{ Bubble Sort Demonstration Program } { Microsoft Pascal 3.0 } { 15 November 1982 } { The main routine reads from the terminal an array } { of ten real numbers and calls the procedure BUBBLE } { to sort them. } program BubbleSort(input,output); const TABLEN = 10; { Length of reals table } type TABLE = array[1 .. TABLEN] of real4; { Table of reals type } var R: TABLE; { The table itself } i: integer; { Table index } procedure Bubble(var t: TABLE); { The sorting routine } var i: integer; { Index variable } j: integer; { Index variable } temp: real4; { Exchange variable } begin for i := 1 to 9 do { Outer loop } begin for j := i + 1 to 10 { Inner loop } begin if (t[i] > t[j]) then { Sort in ascending order } begin temp := t[i]; { Perform the } t[i] := t[j]; { exchange of } t[j] := temp; { table elememts } end; end; end; end; begin writeln(' Bubble Sort Demonstration Program.'); for i := 1 to 10 do { Loop to read in reals } begin writeln(' Please input real number no. ',i:2); { Prompt user } readln(R[i]); { Read response } end; Bubble(R); { Sort the array } writeln; { Skip a line } writeln(' The sorted ordering from lowest to highest is:'); { Print a header } for i := 1 to 10 do { Loop to print array } begin write(R[i]); { Write a number } if (i mod 5 = 0) then writeln; { Five numbers per line } end; end.