;;; -*- Mode:LISP; Package:ZWEI; Base:10; Lowercase:T; Readtable:CL -*- (setq *point-pdl-max* 30) (setq *check-unbalanced-parentheses-when-saving* t) ;;; $$$ Written by SMH. <14-Nov-88 wkf> (DEFCOM COM-SET-tvFONT "Quietly toggle the current buffer's font between TVFONT and CPTFONT." () (LET* ((FONT (if (eq (TV:FONT-NAME (AREF (SEND (WINDOW-SHEET *WINDOW*) :FONT-MAP) 0)) 'fonts:tvfont) 'fonts:cptfont 'fonts:tvfont))) (unless (BOUNDP FONT) (LOAD (FORMAT NIL "SYS: FONTS; ~A" FONT) :PACKAGE 'FONTS :SET-DEFAULT-PATHNAME NIL :IF-DOES-NOT-EXIST NIL) (OR (BOUNDP FONT) (BARF "~S is not a defined font" FONT))) (SEND *INTERVAL* :SET-ATTRIBUTE :FONTS (list FONT) nil) (REDEFINE-FONTS *WINDOW* (list (CONS (SYMBOL-NAME FONT) (SYMBOL-VALUE FONT)))) (UPDATE-FONT-NAME)) DIS-ALL) (command-store 'com-set-tvfont #\super-t *standard-comtab*) (set-comtab *zmacs-comtab* '(#\control-meta-y COM-REPEAT-MINI-BUFFER-COMMAND)) (defcom com-skip-to-next-defun "Searches for next form at left margin." () (move-bp (point) (zwei-search (point) #.(format nil "~%(") nil t)) (move-bp (point) (beg-line (point))) (com-reposition-window)) (set-comtab *zmacs-comtab* '(#\hand-right com-call-last-keyboard-macro)) (defcom com-pop-point-pdl "Pops the point pdl." () (multiple-value-bind (bp pline) (point-pdl-pop *window*) (point-pdl-move bp pline)) dis-bps) (set-comtab *zmacs-comtab* '(#\hand-up com-pop-point-pdl)) (defcom com-revert-current-buffer "Reverts the current buffer." () (revert-buffer *INTERVAL*) (must-redisplay-buffer *INTERVAL* dis-text) dis-none) (set-comtab *zmacs-comtab* '(#\hyper-r com-revert-current-buffer)) (set-comtab *zmacs-comtab* '(#\hyper-super-r com-refind-file)) #||| (DEFUN ZMACS-MODE-LINE-RECALCULATE-FUNCTION (&AUX INT-TICK) (SETQ INT-TICK (NODE-TICK *INTERVAL*)) (SETQ *BUFFER-MODIFIED-P* (COND ((BUFFER-READ-ONLY-P *INTERVAL*) "(RO) ") ((BUFFER-MODIFIED-P *INTERVAL*) (when (and *wkf-for-refind* (not (setq *wkf-for-refind* (not (= 2 (length (UNDO-STATUS-UNDO-LIST (NODE-UNDO-STATUS-OR-NIL (NODE-TOP-LEVEL-NODE *INTERVAL*))))))))) (refind-file *interval*)) "* ") (T (setf *wkf-for-refind* t) NIL)))) |||# (set-comtab *zmacs-comtab* '(#\hyper-super-l com-reposition-window)) ;;same as control-meta-R (defun com-install-last-macro-internal () (assure-macro-stream :macro-previous-array) (let ((*package* si:pkg-keyword-package) (name (gensym)) (mac (send *standard-input* :macro-previous-array)) ) (TYPEIN-LINE-READ "(Hit the ~@:C key):" #\Return) (putprop name mac 'macro-stream-macro) (install-command-internal (make-macro-command name nil) t))) (defcom com-install-last-macro "Installs last defined macro on a keystroke you define" () (com-install-last-macro-internal)) (set-comtab *zmacs-comtab* '(#\hyper-super-i com-install-last-macro)) (defcom com-start-keyboard-macro-brief "Begin defining a keyboard macro. A numeric argument means append to the previous keyboard macro." (km) (assure-macro-stream :macro-push) (send *standard-input* :macro-push (+ 1 *numeric-arg-n-digits*) (and *numeric-arg-p* (send *standard-input* :macro-previous-array))) dis-none) (defcom com-end-keyboard-macro-brief "Terminate the definition of a keyboard macro" () (assure-macro-stream :macro-pop) (*catch 'macro-loop ;in case no macro running (send *standard-input* :macro-pop (+ 1 *numeric-arg-n-digits*) (and (not (zerop *numeric-arg*)) *numeric-arg*))) dis-none) (set-comtab *zmacs-comtab* '(2097192 com-start-keyboard-macro-brief)) ;;control open parentheses (set-comtab *zmacs-comtab* '(2097193 com-end-keyboard-macro-brief)) ;;control close parentheses (defcom com-install-end-macro "Ends keyboard macro and installs it" () (assure-macro-stream :macro-pop) (*catch 'macro-loop ;in case no macro running (send *standard-input* :macro-pop (+ 1 *numeric-arg-n-digits*) (and (not (zerop *numeric-arg*)) *numeric-arg*))) (com-install-last-macro-internal)) (set-comtab *zmacs-comtab* '(6291497 com-install-end-macro)) ;;control-meta close parentheses (defcom com-save-file-and-copy-bins "Save a file and copy the previous versions bins." () (IF (NOT (SEND *INTERVAL* :MODIFIED-P)) (FORMAT *QUERY-IO* "~&(No changes need to be written.)") (progn (SAVE-BUFFER *INTERVAL*) (MAYBE-DISPLAY-DIRECTORY :WRITE) (let ((si:user-id "COPY!!!")) (BUFFER-PATHNAME *interval*) (CONDITION-CASE (VALUE) (COPY-FILE PATHNAME TO-SPEC :COPY-CREATION-DATE nil :COPY-AUTHOR nil :CHARACTERS COPY-MODE :REPORT-STREAM *QUERY-IO*) ((FS:FILE-ERROR SYS:REMOTE-NETWORK-ERROR) (BARF VALUE))) ) ;;From COM-SAVE-FILE )))