;System K-cross-compiler made by RG at 3-Oct-88 10:11:12 -*-Mode: Lisp; Package: User; Base: 10-*- ;-*-Mode: Lisp; Package: User; Base: 10. -*- (SI:RELOAD-FILE-WARNINGS '#FS::LOGICAL-PATHNAME "FALCON: COMPILER; BASIC-MACROS LISP >" '((:COMPILE NIL (PUSHNEW NIL NIL (SI::CROSS-COMPILATION :NOT-PORTABLE NIL "Cross compilation for ~s taking ~s macro definition from ~s host." COMPILER::K DEFMACRO COMPILER::LAMBDA-INTERFACE) (SI::CROSS-COMPILATION :NOT-PORTABLE NIL "Cross compilation for ~s taking ~s macro definition from ~s host." COMPILER::K SI::XR-BQ-LIST COMPILER::LAMBDA-INTERFACE) (SI::PREMATURE-WARNING-MARKER NIL NIL "The problems described above were in data preceding the definition of ~S." PUSHNEW) (SI::CROSS-COMPILATION :NOT-PORTABLE NIL "Cross compilation for ~s taking ~s macro definition from ~s host." COMPILER::K SI::XR-BQ-LIST COMPILER::LAMBDA-INTERFACE) (SI::CROSS-COMPILATION :NOT-PORTABLE NIL "Cross compilation for ~s taking ~s macro definition from ~s host." COMPILER::K SI::XR-BQ-LIST COMPILER::LAMBDA-INTERFACE) (SI::CROSS-COMPILATION :NOT-PORTABLE NIL "Cross compilation for ~s taking ~s macro definition from ~s host." COMPILER::K SI::XR-BQ-LIST COMPILER::LAMBDA-INTERFACE) (SI::CROSS-COMPILATION :NOT-PORTABLE NIL "Cross compilation for ~s taking ~s macro definition from ~s host." COMPILER::K SI::XR-BQ-LIST* COMPILER::LAMBDA-INTERFACE)) (LOCF NIL NIL (SI::CROSS-COMPILATION :NOT-PORTABLE NIL "Cross compilation for ~s taking ~s macro definition from ~s host." COMPILER::K COMPILER::INHERIT-LAMBDA-MACRO-DEFINITIONS COMPILER::LAMBDA-INTERFACE) (SI::CROSS-COMPILATION :NOT-PORTABLE NIL "Cross compilation for ~s taking ~s macro definition from ~s host." COMPILER::K LOOP COMPILER::LAMBDA-INTERFACE) (SI::PREMATURE-WARNING-MARKER NIL NIL "The problems described above were in data preceding the definition of ~S." LOCF) (SI::CROSS-COMPILATION :NOT-PORTABLE NIL "Cross compilation for ~s taking ~s macro definition from ~s host." COMPILER::K LOOP COMPILER::LAMBDA-INTERFACE) (SI::CROSS-COMPILATION :NOT-PORTABLE NIL "Cross compilation for ~s taking ~s macro definition from ~s host." COMPILER::K LOOP COMPILER::LAMBDA-INTERFACE) (SI::CROSS-COMPILATION :NOT-PORTABLE NIL "Cross compilation for ~s taking ~s macro definition from ~s host." COMPILER::K LOOP COMPILER::LAMBDA-INTERFACE) (SI::CROSS-COMPILATION :NOT-PORTABLE NIL "Cross compilation for ~s taking ~s macro definition from ~s host." COMPILER::K LISP:IF COMPILER::LAMBDA-INTERFACE) (SI::CROSS-COMPILATION :NOT-PORTABLE NIL "Cross compilation for ~s taking ~s macro definition from ~s host." COMPILER::K LISP:IF COMPILER::LAMBDA-INTERFACE) (SI::CROSS-COMPILATION :NOT-PORTABLE NIL "Cross compilation for ~s taking ~s macro definition from ~s host." COMPILER::K LISP:IF COMPILER::LAMBDA-INTERFACE) (SI::CROSS-COMPILATION :NOT-PORTABLE NIL "Cross compilation for ~s taking ~s macro definition from ~s host." COMPILER::K LISP:IF COMPILER::LAMBDA-INTERFACE))))) ;-*-Mode: Lisp; Package: User; Base: 10. -*- (SI:RELOAD-FILE-WARNINGS '#FS::LOGICAL-PATHNAME "SYS: SYS; QCFILE LISP >" '((:COMPILE NIL ((:SPECIAL-FORM COMPILER::PATCH-SOURCE-FILE) NIL NIL (COMPILER::FUNCTION-NOT-VALID :OBSOLETE NIL "(DEFUN ~S ...) has "E in argument list. New special forms should be macros" COMPILER::PATCH-SOURCE-FILE) (SI::PREMATURE-WARNING-MARKER NIL NIL "The problems described above were in data preceding the definition of ~S." (:SPECIAL-FORM COMPILER::PATCH-SOURCE-FILE))) ((:SPECIAL-FORM SPECIAL) NIL NIL (COMPILER::FUNCTION-NOT-VALID :OBSOLETE NIL "(DEFUN ~S ...) has "E in argument list. New special forms should be macros" SPECIAL) (SI::PREMATURE-WARNING-MARKER NIL NIL "The problems described above were in data preceding the definition of ~S." (:SPECIAL-FORM SPECIAL))) ((:SPECIAL-FORM UNSPECIAL) NIL NIL (COMPILER::FUNCTION-NOT-VALID :OBSOLETE NIL "(DEFUN ~S ...) has "E in argument list. New special forms should be macros" UNSPECIAL) (SI::PREMATURE-WARNING-MARKER NIL NIL "The problems described above were in data preceding the definition of ~S." (:SPECIAL-FORM UNSPECIAL)))))) ;-*-Mode: Lisp; Package: User; Base: 10. -*- (SI:RELOAD-FILE-WARNINGS '#FS::LOGICAL-PATHNAME "SYS: SYS; QCP1 LISP >" '((:COMPILE NIL (COMPILER::P1LAMBDA NIL NIL (COMPILER:UNDEFINED-FUNCTION-USED :PROBABLE-ERROR NIL "The undefined function ~S was called" COMPILER::GENERATE-K-KEYWORD-ARGS-DECODE)) (COMPILER::EXPAND-KEYED-LAMBDA NIL NIL (COMPILER:UNDEFINED-FUNCTION-USED :PROBABLE-ERROR NIL "The undefined function ~S was called" COMPILER::GENERATE-K-KEYWORD-ARGS-DECODE)) (COMPILER::QC-TRANSLATE-FUNCTION NIL NIL (COMPILER:UNDEFINED-FUNCTION-USED :PROBABLE-ERROR NIL "The undefined function ~S was called" COMPILER::MICRO-COMPILE-INTERNAL) (COMPILER:UNDEFINED-FUNCTION-USED :PROBABLE-ERROR NIL "The undefined function ~S was called" SI::RELINK-FEF-EXIT-VECTOR)))))