST OF THE BEST OF MISCELLANEOUS 023. 5 10K BEST-OF .UTL FOG LIBRARY LIST OF THE BEST OF UTILITIES 023. 6 2K FINDSIG .COM PROGRAM TO FIND FILES IN LISTS ON THIS DISK 023. 7 4K FINDSIG .DOC THE DOCUMENTATION FOR THE ABOVE FIND PROGRAM 023. 8 10K FOG/APP .CRC CYCLIC REDUNDANCY CHECK FOR FOG APPLICATIONS 023. 9 10K FOG/GAM .CRC CYCLIC REDUNDANCY CHECK FOR FOG GAME PROGRAMS 023.10 6K FOG/HAK .CRC CYCLIC REDUNDANCY CHECK FOR FOG HACKERS FILES 023.11 2K FOG/LIB .CRC CYCLIC REDUNDANCY CHECK FOR FOG LIBRARY FILES 023.12 6K FOG/LNG .CRC CYCLIC REDUNDANCY CHECK FOR FOG LANGUAGE FILES 023.13 6K FOG/MIS .CRC CYCLIC REDUNDANCY CHECK FOR FOG MISCELLANEOUS 023.14 12K FOG/UTL .CRC CYCLIC REDUNDANCY CHECK FOR FOG UTILITIES FILES 023.15 112K FOGDIR . FOG#1 ALL FILES A-F ALL USERS-APRIL 11, 1985 023.16 4K FOGLBR .DOC FOG LIBRARY DOCUMENTATION LAST UPDATE JUNE '84 023.17 40K SYNOPSIS.APP FOG APPLICATIONS PROGRAMS - UPDATED JUNE 1984 023.18 10K SYNOPSIS.GAM FOG GAMES PROGRAMS - UPDATED JUNE 1984 023.19 12K SYNOPSIS.HAK FOG HACKERS PROGRAMS - UPDATED JUNE 1984 023.20 8K SYNOPSIS.LIB FOG LIBRARY PROGRAMS - UPDATED JUNE 1984 023.21 8K SYNOPSIS.LNG FOG LANGUAGES PROGRAMS - UPDATED MARCH 1983 023.22 18K SYNOPSIS.MIS FOG MISCELLANEOUS PROGRAMS - UPDATED MARCH 1984 023.23 56K SYNOPSIS.UTL FOG UTILITIES PROGRAMS - UPDATED JUNE 1984  DISK.DOC files for disks in that category (cat). Similar entries are placed in the NEWSmmyy.LIB files found elsewhere in the Library category. The difference is that the files summarize all disks in a given category, while the NEW%%&&''