;;; -*- Mode:LISP; Package:(NC LISP); Base:10; Readtable:CL -*- ;;;; COMPILE-FILE and Top Level Forms (export 'nlisp:compile-file 'nlisp) (defstruct (ncompiled-function (:print-function print-ncompiled-function)) name starting-address entry-points local-refs refs length code immediates callees ) (defun print-ncompiled-function (cfun stream depth) (declare (ignore depth)) (format stream "#" (ncompiled-function-name cfun) (si:%pointer cfun))) (defun nca (lambda &optional (env (make-compiler-env))) (really-compile lambda env)) (defun really-compile (exp env) ;; given an expression (a named lambda) and an environment ;; return an ncompiled-function object (let ((tree (make-code-tree exp env))) (analyze tree) (generate tree))) (defun c (defun) (if (eq (car defun) 'DEFUN) (nca `(NAMED-LAMBDA ,(second defun) ,(third defun) (BLOCK ,(second defun) ,@(cdddr defun)))) (let ((new-defun (nlisp::macroexpand-1 defun))) (if (eq new-defun defun) (error "~%This is not a defun:~%~a" defun) (c new-defun))))) (defvar *env* nil "Compile time environment") (defvar *kbin-output-stream*) (defparameter *make-kenv-file* t "T if a KENV file should be made for loading into the lambda for cross compiling") (defvar *kenv-output-stream*) (defun dump-to-kenv-file (form) (when *make-kenv-file* (prin1 form *kenv-output-stream*))) ;;; this doesn't belong here (DEFUN PATHNAME-DEFAULT-BINARY-FILE-TYPE (PATHNAME) "Given a pathname, return the default binary file type (possibly canonical) to use with it. This is computed from the SYSTEM which the pathname belongs to." (OR (zl:SEND (zl:SEND PATHNAME :GENERIC-PATHNAME) :GET :DEFAULT-BINARY-FILE-TYPE) "KFASL")) (defun nlisp:compile-file (input-file &optional output-file) (format t "~%Compiling ~s" input-file) (let ((inpath (fs:merge-pathname-defaults input-file fs:load-pathname-defaults))) (with-open-file (input-stream inpath) (let* ((output-version (zl:send (zl:send input-stream :truename) :version)) (outpath (cond ((typep output-file 'pathname) (if (zl:send output-file :version) output-file (zl:send output-file :new-pathname :version output-version))) (output-file (fs:merge-pathname-defaults output-file inpath (pathname-default-binary-file-type (zl:send inpath :generic-pathname)) output-version)) (t (zl:send inpath :new-pathname :type (pathname-default-binary-file-type (zl:send inpath :generic-pathname)) :version output-version))))) (with-open-file (*kbin-output-stream* outpath :direction :output) (with-open-file (*kenv-output-stream* (zl:send outpath :new-pathname :type "KENV") :direction (if *make-kenv-file* :output :probe)) (let ((*local-declarations* nil) (*env* (make-compiler-env)) (*package* (let ((package-spec (progn (fs:read-attribute-list inpath input-stream) (zl:send inpath :get :package)))) (or (if package-spec (find-package package-spec)) *package*))) (*readtable* (si:find-readtable-named (or (zl:send inpath :get :readtable) :cl)))) (dump-to-kenv-file `(IN-PACKAGE ',(package-name *package*))) (do* ((eof (list ())) (form (read input-stream nil eof) (read input-stream nil eof))) ((eq form eof)) (process-toplevel-form form))) (fasdump:fasd-eof *kbin-output-stream*))))))) ;;; For each top level form that the compiler specially recognizes, there will probably ;;; be a corresponding fasl op. (defvar *top-level-form-handler-table* (make-table '*top-level-form-handler-table*)) (defmacro define-toplevel-form-handler (name pattern &body body) (let ((sym (concatenate-symbol 'toplevel/ name)) (form (gensym 'form))) `(progn (defun ,sym (,form) (destructure ((,pattern (cdr ,form))) ,@body)) (setf (table-entry *top-level-form-handler-table* ',name) #',sym)))) (defun process-toplevel-form (form) (if (not (consp form)) (warn "The atom ~s was found at toplevel, this would do nothing" form) (let ((handler (table-entry *top-level-form-handler-table* (car form)))) (if handler (funcall handler form) (let ((new-form (nlisp::macroexpand-1 form *env*))) (if (eq new-form form) (arrange-for-eval form) (process-toplevel-form new-form))))))) (defun arrange-for-eval (form) (dump-to-kenv-file form) (fasdump:fasd-eval *kbin-output-stream* form)) (define-toplevel-form-handler DEFUN (name lambda-list . body) (fasdump:fasd-defun (nca `(NAMED-LAMBDA ,name ,lambda-list (BLOCK ,name . ,body)) *env*) *kbin-output-stream*)) (define-toplevel-form-handler PRIMS:DEFMACRO macrobody (dump-to-kenv-file `(PRIMS:DEFMACRO . ,macrobody)) (let ((macrofun (si::expand-defmacro macrobody nil))) ;** env (fasdump:fasd-defmacro (nca `(named-lambda . ,(cdr macrofun)) *env*) *kbin-output-stream*) (fbind (car macrobody) (cons 'MACRO macrofun) *env*))) (define-toplevel-form-handler PRIMS:DEFSUBST (name lambda-list . body) (let ((source `(NAMED-LAMBDA ,name ,lambda-list . ,body))) (put-local-declaration name 'PRIMS:SUBST source) (dump-to-kenv-file `(NC:DEF-DECLARATION ,name PRIMS:SUBST ',source)) (fasdump:fasd-defsubst (nca source *env*) *kbin-output-stream* source))) (define-toplevel-form-handler DEFAFUN (name lambda-list . body) (fasdump:fasd-defafun (assemble-instruction-list name (cons name body) `((,(length lambda-list) . ,name))) *kbin-output-stream*)) (define-toplevel-form-handler DEFCONSTANT (name value . optional-doc-string) (eval `(DEFCONSTANT ,name ,value . ,optional-doc-string)) ;crock (dump-to-kenv-file `(DEFCONSTANT ,name ,value . ,optional-doc-string )) (apply #'fasdump:fasd-defconstant *kbin-output-stream* name value optional-doc-string)) ;;; I don't think defparameter should be in prims (define-toplevel-form-handler PRIMS:DEFPARAMETER (name value . optional-doc-string) (si:proclaim-special name) ;crock (dump-to-kenv-file `(DEFPARAMETER ,name ,value . ,optional-doc-string )) (apply #'fasdump:fasd-defparameter *kbin-output-stream* name value optional-doc-string)) ;;; I don't think defvar should be in prims (define-toplevel-form-handler PRIMS:DEFVAR (name . optional-value-and-doc-string) (si:proclaim-special name) ;crock (dump-to-kenv-file `(DEFVAR ,name . ,optional-value-and-doc-string )) (apply #'fasdump:fasd-defvar *kbin-output-stream* name optional-value-and-doc-string)) ;;; I don't think we need this - JRM ;(define-toplevel-form-handler DEFSETF rest ; (eval `(DEFSETF . ,rest)) ; (format t "~&FasDump DEFSETF")) (define-toplevel-form-handler PROGN body (dolist (form body) (process-toplevel-form form))) (define-toplevel-form-handler IN-PACKAGE rest (dump-to-kenv-file `(IN-PACKAGE . ,rest)) (eval `(IN-PACKAGE . ,rest)) (fasdump:fasd-in-package *kbin-output-stream* rest)) (define-toplevel-form-handler EVAL-WHEN (when . body) (if (member 'compile when) (eval `(progn . ,body))) (if (member 'load when) (arrange-for-eval `(progn . ,body)))) ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Editor Interface ;;; more here (defun compile-region-for-new-processor (form) (cc form)) (zwei::DEFCOM com-compile-region-for-new-processor "" () (zwei::COMPILE-DEFUN-INTERNAL #'compile-region-for-new-processor "Hacking" "hacked.") zwei::DIS-NONE) (zwei::COMMAND-STORE 'com-compile-region-for-new-processor #\s-sh-C zwei::*ZMACS-COMTAB*) (zwei::DEFCOM COM-nMACRO-EXPAND-EXPRESSION "Print nmacroexpansion of next s-expression. The result is printed on the screen with GRIND-TOP-LEVEL." () (LET ((STREAM (zwei:REST-OF-INTERVAL-STREAM (zwei:POINT)))) (LET ((FORM (zwei:READ-OR-BARF STREAM))) (global:GRIND-TOP-LEVEL (nlisp:MACROEXPAND FORM)))) zwei:DIS-NONE) (zwei::COMMAND-STORE 'COM-nMACRO-EXPAND-EXPRESSION #\s-sh-M zwei::*ZMACS-COMTAB*)