;-*-Mode: Lisp; Package: User -*- ;;; For some mysterious reason, Interlisp (presumaby the NOBOX functions) does something ;;; sufficiently strange to create pointers in code that point into the compiler's ;;; temporary areas. It is not at all clear why this happens. (SETQ Compiler:QCOMPILE-TEMPORARY-AREA WORKING-STORAGE-AREA Compiler:QC-FILE-TEMPORARY-AREA WORKING-STORAGE-AREA) (ADVISE sys:RESET-TEMPORARY-AREA AROUND "IgnorePermanentAreas" NIL (AND (si:AREA-TEMPORARY-P (CAR ARGLIST)) :DO-IT)) (PACKAGE-DECLARE "InterlispPackage" "GLOBAL" 1000. () (SHADOW ;; Keywords _ DATUM NEWVALUE BITS $$VAL $$LP $$ITERATE $$OUT BODY I.V. FLOATING INTEGER of with smashing copying using ;; IterativeStatementPackage do collect join sum product count always never thereis into for old bind in on inside when unless loopname while until repeatwhile repeatuntil from to by first finally eachtime repeateachtime as *declare then else thereisva onwithnil exceptfirst backwardson backwardsin maxval minval ineachof oneachof scratchcollect inlinesof dunion dintersect bindeachtime cross I.S.OPR GETDUMMYVAR ARGUMENTS ;; CompilerSupportPackage LETP SpecialLETPVariableFunctions KnownSimpleLETPFunctions ;; RandomFunctionsPackage LISTP LBOX CBOX RPLNODE RPLNODE2 NCONC1 SUBPAIR COPY //F MaybeMap CONSTANT DEFERREDCONSTANT RecomputeDeferredConstants printout .SP .TAB .TAB0 .PPV .PPF .P1 .P2 .E ? PrettyPrint pp POSITION TAB SPACES HELP PACK PACK* DUNPACK NCHARS ;; ChangeTranPackage push extend pushnew pushlist conclist add change swap extend extend-variable EXTEND-NEW-EQUAL ;; RecordPackage fetch replace create alter type? typename RecordSegment SeeRecord RecordFieldNames TopLevelFieldNames pushsegment popsegment topsegment previoussegment nextsegment allocatesegment DEFRECORD DATUM MODIFIER NEWVALUE !NumberInstances !Area Typed StoreIn MakeArray SizeIn NumberInstances Implementation Area ArrayLeader ArraySegment ArrayLeaderSegment PropertyList AssociationList HashArray Functional DeclareTypes ;; ReaderMacroPackage MakeHardReadMacro ;; Symbols from General that are referenced in macros (for external use ;; only) inside the previous Interlisp files. Delete* GETPROPNonNil PUTPROPNonNil tail)) (PACKAGE-DECLARE "InterlispUsers" "InterlispPackage" 5000. () (MYREFNAME "GLOBAL" "InterlispUsers") (MYREFNAME "GLOBAL" "iu") (MYREFNAME "InterlispPackage" "iu")) (PACKAGE-DECLARE "InterlispUserHiddenSymbols" "InterlispPackage" 5000.) (PACKAGE-DECLARE "IterativeStatementPackage" "InterlispPackage" 500. () (si:EXTERNAL do collect join sum product count always never thereis into for old bind in on inside when unless loopname while until repeatwhile repeatuntil from to by first finally eachtime repeateachtime as *declare then else thereisval onwithnil exceptfirst backwardson backwardsin maxval minval ineachof oneachof scratchcollect inlinesof dunion dintersect bindeachtime cross I.S.OPR GETDUMMYVAR ARGUMENTS) (MYREFNAME "GLOBAL" "IterativeStatementPackage") (MYREFNAME "GLOBAL" "is") (MYREFNAME "InterlispPackage" "is")) (PACKAGE-DECLARE "CompilerSupportPackage" "InterlispPackage" 500. () (si:EXTERNAL LETP SpecialLETPVariableFunctions KnownSimpleLETPFunctions) (MYREFNAME "GLOBAL" "CompilerSupportPackage") (MYREFNAME "GLOBAL" "cs") (MYREFNAME "InterlispPackage" "cs")) (PACKAGE-DECLARE "RandomFunctionsPackage" "InterlispPackage" 500. () (si:EXTERNAL LISTP LBOX CBOX RPLNODE RPLNODE2 NCONC1 SUBPAIR COPY //F MaybeMap CONSTANT DEFERREDCONSTANT RecomputeDeferredConstants printout .SP .TAB .TAB0 .PPV .PPF .P1 .P2 .E ? PrettyPrint pp POSITION TAB SPACES HELP PACK PACK* DUNPACK NCHARS) (MYREFNAME "GLOBAL" "RandomFunctionsPackage") (MYREFNAME "GLOBAL" "rf") (MYREFNAME "InterlispPackage" "rf")) (PACKAGE-DECLARE "ChangeTranPackage" "InterlispPackage" 500. () (si:EXTERNAL push pushnew pushlist conclist add change swap extend extend-variable EXTEND-NEW-EQUAL) (MYREFNAME "GLOBAL" "ChangeTranPackage") (MYREFNAME "GLOBAL" "ct") (MYREFNAME "InterlispPackage" "ct")) (PACKAGE-DECLARE "RecordPackage" "InterlispPackage" 500. () (si:EXTERNAL fetch replace create alter type? typename RecordSegment SeeRecord RecordFieldNames TopLevelFieldNames pushsegment popsegment topsegment previoussegment nextsegment allocatesegment DEFRECORD DATUM MODIFIER NEWVALUE !NumberInstances !Area Typed StoreIn MakeArray SizeIn NumberInstances Implementation Area ArrayLeader ArraySegment ArrayLeaderSegment PropertyList AssociationList HashArray Functional DeclareTypes) (MYREFNAME "GLOBAL" "RecordPackage") (MYREFNAME "GLOBAL" "rp") (MYREFNAME "InterlispPackage" "rp")) (PACKAGE-DECLARE "ReaderMacrosPackage" "InterlispPackage" 500. () (si:EXTERNAL MakeHardReadMacro) (MYREFNAME "GLOBAL" "ReaderMacrosPackage") (MYREFNAME "GLOBAL" "rm") (MYREFNAME "InterlispPackage" "rm")) (DEFSYSTEM Interlisp (:NAME "Interlisp") (:SHORT-NAME "IL") (:PATHNAME-DEFAULT "LM:Interlisp-release;") ; (:PATCHABLE) ; (:INITIAL-STATUS :RELEASED) (:MODULE Main ("Iterate" "LETP" "Random-Functions" "ChangeTran" "DEFRECORD" "Reader-Macros" "General" "Index" "Meter-Analysis" "Breakdown")) (:READ-COMPILE-LOAD Main))