;;; -*- Mode:LISP; Package:USER; Readtable:CL -*- (load-patches :noselective) ;;(gc:gc-on :degree 1) (load "dj:smh;isearch") (load "dj:smh;crasscom") ;;(format t "Remember to (GC:GC-ON :DEGREE 1) !!") (GC:GC-ON :DEGREE 1) zwei: (DEFCOM COM-SET-tvFONT "Quietly toggle the current buffer's font between TVFONT and CPTFONT." () (LET* ((FONT (if (eq (TV:FONT-NAME (AREF (SEND (WINDOW-SHEET *WINDOW*) :FONT-MAP) 0)) 'fonts:tvfont) 'fonts:cptfont 'fonts:tvfont))) (unless (BOUNDP FONT) (LOAD (FORMAT NIL "SYS: FONTS; ~A" FONT) :PACKAGE 'FONTS :SET-DEFAULT-PATHNAME NIL :IF-DOES-NOT-EXIST NIL) (OR (BOUNDP FONT) (BARF "~S is not a defined font" FONT))) (SEND *INTERVAL* :SET-ATTRIBUTE :FONTS (list FONT) nil) (REDEFINE-FONTS *WINDOW* (list (CONS (SYMBOL-NAME FONT) (SYMBOL-VALUE FONT)))) (UPDATE-FONT-NAME)) DIS-ALL) zwei: (progn (command-store 'com-kill-or-save-buffers #\super-B *standard-comtab*) (command-store 'com-tags-search #\super-. *standard-comtab*) (command-store 'com-set-tvfont #\super-t *standard-comtab*) (command-store 'com-crasscompile-region #\super-control-c *standard-comtab*) (set-comtab *zmacs-comtab* '(#\control-@ com-indent-for-enhancement-suggestive-cts)) (set-comtab *zmacs-comtab* '(#\control-+ com-indent-for-maintenance-suggestive-cts)) (set-comtab *zmacs-comtab* '(#\control-$ com-indent-for-local-modification-cts)) (set-comtab *zmacs-comtab* '(#\control-& com-indent-for-systematic-modification-cts)) ) ;;Groady lossage. ;;(fs:reset-file-access '("angel" #+never "dj" "jb") 'fs:ftp-access) (when (member :for-falcon *features*) (setq *features* (delete :for-falcon *features*))) ;; I want this NIL (standard default) when debugging the compiler itself, but ;; most of the time any normal person would expect it T. (setq si:trace-compile-flag 't) (setq tv:beep-wavelength #o2000)